SQF Revive ScriptAI_disabled revive script release version 1.0 Version 1.0 is available from
here (23rd July 2007)
DescriptionFeatures and Options max_no_respawns can_revivemission_end_functionreward_functionteam_kill_functionRespawn dialogsRespawn Dialog sub optionsunconscious_markersunconscious cameracall_out functionrevive timer option. heal_yourself_optionkegetys_spectator_scriptChanges from previous versionImplementationPlease read the latest implementation notes and init.sqf readme in the zip file before using the new scriptsMissions includedAI_disabled_revive_230707 - test mission and version of the script for BLUFOR forces
BugsTestedOn version 1.08 on both dedicated and local servers. Works with JIP.
ThanksSpecial thanks to HulkingUnicorn for his scripting advice, testing and many suggestions
Many thanks also to satexas69, MCPXXL, SNKMAN and sickboy for all their suggestions, advice and support and to all at the BIS forums
Based on concepts by PRiMe, toadlife and Mongoose_84. Also thanks to Chris'OFP editor.
Some of the voice arrray stuff stolen with the permission of SNKMAN from ArmA Group Link II Plus!
And of course thanks to Kegetys for his amazing spectating script and to ViperMaul for his script fix
Good luck,
Latest version of the AI_enabled revive beta Here's a long overdue update to the AI_enabled revive scripts (dated 150707).
Here's the changes:1. Removed the addEventhandlers to improve compatibility with other scripts
2. Removed the blackIn from the onConnect script as it has been interrupting some mission makers intro movies.
Also added the following options to the init.sqf
3. The JIP players now get all unconscious markers placed on their maps when they join. Only if the unconscious_markers options is toggled on of course.
4. Camera options so that it can either focus on the unconscious player or the nearest friendly.
5. Call_out function from the AI_disabled script now implemented
6. Option to toggle on or off the markers showing where the unconscious players are located.
7. Revive action only appears when you are within reviving radius of an unconscious player.
Bugs Sometimes the AI units don't revive when sent to unconscious bodies, I'm not sure why this is but sending a second AI-unit to the unconscious unit may trigger the revive action.
If you spawn into an unconscious group leader when you are revived you may be armed with your secondary weapon. However, when you shoot the rifle on your back fires. The only way I've found to resolve this bug is to respawn and be revived.
Most importantly please make sure you check out the implementation notes and init file readMe in the zip file before using these scripts.In action For a short vid of the AI_enabled script in action from different player perspectives click