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Author Topic: Project : UK Forces  (Read 54912 times)

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #15 on: 11 Nov 2002, 12:00:56 »
i always did enjoy your UK Troops bibmi. The paras were my fav.


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #16 on: 11 Nov 2002, 13:39:12 »
Very nice, most impressed.


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #17 on: 11 Nov 2002, 16:12:55 »
I wonder why the british adopted the half cut style and not the full ear covering type, I wore all the russian kevlar helmet, russian titanium helmet, US kevlar helmet, and the british half cut helmet (I got to wore the russian helmet when I went to japan and found a surplus shop there,,, I was amazed with there crazedness.... they had everything,,, but a bit expensive) and all of them didn't really have a big difference like the hearing abilities.  I think the british helmet had a disadvantage against the oponent just because they didn't have the ear covering, I didn't want any grenade going off near me or any shrapneil or a coral rock flying towards me without any of those ear coverings....

I can't wait until you release that addon with your US Spec Ops.  Woohoo coallition between US and UK, one of the longest and strongest if not the most.  But why is it that I often hear british guyz always talking sarcastic about the US guyz.. I thought we're friends.  One of the best and closest....

Anyone have the reason?

Offline vade_101

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #18 on: 11 Nov 2002, 16:42:43 »
Well the British army does have a long a distinguished history of being very rude (or at the very least very sarcastic) about everyone (and if no foreign nationals are present they are quite happy to be rude about other regiments/corps in their own army).

And the "coalition" between the US and the UK isn't all that old (well by UK standards anyway, given that we have regiments that are older that the USA). The last time we nearly had a "shooting war" was as recently as the 1860's (over canada) and it wasn't until the first world war that relations really started to improve.


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #19 on: 11 Nov 2002, 18:32:41 »
heres a pic of a retextured c-130 bibmi might be able to use for a start point you prob seen it but here it is, only reason i dont release it because i cant get the sound to work.

« Last Edit: 11 Nov 2002, 18:36:51 by Raiden »


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #20 on: 12 Nov 2002, 12:33:38 »
It's not just the British Army, I'm sure that other armys of MEDCs (More Economically Developed Countrys). Definately the yanks. But it is true about us Brits though. At Army Cadets we make jokes on how they're "over-paid", "over-sexed", "over-equiped", and "under-trained"(but thank God not over here in the UK).

But I say one thing about them, they under trained. When I read the book Close Quarters Combat by Mike Curtis, he went on a exercise to Fort Bragg with Delta Force. There mission was a mock up hostage rescue in the Florida swamps, they completed the mission but they were then ordered to get out of the heli and that they were now OTR behind enemy lines. They had to evade the 82nd Airborne Division, and escape to an RV 100km from their original positon. Out of 16 SAS 14 made it to the RV, out of 16 Delta force only 2 made it to the RV. I think that expalins it all.

Does anyone disagree?      

Offline vade_101

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #21 on: 12 Nov 2002, 14:43:42 »
Personally my view on that would be that they are trained for quite different roles. the SAS are far more likely to have to spend long periods surviving and observing behind enemy lines than Delta (who seem to be more of specialised "hit squad"). and as such their skills are going to be in different areas.

US Special forces tend to be more specialised than the SAS who have a staggering number of roles. Combining the roles of units such as Marine Force Recon, Special Force ("Green Berets"), Delta etc. in a unit that is a fraction of the size of any of them. It isn't really a case of who is better given that you are not comparing like with like.

The SAS and SBS also have the advantage of a unparalelled number of active operations (Borneo, Malaya, Aden, Radfan, Oman, Vietnam, Northern Ireland, Kenya, Somalia, Falklands ,Iraq, Yugoslavia, Sierra Leone, Afgahistan and im sure many that we haven't heard about) that have all contributed to the skills pool that the SAS possess. The fact that US Special Forces "Fell out of fashion" after vietnam means that lost a lot of that experience and those skills.


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #22 on: 12 Nov 2002, 16:00:07 »
umm...guys...lets not allow for the potential of this turning into a general discussion of Special Forces...they inevitably turn into flame wars...


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #23 on: 12 Nov 2002, 16:37:38 »
agreed what is the progress of the work any updates? ;)


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #24 on: 12 Nov 2002, 19:01:53 »
Ya.  I heard that SAS and SBS is an all mighty perpose special force but is not specialized in "ONE" single type of operation.  I heard that the delta force specializes in hostage rescue, green beret specializes on anti guerilla warfares, Seals specializes in under water demolitions and water to land 2 day to 4 day operations, airforce PJ's specializes on hostage rescue (was it) and supports to other special forces, Marine Force Recon specializes in ofcourse recon and intelligence gathering behind enemy lines.  The US military selects and sends in the special force that they think will best fit the mission.  Some times they are sent in together like in Somalia.

So is it really possible to compare the UK SPEC FORCE, and US SPEC FORCE?  My personal answer is no because though the Delta is using the same kind of qualification standard as the SAS, they are trained for a different perpose.  Same goes to the other special forces.

I hate it when ever I hear people comparing their special forces with others because everyone tends to think of their special forces as the best and it causes flame war.  So lets make a rule.  Never to compare special forces unless it is domestic.  Like the SAS and SBS.  Seals, Delta, GB, PJs, and MFR. Spetnaz and B-Spetnaz.  You understand right?

Actually I don't think that is really a good idea since they are all the guyz who are protecting our freedom and lifes.  Let's just stop judging and comparing.  We should just concentrate on the quality and realism of the "ADDON".

Ferret Fangs

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #25 on: 12 Nov 2002, 19:55:42 »
I certainly appreciate the diplomacy in your post, much could be said of the wisdom- or lack thereof- of some people on these forums. However, I think you touched on something that is largely overlooked by people... mostly because it just not talked about. The US SOCCOM is a combined force, comprised of many specialized components. They are tasked to a mission based on their specialization, and capabilities.
Other nations, which do not have such a diverse selection of SPECOPS units, must make do with whatever they do have, or ask for foreign military assistance.
It simply comes down to money, men and material. Given a major crisis in American territory, or area of operations, we'll send everything we have in our inventory to make sure the mission gets done. Period. It's ( Supposed to ) allows for a much smoother operation and diverse capabilities to be brought to bare using the most appriate force. If something goes wrong, we then have additional options available. Having a back-up force, or emergency response assets available, when our ass is in a sling might make all the difference in whether or not some people come home. An operation that could have little or no friendly casulties could spiral into hundreds of needless deaths if something gets cocked-up.
In any case, anyone who would cast doubts on the capabities of these guys obviously hasn't been killed by them.
« Last Edit: 12 Nov 2002, 20:03:11 by Ferret Fangs »


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #26 on: 12 Nov 2002, 20:59:38 »
umm... *cough--*  ;)


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #27 on: 12 Nov 2002, 21:24:08 »
Bibmi what are the other units you are planning to make?
I for one would prefer to just  have one 'helmet model 'represent all of the  infantry regiments from the UK, there is no need to go and represent every different one with a different beret and cap badge.
But i think the Parachute Regiment and Royal Marines deserve
their own model with a coloured beret respectively, as i can see you have done.
Regards special forces, please dont go making SAS units with a sand coloured beret, it will look crap lol. Maybe have them with a 'Shemagh' (or face veil) wrapped round their face or head or have them with Jungle boonie hats or Woollen/ balaclavas  head gear. Alot of the old boys from the paras wear an army issue baseball like cap, but with the peak cut off, looks good.
By the way, i think if you have made a 'Bergen' back pack, its too small, looks more like a day sack, needs to be much bigger if its meant to be a bergen.

Im so tempted to get involved in the debate about the Uk SF v USA SF, but i will resist the temptation this time .... :P


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #28 on: 12 Nov 2002, 21:54:26 »
something like this:

they are just plain british infantry, although both pictures show soldiers from the 2nd battalion royal anglians, which trace their origins back to 1685 as infantry, so if you want to model it on someone their probably as good as any, also berets probably arent too good an idea, going into battle with a beret on your head is probably not the cleverest things to do, out of all the photos ive seen of people on excercises/peace keeping, they are always wearing helmets although, sometimes missing trousers :P

Ferret Fangs

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #29 on: 12 Nov 2002, 22:27:34 »
Missing trousers...?
Well, what were they wearing, Speedo's and sarongs?;D
I've heard of Delta/ISA and Seals/DEVGRU wearing jeans...