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Author Topic: 'Revolution' Campaign Idea  (Read 11755 times)

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Offline KJAM

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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #15 on: 01 Sep 2003, 06:39:19 »
why does the US always have to be the good guys, thats something im sick of, the Russians are 99% of the time portrayed as bad guys in mission and its getting repetetive, id prefer it if it was something like Terrorists or an unknown faction using russian equipment and not russians themselves


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #16 on: 01 Sep 2003, 21:16:22 »
Umm... did I not explain my idea enough or did you lot get bored reading the original post and just skim through it (Don't take that the wrong way I'm not angry or anything) ? I thought I'd made it clear the Americans are the 'baddies'. Well, I'll try to clear the air a bit...

The Americans want to take over the island's government, and are using the threat of a communist take over to essentially impose their rule on Malden. The island is somewhere in the North, quite near Russia (okay, god knows why this would be Czech territory, but hey, I have to leave some things that people can complain about once it's finished). I think you guys are right about the lack of a real motive for the Americans to risk themselves for any little base on a little island, and it was something I had given some thought. I'd already decided that the Americans were looking to use Malden as a missile launching site into Russia (which is fairly close as I've said... it wouldn't give the Soviets much chance to intercept it at such short notice). However the president of Malden (who I've called Benes as a historical reference  ;) ) is none too keen on this idea as he realises that once the Soviets learn of this Malden will be regarded as a threat to their territory, and will of course have a few missiles pointed at it in readiness. Which isn't nice. Also, at a time when the Cold War was thought to be coming to an end, he realises this will be seen as a step backwards and maybe even provoke another situation as happened in Cuba. Well, the campaign starts with the American leader coming over to make an agreement with Benes, ostensibly over the 'security' issue. However, his real motive is to reach an agreement that gives the Americans permission to use Malden as a nuclear launch site (would he really need to do this? since the base island technically is American territoryy...). This would be a secret term in the other agreement already described in the first post. Secret terms are fairly common I believe.... take the Cuban missile crisis. Not many people know that this was actually sparked off by the Americans putting Nuclear missiles in Turkey, which borders Russia: obviously this was rather worrying to the Soviets. A secret term of the agreement reached (that made the Russians withdraw the missile they sent to Cuba) was that America would remove it's Turkish missiles. A similar situation could occur on Malden if Benes allows them to use Malden for a nuclear site. He rejects this term but accepts the other terms. The American is not too happy but accepts this for now and goes off to receive further orders on how to proceed. Unfortunately, you the player and your friends do not realise exactly what is going on and think that the emergence of American troops on mainland Malden is a sign that he is collaborating (they don't know about the nuclear thing yet). Hmm... maybe I shouldn't tell you any more about the story in case I spoil it. It's getting better now I'm thinking about it. Now I just hope I can get it done.

Just to reiterate the situation with the Russians (once war breaks out between the Americans). They will not get involved directly, although the player's militia army tries to involve them. However, there are factions within the Soviets that sympathise with the militia group and eventually they decide to send aid to the soldiers (secretly of course, though I might make the Americans discover this). Also the Soviets will be working for a 'diplomatic solution' that forces the Americans to cease its operations. I think I'll need to read up on some UN laws... Anyhoo, chew over what I've said for a while and see if you can add anything to it...


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #17 on: 02 Sep 2003, 02:44:57 »
Yeah, in my idea the Americans would be the bad guys, but it would give a reason for why the U.S. would engage in military action against a tiny island. They'd want the nuke, so they could use the excuse of protecting the democratic government to cover up their real motivation, that is, grabbing their nuke.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #18 on: 02 Sep 2003, 02:49:35 »
good, but as you said, there really wouldnt be any reason for the US to need to ask permission. So that is now, in my opinion, the last whole in the main story plot


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #19 on: 02 Sep 2003, 19:57:44 »
I think I may have a bit of plaster to fill the hole  :) . Let's say that the original agreement that allowed the US to use Little Malden (I think I'll use this name for that island off Malden  8) ) as a base specified that they were not allowed to store nuclear weapons there.

Hmm, I seem to have made another hole. Why would the Americans accept this at first and then change their minds?

And m21man, I have to say your idea is a bit far-fetched. And also too different from what I was originally wanting to do with this campaign. Maybe it could be an idea for a new campaign though...?


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #20 on: 02 Sep 2003, 22:51:23 »
ha once again... good but now like you said theres still that hole. but i have an idea:
          lets say the americans at first wanted to put a nuclear base there, but decided instead of asking right away and being denied, they would wait awhile and build up a fair sized military presence. Now, that they have that presence they go in and ask the president for permission to build a nuclear base and hope to intimidate them, and if necessary, force them into complying.
       Well, hows that?
« Last Edit: 02 Sep 2003, 22:53:23 by Bulletsfire »


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #21 on: 03 Sep 2003, 20:11:13 »
Of course! That works. I'll use that, thanks 8) .


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #22 on: 03 Sep 2003, 20:28:33 »
Okay, I've downloaded an addon that gave me an idea (it was the Antonov... a big, huge, feck-off cargo-type plane, and it's Russian obviously). I've decided to have a scene with the Soviets flying in (that's flying in, rather than flying inside by the way) an Antonov, which they say contains humanitarian aid for the people of Malden. This could perhaps be after the Resistance has been forced to call a ceasefire due to their lack of supplies. However, the plane also contains a large shipload of weapons and ammunition for the Resistance fighters (a way to help their Socialist brethren without starting a war). Thus armed, the Resistance can continue the fight, this time with superior weapons. Hey, when were the AK103 and AK107 invented? I'll include them if it's plausible.

Well okay, it's not that great an idea but when I tested the AI's ability to land the Antonov I was greatly impressed. It looks great! I think it would be visually very impressive... you could also have a whole load of ammocrates created in the Antonov Open (this is an object version of the Antonov with it's cargo doors open... you can walk and drive inside it, though the ais won't do it) which would look very nice.

Yes, yes, I know the Americans would probably notice this but you don't need to point that out. They would pick it up on the radar. But I think that diplomatically the USSR could get away with sending in 'aid'. And the Americans wouldn't know what was in it unless the Russians allowed them to inspect the contents. And if the Russians refused what could they do? I think the Americans would be too scared of starting a major war with the USSR to make too big a fuss, not that they would allow it to go unreported. But what are suspicions without proof?


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #23 on: 03 Sep 2003, 22:45:09 »
Well I'm glad that my idea helped! 8)
   and by the way where did you get the antonov?


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #24 on: 04 Sep 2003, 21:42:38 »
From here...


Quite nice really, as addons go.

Offline KJAM

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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #25 on: 04 Sep 2003, 22:10:20 »
how about this.....the plane has a russian nuke on, in component parts because its faulty, the plane is merely flying over the island where the mission is, on its way back to russia.........beforehand US moles sabotaged the plane, which results in it crashing, conviniently in the sea near the US base........the US steals the nuke, the crew drowned and thanks to the "unbroken" deal , as far as the president of the island the mission is on knew, about havcing no nukes on the base etc etc.....and thanks also to a nieve president of the island, the official report is that it crashed and the nuke components were carried away to sea by undersea currents.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #26 on: 06 Sep 2003, 15:04:47 »
Eh? How would I fit that into my idea? Let's get this straight: the 'nuke' is not the major issue here. The campaign focuses on the militia guys and the Malden people. They aren't fighting over nukes, they don't even know anything about the American plans to place a nuclear missile until near the end. The idea behind the nuke was to provide a semi-plausible reason for the Americans to be fighting you for control over a worthless island. And anyway, I don't think you'd want to be anywhere near anuclear crash site... Scavenging it should be impossible, and also unnecessary given that they could just ship in one of their own nukes without so much hassle.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #27 on: 09 Sep 2003, 05:38:40 »
Just curious:

This campaign will run during cold war or after? I'm pretty sure it's during the CW... But, as I've seen you guys planning US military bases on east block territory, I got a little confused...

And nukes? Why nukes?
The F111 idea isn't bad, but it would perfectly fit another campaign, as Drozdov said...

What this campaign is all about is political affairs, according to Drozdov's original post... So let's keep the interests on that.

Now, what could be done to improve the storyline would be locating this campaign's timeline at the end of the 80's, when the soviet union started to colapse.
This would give reasons to the americans to be politicaly intersted on having infuences over the 'rotting' (excuse my expression) east block...
And, of course, as from one side the americans would try to "set free" (ON THE AMERICAN WAY) the east territories; from the other side, militias and soviet forces would try to keep the east territories free from the capitalism and americam imperialism.

Then, the problems would dwell on heroes' interests and the leader's...


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #28 on: 09 Sep 2003, 05:47:53 »
lol you are a genius!


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #29 on: 11 Sep 2003, 03:32:36 »
 :hmm: Thank you for the sarcasm...   ::)

My post might be empty of material ideas, but at least I could try to avoid non-senses with US bases...
« Last Edit: 18 Sep 2003, 12:33:15 by Komuna »