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Author Topic: 'Revolution' Campaign Idea  (Read 11758 times)

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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #45 on: 28 Sep 2003, 14:28:43 »
Umm, how about no?  ;)

If you read the rest of the thread you'll see that I don't want to portray the Americans as nice fluffy bunnies coming in to save the world from badness. And the Russians aren't getting involved directly; certainly no soldiers will be sent in. The campaign focuses on Resistance communists fighting against the American (semi)occupation force.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #46 on: 28 Sep 2003, 17:20:46 »
Are the Americans going to bring their best technology to the battle for Malden? The campaign would be far easier with M60s as opposed to M1A1s :o .
« Last Edit: 28 Sep 2003, 17:21:41 by m21man »


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #47 on: 28 Sep 2003, 17:26:39 »
You ruled out Everon as the island to do the fighting on? Those thick forests are really good resistance bases, though the more scrubby stuff on Malden is pretty good too. But there were more hills on Everon the last time I checked (A long time ago, though I have tinkered with FDF Karjala ). I would think that resistance fighters would hide in high areas to avoid being crushed by heavy armor. Of course, they have to be hidden while on the hills, or they'll get slaughtered by gunships :o .

Or you could use Kolgujev, which usually wasn't laggy on my old 400MHz comp. There's some great places for hiding bases on Kolgujev.
« Last Edit: 28 Sep 2003, 17:33:21 by m21man »


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #48 on: 29 Sep 2003, 11:07:40 »
Or you could use Kolgujev, which usually wasn't laggy on my old 400MHz comp. There's some great places for hiding bases on Kolgujev.

:hmm: Kolguyev is already destroyed and this campaign begins before any violent incident... It's progressive destruction.

On the other hand, Everon doesn't have any military interest, except the Airbase, which is very accecible to civilians, though. You may figure out in older posts that the americans want to negociate military influence and base sharing on Malden's territory.

In early 80's (When this campaign begins) the M1 was a kind of prototype. They've tested it and used it a few times, but the MBT was still the M60.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #49 on: 29 Sep 2003, 19:08:15 »
I think they'll be keeping their M1A1s safe at home. Actually, tanks won't play that much of a part, except as something to run from. There'll be the odd M60 but not all that many. The idea is that your Resistance leaders choose their battles better than that. I don't know what I'm going to do about helicopters, though. They could make things rather nasty for our 'heroes'...  ::)

I have actually encountered some difficulty when looking for a good base site. Though there are plenty mountains. It's just that there aren't any hidden locations. With liberal use of the editor addons I could create a dense forest around it, and that would avoid the problem. But I haven't got round to it yet. Malden is the only choice for the campaign because of the base island. It's also the prettiest island :) .


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #50 on: 29 Sep 2003, 21:32:50 »
I worked on some resistance missions a while ago, and one place I liked was the area to the east of La Trinite. There's a nice forest here, and there's a hill near here that's perfect for posting a camouflaged lookout. I'll go look through my old missions and see if I can find the locations I'd pinned down as good places for bases.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #51 on: 29 Sep 2003, 21:36:14 »
Are you going to use Malden or Maldova?


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #52 on: 30 Sep 2003, 12:47:11 »
Malden. I don't have Maldova, whatever that is.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #53 on: 30 Sep 2003, 14:09:36 »
I think that it's named Maldova, it's Malden with high-res textures.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #54 on: 01 Oct 2003, 15:16:42 »
Hey, Drozdov, we're starting to figure out how the Revolution begins, but... How does it end?

Could you make us flashback of the story, telling us how it begins, how it runs and how it ends...

Then our comments will surely come.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #55 on: 01 Oct 2003, 17:06:35 »
Maybe the resistance gets more and more effective. They'll progress from small raids to ambushing convoys, and keep getting better. Maybe as a finale you could have a mission where the resistance hurls everything at the American base as a distraction, while a tugboat loaded with high explosives proceeds to the American LST which has just arrived with a fresh load of troops. The pilot of the tug has lost his family, who were killed in a bungled American bombing raid, so he has nothing left to lose. He pulls up right next to the LST and detonates his explosives, sinking the LST and killing hundreds of American soldiers. The public outrage back in America leads to calls to "Bring our boys home." and the Americans retreat.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #56 on: 01 Oct 2003, 20:02:31 »

That's actually a decent idea, but it does need some work to make it more feasable. Why doesn't the LST radar pick it up? Why doesn't the LST blow the boat to hell and back before it gets anywhere near it? But I like the idea of sinking the ship full of reinforcements... as you say, it's unlikely they'd risk continuing the war after so many killed. Perhaps they could use an American ship? It would create enough confusion to give the driver time to reach the ship and blow it up. I might use that, thanks  :) .


Typed your name with two 'm's again but I noticed it and changed it  ;) . Well since you insist, I'll spoil some of the story for you all...  ::)

After the events at the factory and the killing of the factory owner the Americans come in (a day or so after) as per the President's request. By this point the three main characters (when I say this I mean the player and his two friends and fellow communists) have led the workers into forming their own government; the workers' council I mentioned. The President hears of this and asks the Americans for help, and declares a state of emergency. The Americans come in and arrest the workers and cart them off to their island; but the three 'heroes' escape (along with a worker or two to make it more realistic). Obviously, they are already extremely pissed off at the Americans interference with the island. The capture of their friends makes them even angrier. It is then heard through the radio that the President has agreed to let the Americans use all of Malden for training purposes as part of the deal to get them to help him. Our heroes see this as the President selling the country to the American Army to save his own skin. They therefore determine to assassinate him before he does further damage. One of them makes a timebomb and all three head off and plant it next to his offices. Boom!

Of course this only makes things worse as the Americans are now able to claim that the country is under threat from a terrorist group looking to take control. This legitimises their presence there, and the UN passes a resolution allowing them to stay there until a democratic government is restored. The Soviets abstain but do not veto. The US moves most of its troops onto mainland Malden (I mean most of the troops they already had on their part of Malden, not the whole US Army  ::) ) and takes control of the militia bases. I could maybe use some help in regards to how the Americans would control the country. They're going to have checkpoints and so on to regulate movement, but what other procedures would they introduce? A curfew or something? Anyway, there's going to be an incident at a checkpoint in which a jumpy American soldier shoots at a car that doesn't stop in time. This turns public opinion against the Americans. With a little bit of agitation from our heroes, the time is right for a resistance movement to be born. They arm themselves from the militia arms dumps, taking the American guards by surprise, and also with any guns that some civilians would have had (hunting rifles and shotguns). Obviously this is not enough; there are less guns than soldiers. There is also very limited ammo supplies. It sounds like you're going to have to scavenge from the Americans... but I don't like doing that, and I don't like American weapons. This is where the Soviets come in. They contact the leaders in the night and offer to give them some weapons, in order to help their fight for socialism. Perhaps this should be conducted without the knowledge of the Soviet government; they would maybe not risk any involvement, regardless of personal feelings. Maybe a small group of communist activists in the army decide to act independantly. But anyway, the Soviet supplies allow the militia group to keep fighting. Of course, the Americans will suspect something and will probably recognise the equipment. But it's unlikely they could really do much about it other than whine. But anyway, on with the story...

Okay, the fighting has begun in earnest. The resistance group melts into the forest and hills, and conducts small operations against US forces dotted around the country. It's kind of a guerilla war of attrition. I'll work out what the combat missions will consist of when I get to them. I'm more than open to suggestions, particularly to any original ones to keep things interesting. There is one big ambush style mission planned. This has your forces ambushing a large transport convoy of troops moving north using the remains of two old towers on either side of a road (which I made with the editor addons by Kegetys) . This is going to be a long mission... the first part involves you placing your equipment (Russian KORDs, two of them, plus all your ammo crates and so on) in the towers, and perhaps some mines on the road or bombs in the bushes closeby. I think bombs would be more fun. Obviously the Americans will scout ahead (with helicopters) and spot any machine guns on the towers. Therefore they must be placed inside the tower out of view. If they are seen by the helicopter scouts then the game is up. If not then the ambush can proceed as planned. Part two of this mission is the actual battle itself. Success would mean a significant victory for the militia. This will be one of the most important missions in the campaign. I've done a little tester of this and it's actually incredibley hard. The Americans just jump out and massacre the gunners. But anyway... I'll work that one out.

I think I've written a bit much now. Maybe this is enough for you to go on at the moment...?

Offline KJAM

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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #57 on: 01 Oct 2003, 20:56:53 »
I think bombs would be more fun.

maybe you could use the CoC mines eh i know they are all american but claymores are like not too difficult for some people to come across (maybe during a raid on an american base?) which then can be used against them in the ambush

*grins at the thought of stealing an enemies weapon and using it against them*
im gonna have the CoC mines in my campaign Droz lol.  

as for the LST thingy, maybe it is docked or dropped anchor in a harbour that is used by civilians (i.e fishermen)
The pilot of the tug has lost his family, who were killed in a bungled American bombing raid

maybe the pilot of the civlian fishing boat lost his family to a mis-aimed bombing raid and voulunteered himself for the suicide mission


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #58 on: 01 Oct 2003, 22:11:57 »
Here's how I thought it would work: The Americans use a tugboat to help guide their LSTs into the dock at their base. The resistance soon learns that the captain of the tug visits a "house of ill repute" regularly each weekend. They don't do anything with the information for the moment, but as the war grows longer and deadlier, they realize that the only way to cause a huge number of American casualties at one time is to destroy an LST as it comes in. So, they decide to use their information about the tug captain. Early one Saturday morning, three resistance soldiers stop the man at a tollbooth, and kill him. These three soldiers have all lost their families to the Americans tactic of blasting the countryside with cluster bombs in attempts to kill hiding rebels, and they are willing to die for their cause.

They disguise themselves as Americans, with their leader dressing in the uniform of the captain. They drive down to the docks, and enter the tugboat. They kill the other two crewman aboard, and then radio for reinforcements. A truck filled with explosives moves to the docks, where it stops. The "Americans" lug the crates of high-explosive aboard the tug, killing one guard who becomes suspicious. They then take the tugboat to the LST, which of course doesn't shoot at them. They get close enough to touch the LST and then set off all the explosives in one massive blast which sinks the LST and basically vaporizes the tug.


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Re:'Revolution' Campaign Idea
« Reply #59 on: 02 Oct 2003, 13:43:07 »
A small note:

Forget the tanks and heavy weapons for a while. That Island isn't appropriate for tank drills... Such strategic point is rather usefull as and airbase than a heavy armor base.

So, as the Americans come into the scene, they'll bring their birds (choppers - very important for island control - and three or less A10's - as a strategic measure) and their light/regular infantry guys, surely transpored by light APC's and BFV's. Tanks are usefull... Besides, do you fight a guerilla with tanks? No, you fight it with SpecialOp's and choppers.

We're talking about a very small island, a strategic point for air strike launching. bringing big ships and so seems improbable... Would USA send a single LST into the lion's cage (baltic sea) without appropriate defensive resources? But, they wouldn't surely send an entire or even parcial war fleet into a theorically 'peacefull zone' during the EuroMissile crisis of cold war.

hmm... EuroMissiles. Strategic points... There's another reason for using Malden as a strategic airbase.

Then, as things were getting worse for the american side, they would use the anti-guerrilla bombing methods (as they did in Vietnam) to cleanse a few forests... As the militia leaders would be aware of this, and aware of the constant chopper/rifle scoutings, several ciclic "homes", i mean, bases, would ensure their safety from unpleasent surprises...

...And so on.