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Author Topic: feet wet pilots  (Read 6694 times)

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feet wet pilots
« on: 28 Nov 2003, 15:11:34 »
Ok I can't be the only one that has at one point ummm ok lots of points been shot down and had to bail out over the ocean.... come on one of you i'm sure can come up with a survival kit for pilots shot down over the ocean i'm sure..maybe a life jacket or even better an inflatable life raft so they can get back to shore making it a lot more relistic... I know I am asking a lot but I know some of you can do great things ya just need a little push now and then... well heres hoping as i'm all out of dry clothes...so please a script or even better an addon for waterproof pilots lol.

Offline scud

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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #1 on: 05 Dec 2003, 09:20:14 »

We have already discussed this at Ofp Gen for the
'Battle of Britain' section.
Since alot of air combat was over the water plus with raids on enemy shipping sooner or later you will have to bail in the sea.
We are trying a few different ideas.

This is sample raft  (only planning stage)

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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #2 on: 05 Dec 2003, 12:34:28 »
how are you planning on making the raft inflate (or appear) underneath the pilot before he dies??

I am backing u all the way with this addon. i love flying.


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #3 on: 13 Feb 2004, 13:51:05 »
Sorry to dig up an old tread. I noticed it only now and
maybe Lt. Shitkilla is still aroun' here ...
Try this:

; Usage: put this line in the init field of each pilot
; or soldier who is going to get in a plane or chopper
; (or who actually is in a plane or helo)
; [this] exec "bailout.sqs"
; make first a soldier or pilot unit and then use the
; moveindriver command to put him in a plane if he has
; to start the mission in it

; next three lines by Vektorboson: are used further down
; to check if ejected pilot is going to take a bath or not

private ["_sensor"];

_sensor = "EmptyDetector" createVehicle [0,0,0]
_calcH = {private["_result"]; _sensor setpos [getpos _this select 0, getpos _this select 1, 0]; _result = getpos _sensor select 2; _result};

_pilot = _this select 0

; waits until pilot gets in an air vehicle

@ ("plane" countType [vehicle _pilot] > 0) || ("helicopter" countType [vehicle _pilot] >0)
_craft = vehicle _pilot

; then waits until he exit it

@ !(vehicle _pilot == _craft)

; now checks vertical position of pilot
; and waits until he is very low

@ (getpos (_pilot) select 2 ) < 3


; check if pilot is actually on water:
; if he isn't the script gets restarded for
; another tour
; this check is done now and not at the moment
; of ejection because with the aid of the wind (?)
; the pilot could land on dry ground

?abs(_pilot call _calcH) < 3: goto "water"

; if pilot's speed is almost zero he should have
; ended on firm ground or have disembarked the
; vehicle

? speed _pilot < 1: goto "check"

; next line really does nothing: is a redundant safety check

goto "loop"


; well, if he's dead, no need to worry about

? !(alive _pilot): exit

; pilot can get further damage if he's in water
; so if he's badly wounded better heal him a little

? (getdammage _pilot > 0.7): _pilot setdammage 0.7

; waits until pilot exit parachute

@ (vehicle _pilot) == _pilot

; then creates the raft and puts the pilot in it

_boat = "Raft" createvehicle (getpos _pilot)
_pilot moveindriver _boat

; now the script waits until pilot gets out of raft

@ (vehicle _pilot) == _pilot

; then all is started again: perhaps the pilot will
; take another ride

goto "check"

Substitute "Raft" with "Whatever can float" and any of your pilots
will bail out safely over water.
("Raft" was a crappy salvage raft I made, I'm to ashamed of it to


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #4 on: 14 Feb 2004, 18:39:49 »

It occurs to me that this would also be great (with some modifications) for use on ships. Imagine this scenario:

All hell had just broken loose.
"INCOMING!" MacKensie, the ships weapons officer screamed, just before he was thrown to the deck as the frigate lurched to starboard.

It had started off as a simple coastal patrol. The same thing Capt. PsyWarrior and his crew had been doing for the last couple of weeks, ever since the small, scenic island behind them had turned into a killing ground. Then a big old russian cruiser had seemingly appeared from nowhere, and was now busily hammering them to death.

The internal comm crackled to life:
"Captain!" said Miller, most likely trying to fix the gaping holes in the side of the ship
"We're in trouble Cap'n!"
"Dammit, Miller, I want proper reports!"
"Multiple hull breaches, Sir, We're taking water. I don't know how much longer I can keep her afloat cap'n."
A short pause. "Very well. Prepare to abandon ship, Mr Miller."
"Aye Cap'n".

He hated this, but, really, it was the only hope for his crew. He keyed up the shipwide intercom.
"All hands, abandon ship! Repeat, abandon ship"

Alarms began blaring as crewmen ran to the emergency lockers and pulled out lifejackets. Crewman and officer alike threw themselves off of the dying ship, where they sank like rocks and promptly drowned.

The End.

You see my point, I hope...

-Supr. Cmdr. PsyWarrior
-Psychic Productions


P.S. - You have my complete concurrence with the aircraft idea. I love flying, also, I spend hours flying round for no apparent reason, or dogfighting. I build maps with lots of replacement aircraft, and empty cars to get there. Then I get shot down over the water, drown, and have to restart the mission. This is annoying.

P.P.S. - I know the ideal addon for this: Col Klink's Zodiac RIBs. Essentially, rubber dingies, perfect for use as liferafts. I meant to have a go at scripting this a while ago, but I've been a little busy recently (typing this post, mostly...  ::) ). Still, I might give it a try, building on the script posted above (just for fun, not because I believe sa8 isn't good enough... I just like to build my own scripts.).
« Last Edit: 14 Feb 2004, 18:54:12 by PsyWarrior »

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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #5 on: 15 Feb 2004, 01:42:16 »
Also good for modern day flying.
You could have the raft inflate or appear and use a script which would involve a rescue helo hovering at about a, Rescue1 flyinheight 4. Or even created a helo with a rescue dude coming down to pick you up.
Of course it's all pie in the sky.
James Andrew Wilkinson 1977 - 2005 R.I.P.
"If it ain't the friggin' incoming it's the friggin' outgoing. Only difference is who gets the friggin' grease, and that ain't no friggin' difference at all."


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #6 on: 15 Feb 2004, 08:16:41 »
Still, I might give it a try, building on the script posted above (just for fun, not because I believe sa8 isn't good enough... I just like to build my own scripts.).

No, no : you are right: i'm not good enough

I tried to put the above script in the init eventhandler of a pilot unit,
so that it would be completely transparent to the user (I mean no
need to call a script), but  I got strange results and failed miserably.
So in the end you're right, I'm not good enough.

You could have the raft inflate or appear and use a script which would involve a rescue helo hovering at about a, Rescue1 flyinheight 4. Or even created a helo with a rescue dude coming down to pick you up.

In effect I did just that in a mission where the player is the rescue guy:
when the player's helo passes above the pilot in the raft at very low height, this
activate a trigger and the pilot is tranferred aboard the helicopter.


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #7 on: 15 Feb 2004, 13:29:52 »

No, no : you are right: i'm not good enough

I disagree; the basis of the script is sound, it just needs adjusting slightly. What exactly were the "strange results"?

Let's see if we can get this working...  ;)

-Supr. Cmdr. PsyWarrior
-Psychic Productions


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #8 on: 15 Feb 2004, 15:18:22 »
Thanks for your replies, PsyWarrior.

The strange results were that multiple rafts where created before
the pilot being finally put to one and let float to safety, and next time
the pilot climbed aboard another aircraft and then ejected again, he had
more to go than the previous time (hope I was clear, sorry for my
So I got bored with it and let the script be called in the initialization
field of the unit, seen that this way it worked right.

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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #9 on: 16 Feb 2004, 01:31:39 »
I hope you guys don't mind if I do some experiments with the above script. I'm working on a similar project for the Falklands aircraft using the life jacket addon that will be released when all the testing is satisfactory.
Rebel without a pause...D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #10 on: 16 Feb 2004, 07:07:49 »
I hope you guys don't mind if I do some experiments with the above script. I'm working on a similar project for the Falklands aircraft using the life jacket addon that will be released when all the testing is satisfactory.

Well, this script was sitting in my HD since last august, if I had known
it would be useful for someone I would have released it before, so:
no, I don't mind if you experiment.
BTW: looking really forward to your next release of your fishing boats:
they're great , Colonel_Klink !


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #11 on: 16 Feb 2004, 12:15:50 »

Okay, I'm going to play with this idea for a while I think. BTW, another way to check if a unit is over the water would be to use triggers (put a trigger over land, and check if the unit is not in it.

Of course, Psychic Productions scripts are designed to be fully autonomous, so this isn't an option for us, but it might be a useful way to sort out the initial problems. For boats, it should be much simpler, as they don't spend much time over land...

When a unit gets out of a boat near land, they are instantly transported about 10m away. When over water, they disembark right next to the boat, before sinking like a stone. All that needs to be done is to check how far away a unit is when they disembark, and if it's fairly close, shove them in a raft. This way, you could not only simulate abandon ship scenarios, but could 'anchor' your ship offshore, and use the raft as a tender, to move back and forth.

More concepts:
-For aircraft, after unit disembarks, needs to deflate raft and take it with them, (deleteVehicle), or they will not have it with them if they eject over water again.
-For boats, addAction to allow units to board back into their boat, or another vessel (hostile capture scenarios?!).

Anyway, I'm going to mess around with this stuff tonight, and see how much of this we can implement.  :D

-Supr. Cmdr. PsyWarrior
-Psychic Productions


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #12 on: 16 Feb 2004, 12:48:06 »
Greetings PsyWarrior:

Okay, I'm going to play with this idea for a while I think. BTW, another way to check if a unit is over the water would be to use triggers (put a trigger over land, and check if the unit is not in it.

I don't understand you ... (I told you I'm not good !). Isn't it simpler
checking this with Vektorboson's 2 lines?

When a unit gets out of a boat near land, they are instantly transported about 10m away. When over water, they disembark right next to the boat, before sinking like a stone. All that needs to be done is to check how far away a unit is when they disembark, and if it's fairly close, shove them in a raft. This way, you could not only simulate abandon ship scenarios, but could 'anchor' your ship offshore, and use the raft as a tender, to move back and forth.

That's a beautiful idea, using raft as tender.

-For aircraft, after unit disembarks, needs to deflate raft and take it with them, (deleteVehicle), or they will not have it with them if they eject over water again.

You sadic ! ;D

Anyway when you have finished with this I've a couple more script
I would like someone to have a look, so if you're not to busy ...
(I'm joking, but the scripts are there for real). I'm sorry if I'm not
coming up with more suggestions, but my creative period ended
last october ...


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #13 on: 16 Feb 2004, 14:49:39 »
Greetings PsyWarrior:I don't understand you ... (I told you I'm not good !). Isn't it simpler
checking this with Vektorboson's 2 lines?

Yes, probably, but while vektorboson's a damned good scripter, the triggers will definately detect if a unit is over water of not. They will only be for testing purposes anyway, the final script will not use them.

Yeah, the tender concept was one of my few 'inspired' moments...

and anyway, it's the pilots own fault if he doesn't collect his equipment... and it would prevent the constant creation of about 10 rafts for each unit, if he bails out over the water 10 times.

I would be pleased to have a look at your scripts when this is finished.

-Supr. Cmdr. PsyWarrior
-Psychic Productions


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #14 on: 16 Feb 2004, 18:34:13 »
and anyway, it's the pilots own fault if he doesn't collect his equipment... and it would prevent the constant creation of about 10 rafts for each unit, if he bails out over the water 10 times.

That's true. Doing this would be simply putting this line
Code: [Select]
deletevehicle _boatafter having checked the pilot is no more in the raft. Because the AI
surely won't deflate the raft on his own !
I left the raft stay where they were because in the mission I made (well,
it's still in the editor cause I don't know how to make intro, outro and,
really, I never cared to learn, my fault) the downed pilots were left
in the water until I get to save them with my chopper, and the rafts
were beatiful to see left empty in the ocean. At least in my opinion.