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Author Topic: Everon Cartel  (Read 22707 times)

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Everon Cartel
« on: 21 Aug 2002, 07:40:40 »
Well.. Guess we're all back then..  ;D ;D  I was going through withdrawals there for a day or two  ;D  

*Looking around at the new scenery, and still lamenting the unceremonious removal of four stars from my epaulet*

Well... The Cartel rolls on........

For those of you who didn't see this thread the first time around, I'll give ya a quick recap.

We, the cartel, are embarking on an auspicious campaign.

  Imagine working your way up through the ranks of an organized drug syndicate from runner, to collections, to dealer, to enforcer, all within the framework of a series of plot driven, non-linear missions....
  The choices you make will determine your next assignment, how far you will advance in the ranks, what allies and enemies you create along the way.

*So far, this campaign is slated to include:
  * The best new island(s) you've seen
  * AI 'personality scripting' for the main NPC's
  * Two Rival Organized Crime Families
  *Local and Federal Law enforcement agencies
  * Custom Addons   ;)
  * Soundtrack featuring music composed by Kaliyuga and Asmodeus

So basically, what we need from you good people out there are:

  *Mission Ideas that would fall within our general framework
 (looking at a 10-12 mission campaign possibly)
  *Bail Money
  *Beer :cheers:

Regarding the first, please contribute any thoughts, opinions, or ideas here on this thread.

*Please feel free to IM me regarding the last three, as well as with any samples, resumes, girls phone numbers, chinese fortune cookie sayings, or answers to the meaning of life  :toocool:

Offline LCD

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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #1 on: 21 Aug 2002, 07:56:12 »
i think dat da most important things r :

1) girls phone numbers
2) Beer

btw in da campaign u wil get money 4 da effectivity u did ur mision nd wil buy weapons by da amount of money u got  ;D

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #2 on: 21 Aug 2002, 23:01:12 »
Maybe you could do something where you are flying a plane into america and the coast guard comes after you.... When you say enforcer do you mean anti-drug person or someone who helps the drug dealers?

A good mission would be where you are trying to stop drug dealers...You could make it a bonus level or something.

Offline LCD

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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #3 on: 21 Aug 2002, 23:08:00 »
A good mission would be where you are trying to stop drug dealers...You could make it a bonus level or something.

We ? stopin drug dealers ?  :o :o :o :o r u crazy - we r da cartel  ;) - in da campaign u r a drug dealer - u r not thinkin obout stopin urself  ???  ::)

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #4 on: 22 Aug 2002, 00:16:05 »
Yeah.. smuggling stuff in a cessna would be a nice idea there Jakerod. Maybe get followed by some planes.. shot down by a fighter or something... have to dump the evidence out the back of the plane.. or even just having to fly low into another island and dump the drugs by parachute at a low altitude..

But when I said enforcer, I meant like a hitman or something along those lines . As LCD said we would be playing from the criminal/smuggler standpoint


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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #5 on: 22 Aug 2002, 02:35:55 »
Thanks for the input Jakerod!

We at the Everon Cartel appreciate your feedback and need more!  Come on people!  If we use your idea, you'll be included in the credits somewhere!  (readme, intro/outro possibly)

Thanks again!  Keep the ideas coming!


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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #6 on: 22 Aug 2002, 03:01:11 »
Although I'm partial to the more military-based missions, I love these break-away ideas of police forces, drug-cartels,etc.

Came up with a few quick ideas and I'm sure I can think of more.

Runner mission:
As a runner you won't get much respect from your overlords.  Perhaps in one mission you're doingerrands with a slightly higher-ranking lackey and you gt busted by the cops. The other guys gives up freely.  So you are expected to use your initiative and make sure the errand/delivery is accomplished.  Bonus points for eliminating the otherguy as punishment/preventing him talking to the cops.  Good for a campaign I thought as it is somethin that would impress your boss if you were only a runner.

Collector mission:
now YOU head your own collection team.  Such missions could involve careful positioning/equipping of your men at a meeting with the suppliers in case they've set it up to double-cross you.  (Scarface? Chainsaw addon!!?).  Could also involve raids from rival gangs/police.  More commn based than acting as a runner.  Also your boss will trust yu with more money and you can buy better equipment (using Res 1.75 pooling idea)

lots more responsibilty.  Trying to get trucks through customs, etc.  The more trucks that get through he better (never ALL of them - realism!).  Dealer missions could involve more than one rival gang who you have to try and "outbid" for you drugs or try and takeover certain gangs.

You said a hitman-esque character?  Taking influence from Scarface again, how about a bombing mission to eliminate a public officil who is about to make a speech at the UN on drug enforcement.
Taking police & their families hostage or bribing them or taking photographs of the mayor's private life in order to blackmail him.
Could also do the reverse and set other cartels up so they get all the media/police attention.  In a campaign pool this could affect their resources and skill to signify the lack of business and dissent amongst their own members.

If I think of anything else I'll kepp you posted.

Hope this all helps!!!



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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #7 on: 22 Aug 2002, 07:37:56 »
Hey Mikeb!  Thanks for the info!  

Good stuff!!  Don't be surprised if you see these types of things in the missions!  We are thinking along the same lines and I love your ideas!   :)

Thanks and keep the brain matter flowing freely people!   :P

More updates to come soon!


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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #8 on: 22 Aug 2002, 15:35:42 »
Here's one...

You are ex-special forces protecting the shipments form anti-drug interdiction forces, or you are protecting the lab from a suspected raid by the U.S. military, as well as anti-drug forces.

Happens a lot in real life:)

Will post when I think of more
« Last Edit: 22 Aug 2002, 15:36:21 by omegawolf »


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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #9 on: 22 Aug 2002, 17:14:26 »
Ok...Hows this sound?

Runner - As a runner you could be ordered to find out when and where the rivals will be packaging the next shipment, then ambush 'em and steel it. (For a VERY nice profit)

You could also go into the towns and recruit workers, or try to get cops to go on the take to gain info about the general anti-drug situation.

You could also be ordered to sabatoge the interdiction choppers, and pesticide spray planes, as well as try recuiting soldiers either for more muscle, or info.

Courier- Yes, your movin on up:) However your life is also getting even more hectic.  Here, your main job is not only collecting the cash, but getting it somewhere safe.  Oh yea, did I mention you also have to find a banker to launder it for a REASONABLE fee.  You could also be asked to get intel, or keep an eye on the runners (never know who's working for the opposition, or the cops or feds for that matter.)

Hitman- Da Boss sees that your working out. An dats a good ding, because dere's some who arn't.  Ya see, some politicions(sp?) think that they can take our money, but not deliver. Some soldiers think they can work both sides. Yea..Even some Lt's are doin it. An don forgit da one who's gettin high on MY supply. Our own people you say? FAAAGIT ABOUT IT. Yous do dis right, an I'll make you a made man.

Lt- Ah yous is workin out great bud. Now, I need you to scout out new terf, find alternate shipping routs and keep an eye on dings.  What dings, well lets see...

1. Protect our money pipeline
2. Protect our shipments
3. Protect our more "regular" customers
4. Spread da cash where necessary
5. Bust our loyal people out of jail, by force if necessary
6. Whak da unloyal ones
7. Do somethin about our opposition, der gettin on my freakin nerves

Oh yea, if by chance I happen to get extradited while your away, I'd really appreciate it if you would bust me out an get me back alive.  You do...an...I'll make YOU da man:)

I hope this helped some:)

Offline LCD

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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #10 on: 22 Aug 2002, 17:57:20 »
tanks Omega :thumbsup:  ;)

here is idea dat I thinked bout  ;)  ;D

mybe we can give da option at da start of da campaign 2 choose da side dat u want (1 of 2 cartels)  ;D - i can script dis if u want 2 make it   ;D

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #11 on: 22 Aug 2002, 21:53:36 »
Lots of great info there Omega Wolf....... *welcome back to the forums by the way*  ;D ;D

I was thinking myself about the whole prison break deal the other day.. having to bust out some of your men or something...

I also like the idea of ex-special forces... what would a cartel be without a few mercenaries on the payroll   ;D ;D

Keep those ideas coming everyone :toocool:


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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #12 on: 23 Aug 2002, 13:52:54 »
How about a mission where as a runner or courier you're on a standard mission but something's just not quite right.

The mission doesn't end after the drop\pick up etc (But when you go home safely without being whacked by other mobs or whatever)

The sepcial part of the mission is - if you manage to stealthily follow one of the other member's of your team after the mission - you find him being debreifed by the feds or receiving a large brown envelope from a known enemy mobster...

"Good tings will come to dose who moida da bad guys" - and if you manage to off the guy(s) quietly and get away - you get a bonus...

If you miss the whole thing in that mission then it has drastic reverberations in the next couple of missions... :D

And stuff. (Currently has a FEW ideas up here bubblin away  ;)(!))

Dan  ;D

PS. LCD - I'm gonna make you an offer yous cant refuse: Donuts- Yum.

Offline LCD

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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #13 on: 23 Aug 2002, 14:03:28 »
Zsa - is ur offer includes somthin 2 drink ?  ;)  :cheers:

Good idea BTW :thumbsup: keep it up - if u have ny idea post it here  ;)  ;D

c ya around  ;)

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
Help Perfecting Da Next Best Thing - O-Team Beta


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Re:Everon Cartel
« Reply #14 on: 23 Aug 2002, 22:47:32 »
How about some mods?

Like a weed mod or something?

It would be cool if there was a mission where all you did was
do drugs..

Like smoking up and everything looks funny...

Or trying to shoot on weed and you can't hit anything...

Yeah, I would like to see some missions where you have some fun?   Kapeesh?  ;D