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Author Topic: Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)  (Read 2648 times)

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Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« on: 20 Jul 2004, 09:23:02 »
Right, I'm not brilliant on this sorta thing, but I am making a SERIOUS campaign (with ficticious islands, of course;D) and I want my facts to be right. For the most part I think I've got it right, but my Dad just explained to me that the Soviet Union is pretty mucn unofficially all of Russia. And here's me thinking 'Hmmm... I bet those Soviets are just a real big organization of some random origin, that's all!', and in which case, my little background story would work. However, that's NOT the case, and I need some intelligent people to correct my background story.

I suspect this thread will cause a lot of arguments... but meh.

Here's the snippet I want corrected:

Sergei Suvritsky (42): Suvritsky is an infamous and feared figure in amongst the Soviet Union. Even his own people fear him. Whilst not currently the head of the Soviet Union, Suvritsky is in the exact position he wishes to be in. After his father, a high member of the Soviet Union supposedly died of natural causes, Suvritsky was arrested for his murder. Nobody was ever able to prove that Suvritsky did kill his father, and was set free. It still remains a mystery to this day, as no killer has been found. After Suvritsky took his father's place in the Union, Suvritsky self-allocated himself into the Chemical Weapons Division, by pulling some strings. Whilst these chemical weapons had a policy, that they were only able to be used in self-defense of Mother Russia, it was rumored that Suvritsky had double-agents inside American facilities, stealing samples of potentially more powerful gas weapons. When a man claiming to be one of Suvritsky's agents tried to go forward to the Supreme Court in an attempt to bring Suvritsky out of the Union, Suvritsky suddenly went missing. A few days later, Suvritsky reappeared back in his position in the Soviet Union, and the man claiming to be a double-agent, had been mysteriously killed. Suvritsky was then forbidden from entering the Kremlin in any manner whatsoever, as too many crimes related to him, had rendered suspicion on him. Later, more members of the Soviet Union went missing, and people can only guess they were others that were a threat to Suvritsky and his plans. Now, Suvritsky has managed to convince the Soviet Union's leader that reclaiming European Islands that were originally Russian territory is an excellent way of ‘testing Russia's exceptional weaponry without hurting anyone'. Of course, that is completely classified.

There we are  :)

Argue away!

I actually think it would almost be fine if I changed all the "Soviet Union"s to "a socialist union"s, and described 'this socialist union' as a union inside the Soviet Union. Phewph... that's a lot of unions...  


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Re:Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jul 2004, 14:02:08 »
Sounds like a good idea, but just exactly are you going to do action wise? A soviet civil war, a resistance/nato vs soviet campaign (which i'm sorry to say it would be a bit boring!) or a Soviet vs resistance campaign?


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Re:Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« Reply #2 on: 20 Jul 2004, 17:12:24 »
ok i have studied the USSR to some depth and so, as far as i can, you seem to be accurate. a few facts about the Soviet Union:
1) often abbreviated to USSR (as i have above) which stands for union of soviet socialist republics.
2) by the time that it collapsed in 1991, and for much of its history, it had 15 separate republics
3) russia was always the largest of these republics and anything that really mattered in the Soviet Union happened in Russia, where Moscow and St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad) were situated - indeed following the break up, Russia inherited the nuclear arsenal.
4) as far as im aware there were no separate "socialist unions" inside the unions that you talk about but im unclear on what you really meant there...

thats all i can really help you on i think but anything else you think i could help with just ask

Cool Z

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Re:Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« Reply #3 on: 20 Jul 2004, 20:07:38 »
1) often abbreviated to USSR (as i have above) which stands for union of soviet socialist republics.

You're close, but it actually stands for the "Unified Soviet Socialist Republic". Republic should be singular, not plural. The whole thing was the one big republic.

I know you would normally think it's nothing really worth correcting, but I think Shadow99 might want his information to be as accurate as he can possibly get it.

AFAIK, the rest of your info is correct.

@ Shadow99:
When is this campaign of yours set? I don't think you said. This could change a bit of your background.
« Last Edit: 20 Jul 2004, 20:12:21 by Cool Z »

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Re:Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« Reply #4 on: 20 Jul 2004, 21:20:48 »
Bored Onion is perfectly correct, USSR stood for:

"Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics"

All the 'socialist republics' were unified into one.

Much like the US is a union of states.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« Reply #5 on: 21 Jul 2004, 05:33:03 »
Okay let's see.

My campaing is set in 1995, and I forgot about the fact the Soviet Union was really breaking up (already broken up?) by this time. So I'm thinking I just need to elaborate a bit. Soviet Union Remnants are in chaos, but there is a union among them which could replace what this Sergei guy is involved in?

Okay, to put it more clearly:

Sergei's father was in this 'Mafia' type group WITHIN the remnants of the Soviet Union, and Sergei took his place. I could give a name to this Remnant Union I suppose...

Anything that I really need to correct now?

Cool Z

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Re:Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« Reply #6 on: 21 Jul 2004, 05:34:40 »
Seems shadow predicted well when he said there will be arguments.

Yes, many socialist republics were unified into one, with the end result being the unified soviet socialist republic, the one big thing.

AFAIK, it should have already broken up by this time.
« Last Edit: 21 Jul 2004, 05:36:45 by Cool Z »


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Re:Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« Reply #7 on: 21 Jul 2004, 22:20:18 »
not entirely sure on this union (unified) (of) soviet socialist republic(s) thingy but i do know that there were 15 separate republics to the soviet union.
however, it is not entirely un-Soviet like to pretend that they were all one big happy family
check this link in support of my theory for the name:

the Soviet Union broke up in 1991 - any dates (eg. 1995) after that and you would have to make some excuses, i'll leave those up to you.


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Re:Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« Reply #8 on: 25 Jul 2004, 06:54:34 »
So, you've got all the Info now, What are you going to make the mission into? With the Info you have there, it sounds like its going to really rock!  8)

LooseKannon :gunman:     :help:


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Re:Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« Reply #9 on: 28 Jul 2004, 06:52:32 »
The story's good, yeah... (I write a lot of fanfictions) but I'm only a mediocre OFP Editor.


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Re:Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« Reply #10 on: 24 Aug 2004, 05:48:39 »
Dude! that Suvritsky guy would not even have a trial. In the old Union, it cost hundreds of dollars for a single trial. Bullets cost 15-20 cents. He would probably take or long trip to a gulag, or maybe even become  "nonperson".


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Re:Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« Reply #11 on: 24 Aug 2004, 21:42:44 »
That idea sounds pretty cool, about the date if this Suvritsky fella went to kremlin then it sounds like it should be before the break up (1991) and he could go rebelious in the power vacume after the USSR split up. Just an idea.



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Re:Russian Facts (For people who know their stuff)
« Reply #12 on: 26 Aug 2004, 18:58:21 »
yeah except there wasnt much of a vacuum, they just handed over to Yeltsin

and if you make Yeltsin non - existant you can argue it never would have broken up...