Sup all I just started creating mission and stuff and i have a great idea for a campaign based on "operation Restore Hope"
I am going to need help creating the missions mostly scripting and cutscenes, and fixing up the somolian island for ofp 1.46 if you want to help email me at
OK here how it starts
1 trainning at mog (Day 1){Morninf}
2. Intel Gatiring in bakarta Market (Day 2) {Afternoon}
3. Begin Assault (Day3) {NOON}
4. Secure Bakarta Market and Hotel (Day 3.25){AFTERNOON}
5. First BlackHWK HIT (DAY 3.4){Afternoon}
6. Second BlackHawk hit (Day 3.65){Afternoon}
7. Moveing to cover position (Day3.
8. LIL bird assault (day 4){midnight}
9. Exfiltration to stadium (day4.5){morning}
It is a lot mor complex and i have it all written down i just need the help