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Author Topic: how to find the answer to my question?  (Read 1283 times)

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Offline greg147

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how to find the answer to my question?
« on: 28 Nov 2004, 17:58:32 »
I have a really simple question, but that 'how to find the answer to your question' thing above really doesn't help at all. All it comes up with is things I really didn't want, with acouple of random letters high-lighted.

Is there a certain way i'm supposed to use it? Or does 'How do I make a unit sit down' not classify as a question? What am I doing wrong?  :(
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline dmakatra

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #1 on: 28 Nov 2004, 18:49:32 »
The "How To Find Answers To Your Questions" thread is just a point out note, to not post questions that has been answerd a million times already. Such as "How do I make a unit sit down".

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

Offline greg147

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #2 on: 28 Nov 2004, 19:26:25 »
Yes, but where are those questions that have been answered a million times?
 Surely the reason people post these questions is that they can't find the answer cos nobody posts it and the answer is probebly somewhere in the middle of the 300 and whatever pages there are on this forum.

 The point I was trying to get across is how to use the search thing.  ::)
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline Planck

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #3 on: 28 Nov 2004, 19:34:04 »
It's pretty straightforward really.

Presuming you mean sitting on a chair.......try searching with the words 'on chair'......as a phrase.

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Offline greg147

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #4 on: 28 Nov 2004, 19:40:38 »
Sorry. Take a look for yourself. Nothing to do with 'on chair'. I also tried other stuff...

Airstrike-   No options
Air strike-  A bunch of stuff about making a helicopter explode in mid air.

This site has ALOT of useful info, but it has too much. Its hard to find a perticular answer.  :-\

PS: If anyone does know how to make a unit sit on the ground, it could save alot of time and forum space...
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline Planck

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #5 on: 28 Nov 2004, 19:41:51 »
I already did with success.

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Offline Planck

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #6 on: 28 Nov 2004, 19:43:51 »
The very first entry from my results:


Quote from: Gooner on November 06, 2004, 11:23:05 PM  
I think one of Sui's missions has soldiers sittin on chairs, i dnt know what mission it is though.

unit switchmove "onchair"

Is what I used to get the guys in chairx.
They don't necessarily need a chair, though they look pretty stupid if they're sitting in mid air

I've seen it used so they're sitting on a weapons crate... looks quite natural.

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #7 on: 28 Nov 2004, 19:46:26 »
Aha so.......you want him to sit on the ground.

I suppose you mean without using the action menu from the middle mouse button?

Code: [Select]
Name      SITDOWN
Desc.      Makes a unit sit down
Syntax      unitname action["SITDOWN"]
Examples   loon1 action ["SITDOWN"]
Notes      Only works in SAFE or CARELESS modes.

Hope this helps

« Last Edit: 28 Nov 2004, 19:48:04 by Planck »
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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #8 on: 28 Nov 2004, 21:58:04 »
or in the units init
Code: [Select]
loon_1 switchMove "EffectStandSitDown"
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Offline dmakatra

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #9 on: 28 Nov 2004, 22:04:24 »
Search should be the last thing you check. The first thing you should check are the tutes and scripts over at the ed depot and then the FAQ. THEN you check the search. If you still haven't found it, you post.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

Offline greg147

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #10 on: 28 Nov 2004, 22:17:33 »
Wait a sec.


How did you get that up? All I got for the first entry was

AIRCRAFT / PARACHUTE: Ejection script (Easy)
If you want to eject a group of soldiers from a helo you can use this script:

;Ejection script by SEFE

_GrpLeader = Leader (_this Select 0)
_GrpArr = Units Group _GrpLeader
_GrpCount = Count _GrpArr

Anyway, thanks for the help guys  :)
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg


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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #11 on: 28 Nov 2004, 22:22:06 »
Search should be the last thing you check. The first thing you should check are the tutes and scripts over at the ed depot and then the FAQ. THEN you check the search. If you still haven't found it, you post.

See, I completely disagree with this advice.  If you have a direct question, not some vague "I want to create a mission, how do I do it", I see nothing wrong with posting the question.

The forums exist for players to help players.  No one is FORCED to respond to a question.

This guy had a direct, easily answered question, but it took a page full of somewhat smart-ass comments before he got an answer.  That's just not right.  If you are going to post, why not just answer the question?  Why spend that same amount of time ridiculing somebody?

I sometimes get the feeling that some folks posting here are not actually DOING any scripting, and have forgotten the feeling someone has when they hit a wall.

If you are in the middle of creating a mission, you want a fast answer so you can finish your project.  Stopping the "flow" of making the mission to spend an hour or two searching through 70 "hits" that are actually meaningless is not efficient.  When I got back into OFP several months ago, the damn search function here didn't even work, so I was stuck manually sifting through cr*p trying to get an answer sometimes.

Posting a simple direct question, and getting a response back, IS efficient.  It hurts no one.  If you are tired of seeing the same questions over and over, write an UPDATED FAQ that **includes** these questions you are so sick of!  Or just quit reading the boards for a while.  But lets not waste bandwidth being sarcastic when someone just wants help.

A lot of the resources in the Ed Depot are severely outdated, and somewhat counter-productive in many respects.  Many of the scripts and tutes in there are meaningless now, as OFP has added functionality since they were written.  Yet there is no indication of that fact anywhere in the document.... Posting a question on the other hand, usually means an up-to-date answer relevent for the current version of OFP.

Offline greg147

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #12 on: 28 Nov 2004, 22:22:19 »
Oh and...


I did look at the tutorials, and the scripts, and everything else on that page. And then I did check the FAQ, and THEN I messaged this. I also looked on several other OFP sites.
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #13 on: 28 Nov 2004, 22:33:12 »
As you should have done. You did 100% right.

The "How To Find Answers To Your Questions" thread is just a point out note, to not post questions that has been answerd a million times already. Such as "How do I make a unit sit down".
Instead of being a smartarse The Real dmakatra, you could have just answered the question and this topic would have been solved long ago.

If you search before you post and just can't find the answer, there's nothing wrong with posting the question here.
Sometimes when you're all lost you can't even ask the right questions (type the right keywords to search).

The one single purpose for these forums is to answer editing questions and so serve the community. Of course we don't want to see every other topic begin with 'how do I light a campfire', but we don't want to disencourage people from posting either.
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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #14 on: 28 Nov 2004, 22:36:27 »
The last answer I gave you greg was not found in Search.

Once I knew that you meant sit on ground I just looked up the Action List which is available in the Editors Depot.

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Offline dmakatra

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #15 on: 28 Nov 2004, 23:08:19 »
I didn't mean to be a smartass, greg147 was asking as his orginal question what the "How to find answers to your questions" thread is all about. Or at least so I understood it.

Of course I understand people that have searched and found nothing like greg here, I've done that too. What I don't understand is people asking easy questions over and over again and haven't even looked at the FAQ, search function or whatever even though people have pointed it out for them.

@ Kammak:
Just think a complete forum page filled with the same question 10 times over and over again. The harder problems would've been pushed over at the side and people would've missed help. Not to mention it also takes Server space for these threads, space that could be used for hosting missions for example. It also takes time for kind people like Macguba to answer the same question all over and over again. Everyone likes to help people out, but when helping becomes a routine instead of a kindness, you'll eventually stop.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:
« Last Edit: 28 Nov 2004, 23:09:57 by dmakatra »


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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #16 on: 28 Nov 2004, 23:15:37 »
Everyone likes to help people out, but when helping becomes a routine instead of a kindness, you'll eventually stop.

The you should take your own advice and stop.  As I said, no one is forced to read or post here.  This is no one's "job", and certainly not yours.

If its become such a chore for you to see similar questions posted, quit reading.  Get outside.  Make a mission.

But realize that is a personal problem and not anything to do with new scripters looking for help.  Don't take it out on them.

« Last Edit: 28 Nov 2004, 23:17:32 by Kammak »

Offline dmakatra

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #17 on: 28 Nov 2004, 23:24:59 »
A community is something that is organized by the people in it, and it is living because of those people. Spoiling OFPECs chance of actually getting people to answer the questions is the least I would like to see. Basicly what your saying is "bugger off everyone who want to help but don't have all the time in the world.".

Remember OFPECs motto, By The Community, For The Community.

I admit that maybe I have been a bit radical on beginners, to that I take the critism. I thank you for that, I am a person who learns by my misstakes. But sometimes you are a bit stressed or sometimes you're not sure how advanced someone is in their editing skills and therefor not know how advanced you'll have to reply. Or some other reason.

Now, before we all go flaming each other 'ere, I suggest we take this over IM.

:beat: *Gets IMed* :beat:


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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #18 on: 28 Nov 2004, 23:35:01 »
I'm not flaming anyone.

But some people need to realize they are not moderators, it is not their place to worry about "server space", teaching people a life lesson, or the ultimate future of OFP thread types etc....

The forums are here to help people scripting in OFP, period.  *Everyone* here is volunteering their time.  If its taking a toll on your attitude or mood, recognize that and take a break.  And don't take your "sig" too seriously.  :)

Edit : No need to IM, as this is not directed solely at you.  There were a few sarcastic posters in this thread.

« Last Edit: 28 Nov 2004, 23:36:39 by Kammak »

Offline General Barron

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #19 on: 29 Nov 2004, 00:04:21 »
Hey, just a general suggestion on how to use the "search" feature:

I've found that it is usually best to set the "max age since last post" (the second to last entry on the search page) to something extremely high, like 60000 days. It is set to 2 months by default, which is usually not helpful. Whenever I do a search, I usually find my answer in a post that is many months or years old.

If I could make a suggestion to the site admins, I'd suggest changing the default for the "max age since last post" to infinity (or 9999 or similar). It is easy to forget about it, and wonder why you aren't getting any results. I think that is more likely to happen, then it is that someone would actually want to limit their search to 2 month old posts, and forget to enter that in (I hope my point makes sense).
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Offline Planck

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Re:how to find the answer to my question?
« Reply #20 on: 29 Nov 2004, 00:12:05 »
That is an excellent suggestion.......I just wonder why I didn't think about it.

It might also be an idea to change the default from 'Match all words' to 'Match as Phrase'

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