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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Red Tide  (Read 31130 times)

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Offline Mikero

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #60 on: 08 Apr 2005, 07:35:26 »
>ftp freewebs and all

you have to mention this fact on your download page. It affects who's gonna bother. Passive ftp as a setting in the browser will 'get over' this issue. (afaik).

>don't like rar.

fine by me. No biggie by any means.


yes. fine.

>bis resistance

I will look into that for you. It's an editor upgrade / update issue i believe. I *think* it's fixed with objects1. will check later, much later.

>overview pic vs logo.

they don't 'do' for me what they're supposed to. What you have is just fine afaik. I mentioned it as a rounded comment on my ideas on overviews in general. I'm neither right nor wrong.
Just say no to bugz

Offline THobson

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #61 on: 08 Apr 2005, 09:27:15 »
On downloading the mission if I just click on the link it opens a new window but it points to the page I was already looking at.  To get the file I had to copy and past the link into my browser.

Offline Mikero

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #62 on: 08 Apr 2005, 12:17:41 »
Episode 2:

Deep doodoo time

BAH! Shozbot. I'm in the worst bit of doodoo ever. We maul away at horrible things in the 3oclock region, squad is making noises about the fort, gah.

I use up the remaining G30 in panic shots, this is lamb dinner for me and the squad, we're being slaughtered one at a time, 3 at a time, it's hell.

I use my binocs what else could I bloody well do. I'm stuck on my favorite hill and this is not the way I intendend things to be.

Technical note:

my squad are doing what humans do, they fight and scratch. The ai is flanking, charging, hurting, crawling, waypointing away, coming back, the whole episode is what humans do. Both sides. WHY if this is the case does ANYONE use dumbed down troops, non-experts, non-seasoned troops, WHY would anyone use =0 instead of =1. I'm gonna die, but everything is working as it should, my squad aren't looking for contact lenses, the ai isn't going mute into hunt-the-last-soldier syndrome. It is so rare to get a ding dong battle going, This is, as the game should be. You've fallen or tripped over the g-spot of the ofp engine. I hope other authors rip through your mission.sqm to find out what it is. Normally, tanks alter ai behaviour for the worse. It didn't happen. What on earth can I say but bloody well done.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE authors, get into this mission.sqm and find out what the chemistry is. It's a magic number, it isn't some massive piece of scripting, it's just a 'balanced' number.


I surrender.

The music, AGAIN, makes it. It really is tragic. *detested* the "all your fault" that is SO CRASS. Of course it is, it's BLOODY OBVIOUS. I'm feeling quite bad enough thanks, you tripwired here, changed me from wanting to try again, to ummm, should I? The sentence works even better (for me) if you just removed that remark. Dont change a single word if it feels wrong.

I'm not fussed about the timing of the release. Iraqi's during pinch-the-oil part1 were released about 2 weeks later, Germans in Russia weren't released until 1957/9 and some not till 1965. (most) Italians were freed the day Patton hit battle of the bulge.

The darkness spoilt it for me. It's not a black op mission, You can't see the surrender, You can't see the rain, No General is going to commit a full army in that.

various retries. All getting much better, and slippery when wet mouse controls surrender me again. Am not fussed. This is 'ok' But i end in a mess of a full retry. Mostly / entirely my fault, Sore that I wont re-create the hell I fell into.



No sir, no G30 for me, not never again.

start much as before, 1st time i actually notice spetz running to boat, clever.

gloom dark not nearly as noticeable 06:20

This time I leave squad on alert and #2 takes out the entire fort unnassisted plus a few other nasties here and there knocked over be others. Nothing comes near us, #2 knocked everything away > 250 meters

Decide to change tactic (only because I've played the other way a bit too often). decide to drop down to beach. Thought in mind of facing reinforcements from fort. Knock off that nasty pair that would have tried to hide in bushes above fort, before they get the chance. Then of course, ratbag author has an AT soldier on cement block and I lose #2 because of him. Soon take revenge. Grab his rpg coz i know what's coming.

No sign of movement or enemy from 3 o'clock, nor really, anywhere else. That initial massacre did most of the work needed (so far).

Beach is considerably brighter than anywhere else. A single comes over the ridge and goes down, should have got suspicous but instead run smack into god knows how many in front of fort as i Turn the corner. Retry

Get to corner again, lie in bushes, I know from terrain most of squad are 'safe' lower down, and my attack angle. I did a dog's leg to force my squad in temporary opposite direction to me. Pick out three nasties at sandbags, undoubtedly more. Knock them off just as one of them fires launch grenade, it actually wizzes over my left ear before it hits the sea. (!!!!!) You never want to see one of those getting bigger as it comes. Had i charged up ridge that launcher grenade would've killed off most of me. I find swerve tactics gets a squad where I want them without move commands.

There's at least another 3 in the road direct front. Grenade laucher goes again and drops 20 meters? in front of me.

various retry saves in this corner. among which 1,2,3,4 soldiers rush out of fort, nasty bugger up where I originally started from, soldier - pair i thought i'd knocked off in bush were actually there, troops that i'd estimated at 3/4 in front of sandbags were at least a 9 man squad and were in the process of doubling back up road, since I had vacated their original objective, one baddie in sandbags swiped me. grenades not launchers dropping just a little short of me to spectacular visual, All great stuff.

Finally end up in M2 post just in time for M113 & Co to come spilling down roadway / hillside. M2 took a lot out and visually spectacular with tracers red and green going every whichway, #3 down #7 down,, 4,5 and we're overwhelmed. Retry

Decided to wait them out in my now favorite corner. Again stunning visuals through binocs as streaming enemy ai gets cut down by green tracer, M113 and T55 in shadows, target them, wham, their both dead from squad fire.

Zapped by god knows what coming around other front corner. whatever it was, was a lot of it, retry.

various battlefests all from this corner. I could, should have, tactically run away. I *would* have been successfull. But, the truth was I was enjoying myself too much, Each time I got knocked over (or over-run) I'd hit retry, just to see / watch what the ai was doing , both sides. tanks went boom / didn't go boom, etc. Got in nest again to devastating effect, eventually all of us ended in death trap near hospital tent with that 'other' squad coming down that hill. Tested out a few squad commands to check ai-lag during battle. Nothing detectable by me while i lived long enough.

My squad losing it a bit with tank close, but the effect was one of they pop their head up, they're shot dead.

Mist having a good effect. Barely seen nasties with their guns blazing (only way to pick them out).

Eventually 'won' with 2 squad members left, the medic and another, and called it quits. I could have done better by much, 11 man squad at start of blap fest each time. I was road testing too hard to be bothered with that. Issue being, you didn't make it too hard (afaik)

Two unpleasant tastes in mouth. Tank did what tanks do and climbed into bed with me. Sat near hospital tent and might as well not been in game. Waypoint him away, or something. I *know* he's not supposed to get that far.

2nd bad taste was: I won, mission complete, while nasties are still shooting. I hate that. please fix it, or make them flee.

Outro was fine, nice ending shot to flag which says a thousand words. Very smart, OF COURSE they would off limits the wrecked tanks, nice touch. Body bags far too orderly for my liking.

yet again pilot, a winner, only this time, it's significantly boosted in ferocity. Whatever you done, you dun good. God how I hope authors rip into your sqm settings and find out why these buggers were so unpleasant. It makes me cringe, the dreadful missions I've played that only needed this to make them a rave.

I congratulate you for another reason, you have that capacity to rip out what doesn't work. The M113 at front door was sacrificed and the benefit is plain to see.

You didn't need to end it here, you could turn it into Ben Hur and go after those two towns, they are, 'logically' pests being so close. As commander, I *would* order my troops up there because this fort has always been a death trap in every mission I have ever played it in.


Thank you.
Just say no to bugz

Offline bedges

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #63 on: 08 Apr 2005, 12:52:13 »
downloaded - i shall test your german skills my friend ;)

might be a while (inbetween bouts of work) but it'll get done.

more soon.

EDIT - i've taken the liberty of dbo'ing the mission as there's no way near enough time between text flashes in the intro to check it ;) at first glance it all looks fine, just a few grammatical/spelling errors. might be the weekend before i get back to you.
« Last Edit: 08 Apr 2005, 14:17:34 by bedges »

Offline THobson

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #64 on: 08 Apr 2005, 13:53:16 »
If you do try using the bit of code I put in reply#55 note that I have just made some changes to it.  The syntax may still not be fully correct - but it is better than it was. ::)
« Last Edit: 08 Apr 2005, 14:47:08 by THobson »

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #65 on: 08 Apr 2005, 14:57:15 »
Thanks for the replies, everyone!

>ftp freewebs and all

you have to mention this fact on your download page. It affects who's gonna bother. Passive ftp as a setting in the browser will 'get over' this issue. (afaik).
Ok. (what the hell is passive ftp???)

The music, AGAIN, makes it. It really is tragic. *detested* the "all your fault" that is SO CRASS. Of course it is, it's BLOODY OBVIOUS. I'm feeling quite bad enough thanks, you tripwired here, changed me from wanting to try again, to ummm, should I? The sentence works even better (for me) if you just removed that remark. Dont change a single word if it feels wrong.
Lol, ok, I will consider removeing it.

The darkness spoilt it for me. It's not a black op mission, You can't see the surrender, You can't see the rain, No General is going to commit a full army in that.
You may be right here.
@THoson and mikero
Would it please both of you if I make it 30-40 minutes later in the day?  That way there is enough light to see, but it still has a morning feel to it.

No sir, no G30 for me, not never again.
Smart move ;)

start much as before, 1st time i actually notice spetz running to boat, clever.
I was hoping someone would notice that after I put him in

Two unpleasant tastes in mouth. Tank did what tanks do and climbed into bed with me. Sat near hospital tent and might as well not been in game. Waypoint him away, or something. I *know* he's not supposed to get that far.
Darn.  The only waypoint I have given him is a guard waypoint.  Maybe when he completes that waypoint I should give him a seek and destroy waypoint?

2nd bad taste was: I won, mission complete, while nasties are still shooting. I hate that. please fix it, or make them flee.
I'm going to have to look into my fleeing script.  When the player kills enough bad guys, they are supposed to run to at full speed to Montignac and never look behind them.  For some reason they are disobeying my commands.

You didn't need to end it here, you could turn it into Ben Hur and go after those two towns, they are, 'logically' pests being so close. As commander, I *would* order my troops up there because this fort has always been a death trap in every mission I have ever played it in.
I might consider this, but I fear it might add monotony to the mission.  Each town is guarded by 2-3 M2 machinge guns, and maybe 10-12 men.  If the player has just been in the fight of his life, I'm not sure he will be too keen on traveling the long distances to those towns.  The traveling would be boring because there are no more patrols (the player took out most of the troops in that part of the island).

Thanks, mikero!

downloaded - i shall test your german skills my friend ;)
Uh oh. :P  Don't expect it to be very good.  Especially the grammar.

EDIT - i've taken the liberty of dbo'ing the mission as there's no way near enough time between text flashes in the intro to check it ;) at first glance it all looks fine, just a few grammatical/spelling errors. might be the weekend before i get back to you.
Yeah, I need to give more time for the player to read.  I'll be waiting for your reply!

If you do try using the bit of code I put in reply#55 note that I have just made some changes to it.  The syntax may still not be fully correct - but it is better than it was.

Thanks!  I'll see what I can do with it.

Offline THobson

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #66 on: 08 Apr 2005, 15:37:29 »
@THoson and mikero
Would it please both of you if I make it 30-40 minutes later in the day?  That way there is enough light to see, but it still has a morning feel to it.
It is your mission.  I like it as it is but I seem to take longer over it than topgun mikero so it is fully light by the time I start any action.  30-40 minutes later will still be better than 10:20.

start much as before, 1st time i actually notice spetz running to boat, clever.
I was hoping someone would notice that after I put him in
I noticed him but was puzzled.  I may have missed an explanation.

Maybe when he completes that waypoint I should give him a seek and destroy waypoint?
A guard waypoint is never completed.  I am surprised at the behaviour mikero experienced.  If it is on guard it should respond to any nearby sighting of the enemy (you and yours).  The reason he and his companion come straight at the players position is because of the guard waypoint, don't loose that.  What you might want to do is have a slow looping script (~30 or so) and if he is stationary give him a doMove to some nearby location.  I wouldn't do this but it might solve mikero's problem.

2nd bad taste was: I won, mission complete, while nasties are still shooting. I hate that. please fix it, or make them flee.
I'm going to have to look into my fleeing script.  When the player kills enough bad guys, they are supposed to run to at full speed to Montignac and never look behind them.  For some reason they are disobeying my commands.
Try something like

{_x setCaptive true} forEach units group player

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #67 on: 08 Apr 2005, 16:28:30 »
I noticed him but was puzzled.  I may have missed an explanation.
In the version you have, I haven't put an explanation for him.  I have updated the briefing to include information about him.

Try something like

{_x setCaptive true} forEach units group player
I'll try that.  I think the problem might be another script I have running at the same time, the one that tells the squads where to go.  I think when I give the men a command to move in the fleeing scirpt, my response script overrides it and sends them back to the base.  I'll have to add a condition that when the fleeing script is activated, it sets a variable to true, and that variable exits the response script.

Offline THobson

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #68 on: 08 Apr 2005, 16:52:03 »
Well at least the player won't be shot at.

Offline Mikero

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #69 on: 09 Apr 2005, 01:10:15 »

30 mins later makes clear 'sense' to me. I was in same position as Thob, it was clearing to near visibility.

I can accept armies forming up in the dark, but not charging off in the night. It  'felt' 30 mins too early, 1 hour would be too much eg. However, Thob also makes a good point, we are battle hardened vets here, the probability is that a 'standard' player (whoever that is) would probably take it slower and appreciate the mood change as it does become lighter. Think Thob and I might have to take a back seat on this one. Seeing the enemy come at us from 3 o'clock (from the hill) at 10:30am was terrifying. Binoculars through the gloom was visually spectacular but not as frightening. Notch it up 30mins to satisfy every1. Final comment, because of the position you chose to start us, players are disoriented, It isn't clear, visually, to run over hills due westward, and no part of the intro 'lands' you in the spot where you are. (I mentioned this, version 0, i have no scenic clues to know where i am). The gloom adds to the clutter.


I didn't explain well. I played this part of the sequence over and over (i explained that well  ::);D) I was intentionally looking for ai-lag (poor squad response). Once and once only the T55 made it into base camp. All the familiar fears of dumbed down tanks surfaced for me as a beta tester. It was twitching a bit, and may, possibly, have smacked something if it could see it.

yes. this confused me too, i actually did a restart to find out it's significance, it became obvious after the event, from the intro. msg txt saying "good luck guys, watch the road", or similar, will fix this.
Just say no to bugz

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #70 on: 09 Apr 2005, 01:55:12 »
I will probably make the mission start 30 minutes later

Final comment, because of the position you chose to start us, players are disoriented, It isn't clear, visually, to run over hills due westward, and no part of the intro 'lands' you in the spot where you are. (I mentioned this, version 0, i have no scenic clues to know where i am).
Respond if you think I am wrong, but the player should know where he's going from looking at the briefing.  Once the mission starts, all it should take is a quick look at the compass to figure it out.

I'm not sure if I can do anything about the T55.  It's on a guard waypoint, so I don't have much control over it

yes. this confused me too, i actually did a restart to find out it's significance, it became obvious after the event, from the intro. msg txt saying "good luck guys, watch the road", or similar, will fix this.
Good idea, I will definately incorporate it.

Thanks for the feedback!

Offline THobson

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #71 on: 09 Apr 2005, 16:31:20 »
I'm not sure if I can do anything about the T55.  It's on a guard waypoint, so I don't have much control over it
I think mikero has played a lot of missions where the author didn't make the most of the AI capabilities (haven't we all ::)).  If it is on guard it is good and I suggest you don't mess with it.  Occassionally it will look dumb - but it isn't.

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #72 on: 09 Apr 2005, 20:43:54 »
Ok, I won't mess with it.

Offline Mikero

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #73 on: 10 Apr 2005, 05:33:04 »
Please Pilot, consider opening this mission out more, and very fine by me if you don't.  Here's what happened.

I put my eye patch on and three missing teeth. Of course I'm chosen as leader to this attack, this is where I got kicked off the island? I know all about that death trap of a fort to anyone who's in there. They can wait.

I went north towards Entre Deux, first village, armour met me, i met armour. Spectacular bangs and smoke, two of me dead.

Horrible nasty things North, NW, and later Swest visually looming out of fog. Deadly ai, taking cover in trees. Grenades by enemy ai as I've never seen them used before. WHAT DID YOU DO ???

Much closer, knife fight, than anything surrounding the fort.

All fair fire fights, my squad being just as vicious, deadly. Really really pleasing reief-effect to a scarred, bloodstained veteran soldier to see his troops actually fighting. Cannot tell you how pleasing this effect is after so much frustration with some few missions that should never have hit the streets.

Lost 3? more men, all goes quiet after what I think were at least 3 squads, possibly five, coming at me at realistically timed intervals. Unpleasant survivors taking whacks at us now and then.

Injuries all over, no mash tent. Fix this, I've lost my medic. Give me some hope.

Move up to Entre Deux, I want to explore this massive invasion you themed.
M2 gunner takes us on, all dead. retry, crawl in, knock off savage response, I am so grateful to you pilot, for this 'responsive' ai on both sides. They aren't in can't mode, and we aren't in won't mode.

Then the dreaded M2 bug. My squad attack an empty nest. This is a known script-fix. I stop it there, i don't want this mission ruined and my experience of it.


cannot duplicate it. never appears again. It's obviously? a pre played game coming in here.
Just say no to bugz

Offline Pilot

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Re:Red Tide
« Reply #74 on: 10 Apr 2005, 18:39:46 »
Grenades by enemy ai as I've never seen them used before. WHAT DID YOU DO  ???
I don't have any scripts running for the grenediers.  What you are seeing is pure OFP.  The only thing I can think I did is increase the skill of the enemy.

Injuries all over, no mash tent. Fix this, I've lost my medic. Give me some hope.
Look again.  Both towns and the base have medic tents. (Maybe the medic tent was destroyed in the fighting?)

Then the dreaded M2 bug. My squad attack an empty nest. This is a known script-fix. I stop it there, i don't want this mission ruined and my experience of it.
I don't know why it's doing that.  The M2s are placed in the editor as empty, and I moveingunner the gunners.  I would very much appreciate it if anyone can offer any other suggestions.


cannot duplicate it. never appears again. It's obviously? a pre played game coming in here.
The one time I got the error message, I had assigned a handgun to myself.  Maybe this is a bug with OFP?

Thanks for the feedback, mikero!