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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [CAMP] Grunt ONE (OUC 2)  (Read 30686 times)

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Offline schuler

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #45 on: 16 May 2007, 13:46:50 »
yes it just sets there nothing happens,,, i can hit it with the jeep or blow it up and try to run from the gas and thats it,,,
ive walked all around it nothing happens. like i said before do you think ive not triggered the sqs to be able to pick it up?
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Offline Mandoble

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #46 on: 16 May 2007, 13:50:42 »
Before I'm able to check the trigger controlling second warhead (at office now) you may try to change terrail detail to high and move quite close to that box, may be the terrain detail makes your unit to be a bit farther (higher over the ground) than needed. BTW, kill also that agent, after all, it is an enemy terrorist :P

Offline schuler

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #47 on: 16 May 2007, 13:59:58 »
thanks,,,, i'll kill the agent no worrys,,, "get back to work!!!!" :D let you know what happens later on, cheers Schuler
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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #48 on: 16 May 2007, 14:33:51 »
terrain detail to high and very high ,,, and prone,,, no change :( ,  funny thing i did try and i dont think its part of the game that you thought would happen,,,, what i did? , i blow up the warhead and sat in the hagger and healed my self over and over again at the MASH cabiet ,,, the gas is gone the warhead is gone and iam still alive,,, but  :P :P but what now?,, i didnt savegame , just though it was funny,,,,  :cool2: have a look at the trigger on the warhead and get back to me,thanks,  best regards Schuler
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Offline Mandoble

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #49 on: 16 May 2007, 19:11:55 »
Ok, the trigger is activated when:
- player is closer than 2m from trigger's center AND
- player is closer than 10m from second box.

supposedly, the enemy agent deposits the box in the center of the hangar, where the trigger is placed, but if he didnt (he placed the warhead slight to the left/right/up/down the center, you may try to walk around the center of the hangar and trying to keep closer than 10m to the box. That will trigger vitaly's radio messages guiding you to Kvilda church.

Offline schuler

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #50 on: 17 May 2007, 14:07:00 »
i got it but iam not sure if i did it the right way. i had to move the box back to the hagger useing a truck. then the gas leaked, so i saved myself at the healing mash cabinet. i have the box and the mesage to go to Kvilda. ive made it to the main island but i have no map. at the moment iam trying to use the map you posted. also i found a church with 3 dead guys there. did the gas kill them? did i mess the game up by setting off the gas? cheers schuler
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Offline Mandoble

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #51 on: 17 May 2007, 14:29:14 »
Didnt you recover the updated Nogova's map at Lipany?  :blink: Were you driving all the mission without that map?  :blink:

Well, yes, the gas has a big big range and enough duration to kill anyone, it will kill also units at Kvilda. These three men were the ones waiting for you, two near the church door and Vitaly inside near the altar. So you gassed them all  :D

Something I dont get, the box was in the hangar so why were you forced to return it to the hangar using a truck? And, if no enemies were left firing at your truck, why is that the warhead was damaged? Did you crash the truck?

Offline schuler

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #52 on: 17 May 2007, 15:36:03 »
lol yes i got the map. i dont know what happened to the map after the gas. yes i killed the guys at the church. but they left me their truck, i drove the truck to lipany to get a new map but i think the girls are mad at me for killing everyone  :)  it wasnt easy driving all the hills and trees but i found Davele [the town with the bridge] then i knew where i was at and then found Lipany,,,,,, ive now been arrested for forceing a lock on a truck  :whistle: i think i'll set in jail for a bit with my dammaged warhead and then skip to the next mission. i dont know how i goofed it all up but it kinda makes me laugh :D ,,,, also the box was not in the hanger, something must have gone wrong, the trigger didnt work because the box was in the wrong spot,, i dont think you planed for someone like me to set the gas off and heal themselfs over and over again by the MASH kit in the hagger  ;)  i couldnt push the box myself so i pushed it with the truck to get it closer to the hangar :P ,,,,if you hit it to hard with the truck it goes off ,,,, funny stuff huh? :blink:
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Offline Mandoble

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #53 on: 17 May 2007, 17:55:05 »
 :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: ROFLOL What a full experience  :D
Well, dont want to even imagine what are you going to do with the warhead inside a truck in the next mission  :whistle:

All in all, you did most if not all what's pending to be done in that mission, if you still experience any problem finishing it, just use the "Skip" radio option, there is nothing left there.

Offline schuler

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #54 on: 18 May 2007, 05:24:15 »
lol its all in good fun, i think i'll try and wipe out some gards at the old jail. just for some more points  :D and then skip on. one thing about your champaigns, each mission is like a champaign! talk to ya in a few days.

    EDIT  mission end, score 500 and a star  :) 42 kills and 2 civlians
« Last Edit: 18 May 2007, 05:47:47 by schuler »
Semper Fi

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #55 on: 21 May 2007, 17:53:54 »
Otherwize i experienced a lot of bad things by using the EditorUpgrade103.
For example, it makes a mess in the Mission Editor ... Some orginal BIS addons disappeared or appeared at different places. It seems the classification has been changed. Worst it replaced objects by others in my own missions.
The classification by EU-XXXXXXX has disappeared, it was very useful... This was brought by the EditorUpgrade102 ... No more in EU103 Â Angry
Now i've finished Grunt One; i put back my old EU1.X.X and objectX.pbo... The only thing i disagree is the lost of the lights included in EU103 :'(
I'll try to extract them to independant file.pbo...

not one single item of any of the official models or addons from BI is changed altered bashed ammended or fiddled with by ANY of the Editor102.pbos. THis includes the orginal kegetys, gunslinger, barron, and myself.

Kegs used interesting 'classifications' like AAA111 for a house, I use ED102_BROWN_HOUSE as a little more descriptive when an author is trying to figure out what to put in his mission. It is true, that ED103 attempts to re-classify or at least re-group rocks, into, well, rocks. The other changes you noted have, afaik, been welcomed by other authors in the config.cpp where a descipitve name like 'house' is used in the class statement rather than ZXY711

using objectX pbo, specifcally object2, will in most cases confuse the engine when other addons are present. notably the ags industrials. At the time of it's creation way back when, not much was known about the inter-relationships of addons, and mistakes were made. The addon you appear to be fond of, lasted approximately one week, before gunslinger merged ALL of those objects into his original 1.02. If you mix object one, with *ANY* of the 1.02 addons, the engine will get confused. Garanteed.

Am not sure what you mean by the loss of lights in EU103, afaik, ED102 is the only editor addon out there to include them.

what you might not be aware of is the 102 family of addons are unique in that they dont, themselves, contain any models at all, simply references to already existing models that were never externalised for public view.

having released 103 mid last year, with all honour and glory going to General Barron, not me, I am unaware of *any* compatibility issues . Most people would, I think, prefer a single one-stop shop than the five addons it replaces (and which cannot co-exist with each other anyway)
Just say no to bugz

Offline DrKissinger1

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #56 on: 22 May 2007, 07:10:25 »
Greetings Mandoble, quite a campaign you've got here! I've been enjoying myself quite a bit. The first level robbery was certainly a change of pace and very well done. Anyway, I have a couple of questions:

1. Back in The Forest mission, I managed to follow the fires out to the old cabin where I get the task to find the lonely girl. However, it seems that the fires stop, as the forest cuts off shortly further south. If I leave the forest, I find the holy water at the church and a boundary. No idea where to go from here. Am I just supposed to wander around the woods some more? I skipped the mission anyway, but I'd like to go back and finish it properly.

2. I'm currently on the Everon Coup level, and I'm definitely excited about the size of this thing (reminiscent of Abandoned Armies, a little bit). Attacking Meaux is rather difficult without taking heavy casualties, because there's no real angle of attack that lets you bushwhack the enemy all at once. Attacking from the West might make this possible, but that's quite a detour from the insertion point in the forest. I did manage to take the town from the east with minimal casualties, but only by abusing the savegame cheat and lots of loads. Is there any "ideal" way to go about it? There's 3 or 4 separate squads in the town, if I'm not mistaken, and most of them have lots of good cover behind the buildings. They usually manage to spot me while I'm taking one of them down.

2. Just a minor fix. The mission tells you to mine the west road out of town, but the tanks show up on the north road.

3. I managed to free the Loyalists, take out the incoming tanks, and defend Meaux from the incoming squad from the south. My official orders are to wait for the M60s to arrive, but they arrived some 15 minutes ago. They skirmished with some BMPs from Tyrone, and they're parked on the south side of town. I got a transmission saying that the other general has arrived at the airport and dropped off an Abrams squadron, but they're just sitting up there. I got bored waiting for new orders from OGRE, since the M60s had been here for almost 20 minutes, so I took my squad and mopped up the last few soldiers in Tyrone that the M60s didn't squish from afar. I've taken St. Philippe, Meaux, and Tyrone, but my orders still tell me to wait in Meaux for the M60s. Am I supposed to go on to capture Gravette? Or is something stuck?

Offline Mandoble

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #57 on: 22 May 2007, 10:26:32 »
1. You dont need to follow the fires in the forest :P They are there just to confuse you, you were ordered to investigate sounds comming from the South, so just go South, you'll find near the South boundary of the forest a house with misterious lights, aproach it and talk with the owner. Then locate the girl wanding by the forest (guide yourself by her screams), you will get further instructions. Then you will be able to open the tree barrier near the church and proceed to the Southern part of the area to continue with the mission.

2. When you exit the forest after your insertion point, you'll find a big barn and a hut nearby, group your men there and examine the town. You'll find a sniper in the church tower, try to kill it and wait there for enemies comming out the town looking for you. You'll be able to kill many this way. Then proceed to Meaux and be ready to lose half of your men in the process. No big deal if you free the loyalists, as they will join you later if there is any slot free in your group.

3. The mine message is refering to two roads comming both from the North or Meaux, so you need to mine the one to the West of the other.

4. Seems the M60 gunners didnt do a great job there. The condition to proceed is the following:
(damage bmp1 > 0.7) && (damage bmp2 > 0.7) && (damage bmp3 > 0.7)
So, it seems some of these bmps are not even nearly destroyed. May be a lucky hit from a M60 forced the crew of a BMP to get out it, but leaving the BMP only slightly damaged.

EDIT: A last tip for Everon. While you are at Meaux repelling the enemy BMPs, an enemy large armoured column will flank you and form up to assault the airport. So, when you get the order to return to defend the airport (surviving M60 will retreat to the airport too), try to get there at full speed, go to the Northern boundary of the airport while dodging enemy tank fire and distribute your men as quick as possible in the empty Abrams. If the airport falls in enemy hands, the mission will be lost.
« Last Edit: 22 May 2007, 12:35:56 by Mandoble »

Offline DrKissinger1

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #58 on: 22 May 2007, 19:13:53 »
Ah, great! Many thanks. I'll go and blast the BMP shells when I get the chance. Thanks for the tip, too!

Offline Pilot

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Re: Grunt ONE by Mandoble
« Reply #59 on: 22 May 2007, 23:50:59 »
Hey Mandoble, great campaign.  I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far.  I came across a problem, though, in a mission.  I had to skip the mission to take Morton and then defend Montignac.  I successfully took Figari and Morton and pulled back to Montignac as ordered.  There we took on the tanks, and destroyed every tank that came at us, I think around 6-8 or so.  Then the mission didn't do anything.  After waiting 5-10 minutes (maybe as long as 15), I skipped the mission from the radio menu.  My question is, what was supposed to happen?  In the outro it shows we lost, yet I had, up to that point, successfully completed the mission.  What was supposed to happen that didn't?

