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Offline 456820

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Operation Not Enough
« on: 21 May 2005, 18:15:00 »
Okay another mission from my campaign wich isnt really called Operation Not Enough its just Not Enough but i prefer the other name Anyway its mission 9, Has had testing before and has also been released into the Missions dpot beofre but i have done some editing hear and there and now im just checking if ive managed to included any error's by mistake so im only looking for a one or 2 tests.
Got an 8/10 from the missions depot

- Several changes whole mission should be alot more random.
- A new ai position script has been added bassically makes units crouch behing a sandbag and allows them to fire over the top of it.
- Should be a lot harder
- Intro has been very slightly changed
- And a brand new custom death cam also using both of bis's death cams wich are rendomly selected.
- Weather
- and tweaked ai

- Intro
- Outro
- Custom sound and radio files
- Blaco's fixed pos script included as well as my own
- Custom death cam.

- No addons needed
- Made in Ofp V1.96 hasnt been tested in other versions shold work in lower though.
- File size 512Kb

                                GET IT HERE                GET IT HERE            GET IT HERE

EDIT - It extracts to "missions" folder for you so just extract it to the operation flashpoint directory and it should go straight into the missions folder.

Things to look forward to in later versions
- Outro lose (if you shoot to many west units instead of them killing you goes to a new screen)
- Outro will be edited and made a bit longer
- More Ai hiding behind sand bags in buildings and so on

« Last Edit: 24 May 2005, 18:36:18 by 456820 »

Offline wcrvieira

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #1 on: 21 May 2005, 19:25:01 »
Well 456820!!!

I am really anxious to play your campaign... I am gonna have lots of fun!!
Still dunno if I played any of your missions... but forgive me for not playing your missions but if I play them now I won't be surprised and like the campaign!! ;)

But well I am gonna give this one a try so Ill post a review after ok? :P


Offline wcrvieira

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #2 on: 23 May 2005, 17:24:54 »
Hi there!

Sorry this must be quick!
I couldnt even play it for 5mins...
As my signature says I am training for more than 3 hours per day!
And now this week I have 4 decisive tests to make in which depends my final grade that must be above 16 (max 20) or byebye university... :(

So sorry but I give you my word of honour that as soon as I can I will play it and post a review!

Cya and Take Care

Offline wcrvieira

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #3 on: 23 May 2005, 18:35:14 »
Well in this 2nd study break I could play it a little:

Specs: OFP 1.96, benchmark 3000 something, Veteran, Super AI

Overview: Nice picture with border still dunno if it refers to my mission role or not but whatever you choose for me is fine. There is no text but like this is a campaign mission no problems here. Next phase!

Intro: I liked this one... I specially loved the map part and the voices... Well done, but one of the voices saying Montignac was kinda funny... :D
Gonna play the mission...

Mission: Again a error saying a addon is missing (bas_ some music i saw somewhere)... but that is not gonna ruin my first review so OK and off we go! :P

Briefing-> Nice but no weapon selection :( (I hate US weapons beside M1911 and M21)

Notes-> Ok... short and nice

now to real mission!

Ran a bit and encountered some ruskies... ohh poor guys they were slaughtered and I even dont know where they were...

Cant play more... ill finish this one later

For now a good mission IMHO!

Cya and Take Care

Offline XCess

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #4 on: 24 May 2005, 04:02:59 »
Saw it uses Blanco's fixed position script and hit download. Will try when i get a chance.

Offline Mikero

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #5 on: 24 May 2005, 06:56:00 »
Have to tell you 456 I was dissapointed with this.

The intro briefing is very good. I like that style a lot. Saves a lot of time wading thru a breifing proper and holds player interest. Very nice indeed, wish more ppl would use this style.

I too got the bas error missing sound at end of intro (it doesn't happen if you skip straight to briefing.

The same problem exists as before and it doesn't look like you did anything to fix it up.

I'm basically waiting around Montignac with the squad looking at the scenery hunting (what I guess is) the last loon bug.

One damaged abrahms made no attampt to repair itself with the repair truck. My #3 is wounded constantly bleating, but my leader says nothing to hiim to medic at the mash tent. Later, much later at x4 inexplicably, he does, regardless.

And, all the vehicles are locked.

Just say no to bugz

Offline Mikero

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #6 on: 24 May 2005, 16:20:05 »
yep, last loon bug.

I was in Montignac (and the fighting before that btw was great)

It dissapointed me because this was exactly the same situation foe me on the 1st version. In the 1st version I actually went of and attacked entre deux by myself, but this time didn't because I had assumed you'd knock this error away.

I searched every house btw, and grenaded every bush, but I think the 'problem' was one of two loons at extreme north outside of town because I knocked some of them over, but obviously not all of them.

I really did like and enjoy that intro-briefing. I hope you make that thematic of your campaign.


if you're not sure about addons slipping in to the missions when they shoudn't, use my beta addon scanner in editor's depot. Am making a new one as we speak to scan pbo's directly.

Just say no to bugz

Offline 456820

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #7 on: 24 May 2005, 18:42:20 »
Okay thanks for all tests so far
new version updated erm the bas music bug hasnt been fixed but will be in next version (anyone know why that might happen)
Less units have been added in Montignac but higher skill level this may fix the "All take cover" bug Mikero seems to be experiencing the thing is ivenever fixed it just made it better i think its a bug in ofp and cant be fixed anyway if you have an answer post it HERE
Erm i think thats it and it looks like its going to need alot more tests than i thought so any kind of test will be apreciated
NEW version on first post

Offline 456820

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #8 on: 24 May 2005, 20:18:26 »
YES I THINK I FIXED THE TAKE COVER THANKS T THOBSON is there anything he cant do lol. anyway it should be fixed in the last version but im going to update it soon wich has one more waypoint so dont get over excited and wait for that version it just keeps the Entre Deux assault more syqronised

Offline wcrvieira

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #9 on: 26 May 2005, 11:37:07 »
OK like you made another version and now I have 35min of rest ill try it!

Review on the way.........

Offline wcrvieira

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #10 on: 26 May 2005, 12:56:05 »
OFP v1.96 addons free, benchmark 5338, Veteran Mode, Super AI disabled (as you used some scripts in this one)

I really want to play your campaign and I am a bit anxious for that so I hope this one can stop it for some time... :D


Picture is nice... with border! It gave it a nice touch indeed.
Well like this is a campaign mission the absence of text its ok. :P

*Vieira presses Play and off he goes...*!


Well I liked this one...
The camera angles dunno if they are the best or not because I cant make intros or cutscenes and I am not very good evaluating visual effects (IMHO).
Well I specially liked the Map part... that is really cool  ;D and the voices were nice too ;)
The officer saying Montignac was really funny.
But the part I didnt like was the lorry part. IMHO i guess you should end intro when that "Operation Enough" happears on the screen.
But very nice in general.

btw: that sound mission i guess it is cassandra music, spacetime from BAS i guess. I listened to it once in a BAS mission.



It is a normal briefing, as I should be!
Very good additional informations.
Very clear to me what is going to be my mission.


Nothing to add here.


As I am a soldier and not leading the gear is acceptable.
I hate US weapons beside M21 and M1911 (wipman's model) but that isnt going to spoil my first review dont worry! ;)

Markers and typos

Every marker did theyr job pretty well and all worked.
No typos found.


So let's go to action.

Ok. Started in the position and followed my leader fearless.
Radio chat was good and music too.
But hell our position was pretty bad we were like sitting ducks... encountered a patrol (i guess) tried to hit them... damn M16 sucks big arse.
My squad almost at the top of the hill stopped and our leader didnt gave us any order ???
Then after 1min he said move to tree. OK! But fuck we were attacked, here started the AIs stupid orders that almost killed all my team.
Saved game when I saw first house of Montignac... 5 secs later happears a mission savegame, well i spent my only savegame for nothing  :(
I stood up! BAM dead!!!
-------------------------------- retry---------------
Started from the savegame, I really liked this part due to enemy realistic response.
But I was hit and needed to prone all the way so I didnt shoot anyone.
Where is the medic??? My leader tells me to go to a heal hospital. ok
I proned for 150m and then my squad moved to entre-deux.
To get back to them quickly I used 4x, well ill be damned, bullets flying near me, what a luck!
Again ambushed, almost all my team was dead due to leader bad orders, like move to bush (crossing the whole firefight). We were flanked and overrid.
OK! np... I am a NBR so I cant have fear... I grabbed a M60 and start spraying "evil" bullets to them. You should have seen the ruskies falling like birds.  :P
OK noone else?I stood up. BAM!!! dead by headshot from a guy taking cover in sandbags!
THIS WAS REALLY AWESOME!!!! I loved seeing them taking cover!
Back to the ambush near entre-deux.
BAM! dead again by PK soldier taking cover!
M***** F***** I am gonna kill that ruskie!
Hehe... picked up LAW and used them against soldiers!! Hope Genebra Convention doesnt forbids that too! :P
Run to bushes ahead... Hit but no medic needed.
Hit again, now I needed medic but no fear! I will go prone as I cant stand.
Advanced and took care of the guys taking cover in sandbags, 3 i guess.
HAHA! Found binocs!
Now I am in entre-deux and noone around, just a M60 stopped and two T55 (i guess) hit.
Mission doesnt end! Did i forgot any russian soldier?

Ill try again when I have time


Didnt end mission so dunno


Great mission.
Loved it! really!
Our position was bad but the fun was getting rid of ambushes and take entre-deux!
Loved the soldiers taking cover... dunno if it is some script or not but nice! :D
Well good mission in general!


Of course ill try to end it!
It gave me a smile... That attack to entre-deux is great!
Report to you later what I may find out of outro!

I liked as it is!
Covered AI in sandbags and that attack to entre-deux made the mission.
Just didnt like the lorry part of intro and the position you started us and the AI leader orders... (the last part isnt your fault, OFP problem  :))
« Last Edit: 26 May 2005, 13:03:35 by PTnbrvieira »

Offline 456820

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #11 on: 26 May 2005, 17:39:16 »
okay then thanks for the review the Si taking cover is not a script my own script well to be truthull its not Proudpotter94 made it but since were both working together on the campaign he lets me use it wich adds alot to a mission basically like blanco's fixed pos script but not as big as its only a few lines lol.
The intro may even be legthened and show them in the town Provins near montignac on there final briefing but might not have to see.
Damn The entre deux forgot to fix that trigger thanks for reminding me, its a trigger wich detects if the a squad is dead but there leader doesnt always appear as i use the percent of being there thing so doesnt give the group a name will be fixed also after that there is a counter attack wich is pretty easy, then the outro wich just shows the us flag.
Thanks for the review alot will fix those problems and also that sound problem even though i dont know how and why its there also what exactly does the bg say?

Offline wcrvieira

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #12 on: 26 May 2005, 17:46:51 »
It says sound missing: bas_spacetime_s

It is Cassandras music!


Offline 456820

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #13 on: 26 May 2005, 19:56:05 »
Cheers i will se how thats getting played and stop it from but im not sure how no triggers are doing it nor wayponts and i doubt it will be in the intro script

Offline Mikero

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #14 on: 27 May 2005, 03:30:06 »
bas_spacetime_s is in your Sensors class as Item1 in the mission.sqm

If you know why or could explain why it isn't listed as part of the addons[]= I can do something about it in my addons scanner utility

Just say no to bugz

Offline sharkyjoe

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #15 on: 27 May 2005, 05:06:41 »
Sorry didnt read others comments. Here is my take on the mission.

Overview- good picture, but write something, palce, time, bad guys...

Intro- Good- I loved it. It went somewhere, gave ya details nice work on the map and markers.  :) Only one probablem at the near the end of intro errror:-Sound bas_spacetime_s not found

Brief- Have the town names hightlight clickable. Second paragragh a big run on sentence. Try..squad. Advance..Montignac. Try keeping ...Bravo, and don't...to. The idea..        
Liked the addtional Info. link.

Notes- i'm not picky but run on sentence here too. try...operation! I didnt ..... I did. However, I did ... Again in notes not that important to me to others it may.

Group-Still a Prvt after 8 mission in a campaign, (No feild promotion?) an Expert Prvt.?? maybe a veteran.

Mission- Begining I felt we had overwhelming odds against East. Took first town, Montignac, easily. I got some shooting in and took out some guys. Didn't Really have time to get myself organized. Leader had shipped off an was engaged in battle for Entre Deux.  By the time I got to the action, most of the Squad had fallen. This was a shooting gallery and my guys were the targets. This is where I died a couple of time and figured I need to flank. By the way good protection on the flanks, it was not easy. :P Finally got smart hit the OFP game's save point before getting shot. Took over Entre Deux, after the sandbags, good touch there :gunman: Then the counter assualt happened and I took command??(West guys appearing from nowhere??) humm strange all but one of my guys were down??.. ok... better this way! So hit my guys prone and spread them out and let laws and the Rogue M1a1 do damage. Mission complete.

18 min., 6360pts, one pearl. Bunch of guys taken down on both sides :(.

Outro- Great, nice quick and to the point. :)

My take is to have a little more East in Montignac, have first-aid available between Montignac and Entre. The feild hospital in Entre didn't heal me?? Give time betweeen Monti and Entre. Let Brain know tha he has gotten replacements/support when the he enters Entre Deux. Good job on this one keep It going ;)
Remember the 7 Ps??--- Proper Previous Planning Prevents Pathetically Poor Performance

Offline 456820

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #16 on: 27 May 2005, 16:26:49 »
thanks for the review sharkyjoe, sounds weird about the field hospital not healing you but if you press 5,4 then you should say im injured than your leader says MEDIC, position #### then an m113 ambulance should come it may of got blown up though,
Anyway more eastern men added and a little follow script so when you get colse to the center bad guys start following oyu around so you get attacked from the rear.
Still a private you say dnt wory cause he gets premoted to a Coporal after this mission then later on on mission 14. an officer and takes control of his own squad.
Anyway thanks for the review ill fix those little problema/bugs with the mission and hopefully should be final mission

Offline Mikero

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #17 on: 28 May 2005, 01:05:38 »
>sounds weird about the field hospital not healing you

I didn't have this specific problem with your mission because I knew to look out for it. However, there appears to be a target area, a zone, on mash tents which is either quite small, or very difficult to get at if the tent is positioned 'awkwardly'. I spotted this on Tarados Qenq's campaign a bit earlier.

I have no idea scripting wise, so I dont know if there's an EnlargeHealingZone= style command. I do know, factually, that unless you look up square bang in the middle of the red cross on some mash tents, you can't get the healing option.

You might check this out yourself by setting yourself wounded and give it a try out.

Just say no to bugz


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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #18 on: 01 Jun 2005, 12:27:41 »
Hi there 456789,

I just downloaded and played it for a short time because I'm at work... anyway:

First I would like to say I like your briefing style!! Especially the intro with the map and those nice markers!! Much more fun than reading! VERY WELL DONE! Good costum sounds!

I did lower my resolution though because it was quite laggy but than again I was downloading also when I played it. Although you shouldnt play this mission on an older pc.

Euh, did I do something wrong or where was the overview?

I have to agree with sharkyjoe that the firsts town was captured a bit too easy! I only shot 2 guys or so and the town was ours?
After that my leader stayed in that town and didnt move? Is this a bug or is it my version (1.46)of ofp on this pc?

I'll play the mission more (also played some other missions of you) and review it more in detail.
But I can already say that your campaign looks promising. Keep up the good work.
« Last Edit: 01 Jun 2005, 12:33:26 by Colossos »

Offline 456820

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Re:Operation Not Enough
« Reply #19 on: 01 Jun 2005, 19:47:46 »
a brand new version will be out tomorrow with all know bugs taken care of so a test or so you can test for any more bugs would be great just wait for the new version somethim tmmorow at 9:30 am GMT total estimate but you know also
some requirements

Addons - none
Ofp version - made in V1.96 and requires the russian officail MM-1 addon wich comes with Red hammer.
PC spec - i have a 1.8GHZ im guessing a 1.4 can handle it satisfactory.