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Author Topic: SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.  (Read 43484 times)

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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #135 on: 01 Dec 2002, 11:32:13 »
"How come the US army gave its men 20rd mags? You reload a million times."

depends on what your talking about

The M16A1 in vietnam had 20 clips .. sometimes less to get rid of jamming.

Its all about the rights numbers.. the Mosin Nagant for example has 5 rounds not just one.. thats the reason why we have it like it is not like 'one shot, press reload, one shot, press reload...' :)


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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #136 on: 01 Dec 2002, 13:05:12 »
You will not be able to move the doors from the Dustoff to the other Hueys without being able to edit the model, and since the released models are ODOL format (ie, not editable by O2) that could be a bit tricky. You could use the Spec Op huey I released a few months ago and make the doors.

The reason I didn't add doors is because very often they removed the doors off the slicks to reduce the weight of the huey. Flight conditions in Vietnam were difficult due to the high humidity, high temperatures and high altitudes, so any weight saving could mean a extra person in the cargo or that extra bit of lift to get out of a tricky spot.


Offline DrStrangelove

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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #137 on: 01 Dec 2002, 13:20:59 »
@ PV: (RTFM)  ;)

If you would take a look in the nicely done readme file that shipped with the Nampack you would find a little explanation that says that the CoC Mines are not integrated into the Nampack because they'll be further developed by the CoC team and therefore it's easier to update them this way.

Search and you may find...  :D


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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #138 on: 01 Dec 2002, 14:07:03 »
Hi there...

I am most gratefull to the SEB team for providing yet another great addition to Flashpoint. You had me with Nampack 1, and then came Nampack 2. Great. Thanks to all of you.

However, I have to join the Germans in this crash to desktop or total freeze.

This didn't happen at first, used the pack for a week or more without any crashes, but it suddenly started last night.

I was making a Team Deathmatch mission with 33 playable units on each side (US-NVA), 1 Huey, 1 M113, 2 NVA DSHK (or something)

The game is set with a timeout trigger (2700sec), can play for about 10-20 minutes then suddenly, CTD or total freeze...

My system.

WinXp Corp SP1 integrated
ATI Radeon 9700 pro (DX9 drivers, have tried 6200 drivers)
Intel P4-1,8Ghz@2,4Ghz
Maxtor 2x40Gb (not running RAID)
Using Onboard Sound

Not sure it is the Nampack though, will investigate further...

Update: Just did a total uninnstall of Flashpoint, then restart and fresh install, total freeze after 2 min of play with Nampack 2.

Anyways, thx again. Love your work...

(BIS ought to pay you guys some greens)

Best regards
Jan Fredrik Lund

« Last Edit: 01 Dec 2002, 14:52:03 by Desdichado »


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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #139 on: 01 Dec 2002, 14:43:15 »
Link for 56K'ers doesn't work!  :-[

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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #140 on: 01 Dec 2002, 15:25:41 »
RE: Crashes.

We're currently trying to track down the cause.
I just tried setting up a mission with 10 groups of NVA, 10 groups of Air Cav.

No problems at all (apart from extreme lag!)

Added a couple of Mortars, got a crash when i did a head shot on one of the mortars (not the first though).

Try your missions without the mortars or DsHK and see if it crashes, then add them back in and test again.



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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #141 on: 01 Dec 2002, 19:15:23 »
My eyes are bleeding from playing this for about three days straight and my ears a bleeding from the Jimi Hendrix I've got on... pure genius, lads! The firefights last for ages and the units look like the real things... and the Hueys! OH MY GOD THE HUEYS!!

I can only find a couple of little things I wish were in:

-The strokegun/fist feature, so we can slap villagers around with the heavy end of our rifles
-The A-1 Skyraider and the Jolly Green Giant (but I've heard these'll be in the Air Module)
-US troops in vests and shorts sunning themselves on a boat shortly before I sink the thing with an RPG  ;D

Right, I'm going back to play with some claymores and a villagefull of VCs...


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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #142 on: 01 Dec 2002, 19:52:59 »
I had no chrashes at all ;)
But 1 thing I want to ask is the M16a1 from what I know it had single shot and burst mode only correct me if I am wrong ???


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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #143 on: 01 Dec 2002, 20:07:09 »
no, the M16A2 was given single shot and burst mode, as soldiers using the m16a1 were wasting too many bullets and not hitting anything, the m16a1 has single shot and full auto


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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #144 on: 01 Dec 2002, 20:20:15 »
Is there a M16A2 in Nam Pack ???
Man I have played with Nam Pack2 and I think there is no M16A2 why?

Offline Nixer6

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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #145 on: 01 Dec 2002, 20:41:23 »
The M16A2 was not made at the time of the Vietnam conflict, AFAIK. I do know that in 1975, soldiers in basic training were issued ex-Vietnam M16A1's.

STT, ebud, Evis et al. Do NOT let the whiners and complainers get you down. This release has, once again, set THE standard for OFP addons. Great work, I love it.

Is it perfect? nope
Is it AWESOME? YES!!!!!!!!! ;D

Thanks again for all your hard work. I just love some of the new textures ebud :)

I think that the crash thing is just too many units being used.

Well, gotta finish converting a mission and get it posted somewhere. :D
Why do I have to be a Rocket Scientist to make a good mission?


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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #146 on: 01 Dec 2002, 21:09:55 »
Perfect.......just got the door animation commands working and i'm loveing those!

I don't really need to say how wonderful this pack is because you guys already know that it is!

One thing, not a complaint, just a query....

this setobjecttexture [0,"\sebnam_vh\sebartaircav.paa"]

do i just put this in the init field? Do i have to have a file put anywhere for it too work because its not at the moment.




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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #147 on: 01 Dec 2002, 21:26:25 »
Just got back to college and downloaded the nam pack. great work guys. I went into the mission editor and threw a few units on the map and went at it. About 2 minutes into the fire fight OFP locked up. I read someone else's post who has similiar problems. I am not sure what causes the lock ups, but it would be great if you got this fixed.  ;D  

BTW, great job on getting the fighting to last longer.


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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #148 on: 02 Dec 2002, 01:21:16 »
Hmm, i see no logic in the crashes, i made a mission, without any mortars or DsHK machine guns, with 3 NVA squads and 2 US Army squads. It didn't lag a bit! But it crashed anyway :(. The crashes happens once in a while, but i don't see any special time these crashes happening! (sorry for the english)
This is my computer:

CPU 1-AMD , 1801MHz
RAM  512MB
GFX NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600
Display 1024x768/32bit/85Hz
And Windows XP Pro.


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Re:SEB Nam Pack 2: Released.
« Reply #149 on: 02 Dec 2002, 01:32:46 »
I think the lockups is caused by the new path 1.90
I have made a new directory for the nam addons and use 1.85 no chrash or lockups but in my orginal OFP with version 1.90 I got sometimes lockups too