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Author Topic: Ideas for Rent  (Read 15957 times)

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #15 on: 21 Jan 2004, 16:11:07 »
So, I think its time to organize a few of these idea's.  Would we spawn enemy troops or have them set at the beginning of the mission. The only problem I see with having them set is the amount of lag that could be involved.  

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #16 on: 21 Jan 2004, 16:59:00 »
This idea sounds f**king amazing if you ask me. I don't think a single mission editor/scripter could do this alone, there would just be so much work. A team of two or three would be needed. I'm happy to apply for a place making this mission. It sounds great.

Btw, Seal your idea for independant story writers is also excellent. I run short of ideas a lot whcih is very annoying when I've got an urge to make amission. Also I prefer to work in a team when doing OFP work. I think you should build a site, where people can apply to make a mission thought up by one of the writers,then the writer and editor work together very closely, contacting through MSN and e-mail to get the mission done, and done well.

1.  Then I entrust this mission to you ;D  Now we need to get another editor or scripter, maybe one of each, and this thing can start rolling!

2.  Yeah, set units would probably be lagland.  It would be better to have them spawn.  Of course, when your company gets hit, the Cav troops who are left should be deleted - you won't be needing them anymore, save for a handful of individual stragglers maybe.

3.  I'll draft up a new post with a condensed version of the stuff we're considering including, just so it's easier to keep track of it all.

As for the writing team....

My thoughts exactly.  Of course, when we're not busy helping people out directly, we could be coming up with odds and ends that people could look at on the website - sort of an ammo crate full of ideas that people could take if they didn't want to enlist our full services ;)

Gotta run for now...back in a bit.


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #17 on: 21 Jan 2004, 17:34:05 »
Okay, we need to find a decent respawn script, as well as a delete dead bodies script.  If anyone can point us in the correct direction, that would help a lot.  

Now, I was thinking about what addon's and islands to use:

  Of course we could use BAS's Tonal Island, mainly because it has the Phillipine feel, and also because it has the OPFOR pack, which obviously resembles a militia.  The problem lies in the fact that the addon pack is very large, so if you didn't have it, your out of luck.  

I would also aviod using SEB Nam.  I believe we should develop this as a modern conflict, not as an older conflict.


We could use the standard BIS troops, but their quality isn't the greatest. I'm not really sure what quality US Army addons there are, but I'm sure someone does.  As for the Marines, we have to decide how important they are in the mission, and if they warrant another addon, or if we should just use the BIS troops.  If we decide they are important enough, E&S MARPAT Marines will work.  

Helo's:  More decisions to make.  Use the standard BIS Blackhawk, or use a nice helo pack, such as the BAS Blackhawks.  Is there a nice Huey addon or pack anywhere??  

Islands:  As mentioned before, Tonal would work well.  I'm not really aware of other tropical themed islands that are high quality and not beta.  

We need to consider using high-quality units and islands to do the mission justice.  If it's a good mission that uses bad looking units, it'd be a waste.  If it's a good mission that uses unneccesary unit's, it would, again, be a waste.  We have to determine what to use.

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #18 on: 21 Jan 2004, 18:40:32 »
Islands:  Tonal is indeed very large and people with slower PCs will have problems with it - though we do get HD weapons with those militiamen, which helps.  That jungle area to the West should be where you're located - though at that point the player might just walk out of the jungle and be in a desert, which would be wierd.

Units:  Here's an idea....make all the US units Marines.  That way we can use one addon for all the troops, unless it would be better to mix Army/Marines in the mission.  I don't see that it makes a lot of difference :)

Helos:  If we made them all Marines, they'd ride in on Hueys.  I haven't seen a good USMC Huey (theirs are grey while the Army's are usually green).  We could use Scorpio's Sea Stallion addon though....maybe....


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #19 on: 21 Jan 2004, 18:50:27 »
Good point about Tonal.  I don't see any problems with making all the units Marines.  The MARPAT pack has Recon, so that covers our advisors.  I'm not sure about the Sea Stallion, as I haven't tried it before.  Do you know what choppers the Marine's use?  

EDIT: If you want just HD troops, you can download the latest version of JAM from the Ed. Depot.
« Last Edit: 21 Jan 2004, 18:56:36 by Homefry »


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #20 on: 21 Jan 2004, 21:57:34 »
Instead of you being an Army soldier, the player could be a Marine.  The problem with the lack of Marine Corps. helo's would be solved, as you would have to meet up with the Army and use their helo's, which are much more abundant in OFP than Marine ones.

Me and SEAL84 decided it was best this way, so we need your opinion.  We also decided to use BAS's Blackhawks and Earl and Suchey's Marines.

We still need to figure out what island to use, and what to use for enemy troops.  

Thanks.  ;D

Offline Planck

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #21 on: 21 Jan 2004, 22:00:55 »
Trinity Isle is good.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #22 on: 21 Jan 2004, 23:08:18 »
Is it tropical?? Can you provide a link to download it??

Offline Planck

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #23 on: 21 Jan 2004, 23:25:00 »
I wouldn't say it was tropical........do you really really want a tropical island?

Try here:


« Last Edit: 21 Jan 2004, 23:27:31 by Planck »
I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #24 on: 21 Jan 2004, 23:59:11 »
Well, preferably tropical.  If you know of any we haven't mentioned, it'd help.  :)
« Last Edit: 22 Jan 2004, 00:01:42 by Homefry »


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #25 on: 22 Jan 2004, 01:00:32 »
It's panzerfaust island in the future.  You are a detective for the St. Lucy police Department.  

There was an assassination attempt on the mayors life but you foiled it years ago.  The precinct

gave you a new car for it, you were living good.  The chief's daughter took a liking to you and

ya'll began going out.  The sniper was caught and thrown in jail for life.  It's years later and the

mayors elite safety unit, the panzercops is responsible for dealing with a rise in crime and

shootouts.  The sniper you busted three years ago has busted out.  He was a prominent member of a

crime ring and you're going after him.  

Meanwhile, your girlfriend has become friends with the wrong crowd: biker boys.  High tech

motorcycle clubbing guys.  You're a Detective now still up and coming for the FBI of panzerfaust

island.  Your girlfriend has become involved with the leader of the biker gang.  She's cheating on

you and she just won't settle down and get married.  She's torn between the good path and the bad

path but her heart is loyal to you she's just unsure.  

So you go to find her one night because you find out that her boyfriend is a goon for a criminal

entity known as the THREAT or something.  You know they use motorcycles to do crimes and run errands

for the THREAT so you come to bring her home to daddy.  He holds you responsible for her while he's

sick.  It's not only personal now its a family obligation to her family.  A note on her fridge says

she's at a certain hangout and when  you get there you find out she's only hanging out with the

biker dudes because her best friend goes out with one of them and she tags along.  

All of a sudden disaster strikes.  News reports say a killer robot is looting the bank in St. Lucy

so the panzer cops come to keep everyone at the club and safe for fear that the robot might use gas.

 It's really the evil mayor's secret plot to loot the bank using the robot.  He formed the

panzercops so that the wise FBI wouldn't know.  The mayor even paid the THREAT to throw the party at

that club so that they wouldn't know while the robot was robbing the bank.  you sneak out of the

party to find the robot and notice that nothing is taking him down.  You go to headquarters and its

empty except for the weapons guy Dan.  you're all what are you doing here, he's all i was staying

for a case when this robot came.  He says he has a secret.  He's scared because he had that robot

made for the mayor.  He doesn't know what to do now.  He gets a call from the mayor who sends the

panzercops to keep you there.  Before they come he shows you a weapon that can destroy the robot.  

You quickly grab the weapon and escape the panzercops protection.  The panzercops shoot the weapons

expert.  You then go to the mayor about the panzercops shooting Dan the same night.....

He has you arrested but the biker boys come help you and set you free.

You find out that the leader of the biker boys is thee one whom you arrested for trying to kill the mayor three years ago because

he knew that this was going to happen.  
« Last Edit: 22 Jan 2004, 01:05:03 by BronzeEagle »


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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #26 on: 22 Jan 2004, 01:39:41 »
What??  Wouldn't that go better as a seperate topic?

Offline XCess

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #27 on: 22 Jan 2004, 10:52:13 »
For the different units we could just use the BAS Rangers and give them different tags.. I do think though we should use the MH-60k for the extraction. Instead of having Marine's though I think a Ranger task force located a mile out to sea on a carrier would be better. We could then also have F/A-18s for a couple of airstrikes. We could use a cutscene for one of them to show one of the places where you can find a civilian boat. The timer for mission failure could be the task force being pulled back.. which i guess it would be anyway.
Sorry if half of this don't make any sense.

8 Ball

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #28 on: 22 Jan 2004, 11:03:24 »
Wow guys, this is amazing. It sounds really good. If you guys still need help, I will be happy to assist.

I think the marine idea is a good one. Its a high quality addon that it will add to the mission. Same with the Blackhawks. High quality and adds to mission.

The Rangers and F-18 are also good, but too many addons might turn people away.

For the enemy infantry you could probably use regular BIS units. The resistance units look good enough, and again you probably want to keep the amount of addons low.

And do you still need a delete bodies script? I could come up with one if you can't find any.

Offline XCess

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Re:Ideas for Rent
« Reply #29 on: 22 Jan 2004, 11:56:51 »
The Marine Assault Pack looks like a good MArine infantry addon, but I don't have it.. yet. But I still think it would be a good idea to have a Ranger Task Force instead of a coupla platoons of Marines. We should also make a addonless version - except for the terrain we use obviosuly.