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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Red Tide  (Read 30958 times)

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Offline THobson

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #45 on: 26 Mar 2005, 19:00:18 »
I believe the man is the one who runs up from the docks.  The men guarding the base aren't told to flee when the counter-attack is almost destroyed.  My reasoning behind this is they should already be dead.  I will look into it, however, and change this.
This might help you.

I made the player's squad a twelve man squad, again.  Nine men aren't enough to complete the objectives
It is your mission - but I would have 9 max.
« Last Edit: 26 Mar 2005, 19:01:06 by THobson »

Offline Mikero

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #46 on: 27 Mar 2005, 06:37:33 »
/Unsolicited advice turned on/ ;)

move on pilot.

this mission works, always has. v1.1. is 'better' (tm) but so was 1.0

all the tweaks were good ones, but I'd be a happier camper seeing your next creative idea than more twiddling. Put them into something new. The rewards are bigger (particularly for beta testers :P)

/unsolicited advice turned off/

Just say no to bugz

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #47 on: 30 Mar 2005, 05:12:33 »
Sorry for my lack of response, from Saturday to Monday I was recovering from the flu (what a way to spend Easter weekend ::) ).

Thanks for your advice.  I have decided to heed your advice.  

In a day or two I will release my (hopefully) final beta.  If there are no glaring problems, I will submit it and move on.  I am very happy with my mission at this point, and I do not intend changing it any further (unless, of course, there is a big problem).

Thanks for the beta-tests, everyone!

Offline THobson

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #48 on: 30 Mar 2005, 16:02:32 »
I am very happy with my mission at this point
That is all that counts.  There never were any glaring problems that I saw - well apart from the armoured groups being on the wrong side of the ship - but then what the hell it doesn't effect game play.  

I was impressed when I got to the other towns to see there was some defensive positions just for them that would never be seen by the player that just goes straight for the base.  I like that it feels good.

Best of luck.
« Last Edit: 30 Mar 2005, 16:05:57 by THobson »

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #49 on: 30 Mar 2005, 17:46:06 »
Thanks for the input, THobson!

Hopefully I will have my latest version ready by this evening (unlikely) or tomorrow (much more likely).  The german translation is taking longer than I expected.  When I finish it I will post the mission on final time for the beta-testers.  Changes will include:
Adding extra shots to the intro and outro:loose
fixing the binocular scene in the intro
fixing the armored groups being on the wrong side of the ship
Adding the infantry to the armor squad, like you suggested THobson
Adjusting the surrender script so everyone drops thier weapon

Offline THobson

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #50 on: 30 Mar 2005, 19:24:49 »
Adding the infantry to the armor squad, like you suggested THobson
Bye the way.  This was not my original idea - I just passed it on.  I got it from macguba.  I think it is totally neat.

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #51 on: 01 Apr 2005, 02:58:21 »
Ok, here is my latest, and hopefully last, beta version.

Red Tide has been submited to the missions depot.

It's now also in German! :D*
Changed flag and name of resistance army

Adjusted the overview
Added version number to overview

Added extra scene in intro
Fixed the binocular scene
Added two more LST's in final scenes

No significant changes (that I can think of)

Increased skill of player's squad
Changes BMP to M113
Added infantry to armor squad
Adjusted player's voice
Adjusted surrender script: All units in player's group should now drop their weapon.  Also, I added music to the surrender scene, and the camera pans through the remaining men in the player's squad.

Outro Loose:
Added extra prison camp scene
Added extra prisoner exchange scene

Outro Win:
The bodies are now close together
The barrels are more organized

*I am still learning German, so my translations are most likely not as good as they should be.  If anyone who is fluent in German can correct my mistakes (and I'm sure there are many) and show me where I was wrong, I would be very grateful! :)
« Last Edit: 21 Jun 2005, 21:07:55 by Student Pilot »

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #52 on: 05 Apr 2005, 14:41:17 »
Is there anyone who is fluent in German who can test this mission and tell me how me the German is?

Offline THobson

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #53 on: 07 Apr 2005, 21:59:38 »
Red Tide v1.2

Really much better and much tougher.  Minor points only.

There is an unwanted space at the start of the line before the word As

The early text is could benefit from staying on the screen for slightly longer.

You have the invasion force being brief the day before Spetz Natz spent a week on reconnaissance.  Really the briefing would only be done just before the invasion.  How about instead of: ‘The next day…' you have: ‘Ten day's ago…'

It might be good to meet up with these Spetz Natz at some point

You are starting a new line with a full stop.  I still would prefer blank lines to separate paragraphs.

I see from the intel we are landing at 10:20

The objective is to Destroy the base.  Don't you mean capture and hold it?  Whenever I have played before I have not had to destroy anything.  

Good to see a more experienced group

The initial weapon loadout felt a bit untidy - there were PKs and RPGs scattered about a bit.  I reorganised to:
Me: AK + RPG
2,3,4: PKs  (only 3 available now I see)
5 AK
6,7 AK + RPG
8 AK + AT
9,10 AK + grenades
11, 12 AK + mine + extra mags

Cannot load mission, missing addons: bis_resistance
Clicked OK and I entered the mission.

I see the mission start is 06:20 - much better in my view.  You now nbeed to fix the intel in the briefing.

I saw a guy running away.  I thought he looked like a SpetzNatz - in the interest of beta testing I shot him and found I was right.  It would be good to put something in the briefing about this guy.

Running WNW to the wood.  Nice start time - a bit dark, perhaps provide NVGs to the leader.

I put a couple of mines in the scattering of trees between the road and the forest at Fa 44/45

Did my usual .  Approached the base from the west.  Dropped a two man patrol on the dirt track before they knew what hit them.  I tried this s few times.  The alarm is raised pretty easily at this point.  If a loon spots you instantly before he is killed the alarm sill goes off.  Got all my guys as I like them then hit the M2 with an rpg.  My machine gunners did excellent work but eventually they were killed.  

The T55 and M113 turned up.  Where the hell should I have put the mines?  The M113 was taken out as the infantry were disembarking and then the T55 went up.  Somme clumsiness on my part here led to the death of one of my rpg soldiers.  I could have done that better.  

I got a couple of guys to take the PKs and after some good work they were both killed.  I then left the PKs lie with the bodies of their owners.  We were attacked from the same direction as the armour had come from, but my team took care of them.  My squad was slowly dwindling.  After a while a surrender option came up.  I saved at this point.  I was not going to surrender, but I wanted to see what would happen if I did.  

I could see three loons just outside the base, two were standing looking away from us and one was in a bush.  It was no down the me the medic a grenadier and an rpg soldier.  I go the latter two to hold fire and take the PKs.  I then crawled nearer the base and noticed a living rpg enemy on the way.  I killed him then got the PK solders to take out the three in front of the base.  I was just about to go forward when three more turned up travelling north just on the west side of the base.  Once these were killed I got the successful end message.  I did not get into the base this time which was a pity.  I suggest you require the player to be in the base before the successful end.  I think it would feel a lot better.

I did notice that the trucks in the base were of the FIA variety.  As this is meant to be an army I don't think you should use resistance vehicles.  In fact as they are a western army you could justifiably use 5ton trucks here.

A little more speed on the part of the units involved might increase the impact.

Now back to my save game to see what happens when I surrender.
Surrender is neat.  A few suggestions that I don't feel strongly about - it is already good.
Either get you and your team to move to the base before putting their hands up or (probably better) have some enemy run up into shot when  you put your weapons down.
When looking at each of the team do not include the player - you have just had a shot of him blacking out and then seeing him again seems odd
Lower the camera when looking at the team, because they have their heads down you just get a shot of the tops of their heads.
Use mimics to put glum expressions on their faces.
You were taken prisoner and sent to prison camp message uses the word prison once to many.
The camp was good.
A month and a half seems far too short.  How about - negotiations dragged on for a year and 6 months later they were released?
What happened to the player when he got home - could say something about that

General comments:
This is now a much tougher mission, mainly I think, due to the limited number of PKs and the use of groups that are on guard.  I think this latter point adds a huge amount of realism to the mission.  I suggest adding one more PK.

This was the first time I have played this mission that I was offered the option to surrender, and for a time I thought I might have to do just that.  This surrender option is a very nice feature, and one the player has to be careful of as it sits on the top of the action item list.

I didn't really like the new flag.  I may be wrong but I associate green with Muslim countries.

Overall - great mission.  Some of my comments relate to obvious errors (time of mission for example)  All the rest are suggestions for improvement that you can do with as you wish.

I am sorry I do not know German.

« Last Edit: 07 Apr 2005, 22:00:21 by THobson »

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #54 on: 07 Apr 2005, 22:58:54 »
Thanks for the review, THobson!  I see there are still some things I have to smooth out.  If it isn't one thing, it's another. ::)  And my mission is relatively small, I can't imagine having to go through the beta-testing of a mission like Abandoned Armies. (sorry I haven't beta-tested more on Abandoned Armies, THobson, I got a little discouraged after I realized the Northrons still had an M1 :P).

There is an unwanted space at the start of the line before the word As
I don't see this on my computer (or I do and don't realize it).  What resolution are you playing on?

The early text is could benefit from staying on the screen for slightly longer.
I'll see what I can do, I am limited on time by the length of the song.

Really the briefing would only be done just before the invasion.
I thought the troops would be briefed first, and then train for the mission.

It might be good to meet up with these Spetz Natz at some point
Please clarify, thanks!

You are starting a new line with a full stop.  I still would prefer blank lines to separate paragraphs.
I'm not sure if I understand you entirely.  Are you saying the paragraphs should be double spaced?

The objective is to Destroy the base.  Don't you mean capture and hold it?  Whenever I have played before I have not had to destroy anything.  

Ok, I changed it to capture and hold

I see from the intel we are landing at 10:20
Darn, I forgot to change that.

Good to see a more experienced group
Glad to give it ;)

The initial weapon loadout felt a bit untidy - there were PKs and RPGs scattered about a bit.
I wanted to distribute the firepower of the squad evenly, which is why a pk and grenedier are near the front and back.

Cannot load mission, missing addons: bis_resistance
I've gotten this error before, also.  I think it might be a bug with the handguns.  Is this an error on my part, or on the game's part?

I see the mission start is 06:20 - much better in my view.  You now nbeed to fix the intel in the briefing.
It's fixed

Nice start time - a bit dark, perhaps provide NVGs to the leader.
Should I add them only to the leader?  Should I add them only to the leader but make them available to the whole squad?

I saw a guy running away.  I thought he looked like a SpetzNatz - in the interest of beta testing I shot him and found I was right.  It would be good to put something in the briefing about this guy.
Ok, I'll do that.

I did notice that the trucks in the base were of the FIA variety.  As this is meant to be an army I don't think you should use resistance vehicles.  In fact as they are a western army you could justifiably use 5ton trucks here.
Something else I overlooked.  I'll change them.

Either get you and your team to move to the base before putting their hands up or (probably better) have some enemy run up into shot when  you put your weapons down.
The first suggestion will probably be easier, as it is hard to tell if any bad guys are nearby.  I could place a few guys in some forest somewhere, and then setpos them near the player.

When looking at each of the team do not include the player - you have just had a shot of him blacking out and then seeing him again seems odd
I was debating this when I changed the script.  I'll remove the player when looking at the surviving team members

Lower the camera when looking at the team, because they have their heads down you just get a shot of the tops of their heads.
Good point, I'll do that

Use mimics to put glum expressions on their faces.
Yeah, I guess it doesn't look good if they're smiling. :P

I suggest adding one more PK.
I am thinking of not doing this, I think it might make the mission too easy. ;)

You were taken prisoner and sent to prison camp message uses the word prison once to many.

A month and a half seems far too short.  How about - negotiations dragged on for a year and 6 months later they were released?
You might be right.  I'll lengthen the prison stay.

What happened to the player when he got home - could say something about that
I'll see what can do (once again I am limited on time by the length of the song)

I didn't really like the new flag.  I may be wrong but I associate green with Muslim countries.
Really? *Goes to look at middle-eastern flags*  Hmm, Saudia Arabia is green and white, Pakistan is green and white, Lybia is all green.  Ok you may be right.  I guess I'll change the colors.  What colors do you suggest?

Thanks, THobson!

@mikero (if you are reading this)
I know I said I would heed your unsolicited advice, but what can I say.  With some things I am an absolute perfectionist. :P (And some things I am the farthest thing from a perfectionist, but that's besides the point)
« Last Edit: 07 Apr 2005, 23:16:15 by Student Pilot »

Offline THobson

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #55 on: 07 Apr 2005, 23:46:29 »
What resolution are you playing on?
1024 x 768 x 32

I'll see what I can do, I am limited on time by the length of the song.
I have exactly the same problem

I thought the troops would be briefed first, and then train for the mission
Train first, then get breifed once they have no opportunity to talk to anyone.

It might be good to meet up with these Spetz Natz at some point
Please clarify, thanks!
You have almost done this.  The Spetz Natz is on the beach when you arrive.  You could go in with 11 and have him join you.  Or you could see him board a boat and leave - or something.  Just seeing him run off and not know where doesn't feel good.

Are you saying the paragraphs should be double spaced?
If that means a blank line between text then yes I do.  Have you found the full stop at the start of a line?

Cannot load mission, missing addons: bis_resistance
I've gotten this error before, also.  I think it might be a bug with the handguns.  Is this an error on my part, or on the game's part?
I have no clue.  Try editing mission.sqm and remove all references to the addon bis_resistance  (there may be more than one)

Nice start time - a bit dark, perhaps provide NVGs to the leader.
Should I add them only to the leader?  Should I add them only to the leader but make them available to the whole squad?
It's up to you and it's not that important.  I just felt a need at the start of the mission when I was going through the woods.  On reflection I would not bother with NVGs for anybody.

Either get you and your team to move to the base before putting their hands up or (probably better) have some enemy run up into shot when  you put your weapons down.
The first suggestion will probably be easier, as it is hard to tell if any bad guys are nearby.  I could place a few guys in some forest somewhere, and then setpos them near the player.
I think the second one is easier and would look better.  Try something like:

{{[_x] join grpNull} forEach units _x} forEach [ namegrp1,namegrp2,namegrp3....]

{{if (alive _x) then {_x setPos [(getPos player select 0) + 10 + random 5,(getPos player select 1) + 10 + random 5,0]}} forEach units _x} forEach [ namegrp1,namegrp2,namegrp3....]

{{_x doMove [(getPos player select 0) - 3 + random 6,(getPos player select 1) - 3 + random 6]} forEach units _x} forEach  [ namegrp1,namegrp2,namegrp3....]

You may need to adjust the syntax and some of the numbers.

I suggest adding one more PK.
I am thinking of not doing this, I think it might make the mission too easy.
You may be right.

On the flag - green is the colour of Islam.  Reds and blues are safe.  I did previously suggest a few countries that you could use.

« Last Edit: 08 Apr 2005, 13:50:53 by THobson »

Offline Mikero

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #56 on: 08 Apr 2005, 00:57:45 »
I am mindful of THobson's / MacGuba's combined comment to paraphrase: "The poor bastard fixes up all his errors, makes this tremendous effort, and no-one tests it".

I feel like a worm.

This is to tell you that I have tested it. The mission has always 'worked' for me. Am splattering this thread to let you know you are not being ignored.

I have nothing useful to add because of that. Sorry. I am most definitely in the wrong here.


On this point I do disagree with Thob, from the get-go, mission version 0, it was the fact that I really had to scrounge around and use PK with intelligence that 'made' it for me. Apart from the outstanding intro and outros (outstanding in the sense of storyline and detail), the 'theme' for me was going to be, this is tuff, my short range weapons are useless in this rain . In >this< run through I stayed perfectly still where I was on top of hill, and decimated everything as they came into range by moving a single mgunner where i wanted him. I didn't need to get to the base. That, works for me.
Just say no to bugz

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #57 on: 08 Apr 2005, 01:56:39 »
I hope you didn't take my above comment the wrong way.  Your past comments have always been good, and I appreciate your beta-testing my mision.

Thanks for your recent input.  I have decided to keep the number of PKs where it is.  If the player wants a third one, he can assign it to his squad.

Offline Mikero

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #58 on: 08 Apr 2005, 04:00:27 »
Ok, I decided to do this properly and start at the start, all bets are off. Others have shamed me.

Slap in the face, v1.2 belongs in first entry of first page of this thread. Ok, you mentioned it, so it's a custard pie, not a brick.

You're going places, aren't you. This wont be your last mission. Therefore, watch out what's happening on your well presented homepage. I could not download this version with DAP (I eventually used reget). I suspect mere mortals not using accellerators will not turn on 'passive ftp' in their browser settings either. Particularly true of 56k'ers.  Another reason why you get low response? Look out for this because I'd be thinking tactical now, how you want to get your missions, plural, out there, particularly addons (should you choose to use some). Nice to see you only got caught out once with the naughty naughty %20 buisiness.

Put some message to this effect in your flashpoint page. You'll gain a wider audience for little effort.


Of course. Think tactical, provide a rar file on homepage for those that prefer it.


Descriptive_readMe_This_One are nonsense. A read me is a ReadMe.txt. Yes, Mr Mac. prepared to fite you on this one. It's like saying you can call desctription.ext index.html and mission.sqm anything you like.

Make 'single player' para the 2nd one.

I would put addons needed next. It is the primary concern of many players.

Install instructions next (and you forgot to say where to put the addon, it aint obvious to many, Charlie Brown)


I dont find this cheesy. It's a nice touch, nice reward. But never glamorise us (you haven't), it is not, our mission. Glamorise OFPEC if you want.



Some like version history. I don't. Consider putting them in. It is polish, not plaster, if you do. But, big but, I do not like them one little bit. Get scared to death I've missed something in the blurb. Consider a separate dot txt if you choose to plunk them down. Trust me, yonks later, YOU will refer to them.



Stay politically incorrect Pilot, much more fun.

2nd para is wobbly on 1024 x 768, the engine needs <p><br></p> to do it's thing.

why the exclamation mark!

I want 3 things in any overview.

brief memory jog
author advertising

Note that piccie is not on the list. It's a waste of download on campaigns. I'm doing this beta properly, so will also comment that another picture-of-houdan never means much. Logos do.


Just magnificient, isn't it. The music score was made for this mission. !!

Abort, retry, concentrate Mikero, let's have another go at this intro.

remove comma after gathered.

space needed btwn Objective: Everon

Finally. Full stop

last frame. "You are in that group".

Without it, i sacrificed  two goats and a chicken to find out where I fit into all this. You forgot about ME.

Jesus Pilot played it back again, now understand why you are polishing so hard....

Inconsistency with East Coast red text/  east coast briefing. Fix one, or the other.


Work is needed. You must fix up the para spacing. If you don't, impression is, oh yes, another one of *those* missions. Clutter clutter, toil and trouble.

the 'trick' is to insert <br> in paras. It's an engine thing.

airfield needs a target market to remain consistent with others.


1020 is now wrong. Fix this permanently with the phrase "(early) morning".

paras slightly better, overall less jumble.

"Observations tell us that...."

otherwise how the hell do you know so damn much? (ok ok, in the intro, not good enough, is it)

Change the sense of this so that i'm not expected to go thump these guys as an 'objective', just be aware of what you're up against, LIEUTENANT and plan accordingly.


I'm doing this beta proper. So will repeat myself from comments in other missions.

You must fit me out 'reasonably'. If you dont, *you* have no idea what your mission is all about. If you don't supply me nvg when I clearly have to have them, its -endmission there and then. My time's valuable too, bozo.

If you give me 50 of everything, I will choose none. You're lazy, so am I. I wont do the thinking for you. How the HELL would I know what to choose, I aint played your mission yet, and probably wont bother.

All tempered by any theme that needs contrary to above.

You dun good.

I choose the 6G-30 because I'm useless with them, and I don't plan killing much myself, ordinarily I'd RPG because I get frustrated with my ai. I choose a tokarov to make me feel safer.


made sense to me, we're not green are we. How could we be. Nice to see my best friends are in the same class as me (2/3). You could wobble it a bit (if you want). Weakening my left flank a little and perhaps, up to you.


missing addons, bis resistance. Oook?

Dark. Dont like it because it removed that glorious rain effect.

2man patrol goes down before I even notice them. My squad is deadly.

I target up the shadows directly in the front of building 350m. Waiting for my squad to crawl up into formation (they're in danger mode). Two more come down roadish, left flank. bang, they're gone. thinking this is unexpected, another 3 (officer) come up over 2'oclock ridge. A bit of desultory firing from squad until they get into range, bang, another lot gone, and I'm frantically watching who in my squad's gonna do who in. I need to know. It makes a big difference to whether It's gonna be a frontal charge, everything happening on my flank is telling me not to go there mikero. Officer finally goes down in road to #4. THIS is what i needed to know. Not #2, #4, ok. I'm a happy leiutenant.

Thinking of a 9 o'clock crawl to corner of fort, meantime, wait it out mikero. See what else is at 3oclock.

Bloody hell! Squad is racing at me through the gloom 12 o'clock. I can only just pick them out 100m on binocs. Ok, this sort of mission is it? Where are my goggles, what an idiot i am.

My squad in hopeless spot semi behind ridge to do anything about them.

I switch to G30 and lob grenades, the enemy ai takes direct hits and just keeps running through it. NEVER touch this shit again mikero, one weapon in the permanent trash can for you old son. Tokarov and pray time.

Medic enemy comes at me, 10 meters, 5 meters, tokarov hurts him, bang, I'm dead.


Move forward a tad. squad formation: line, then they do their paycheck. Nothing comes out of that gloom any more 8).

Meanwhile, pissed at this G30 so I decide, accidentally, to use it up. A wild shot does a 350m drop smack onto M2 nest. Oook? Ok, try a bit more. Ook Ook, Ooook!

Overall drops are widly eccentric, no accuracy or predcitability. But god, I did damage.

Use binocs to see what, if anything happened, moment i do, squad takes out everything left moving in and around fort. They are lethal and the 'mist' issue is there. They kill what I cannot see thru. Maybe. It's not affecting game play in any real way, just adding drama.

Few nasties on left corner, bang. Few sentry towers, bang. Not necessarily the Mgunners doing it. Then oh yes of course, had to be, oh yes. oh dear,  tanks in my rear. OH SHIT.

emergency cheatsave.

Wistfully thought they'd do what all well behaved tanky things do and just keep moving to the fort. They come up over my line formation, 3'oclock, My rpg'ers can't hit a barn door. Goodnight. thank you for playing.


several attempts later which involved fleeing, alert mode, a serious though of restart, one tactic worked, swing my group at them and charge.

There's now the sound of enemy ai behind tanks, jesus.

will post remainder 2nd reply but have to tell you Pilot, I underestimated why i had to play this mission again. Immediate thoughts are dont' stop it at fort, go for the two towns as episodes 2 and 3 and bring them in as hidden objectives. I'm humbled.

Just say no to bugz

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #59 on: 08 Apr 2005, 05:01:15 »
Hey mikero,

Thanks for the beta-test!  I enjoy reading your replies!

Slap in the face, v1.2 belongs in first entry of first page of this thread. Ok, you mentioned it, so it's a custard pie, not a brick.
*wipes custard pie off face*  Ok, I get the point, I'll move the latest version to the front page.

You're going places, aren't you. This wont be your last mission. Therefore, watch out what's happening on your well presented homepage.
I have no idea if I am going to make another mission.  The only reason I made this is because the idea suddenly came to me. (two years of playing OFP and this is the best idea I have come up with) ::)  You looked at my home page?!  I didn't think anyone would visit it!  I put it up as a place to host my mission, not for people to visit. :P  Oh well.

I have the same problem downloading with my download manager.  For some reason freewebs seems hostile to excelerators and managers.  I don't think it's anything I can fix.

Nice to see you only got caught out once with the naughty naughty %20 buisiness.
Yeah, I learned

Of course. Think tactical, provide a rar file on homepage for those that prefer it.
Ugh, I don't like rar files.  They take longer to unpack, and you need a special program, and I don't really see the benefit of them, but I will see if I can do it, anyway

Descriptive_readMe_This_One are nonsense. A read me is a ReadMe.txt. Yes, Mr Mac. prepared to fite you on this one. It's like saying you can call desctription.ext index.html and mission.sqm anything you like.
I'll let you and macguba battle it out over this point :P

Make 'single player' para the 2nd one.

I would put addons needed next. It is the primary concern of many players.

Install instructions next (and you forgot to say where to put the addon, it aint obvious to many, Charlie Brown)
I've done everything but to say where to put the addon.  I have two reasons for not putting addon install instruction in the readme:
1: Everyone should know by now where to put it
2: Those instructions can be found in the readme for the addon

Some like version history. I don't. Consider putting them in. It is polish, not plaster, if you do. But, big but, I do not like them one little bit. Get scared to death I've missed something in the blurb. Consider a separate dot txt if you choose to plunk them down. Trust me, yonks later, YOU will refer to them.
I have already found myself refering to a history I have recorded.  I don't think I will include that in the readme, though

Stay politically incorrect Pilot, much more fun.

2nd para is wobbly on 1024 x 768, the engine needs <p><br></p> to do it's thing.
I hate HTML (mainly because I don't know a thing about it), I'll see what I can do

why the exclamation mark!
I thought it would sound boring without one, I take you disagree?

Note that piccie is not on the list. It's a waste of download on campaigns. I'm doing this beta properly, so will also comment that another picture-of-houdan never means much. Logos do.
Now I have to make a logo?!

remove comma after gathered.
Done (I seem to use commas excesively)

space needed btwn Objective: Everon

Finally. Full stop
Are you saying I need a period after Finally?

last frame. "You are in that group".

Without it, i sacrificed  two goats and a chicken to find out where I fit into all this. You forgot about ME.
Aww hell, you're right!  I'll change this to include the player.

Inconsistency with East Coast red text/  east coast briefing. Fix one, or the other.

Work is needed. You must fix up the para spacing. If you don't, impression is, oh yes, another one of *those* missions. Clutter clutter, toil and trouble.

the 'trick' is to insert <br> in paras. It's an engine thing.
I think I have cleaned it up a little bit.

airfield needs a target market to remain consistent with others.

1020 is now wrong. Fix this permanently with the phrase "(early) morning".
I have already fixed this. (I didn't use early morning, I wanted the time to be specific)

"Observations tell us that...."

otherwise how the hell do you know so d**n much? (ok ok, in the intro, not good enough, is it)

You must fit me out 'reasonably'. If you dont, *you* have no idea what your mission is all about. If you don't supply me nvg when I clearly have to have them, its -endmission there and then. My time's valuable too, bozo.

If you give me 50 of everything, I will choose none. You're lazy, so am I. I wont do the thinking for you. How the HELL would I know what to choose, I aint played your mission yet, and probably wont bother.

All tempered by any theme that needs contrary to above.

You dun good.
Thanks, I have added NVGs in my latest version.

I choose the 6G-30 because I'm useless with them, and I don't plan killing much myself, ordinarily I'd RPG because I get frustrated with my ai. I choose a tokarov to make me feel safer.
I hate that weapon.  I'm not too sure why I added it, although I don't plan on removing it from the selection

missing addons, bis resistance. Oook?
I don't know what's going on here.  bis_resistance isn't even listed in the .sqm file

Dark. Dont like it because it removed that glorious rain effect.
Yeah, but I do agree with THobson: an early morning attack makes more sense than a mid-day attack

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your beta-test!