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Author Topic: Afghanistan  (Read 5197 times)

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Offline @cero

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« Reply #15 on: 29 Nov 2002, 20:48:50 »

I hate russians... "Still there is finnish soldiers blood in our bodies" - Finland will strike back someday ! Someday...

Still thats great idea !  ::)
Well put it like that, the Russians are the bad guys, but we will do like BIS and create two diferent or three diferent ways and points of views, the Mujahideen, the Russians and the West units that was send there in secrecy, 3 campaighns, one mod ;D so you just download the one you'll fancy.

    Now, I'm telling this to clear things, in Afghanistan there was two diferent sides withing the Afghans, the East suporters trying to get into a muslim-comunist regim suported by the USSR and making them selfs another ali fighting agains the West countrys during the cold war, and the other side was the side who reveled and fighted the Russians and was suported by the West countrys, they are the Mujahideen, and nowdays they still alive and fighting agains the Talliban forces suporting the West forces searching and fighting the Taliban in there own territory, they form part if not complety of the North Aliance.
 So, any good ideas for a mission to do with all that stuff? ;D
Later all.


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« Reply #16 on: 29 Nov 2002, 21:42:33 »
Well, I hate to revive an old thread but I was directed to it by @CERO. Anyway, I'd love to see an Afghan campiagn, anytime from 1979 to 200? I am interested in making Soviet motor rifle troops in khaki/brown and maybe a new weapon or two (RPG-18, new PK, Lee-Enfield, other stuff I can think of)

I have no modeleing experience and I can only edit, not write cpps. However, I have some good reference sources.

This could be a bitchin' mod, I hope you all volunteer.
Besides, did the Soviet troops in the Winter War really want to kill Finns? I doubt it. Besides, they lost so much equipment and so many troops I feel kind of sorry for them.

Molotov cocktails are awesome.


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« Reply #17 on: 29 Nov 2002, 22:08:41 »
Nothing personal, but I will not play that mission...
I hate russians... "Still there is finnish soldiers blood in our bodies" - Finland will strike back someday ! Someday...

Lol!  :D
Little Finland can do nothing against Russia...
The finnish use russian weapons as well, and you have to remember that the finnish were allied with the nazis in the WW2!

Well now to the point.
Yes, great idea to start an Afghan mod.
But, why have the russians as the bad ones.
I have nothing against it, but it should be as realitsic and impartial as possible. I mean that no one should be the bad one.

I remember in the "1985 campaign", where the russians were held as the bad ones, they shot their own soldiers, prisoners and so on. That was extremely u-n-r-e-a-l-istic.

So please dont exaggerate anything...

Offline @cero

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« Reply #18 on: 30 Nov 2002, 08:48:10 »
Darkninja, I think I may miss interpreted myselfe or if I sed it right I may not explain myselfe proply, I apologice if so.
   I explain now. The conflict was descrived by 3 diferent points of view, Afghan, Russian, and West in general, I don't meen to say that the Russians are going to be the bad guys all the way through, the idea is to create 3 diferent campaighns, the first one will be from the point of view of the Mujahideen, witch people may think is going to be boring or against theyr thoughts and bla bla bla, but I think is going to be really interesting, second campaighn, it will be from the Russian soldier point of view, have in consideration that I'm saying the Russian soldier and no the hall Russian army placed in there, the reason why? I was reading a cuple of documents from Russian soldiers that fight in that war, they where send there convinced that they where going to do some humanitarian help and so and so, they got there to find a country in war against the USSR, a rebel group that torture the Russian POW in a really bad way, etc, etc. This two documents really got me thinking about the way this guys where thinking while all that was happening.
 The third campaighn will be about West units that was send there for diferent reasons, for direct secret action against the Afghan East suporter side( no the Mujahideen or the people of Afghanistan) , to train the Mujahideen on the use of weapons like the Stinger ground to air missiles making them get into action more often than they would like too, and allso train them in new strategys and techniques of modern warfare. They allso suplied the weapons that there had been geting trained for, and its lots more.
  So as you see, the options will be there, if you don't like the reds download the other two campaighns, if you suport the reds, well you know what I meen, is not good guys or bad guys, actually, in OFP I allways been a fan of the East more than the West, I prefere a AK than a M4 for example, but that is a personal opinion, so I'm sorry about what I sed before about puting the Soviets as the bad guys, they all are bad guys cos they fighting and killing each other, naughty, naughty, naughty :P
 So any sugestions are wellcome, any questions will be answer, and remember, things are just starting.
Later all.


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« Reply #19 on: 30 Nov 2002, 09:47:45 »
Ok, Ok enought for patrioty that was just a joke.
It sounds good and if you play with Afg forces I think itÂ's just fine ! But still I canÂ't solve between Russians and Afghanistan forces wich on is good ?

Because if we remember latest happens in Afg if think the Afg are evil !? I donÂ't know about that, but IÂ'm happy to help if any help is needed.

P.S We were not staraight allied to nazis, but they gave us weapons. You started the war, dudes ! And when we fighted nazis off of Lapland you began to fight again !

But those times were long time ago... And now we are richer country ! ;D


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« Reply #20 on: 30 Nov 2002, 10:37:16 »
Ok, ok all!  ;D
Nice, everything seems to be great and well planned...  :)
Will be fun to play this mod.

Some Q's:
Will there be any new aircrafts and so on?

And how big will the new island be or will it be more than one island?

Offline @cero

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« Reply #21 on: 01 Dec 2002, 21:29:00 »
To Famas:
  Afghans are evil? ;DLol, the suporters of terrorism are evil, Afghans, Vascs, Irish, Palestinians, whatever, the origin of a person don't make them evil, the way they get contaminated by other peoples thoughts and make themselfs into a human life destroyers for a cause or reason that can be solved by other means is evil, but if you are Irish or Vasc or Palestinian or Afghan don't meant that you are a terrorist, you can be a Londoner from all your life and become a terrorist just cos someone convinced you that the only way to cut the price on lagger is by blowing the parlament with everyone inside, and then all the Londoners would be evil ;Dlol.

To Darkninja:
  Yes, there is some new models to do of air and land units that were in the conflict but don't exist in the game jet, we got to do alot of research on all this things, that's why we need a team, a team that will be recruted from the training depot of this site and from our site that  by the way, its about to go online.
 About the maps, ofcourse we need new ones, but I don't got a clue how many is going to be, we will sort that out once the person/s in charge of WRP editing gets on it.
 Things seam to go slow so far but I'm sure that once a team is organiced it will change fast, just keep your eyes open and stay tuned, I'm sure none of you will be disapointed.
Later all.

Offline @cero

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« Reply #22 on: 06 Dec 2002, 15:12:47 »
Hi all.
 I would like to mention that this thread had managed to get people toguether to make a mod, as you can see, now I got a cuple of links in my signature ;D That's what threads like that can make you do, so kip it alive.
 Thanks to anyone who helped to put the main people toguether, that help would be this forums.
 Thanks OFPEC :cheers:


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« Reply #23 on: 10 Dec 2002, 02:13:01 »
Especially the mission where Bin Laden dies young

The russians put 6 bullets in the man and couldnt kill him... would be nice to see a 7th... 8th... 30th put into the man...s head.

@cero - god bless you for remembering the irish, all too many people seem to forget that many good people have died at the hands of the IRA,

seems like a strange thing to say i know, but the Irish are a big issue for me, those bastards took 2 years of my life (and i want them back... never mind, id only waste them anyway) in that country trying to stop them.

i know that seems strange,
« Last Edit: 10 Dec 2002, 02:17:17 by Stu35 »

Offline @cero

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« Reply #24 on: 13 Dec 2002, 19:34:18 »
seems like a strange thing to say i know, but the Irish are a big issue for me, those bastards took 2 years of my life (and i want them back... never mind, id only waste them anyway) in that country trying to stop them.

i know that seems strange,
Stu35, what seems strange for me is that I was going on about that the fact that people is from somewhere don't makes them a particular way, so terrorist are terrorist, and Irish are Irish. ETA kill a mate of mine years ago, but I got nothing against vasc, I hate ETA the same way you hate the IRA, don't hate the Irish, hate terrorist, hating people from a place cos someone in there is a terrorist is really strange. ;D
lol. ;D
I hoppe you understand what I meant.

Back to the Afghan mod. Well, what can I say, the mod has started, at the moment is 10 members, but I still need more, but that's another issue. I would keep you guys up to date about our mod but this forums aren't going to accept it in mission ideas, at list the moderators say diferent ;D

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« Reply #25 on: 15 Dec 2002, 01:03:44 »
*Brings this forcefully back on topic*

As the situation has been resolved, and the word has been put around, I am now locking this thread before it becomes any more off-topic.

Oh, and anyone else in future caught using any terms such as 'Rag Head' will be banned without hesitation.


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