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Author Topic: 'Revolution' Campaign Idea  (Read 11757 times)

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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #30 on: 13 Sep 2003, 01:44:06 »
no, realyy, i wasnt being sarcastic that is a good idea! :)


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #31 on: 16 Sep 2003, 13:05:25 »
Sorry for my silence, been busy doing work for a week or so and haven't had any time to do my campaign.

Right, well, I'll deal with Kommuna's points...

You're right about the nukes. I don't really like using them as they're often components of twee and pish story lines. But I thought it would explain why the Americans wanted a base there. They had nuclear bases in Turkey after all, for the same reason as they might want a nuclear base on Malden. And they have normal NATO training bases all over the place. I think I'll stick Malden in the sea (I think its the Baltic) that's between Denmark, Finland, Estonia and Sweden. That makes it slightly more plausible that the island is Czech speaking. Plus, it's probably still close enough for a nuclear missile to hit anywhere important in Russia. The problem with the nukes is the timezone. I was intending it to be in the 80s... unfortunately, I doubt the Americans would be much interested in acquiring new nuclear bases at this late point when the Cold 'War' looked like ending. So we need to think of another reason for American interest in Malden. Komuna's suggestion is kind of workable and I might use it. But what does everyone else think? The only alternative to changing the motive is changing the time zone but I can't be buggered working out whether or not each bit of equipment is an anachronism. It's unnecessarily complicated.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #32 on: 17 Sep 2003, 12:19:14 »
Don't forget that, beside the 60's, the 80's were also very hot. And the EuroMissiles crisis (20 years after the cuban missiles crisis) is a example of that!

In 1987, SS20 vs Pershing2 was still a dangerous reallity... Only about 1988/89 the nukes were beign disabled.
Note: The SS20 resembles the SS1SCUD, yet a bit taller.

About placing the Malden islands: well... baltic sea it's more a place for scandinavian speaking islands or russian speaking islands - don't forget that Kaliningrad - in spite of being off the russian main territory - belongs to Russia. And Czech Rep. is closer to the Balcans than the Baltics.
Hmm... placing those islands seems really tough, uh?! ::)
Check the maps (maps from the soviet times, of course) and see if you can place it somewhere in the Mediterranium or the Black seas. If not, turn on your creativity (once again, as the revolution cpgn is a good idea) and create a story about a czech expedition which found the Malden islands somewhere in the pacific, near Vladivostok and the Kamchatka.

*Edit ---------- Correction -------------

Well, it seems I'm completly wrong! I was confunding the Czech Rep. with Romenia...
Therefore, most of the above information is wrong. The Baltic sea is, indeed, closer to the Czech Rep. than anyother. So, forget the the Black sea and the Medit.
In what concers to the Kamchatka... After some research I found that it is an absurd idea, as most of the people that live there have asiatic appearence... and dialects.

Excuse this missunderstood. ;)


Remember: back to the 80's, there was no Czech Republic.. only the Czechslovakia (excuse the spelling, but i don't have a dictionary right here  ;D)

Oh! and write Komuna, not Kommuna... here we don't use double 'm' ;)
« Last Edit: 18 Sep 2003, 12:36:36 by Komuna »


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #33 on: 17 Sep 2003, 13:52:50 »
Hey, I did spell it Komuna. Well, half the time. It just sounds like it should have two mms. And I never thought I would be quoted by anyone in their personal text ;) .

I think I'll try and find a big world map from 1985, close my eyes and stick a pin somewhere. Really I'd rather not make it Czech. The only reason I'm doing this is the default names of Resistance soldiers are Czech. I'd rather not have to make an identity for every soldier. Hey, here's an idea on why Malden might be Czech...

Okay, let's say that 800 years ago, some minor Czech prince was creating trouble in his country. He is forced to flee (with a small number of followers) and look for a new home. He then has an idea of setting up his own country. However, there aren't any mainland countries that are weak enough to be taken over, so he decides to look to the seas. He finds the small islands of Malden, and takes them over, with little resistance from the occupiers. He builds a castle (which the Resistance could use in my campaign though that's a bit clichéd) and declares himself king. Since his kingdom is too small to be of any real significance it's allowed to exist largely independently. It's populated by his Czech followers, explaining why they're Czech speakers.

There we go! There's another idea for you to pick holes in. I mean, improve  ;) .


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #34 on: 18 Sep 2003, 12:31:13 »
First of all, check the correction I made. ;D

Now, if you're telling me that it happened (virtualy) 800 years ago, then that prince would be fleeing to the nearest island, somewhere bettween Sweeden and Polony... Hey! This is just a proposal ::)

Then, if you choose such place, why not at this coordinates: 55 30 N , 17 20 E.

Once the placing prob is solved, lets proceed to the storyline.... I think the timeline has enough discussion. ;)
« Last Edit: 19 Sep 2003, 16:11:23 by Komuna »


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #35 on: 19 Sep 2003, 15:39:30 »
Okay, enough about the location and background info. I've an idea but I'm not sure whether it's feasable. It's to do with radios...

Now, as a part-time small militia army, you're not really expected to ever see battle. Therefore, it's unlikely that you would all have modern radio systems. And therefore, I wish to implement this into my campaign. But it's difficult. Yes, you can disable the radios, b-u-u-u-t, this only means you don't hear anything on your radio. The messages are still sent and understood, presumabley telepathically. What I want to do is write a script that uses spoken commands rather than radio ones, though only between members of the same squad. Obviously this would have to use the same interface as the radio. Essentially the script would activate whenever a radio command was entered and then showed the corresponding spoken message. However, I don't know what the names are for the radio commands. And how would I use a condition that activated on a radio command? Umm, I don't think this will be possible. But it's a nice idea. It would also have to be impossible to contact squad members over a certain distance. And before you say that the Americans would be able to hear you, remember you're supposed to be speaking in Czech.

Here's another idea to do with radios. There would obviously have to be some way for the leaders of squads to communicate with each other. Therefore I decided I would have RT radios for this purpose (the Radio RT 249 or whatever it's called). These may be American but I suppose the militia guys could steal them at some point. I'd like to have some kind of custom interface that displays the controls of the radio on screen, which I believe is possible. You would have to use the controls to contact your fellow soldiers and send them messages. Nice touch, but again, rather tough.

Eventually the Russians would bring in some radios for everyone in their 'aid' shipment that I've mentioned. Hmm, perhaps I'm getting too ambitious with this campaign. Ah well.  ::)


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #36 on: 19 Sep 2003, 16:00:42 »
The 'radio-on-screen' is possible through Dialogues, and those dialogues can perfectly handle 3D models, which you can make addons with... just to personalize the campaign.

About the lack of effecient radio systems:

Have you ever heard about Zapatists?! They're probably the most advanced guerilla warriors, who use Internet as way of spreading their message. And their weapons and technology are pretty cool. Look at their radio systems, for example.

This way you could give your millitia men a nice touch. And you wouldn't have to silence them.

Note: the 'stop' radio order can be verified by the 'stopped' command.
Nevertheless, it's quite a chalenge to remove radio messages and still give the possibilty of showing them through conventional text. The 'DisableRadio' really works, but even the radio labels will be removed... :(

What about the island.... what's its exact location?
« Last Edit: 19 Sep 2003, 16:10:39 by Komuna »


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #37 on: 20 Sep 2003, 21:03:45 »
I doubt they'd have radio communication systems for every man. Incidentally I think there will be about 45 soldiers in the army. Really, the militia was only set up by the President to deal with any political threats. And to give their members something to do on a sunday afternoon. They're not intended as a serious, professional, armed force. Therefore they wouldn't require advanced communications. And the internet had not yet been proliferated by the 80s.

Did you write this post in a hurry, cause some of it is rather unclear... Could you explain a bit more?   :help:

I'll sort the location out later. Meanwhile I'll try and do some work on the missions, which are still almost entirely undeveloped.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #38 on: 20 Sep 2003, 22:15:51 »
Isn't 45 soldiers a bit small for a militia force for an entire island? Maybe you could have it so that the "army" was more like 20 full-time soldiers and about 75 part-time militiamen. When the American's invade, about half of the part-time soldiers just pretend that they have nothing to do with the island's militia. The loyal soldiers would probably be split into 10-12 men squads, which will hide in the nooks and crannies of the island. Of course, in the final mission you could have the remains of every band join up and strike at the target, presumably the capital.
« Last Edit: 20 Sep 2003, 22:16:27 by m21man »


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #39 on: 21 Sep 2003, 21:53:25 »
Well, not for a small island like Malden. Hmm, I'll count the houses and work out its maximum population. The army size will fluctuate during the course of the campaign as more volunteers join and your members get killed / surrender / desert. I was planning on having three squads in operations, plus one or two reserve squads. Each squad is led by one of the main characters.

Storyline Development

Right, I've thought up a new reason for American involvement. I'll explain the background first...

There is one factory on the island (which produces electrical goods which are exclusively for export). Obviously, this is one of the only places on Malden where any jobs are available. Taking advantage of this, the owner pays his employees peanuts. After all, they don't have much choice and if they quit/strike there are plenty of unemployed waiting to take their place. Right, now here's the present situation. The workers are pissed off at the way they are treated, and propose to form a union to improve their power. When the owner hears this he fires them all. This enrages the workers, who then stage a protest at the factory the following day. When the newly hired blackleggers (I believe this is the correct term...) try to get through, a fight inevitably breaks out. The factory owner telephones the President's office for help. The President then sends in the militia to 'restore order', which is where the player comes in. Most of the squad are rather uneasy at the situation they are placed in, and sympathise with the workers on strike. The three main characters are obviously outraged, being left-wingers (and maybe members of the Malden Communist Party, I'm not too sure about this yet). And predictabley when they arrive they do not put down the strike. The player convinces the two parties (strikers and owner) to hold negotitiations. With the backing of the militia, the owner is forced to give way, and gives them back their jobs. However, once they have all gone, he gets back on to the president and complains. The president is worried about the actions of the militia and suspects they have been infiltrated by the extreme left. He issues a statement condemning the strike, saying that "such violence cannot be tolerated" or some such, and announces his support of the factory owner. He also says the workers cannot form a union as it would endanger Malden's only industry. The workers react angrily, and the three main characters join them in their demonstrations. Eventually they decide to occupy the factory, kick the owner out, and announce the creation of a Workers' Council to protect the rights of all workers on Malden and represent them at government level. I'll have to work out what relationship they propose to establish between Council and President. Anyway, the president regards this as a threat to his authority and declares a national state of emergency. He turns to the militia for help; they inform him that they do not wish to get involved. With nowhere else to turn, he asks the Americans for aid. He claims the democratic constitution is under threat and insinuates the Communist element of the Workers' Council. The Americans are fearful of a Communist take over and agree to help 'maintain order and protect democracy'. They enter the country, and go to arrest the Council members. You and your friends manage to escape their clutches. The President then dissolves the militia. The climate is right for a revolution...  :o

It's a bit different but I like it. It works, and it's more realistic. Oh, by the way, I've decided that Malden will be an independant state. If it was Czech the Czech army would get involved and that's just too complicated. So it's independant but Czech speaking. Of course, I now have to rework the missions I've done... But hey...


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #40 on: 22 Sep 2003, 11:00:55 »
And the internet had not yet been proliferated by the 80s.

EhEh! I'm not telling they should have Internet... All I'm doing is giving the Zapatists example of technological development. This way you could use such exemple for your mission.

Now, about the 45 militia men: sounds OK! Why should we have more men? The guerilla tactics can easily handle with an entire company (look at Guevara's example) or even more... And this why just a few men, lets say 30. However, in OFP we must allways have more men, as it's easy to get them killed in service... ::). So, 45 sounds nice... Maybe 47 (EhEh!)

About your last post:

Are you sure you wanna Malden for your missions? When you talk about Malden I think about the whole island complex (Nogova, Malden, Everon). Nogova has better environmental conditions for mission and it also has bigger urban areas.

So, the industry would have private owners, right? This way we're not talking an already socialist republic... We're talking about a capitalist one whose workers revolt and set up their own democratic ideals.
Just tell us if it is that way. ;)

And the player? Is he one of the three revolucionary guerilla men?


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #41 on: 22 Sep 2003, 17:58:03 »
Yes, the factory owner is a capitalist. The President is actually not right-wing; he's kind of a liberal, but fears communism. And yes, the main character is one of the three revolutionaries.

I'm sure now that I want to use Malden; I've spent a few days setting up the island template with all the necessary locations, to make it more life-like. Malden also has a military island on it which is an integral part of the storyline. The Americans probably wouldn't get involved unless it happened right on their doorsteps. Nogova would really have been more appropriate, but I've never really liked it. It just seems kind of soulless and I don't like the atmosphere. Plus my crappy computer hates it with a passion. It's only benchmark 700 or something.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #42 on: 24 Sep 2003, 10:39:55 »
Plus my crappy computer hates it with a passion. It's only benchmark 700 or something.

EhEhEh! And mine is a 400MHz... And it still likes Nogova (though Lypany and Petrovice can be a kind of laggy).
Have you tried to set lod settings and Visual Quality to maximum and reduce terrain and texture performance...? It will improve!

Now, lets forget this off-topic comments and proceed to the storyline:

As the workers revolt against the capitalists and consequently against their government, what's the american's role in the story? How will they get involed and why?

I know, I know, they want the base; but, why during the proletarians' revolt?
Maybe cuz there were already a few negociations in order to lend the base to the americans, but the revolt becomes a real threat to it. ::)

« Last Edit: 24 Sep 2003, 10:43:09 by Komuna »


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #43 on: 24 Sep 2003, 17:38:07 »
Yeh, mine is 400 mhz too. Benchmark is flashpoint's rating of your computer system... some people complain that 3000 isn't high enough. And I was exaggerating a little... it only hates it when loading up housed areas.

Well, the Americans get involved as the Malden President asks them to help, since the militia has told him to sod off. The Americans don't expect to be fought against, and they won't be at first. They think they're just going in, sitting around until it all blows over, then leaving again. Their commander agrees for three reasons; firstly, he himself is a right winger (as most of the American military seems to be) and therefore fears Communists. Secondly, he expects that a Communist government would do its utmost to eject the American presence from their doorstep. And lastly, the Americans are told by the President that if they help him, he will allow them to stop (or decrease) the payments which they are making for the use of Malden's territory. I don't mean a rent by the way, it's more like they've bought the land and are paying for it in installments. Once the President is assassinated ( :o ) the Americans would find it diplomatically difficult to simply abandon the country to a non-democratic government. Plus, they see the opportunity to quash the revolution and stick in their own puppet president who would allow them to use the whole island for exercises and so forth. The tiny island they have isn't that useful for training tanks and things.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #44 on: 28 Sep 2003, 02:54:50 »
How about the U.S. came to stabilize the region due to the unfair conditions, poor way of life, and violence.  It was a human rights violation at first.  U.S. came in to establish democracy if needed by the council of citizens there.  The citizens and resistance agreed to a cease fire and adopt a democratic union of cities or whatever.  The Russians went about it another way, by smashing the government infrastructure at the major cities and then taking command from scratch.  U.S. bumps heads with the Russians, the resistance and civilians get involved impartially, and you got a flashpoint.  Two sides with clear goals, and a third side that sides with a stable government at any cost.    
« Last Edit: 28 Sep 2003, 03:01:26 by BronzeEagle »