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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Village De-Pacification v4.3  (Read 27100 times)

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Offline savedbygrace

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Re: [SP] Village De-Pacification v. 2.9 (12/30/09)
« Reply #30 on: 15 Jan 2010, 04:08:31 »
Don't let my opinion cause you more work. I have had an addon used by a test mission, crash my game before but never freeze it. I suspect that it is either the mod or a conflicting global variable between your project and the Mod since I do not use third party resources while testing. But I am not experienced enough to say for certain. The rate of fire is most certainly heavier with this mod, but in my HUMBLE opinion, the interference with integrated sound is not worth the trouble.
If you are truly considering making the mission without the mod and the primary reason for you implementing it in the first place was for fire dispersion, perhaps you could consider using the invisible targets, coupled with ammo replenishing scripts to create the heavy firefights you desire. I have noticed that the AI fire on invisible targets more readily than enemy AI and I suspect this is due to the target being declared nonfriendly from mission start and there is no delay to confirm friend from foe.

Just throwing some ideas out there. But if you would rather not get into heavy revision, just balance the numbers slightly.

Offline RKurtzDmitriyev

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Re: [SP] Village De-Pacification v. 2.9 (12/30/09)
« Reply #31 on: 15 Jan 2010, 16:18:41 »
So how far were you able to get, savedbygrace? I want to know so that I can cut appropriate enemy units.

I'll check for conflicting global variables, the WGL5 documentation has a convenient list of its variables.
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Re: [SP] Village De-Pacification v. 2.9 (12/30/09)
« Reply #32 on: 16 Jan 2010, 03:51:57 »
Yes, that IS convenient now isnt it?
I have gotten as far as being surrounded by the armor response from the neigboring city and the oodles of squads roving the outer pastures looking for an enemy to torture :D. I defeated the initial occupants, all of the choppers were shot down, Beast moved into occupy the city while I kept my guys hidden in bushes in the fields. There were a couple of armor groups containing 2 T72's and 2 BMP's that were stalking through and around the city looking for the threat. They knew were I was but they could not easily get to me. I had damaged one BMP to the point of smoking and destroyed another while picking infantry off one straggler at a time. It was tough to manage replenishing ammo as I expended it but I managed fairly well. I was working my way through their ranks, saving the T72's for last when I accidentally restarted >:(. ANyhow, the most difficult segment seems to be the initial contact point. You have several patrols standing around, the two high powered MG's on the West and East whcih rip my guys up as well as the incoming chopper that shreds us. That coupled with the fact that the AI seem to spot me regardless of how well I dig in makes it difficult. I usually manage to take out most of the initial force but while redirecting my attention to the arriving chopper I always get picked off by AI that lay prone and wait. They seem to spot me through tents and bushes.
Providing the option for a silenced weapon would allow me my preferred tactic, which is to infiltrate the town's perimeter, eliminate the death lanes and order the advance, since AI suck at managing themselves. But I know that defeats the purpose of a full assault :D.

Offline RKurtzDmitriyev

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Re: [SP] Village De-Pacification v. 3.3 (1/21/10)
« Reply #33 on: 22 Jan 2010, 05:03:46 »
New version is up! The extreme difficulty which both Krieg and savedbygrace noted has been reduced somewhat. The town is now much less difficult to clear out, and the order and timing of enemy reinforcements has been changed so that you don't have that helicopter barging in a minute and a half after the shooting starts. The final wave of enemy reinforcements is still very difficult to fight off, though. You have the option of retreating, but, you know.... :scratch:

Now, for reals this time--unless someone reports a real "show-stopper," a bug that will prevent any further enjoyable play, I'll put this mission up for review. :cool2:

Have fun!
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Offline Krieg

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Re: [SP] Village De-Pacification v. 3.3 (1/21/10)
« Reply #34 on: 22 Jan 2010, 09:14:49 »
OK, played the new version!


There is none! Why?


In retreat objective, Beast squad is referred to as Bravo.


All improvements noted!
No bugs encountered!
Lag reduced significantly!
Funfactor increased with dumber enemies!

At the beginning of the mission I ordered Beast squad to move in, while I decided to flank Russians on left side. BMP2 in the village was noted and my number 6,8 and 9 took it out. Fightings for the village continued on for about three-four minutes in which I got hit. I applied the bandages and ran towards medic. I healed and charged at the town, just to be informed that enemy armor is headed for the town. Soon they got spotted by my team-mates and I ordered my only alive AT soldier to destroy BMP2. He died soon. I continued charging at the town and taking it, in the process Beast squad got killed as well as most of my squad. I grabbed an RPG and ammo for it and targeted BMP2 which I missed. Then I got back for more ammo, and missed again. I got more ammo for it, and then I realized that all of my squad was KIA. I got on to nearest open building and fired RPG, destroying the BMP. I got back to ammo tent and grabbed more ammo.
I shot T72 in its arse, and I got back for more ammo. I was informed by Jackal that we have more armor and choppers incoming to the town. I though: "If I am goin' to hell, I am taking you (T72) with me!" and fired the shot, destroying the T72. After that I managed to slaughter bunch of infantry, mostly VDV Paratroopers. I got out to ammo tent for more ammo, in order to shoot down at least one Hind. I got back to window and got (semi) lucky. A hind was just passing by the window. I fired the RPG and got hit by enemy soldier, still destroying the Hind which, hilariously, fell on my killer.


I standed much more chance in this battle. And I liked it. Keep skill of enemies as it is.
Lag was reduced to more playable level.
No bugs encountered.
Bring back the overview and this mission is ready (in my opinion)!
If you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then it's probably an enemy tank.

Offline RKurtzDmitriyev

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Re: [SP] Village De-Pacification v. 3.3 (1/21/10)
« Reply #35 on: 22 Jan 2010, 14:54:33 »

There is none! Why?

I thought I fixed that. ??? Will be fixed before review!

Oh well, glad you liked the actual mission. :D

And yeah, those choppers are laughs waiting to happen.
« Last Edit: 22 Jan 2010, 15:00:11 by RKurtzDmitriyev »
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Offline savedbygrace

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Re: [SP] Village De-Pacification v. 3.3 (1/21/10)
« Reply #36 on: 23 Jan 2010, 05:53:24 »
I also gave the new version a go. I noticed not only the overview missing but I don't recall the ORBAT in the notes section before. Perhaps I missed it the first time.

The initial assault was definitely more fun but after repeated attempts, the mission locks up again. It seems to always be in the center of town as I have the sandbags to the ammo yard in sight. I end up having to shut it down through my task manager.

Why don't you offer a sniper rifle in the gear selection?

Offline Krieg

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Re: [SP] Village De-Pacification v. 3.3 (1/21/10)
« Reply #37 on: 23 Jan 2010, 07:28:10 »
I don't recall the ORBAT in the notes section before.

I'm pretty sure it was there.

And mission does not freeze for me at any time.
If you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then it's probably an enemy tank.

Offline RKurtzDmitriyev

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Re: [SP] Village De-Pacification v. 3.3 (1/21/10)
« Reply #38 on: 23 Jan 2010, 13:47:02 »
Thanks for testing savedbygrace. The ORBAT was indeed there before.

I was having freezing problems throughout OFP. A few days ago I installed a new video card, and so far I haven't noticed freezing for this mission or any other. The older card may have been damaged or simply too weak.

As for the sniper rifle, that's an interesting idea. I'll think about it, but I really wanted to wrap this project up unless someone detects something really nasty (like a missing overview! :P ). Frankly I'm not sure how useful it would be, because the initial assault is now fairly easy, and most of the fighting after that is more suited to the assault rifle or SAW.

It seems that I just forgot to include the overview files. ::)

EDIT: New version. This is final, please review unless you spot a gargantuan show-stopping bug.

savedbygrace, I'm afraid I can't figure out what would be causing the game to crash on your PC. That doesn't happen on mine. :(
« Last Edit: 24 Jan 2010, 16:52:32 by RKurtzDmitriyev »
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Offline Krieg

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I see you put this mission to review, and since I am not member of the staff I can't review it. I'll still do unofficial review, though! I am testing this mission as we speak!

Edit: No bugs found. This time I decided to retreat, since only my number 12 was alive.

[OFP] Village Depacification by RKurtzDimitiyev
Mission details
Type - Single Player
Player side - Resistance
Island - Malden
Time of Day - Mixed
Weather - Light Clouds
Filesize - 1.50MB

Mission requirements
Game - OFP v1.96


WGL 5.12 Mod


Total - 6/10

Overview - 6
Briefing - 7
Camera - 5
Scripting - 5


The Soviets have occupied Malden. You are part of a Resistance group. Your leaders have planned an assault on town of Larche. Will you hit and run or stand and fight?


An decent picture with very good text. If only picture was better...


There is nothing that OFP engine would consider and intro, but at beginning of the mission there is a little cutscene that can be considered an intro. A decent cutscene, but tells no story (and shows a mysterious girl who seems worried).


A very good briefing. Detailed enough, but not too complex. Does not use up all of OFP briefing possibilities, though. Still, a good briefing, has gear selection too.


First of all, this is your classic capture&hold mission with a little twist. If you decide that you cannot hold off the assaults, you can retreat. Although there are some loons in town, and they even have a BMP2D, they are easily overwhelmed if you use correct strategy (won't spoil it for you). You have another squad at your disposal, Beast. And also a informant named Jackal who will inform you of incoming enemy troops. Although town of Larche is relatively insignificant, Russians seem to throw a large force in defending it. This might be effect of either a drunk Russian General, or effect of Soviet beast being scared. It's upon you to decide which one. There is also another nice thing in the mission. Voice acting! Sure, author won't receive Oscar for his voice acting, but it still is a large plus to the mission. And it is a nice relief considering that WGL mod staff for some reason decided that standard radio should not have any voice. Russians were nice enough to leave you a bunch of ammo in one of the tents inside of the city too.

Basically this is "love or hate" kind of mission. If you like infantry combat, you'll love it. If you don't, then either A) try your luck with it, or B) don't play it.


Although technically there is no such thing as outro there are scripted outros. For retreating you get scene of civilians massacred by Russians that will make you feel guilty (and in main focus is a girl form the intro, gosh I wonder who she is?), while for killing all Russians you get a scene of Larche liberated.


(Review Date: Jan 2010) Nice capture&hold type of mission, and I hate I had to give it 6/10, but there are several things that started annoying me in WGL mod. Like for example, disabling sounds in radio messages. Also, not everybody will download a 400+MB mod just to play this mission (my advice: Download it. This mission, if you like infantry combat, is worth of it). For author's first mission it's an totally awesome mission. I can't wait for his next missions!
« Last Edit: 25 Jan 2010, 16:46:31 by Krieg »
If you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then it's probably an enemy tank.

Offline savedbygrace

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I do not and have not experienced freezing of any type with any mission ranging from any of the game titles with the exception of this mission. Please don't take that wrong as I am not implying that your mission is faulty but before it can be officially reviewed it must be tested by several others as well to ensure that it will not freeze on them. Otherwise this becomes a showstopper and will delay it from being reviewed at OFPEC until the matter is resolved.

I don't think that my video cards are the problem as they are both less than one year old and play Arma2 among other advanced graphic titles near to flawlessly(I mean no arrogance at all in that statement).
There is the potential that my approach may be different from yours and Kreigs and thus allow a window of opportunity for the glitch. I'll continue to test it though and perhaps even test the mod with another mission or two(If I can squeeze in the time) to see if it is the Mod.

Offline Krieg

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Mission does not freeze for me, savedbygrace.
Although, it might be that I am exception.

Edit: Sorry, I misread your post.
« Last Edit: 24 Jan 2010, 20:09:10 by Krieg »
If you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then it's probably an enemy tank.

Offline savedbygrace

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Right, You stated that in your previous post and I understand that this could very well be something on my end but in order to ensure that it is, we need more than just you and I testing it. As I stated, I will conitinue to test it further to see if I can single out the problem and I will request if other staffers can help out with a test. I truly am not trying to be a wrench in the gears here but it is OFPEC policy to ensure that a mission is showstopper free. Sorry if I hadn't made that clear before.

Offline RKurtzDmitriyev

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It's quite alright if you need to test it more, I can wait. :)

Whenever I'm up for more OFP I'll try to make a list of all the global variables I used, see if that's the problem.
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Offline savedbygrace

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I played this and completed it today.
I went out of my way to repeat the freeze and could not get it to occur again. I have requested that other staff test this to help narrow the findings. I don't think that it is a global variable since the screen just freezes. It may be something like many scripts running at once depending on how you play the mission and that could be induced by the mod as well as your mission build. Of this, I am unsure though.

Regarding the mission build now...
The initial assault was far better than your previous version. It actually allows us to overwhelm the occupying force and believe that the element of surprise was what won the battle. The response was good as well, forcing the response in two seperate and increasingly difficult waves was fantastic. There still remain a few things that would better the mission in my opinion and address a few more concerns but as it stands, its better than it was.

It still needs more testing to see if that freeze can be reproduced.