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Author Topic: feet wet pilots  (Read 6693 times)

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Offline Messiah

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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #15 on: 16 Feb 2004, 18:45:55 »
check the main page - colonel klink is working on lifevest and lifebouy addons  :D
Proud Member of the Volunteer Commando Battalion


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #16 on: 16 Feb 2004, 18:54:12 »

So, we let the designer decide. Scripts by Psychic Productions usually leave a lot up to the designer, so the same will likely be true here. For instance, when executing the script, choose:
-Enable/ disable raft deflating
-Enable/ disable automatic raft deflation

so you would exec the script with [pilot1, air, enable, enable] or something similar.

Give me a while to have a go at this, and we'll see what we get  ;)



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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #17 on: 17 Feb 2004, 13:10:00 »
Has anyone made a working mission for the life raft thing yet?

If you need a life raft addon, go to www.ofp.info, there is one on their first page of boats, i think. Or the second page. I know they have at least one.

If anyone does have a working mission, attach it here. It would be good to implement this into the next ECP, don't you think?


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #18 on: 17 Feb 2004, 13:20:54 »

Started working on the script yesterday, made quite a lot of progress. Also ran into a couple of problems:

-Not 100% reliable - sometimes, liferaft would not be created and you'd sink. RESOLVED
-Difficulty accurately detecting presence of ships RESOLVED
-Huge problems with NearestObject command (for unit boarding his boat/ another boat from a raft). Unable to get nearestObject command to detect objects of type "Ship".

New Concepts:
-Hostile takeover: for capturing enemy boats. If you're able to get close enough, you will be able to attempt a hostile takeover of an enemy boat. Probability of faliure is multiplied by number of people on board (e.g. one person on board: performs skill check between enemy and unit in raft.) If the boat is empty, the probability of success is 100%. If the boat is crewed, probability is divided by no of people on board, +/- the skill of the unit in the raft.
-Psychic Productions general issue linking script, for passing variables to scripts executed using the addAction command. Work in progress.
-Allows designer to decide what unit to use as the raft. Could be Col. Klink's lifejacket (when it comes out) for bailing out, or a Zodiac for use as a tender. It could even be an LSD, if you wanted  ::)

More updates soon.

« Last Edit: 17 Feb 2004, 13:24:53 by PsyWarrior »


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #19 on: 17 Feb 2004, 13:49:51 »
Has anyone made a working mission for the life raft thing yet?

I have but it's still in the editor, and more I will not finish it because
I'm not good at it. Here's the idea: western planes are send on SEAD
mission in the southern part of Malden, and some of them get shot down.
Maybe all, maybe none (this is very difficult). Some of those daring pilots
will end their journey on water, here the raft comes in handy. The player
rescue team is sent to save the survivors. Everytime a pilot is shot down
he gets attached to the player's group, this way you can control his
movement and hopefully evitate that he would be found and killed by
enemy patrols. Every pilot killed after bailing out you get negative rating.
If you want to take a look be advised it needs lot of addons.
I forgot to mention that you rescue the downed pilots with
your chopper (I used BAS Blackhawk because BIS ones are
too vulnerable and for the map display).
if you are interested, fragsta, message me. BTW : this mission uses
the crappy raft addon I made, eventually I'll send you along with it.

PsyWarrior: I thought the script was reliable (this is the bad of testing
it by yourself): I'm happy you made it more solid !
About the nearestobject thing: I have similar problems with tanks.
It works with planes and helos, though. I hope someone could solve this.
If you are still interested, PsyWarrior, I'll make you see why this
nearestobject thing is so important for me.


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #20 on: 17 Feb 2004, 14:31:50 »
Psywarrior: This looks excellent. I suggest you go about putting it in ECP somehow.
gecko: Could you send me a copy of that mission, or maybe just post it here as an attachment, but without the life raft addon? Instead of the one you made, you could use the Zodiac (go here: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?sekce=unofaddons/boats).


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #21 on: 17 Feb 2004, 16:26:24 »
To Fragsta:
The Raft addon I made isn't really a problem, as it's 12kb size. So
I'll send you to evitate to rewrite the mission.
But you need these addons:
- F-18 by Hudson & Pennywise ,latest version (1.3 I think)
- BKM Sa-11 with modified config & proximity fuse, I'll send them
along with the mission providing you can unpbo and then pbo again,
this because if you use the standard addon this wouldn't shot down
- MTLB pack by Marfy for the Sa 13 and the ZU 23

Optional addons you must have, but the mission can do without
them, I need to know though if you have them or not so I can
modify the mission accordingly:
- F111 by SKC addons
- BAS Blackhawk (your chopper, can substitute with BIS one)
- DKM Comanche (it's your support buddy, can do without)
If you have latest VIT APC pack I can substitute the SA 13 and the
ZU 23 with the ones provided with it.

With the modified config,scripts and the raft the whole thing should not
exceed 30 kb zipped.

Let me know.


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #22 on: 17 Feb 2004, 19:05:52 »
I think I will leave it, thanks. I only have the BAS Blackhawk out of all of those, and I'm on 56k :(. Thanks anyway.


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #23 on: 17 Feb 2004, 22:14:16 »

Thanks, Fragsta, Perhaps I will see about including this in the ECP mod.

News: I hope to have the scripts (3 currently, but this number will increase due to the necessity of using the addAction command) finished, and the internal BETAs done by the end of this week. With enough luck and skill, the scripts will be signed off for public OFPEC Beta sometime next week.



P.S. Will be launching a public development thread on the Psychic Productions forums soon. Watch for new information. Staff should note that a full development diary will be available in the staff only editing discussion area.


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #24 on: 18 Feb 2004, 04:11:19 »
the triggers will definately detect if a unit is over water of not. They will only be for testing purposes anyway, the final script will not use them.


the class "EmptyDetector" is a Trigger. So whether you use the three lines from me, or you use a trigger, there is no difference, because my code creates a "Trigger" ingame, instead of creating a Trigger in the Editor.

Offline Colonel_Klink

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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #25 on: 18 Feb 2004, 11:03:11 »
Huge problems with NearestObject command (for unit boarding his boat/ another boat from a raft). Unable to get nearestObject command to detect objects of type "Ship".

This is the same problem I am having too. Seems a boat that already has a crew takes on the name of the unit, and not the boat itself.
Have tried:
unlocking the target vehicle
unassigning the player from the current vehicle and assigning to the target vehicle as cargo
used the 'getout', 'eject' commands with no effect apart from drowning
used the get in cammand on the target.. drowned again
used the moveincargo command.. still drowned.
Rebel without a pause...D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #26 on: 18 Feb 2004, 11:04:16 »
the class "EmptyDetector" is a Trigger. So whether you use the three lines from me, or you use a trigger, there is no difference, because my code creates a "Trigger" ingame, instead of creating a Trigger in the Editor.

! :o

I was completely unaware that you could create triggers in .sqs!

Okay... This makes life easier in terms of autonomous scripts. No more "put a trigger in this place" in the documentation then.

You really do learn something new every day, then...  ::)


P.S. sorry, missed Col. Klink's post. Yes, a boat does take on the name of the commanding officer on board (so Commander in case of larger ships, driver for zodiac/ PBR/ tiger etc.). But all I want to do is find the nearest object of type "Ship" to the liferaft. But for some reason, I can't get the nearestObject command to return anything, whether or not it's set to "ship", "man" or "any". My theory is that the liferaft starts life off with one name (just after creation, but before the unit is moved into it), and then changes to the name of the occupant (meaning that the object referred to by _lifeRaft no longer exists). This would probably result in a null object. Options:
-Use the occupant as the nearestObject operator
-Create a trigger (thanks again Vektor) and use that to detect any objects within a certain distance.

As for your problems getting units to moveInCargo, I can't help you there. I haven't experianced this problem... Sorry.
« Last Edit: 18 Feb 2004, 12:03:48 by PsyWarrior »


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #27 on: 18 Feb 2004, 12:53:42 »
Sorry if this ain't much to do with this topic, but it regards the
nearestobject thing. I was working on an Arena script that does
intercepts all missiles and rockets, including the ones that don't
activate the eventhandler "incomingmissile". To do so I thought
it would suffice to write nearestobject [_tank, "AT3"] to locate any
of such weapons since they all descend from AT3 class. I was wrong,
and for locate the missiles I had to write down an array containing
all the weapons names (i.e.: "LAW", "RPG", "maverick" and so on).
Similar things happens with tanks and apc. On the contrary it works
well with choppers and planes, that's why I was able to make a SAM
firing car. If this nearestobject command would work in a similar way
with tanks I could have built an AT missile car too. If someone have
a clue why this doesn't work, please explain (I hope Vektorboson
read this and come up with an answer ...)


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #28 on: 18 Feb 2004, 14:52:01 »

My apologies for not noticing your reply earlier about script reliability. The reason is, the Psychic Productions version of the script uses a looping conditional check rather than a conditional wait command (@). The reason for this is that I needed to check a couple of other conditions (such as if the unit was dead) in addition to checking if the unit was !(in _boat).

Regarding the nearestObject command, This seems to be a little unreliable. It detects some things perfectly, but others not at all. I haven't had too much success with objects of type "Ship" yet.

Updates thread posted on Psychic Productions Forums on the Scripting discussion board. Please note that, due to the actions of certain guests on the forum, you must register to reply.

-Supr. Cmdr. PsyWarrior
-Psychic Productions


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Re:feet wet pilots
« Reply #29 on: 18 Feb 2004, 21:41:02 »
to Colonel Klink and PsyWarrior:
I've done some tries with the nearestobject thing( BTW: its range it's
not fixed but variable).
What I did was to place two (or more) boat in the editor in a range of
about 50 meters and putting in the initialization field of one the
following: [this] exec "retrieve.sqs"


Code: [Select]
_unit = _this select 0
_coordx = (getpos (_unit) select 0) + 40
_coordy = getpos (_unit) select 1
_coordz = getpos (_unit) select 2
_target = nearestobject [[_coordx,_coordy,_coordz],""]
? "ship" counttype [_target] > 0: goto "print"
hint format ["%1",_target]

This way the nearest ship at [coordx+40,coordy,coordz] gets returned
and printed on screen (40 is arbitrary, I choose this not to have the
ship calling the script always returned
). I know you can say that you
are still at the starting point. But if you do a check in four direction
(left,right,before and behind the raft) at some meters distance, maybe
it will work. Being in the water helps a lot, since is not probable that
other objects other than ships would be around.