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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint.  (Read 10100 times)

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(Review Completed) [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint.
« on: 27 May 2007, 01:58:26 »

A little bit about the mission itself
Its short mision... shud b played in less dan 15 mins... playing da east side and assualting an US checkpoint... or meybe dis r oder sides... u decide :P

What role the player will have
Comanding 2 soldier group (Player + Squadmate) on da way 2 attack

Single Player or Multiplayer (and if MP, which type)

Which island

Version of ArmA required
I made it on 1.07 beta... so dat shud be it

Size of zip file

Any specific points you want people to consider
1) after u play da mision i wanna know what u think bout da time da reinforcments take 2 arrive...
2) did you encounter any of da "secret" objectives ? need more hints 4 em ?
3) did you succed in takin a POW ? was it hard/easy/nything else ?

Full details of any addons

I hope you have fun w/ it :D

« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2008, 11:56:33 by Cheetah »
"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline smoke52

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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. ALPHA version
« Reply #1 on: 27 May 2007, 13:13:09 »
intro is pretty good when it works, but its a little buggy. like a few times the civilian only shoots one time before he dies or he gets shot walks backward more then dies or the sounds cut out when the US soldier shoots a couple more rounds into his dead body. also it doesnt really tie into the starting of the mission, explain a little more who that guy that died was and how it ties into you attacking the checkpoint for a POW.

to the point. few spelling errors but nothing bad. its still in ALPHA stage after all.

1. if i jump into the car the mission ends right away  :P
2. each time (3 times) the 3rd guy joined my squad he dies right away...is it one of the US soldiers? if so he should be hiding in the tent. also i think you need to add some kind of check to see if the POW is alive or not and then exec the script that makes him join you. thats why i think hes joining my squad then dying (i killed everyone at the checkpoint :whistle:)

edit: play it again and i left one guy alive, so ignore what i said

3. assault checkpoint doesnt get checked off until i get into the 4x4. maybe make it when you kill all the guys around the checkpoint.
4. backup never came, one time a blackhawk flew around about 250meters away around the HMMV's and M113.

edit: backup came this time and it was fast, i think i got mowed down by the blackhawk, i would delay it another 5 secs at most.

5. i would just put all the guards on careless, its looks a little wierd when they keep repeating that one animation.
6. sometimes the guards get alerted early, im not sure if it was because i was spotted or not though.
7. couldnt find any clues to secret objectives

a basic one would do. show the destruction of the checkpoint, then cut to a view of the player driving away. you could throw some camera movement in there or something, but definitely have it show the player driving away before it ends ;)

1. maybe make it a longer mission by using that farm house just up the road. make the player have to go there for a POW or something.
2. each time i played i went into the castle right in front where you start and sat there picking off each guy until theres one left then i ran down, got the POW and ran up to my truck to end the mission. try and encourage the player to get closer to the checkpoint before the diversion happens by maybe making it darker out, not fully night time but just when the sun is going down.
« Last Edit: 27 May 2007, 13:36:04 by smoke52 »

Offline Cheetah

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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. ALPHA version
« Reply #2 on: 27 May 2007, 14:30:08 »
Fida'i - Checkpoin


The image is pretty good, could use a border though. "Five Minutes" -> "Five minutes", and at the end of the text there should be a dot.


A rather short intro, scripted pretty well. The blackin/outs should be adjusted, they don't feel timed well.
You should take a look at the camere angles, right now they can be improved.


"shoiuld" -> "should"
"my contacts" -> "My contacts"
"orginaizing " -> "organizing"
"proably" ->" probably"

"finnaly" -> "finally"
"freinds"-> "friends"
"comminication" -> "communication"

There is no weapon selection, which is good because we've recently aquired our weapons. From the briefing I assume that the radio has to be destroyed, I tried to do that but had no time as I was busy taking a POW which took me quite a number of tries. So I think delaying the reinforcements is a good thing.

The objectives have links, though I recommend adding some text to the markers. Especially the checkpoint marker.
As noted, the objectives work, but only upon going inside the car the "clear the checkpoint" marker gets ticked off if you take a POW with you.


Why are we SLA instead of Civilans? You've scripted the checkpoint stuff pretty good, looks quite realistic. The layout of the outpost is fine, although not perfect. It is too dense for me, too many objects inside.

The distraction is predictable, enjoyable , but not too effective. He blew up every time before shooting and took only one soldier with him. That makes it a lot harder for the player.

Reinforcements arrive too soon for me, especially the chopper which is visible if the player decides to flank the outpost by going to the other side of the castle. Please let the chopper come from farther away, because once he arrives he is quite lethal with that Machine gun. Did you use some kind of script to make him more effective?

The chopper crashes into the castle once, I tried hiding next to it, then boom. Chopper down.

Taking a POW is quite easy once you know how to do it, that is eliminating all but one soldier.


This mission is quite enjoyable, but a few things have to be fixed / improved in order to make the mission feel more polished. I wouldn't say that this mission is a Alpha, unless if you intend to add more objectives. It definitely feels like a beta version to me.
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Offline LCD

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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. ALPHA version
« Reply #3 on: 27 May 2007, 23:34:06 »
Thx both of u :D

@ smoke :-

intro : it have 2 b da engines fault... 4 i am perfect ;)  :D
but a good mision maker overcomes da engine... so i will look into dat nd fix

Mision :
1) ill solve dat :P
2) its ur responsibility 2 keep da POW alive... ill mention dat he gotta b alive 2 count as POW in da breifing or somin like dat :P ;)
3) actually i want da p[layer 2 b able 2 run away anytime he wants... if he feels da reinfocments r coming he can run away...
4) u r suposed to pull back b4 backup arrives... so its ok it kills u... but i think ill push da timing back a lil
5) i want dem 2 b in animation... its not natural 2 b standing alert all da time... i think ill keep like dat...
6) if dey were its cuz u were spotted... dey r all on careless... so dey wudnt attack unless i scripted em 2 do...

1) i actually wan da mision 2 b dat long :D
2) i will make it lil harder 2 just snipe every1 from dere

@ Cheetah

intro - will work on dat

Why are we SLA instead of Civilans? You've scripted the checkpoint stuff pretty good, looks quite realistic. The layout of the outpost is fine, although not perfect. It is too dense for me, too many objects inside.

will change 2 civies on next version... bout da outpos layout, i cant think of nything 2 remove... if u have ny suggestions ?

The distraction is predictable, enjoyable , but not too effective. He blew up every time before shooting and took only one soldier with him. That makes it a lot harder for the player.

its shud not b very much of assistance... he wont pass da guards check nyway... so dats probably da best he can do ?... if he waits till shoting starts da soldiers wont like a civie running toward em during an attack and will shot him

Reinforcements arrive too soon for me, especially the chopper which is visible if the player decides to flank the outpost by going to the other side of the castle. Please let the chopper come from farther away, because once he arrives he is quite lethal with that Machine gun. Did you use some kind of script to make him more effective?

will make em further away... i didnt touch da chopper w/ no scripting

The chopper crashes into the castle once, I tried hiding next to it, then boom. Chopper down.

lol  :cool2: accidents do happen

Taking a POW is quite easy once you know how to do it, that is eliminating all but one soldier.

yeah... so it is... i do want you to get da pow after all :P

This mission is quite enjoyable, but a few things have to be fixed / improved in order to make the mission feel more polished. I wouldn't say that this mission is a Alpha, unless if you intend to add more objectives. It definitely feels like a beta version to me.

i said its alpha cuz i didnt have time to test it more dan 3 times b4 posting... my comp being broken n all... so i wasnt sure everything is working :D

From the briefing I assume that the radio has to be destroyed

it shud b destroyed 1st thing... b4 a soldier can run 2 it and call reinforcments... so u have 2 locate it nd snipe it just as ur diversion explodes....

well next version will probably include outro and outro loose... and all those fixes mentioned

thx all for betaing again

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. BETA version - UPDATED 30/5/07
« Reply #4 on: 30 May 2007, 02:15:06 »
UPLOADED now version 2 1st post

have fun  :cool2: :good:

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline Nixer6

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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. BETA version - UPDATED 30/5/07
« Reply #5 on: 30 May 2007, 03:16:42 »
I really like your choice of time of day. Great atmosphere and still decent visibility.

The outro kind of lost me....is the downing of the helo connected with the prisoner?

And I couldn't get my brother (2) to stay in hold fire mode.

PS It works in 1.06 also. I have the first 1.07 beta, but I can't install the second "fix", and I have a 8800 GTX so I avoid 1.07 most of the time.
Why do I have to be a Rocket Scientist to make a good mission?

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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. BETA version - UPDATED 30/5/07
« Reply #6 on: 30 May 2007, 06:31:52 »
did everything work right then ? thx 4 checking it nixer ;) :D

um... da chopper is suposed 2 chase da player... ill make it more undersnatndable next time :D

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline smoke52

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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. BETA version - UPDATED 30/5/07
« Reply #7 on: 31 May 2007, 03:52:29 »
played this again and i like the changes.

first time i hung around the rocks that are towards where the backup comes from. my teammate didnt hold his fire and gave us away (might have been my fault since i took us off hold fire then put it back on), but the distraction didnt blow up. also because i was given away i had to pick off all of the enemy and no radio signal was given.

second time i ran all the way to the end of the hill near the other castle, used my binocs and saw the heli/apc sitting on the road. then i went down the hill and attacked from the direction the reinforcements would come from. again i killed everyone....there were two guys left and they were outside the checkpoint area. i killed the one and the other started shooting at me so i had to kill him...mission failed again and no backup came. also i found the explosives in the crate both times, so the problems i ran into:

i cant extract using the truck if i kill everyone and no backup came...there needs to be a trigger or something that checks when all the guys in the camp are dead the mission fails or unlocks the truck so you can extract still and maybe set the reinforcements in motion when they all die.

1. is the radio the one on the barrels near the ammo crate? if so you should change it to the other military radio :)
2. the guys sitting around the camp fire were using their NV goggles, maybe just remove the goggles away from those two or three guys
3. i like the barrier :D you dont need all the signs and stuff though, just the concrete wall would be fine.
4. spelling errors still in the briefing and words get cut off at the end of the page, just add an extra space or two before that word.
5. you could hide the heli, apc, etc farther back and set them to go off earlier or when a certain amount of guys die at the checkpoint.

just played it another time....this time was pretty funny...killed all the guys except one in the checkpoint area, after about 30 secs he finally gave up and joined me. i went and grabbed the explosives and planted them. next ran to my truck to extract since everything was done. i jumped in and nothing happened. i told 2 and 3 to get in, 3 couldnt because theres only 2 seats. me and 2 were in the truck and the mission still didnt end. i told 2 to get out and 3 to get in....once he did 2 shot and killed me! then unloaded 3 MORE clips into my dead body...3 got out and got in the driver seat of the truck and started driving somewhere....so i quit there.

oh yeah and no back up came.
« Last Edit: 31 May 2007, 04:18:08 by smoke52 »

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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. BETA version - UPDATED 30/5/07
« Reply #8 on: 31 May 2007, 08:11:38 »
baah... i runied it instead of fixing it  ::)

thx 4 beta testing... ill fix it asap :D

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. BETA version - UPDATED 31/5
« Reply #9 on: 31 May 2007, 10:11:15 »
i fixed da reinforcments and lock and ending tings :D

as or suggestions

1) i wanted but da military radio is not a real object (check it in editor if u want)
2) good idea...
3) i like dat barrier... im keepin it
4) i donno bout spellin (ill have som1 one checkin it) but da breifin looks fine on my comp  :dunno:
5) i hid em really far now

thx 4 testin it... already updated da mision

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline smoke52

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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. BETA version - UPDATED 31/5
« Reply #10 on: 31 May 2007, 10:27:04 »
1. you cant use the "radio (rt-254)" ?
4. im doing briefings for the OTK missions, translating it by fixing the spelling and words, so i could fix them ;)
and i guess the briefing is probably messed up on mine because im running a widescreen resolution.

ill go test the new version later

prisioner = prisoner

reinforcments = reinforcements
...all we need is to shot = ...all we need is to shoot

...hold of this weapons = ...hold of the weapons
baragining = bargaining
concetrate = concentrate
prisioner = prisoner
...from what i understood = ...from what i understand
reinforcments = reinforcements
minuets = minutes
understood = understand
« Last Edit: 31 May 2007, 12:49:52 by smoke52 »

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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. BETA version - UPDATED 31/5
« Reply #11 on: 31 May 2007, 10:33:05 »
thx d00d

1) cant... check it in da editor it have model but its not real (u cant shot it + u can move thro it)
4) if u can help w/ dat... itll b wonderfull

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Offline dmakatra

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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. BETA version - UPDATED 31/5
« Reply #12 on: 31 May 2007, 18:10:17 »
Oh, bollocks mate. How do you expect me to keep my promise of always betaing your missions when you and make them in ArmA? Rest assured this'll be the first mission I'll try when/if I get hold of the bloody game. :)

By the way, you still have that klop/klob/klub/club/whatever it was?


Oh, and,

*Gets Shot*

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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. BETA version - UPDATED 31/5
« Reply #13 on: 31 May 2007, 23:05:21 »
heres an ugly face u dont c everyday  :D

glad 2 hear from ya armsty... comin back 2 OFPEC u  ?  :cool2:  :good: or u stil active in da old forums  :no: go n buy new game... its tasty  :yes:

of course my klop is open :D

« Last Edit: 31 May 2007, 23:20:29 by LCD »
"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re: [SP] Fida'i - Checkpoint. BETA version - UPDATED 5/6
« Reply #14 on: 05 Jun 2007, 01:29:33 »
new ver... hopefully itll get tested

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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