well ....i post a couple of useful scripts i found and adapted to my needs:
a script to make an unit move relentless in a direction of another unit:
_null = [] spawn { while {true} do { UNIT1 domove (getPos UNIT2);UNIT1 allowfleeing 0;UNIT1 disableAI "target";UNIT1 setspeedmode "limited"; sleep 5; }; };
and now a scrit to kill anyone inside it (placed in a trigger...with ANYONE PRESENT as activation condition)
{_x setDammage (getdammage _x) +1} forEach thislist;
as bonus, last one gives add an action to units near itself, and remove it if they go far. must be placed in init of an object (or unit, i suppose):
this addAction["Raise Bridge", "raisedbridge.sqs", nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 3"];this addAction["Lower Bridge", "lowerdbridge.sqs", nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 3"];
hope it helps others....