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Author Topic: Project : UK Forces  (Read 54898 times)

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #75 on: 23 Nov 2002, 02:05:57 »
I completed my basic training with the 7.62 SLR many moons ago, it was a fantastic robust weapon. Difficult to train young soldiers the prinicples or markmanship with, due to the larger caliber but very dependable if you knew what you were doing, nice range and satisfying kick in your shoulder when you fired it. But only semi automatic. The  thing i remember was that we had shit 58 webbing  ammo pouches, and it didnt work to well with the magazines.
The contact range of engagements in a fire fight are smaller now, so 5.56 is the way to go, ammo expenditure in a fire fight has increased also, so 5.56 makes sense if you have to carry extra ammo.
  We got the SA80 a few years later, everyone in my unit was more impressed with the cleaning kit than the actual weapon lol it had so many neat things to clean your gat with, a well guarded possesion. The SLR cleaning kit was sooooooo crap and ancient in comparison.
 The concept of the SA80 is good, but it couldnt take the punishement you could give a SLR. Its easy to train recruits with the SUSAT than with iron sights. I havent fired the updated version yet, but it looks promising. I liked the SA80 because it was short, suited to FIBUA (fighting in built up areas) compared to the longer SLR. The sling for the SA80 is very good, with a quick release and you can fire with it still wrapped around your upper torso, very secure, and its easy to jump out a plane/ vehicle with. The thing we got pissed about was the amount of air vents to keep it cool. You had to use electrical tape or something to plug the holes, otherwise it would fill with shit and spend hours later trying to clean it out.
  Despite what you read in the press, the SA80 is very accurate, the SUSAT does its job, and if maintained well and a little modding in the armoury the SA80 is equal if not ahead of most similar weapons of its genre, but the SLR was infinately more durable, if a little heavy but more trustworthy.
The LSW is a waste of time really, they should scrap it, the rate of fire is not really  different to a SA80 anyway.
The GPMG is the weapon i felt most comfortable behind, an awesome weapon, and accurate if you have some skill and a good eye between bursts. It is tough and dependable just like the SLR. It very satisfying pulling that trigger and watching your tracer arc towards your target.

You guys that say you would  shoot to wound are missing the point. You shoot to kill, it is taught that way, a wounded enemy soldier can still shoot back at you and your comrades. 7.62 or 5.56 whatever,  it doesnt matter as long as you achieve your 'aim'.

Sorry for rambling, i like the new models by the way ;D


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #76 on: 23 Nov 2002, 02:56:37 »
But only semi automatic

We discovered that if you stuck a matchstick or hairpin in the right place you could make it a fully automatic weapon, but we also found out that if you put it in the wrong place it wouldnt stop firing when you let go either.

The  thing i remember was that we had sh*t 58 webbing  ammo pouches, and it didnt work to well with the magazines.

I remember when they first made me staff sergeant, i started telling all the new lads to drop their kit and pick up some yank or aussie kit - the Gulf War was a goldmine, i set up the queens own highlanders for many years to come, then the bastards took it away from us.

We got the SA80 a few years later, everyone in my unit was more impressed with the cleaning kit than the actual weapon lol it had so many neat things to clean your gat with, a well guarded possesion. The SLR cleaning kit was sooooooo crap and ancient in comparison.

We faniced the bayonet more, we started using them for basic everyday things, opening bottles of lager etc.

Other than that we dropped the rifle and held on to our SLRs for as long as we possibly could, i think we used the SA80 for about 2 weeks, then after that everyone just started parading with SLRs again, nobody said a thing.

The concept of the SA80 is good, but it couldnt take the punishement you could give a SLR.

New model army mate - high tech gismos rather than reliable bits of kit, thats the way the British army is going now, and i didnt retire a moment to soon, i think i must have been one of the few people able to go up until 1995 without having to take an SA80 into a place where i may have gotten shot, i was happy with my SLR - it took me through Northern Ireland, The Gulf and Bosnia.

Although i did have a certain respect for its sniper-like ability to shoot people, i recall being able to put 5 bullets over a 2 cm spread at 200 metres, which for me was impressive

And i saw a man shot in northern ireland, in fact i saw several of my mates shot in northern ireland, but the most horrific was a terrorist who had been shot in the chest with an SLR at about 50 metres - the bullet had entered just below his ribcage bounced off his spine, gone through his heart and come out his shoulder... it was a horrible, well deserved death, after seeing that we all were stone silent for about 2 days afterwards, apart from the odd word now and then, but that probably had more to do with Andys death than anything else.


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #77 on: 23 Nov 2002, 03:24:44 »
Dam this is exactly the reason I wanna join the army ;)


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #78 on: 24 Nov 2002, 00:03:23 »
our helmets suck... there always in the way of our shooting.... and the paras are gay! I hate em with a passion.... stupid "JOE" arg!!! so aragant and for nothing they suck so bad now.... anyway getting kicked out see ya!!!


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #79 on: 24 Nov 2002, 00:33:21 »
And your point is?


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #80 on: 24 Nov 2002, 09:59:20 »
I really dont want to lock this topic....seeing as I started it... ;D

I let the ammunition/ballistics discussion slide as i'm sure it does have some editing applications in weapon cpps...and was polite...

but...  "our helmets suck... there always in the way of our shooting.... and the paras are gay! I hate em with a passion.... stupid "JOE" arg!!! so aragant and for nothing they suck so bad now.... anyway getting kicked out see ya!!! "

Come on mates, lets keep this editing related without the potential of "inflaming" people...


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #81 on: 24 Nov 2002, 12:03:50 »
Back on topic.
So how's progress coming along?


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #82 on: 24 Nov 2002, 12:35:24 »
Things are right on track...the RM betas seem to be shaping up okay and I've just finished converting Fatjoe's (thanks m8) models...adding textures and lods. All they need is a cpp...a headache for me...and hopefully we'll be able to release the RMs before I go home in 3 weeks (I'll be away from the comp for about a month). Work has started on the Paras and a couple of SAS models are done...


With regards to weapons...so far we've got

1. SA 80
2. LSW
3. SA 80 with AG36 grenade launcher
4. Browning HP pistol
5. SIGp226 pistol


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #83 on: 24 Nov 2002, 16:29:36 »
I like the SAS model with shamag... very nice. But please, please, please, PLEASE don't give them the SA80... if there's one thing that would make me run out into the street and stab myself in the face, it'd be a patrol of SAS guys carrying those bloody pop-guns.

Offline vade_101

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #84 on: 24 Nov 2002, 16:50:33 »
as if we would :-).

don't worry, the SAS will be armed with their lastest toys.


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #85 on: 24 Nov 2002, 17:12:17 »
Can you please make a L96 also please, i know there is one out there already made but its not that realistic.

Maybe make the Schmidt & Bender scope (6x42) cross hairs like this like this:


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #86 on: 24 Nov 2002, 17:23:19 »
i think the G22 in the HK pack is a pretty good rifle to use, also AFAIK the G22 is the german designation for the AWP, and the british designation for that is L96 :)


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #87 on: 24 Nov 2002, 17:38:11 »
We have an ingame AWP...but its poorly textured...we'll look into either retexturing it or finding an alternative  ;)

Kooky, as vade said, no SA80 for the SAS... ;D


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #88 on: 25 Nov 2002, 11:20:13 »
I looooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeee
the SA80 Grenade Launcher, I've only ever seen one once and that was the TV!! But I'm a big fan of having a weapon with a Grenade Launchers like the 203 or AG36, they are one of the most powerful infantry weapons that can be clipped underneath your longarm without affecting the weight of the weapon or carrying kit (in one word Beautiful(Destruction)).

Offline vade_101

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #89 on: 25 Nov 2002, 12:46:51 »
Heres a pic, not a very good one, but you can just about make it out