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Author Topic: Camcreate and stay on it  (Read 790 times)

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Offline @cero

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Camcreate and stay on it
« on: 26 Nov 2002, 20:59:43 »
I have a little prob, I been loocking for this in the search thingy of this forums but I could't find anything.
 Right, I need to camcreate a smoke shell in a unit, that is really easy, I can do that not a problem, the problem is that the unit is in a chooper at some good flighing eihgt and when I camcreate the flare it just gets throwed out from the chooper into the ground.
 I'm one of the units inside the chooper and one of the guys in there gets hit by something and start getting a bit smokey, I allso wanna use it to simulate the chooper being hit by something making it smoke a bit like if the lubrication from the engine is been compromised by enemy rounds, so I have to camcreate the smoke shell on something that is flighing, any help?
later all.


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Re:Camcreate and stay on it
« Reply #1 on: 26 Nov 2002, 21:12:18 »
Hi, "The Spaniard strikes back", ¿qué tal? :P

Well, I don't know if its gonna work, but try it. When you camcreate something, you put (at least I put it):

thing = "whatever" camcreate (getpos whatever)

WHere thing is the name you have given to the thing you have created. So if you want it to stay at a chopper's position, create a trigger, script, etc, activated when the thing is camcreated, where you put, in a loop:


thing setpos (getpos chopper)
goto "loop"

I haven't tried it so I don't know whether or not it works.
« Last Edit: 26 Nov 2002, 21:16:20 by SeAnVeR »

Offline @cero

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Re:Camcreate and stay on it
« Reply #2 on: 26 Nov 2002, 21:39:16 »
Q tal? como andamos?
 I'm sorry but the thing you gived me won't work, I'll kip on trying just in case I misspell something.
 I know its an easyer way( even knowing that your way loocks easy enough) I seen it before in the old forums when one guy wanted to create an air show and use smoke to come of his planes while they are in formation, I seen some pics of it in OFP.org and it loocks really cool, so I take it is the same principle for my case.
 It should be something like
Smokeshell1="smokeshell"camcreate getpos[ getpos setpos this, getpos chooper select 0]

It would be something like that but I can't think on what, simple is it?

Offline @cero

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Re:Camcreate and stay on it
« Reply #3 on: 27 Nov 2002, 08:12:46 »
SeanVer, It won't do anything, I tryed all diferent things and even don't give me any error messages, but still trowing the smoke shell on the floor, any other sugestions? please.
 Thanks in advance.


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Re:Camcreate and stay on it
« Reply #4 on: 27 Nov 2002, 12:55:18 »
Damn. The smoke "follows" for example a soldier, but not a chopper. Well actually it does follow the chopper, but it looks like it can't "fly" with the helicopter and stays on the ground. I'm afraid I really don't know how to do it then. Hope someone more clever than me will find a solution.

Offline @cero

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Re:Camcreate and stay on it
« Reply #5 on: 28 Nov 2002, 06:21:48 »
 :'( :'( :'( :'(Noooooooooooooooo, you are the only one who answer my questions, what can I do, oh dear oh dear.
De todas formas gracias por intentarlo.
 Anybody ellse got any ideas, hey moderators, I'm sure you know that one.
Nos vemos SeanVer ;D

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Re:Camcreate and stay on it
« Reply #6 on: 28 Nov 2002, 06:46:38 »
if its staying on the ground try something like this

_smoke = "smokeshell" camcreate getpos chopper
_smoke setpos [GetPos chopper select 0,GetPos chopper select 1,(GetPos chopper select 2)+25]
goto "loop"

You'll probably have to adjust the numbers

Offline @cero

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Re:Camcreate and stay on it
« Reply #7 on: 29 Nov 2002, 00:28:40 »
Should I put it like a script? If I put it in the On Activation field of the trigger it won't let me do it because some of the simbols are not recogniced on its own like that, for example, when you put this #loop it will say something like "unknown operator" or object

if its staying on the ground try something like this

Is a chooper flighing full of soldiers, one of them gets hit by a fragment coming from a AA explosion that just hapaned to blow up next to the chooper, the other problem I got is how to generate explosions on the air, like the ones from the Air defence sistems in WWII, but that's another post :P
 Later all.