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Author Topic: Dynamic viewdistance XEH compatible  (Read 1811 times)

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Offline myke13021

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Dynamic viewdistance XEH compatible
« on: 14 May 2008, 22:54:38 »
The dynamic viewdistance basically extends the viewdistance known in the video options with a min viewdistance and maxviewdistance.
It is related with players height above sea level.
So if you climb up a mountain or you fly in a plane or chopper, you'll get higher viewdistance as higher you go.

Copy the STM_Dynamic_viewdistance.hpp into your ArmA/Dta folder and the STM_Dynamic_viewdistance.pbo into your addons folder.
You may use the standard ArmA addons folder but i recommend the use of Modfolder.

Included .pbo files:

This is a signed addon, the serverkey is included in this download.

You have to change the settings to your need. To do this, open the STM_Dynamic_viewdistance.hpp

These are the settings you may change:

      STM_minViewDistance = 2000;
      STM_maxViewDistance = 5000;
      STM_estFlightLevel = 750;

The value of STM_minViewDistance is the minimum viewdistance (duh).
I recommend to insert the same value as you have set in the options/Video settings of ArmA.

The value of STM_maxViewDistance is the max the addon will raise the viewdistance to. It will never go above this value.

The value of STM_estFlightLevel declares at which height the max viewdistance will be reached.

Basically it's simple math:
(STM_maxViewDistance - STM_minViewDistance) / STM_estFlightLevel = raise of viewdistance per meter of players height.

Example: (5000 - 2000) / 750 = 4

Means: each meter the player goes up, the viewdistance raises 4 meters.
Basically these are "set-and-forget" settings like the viewdistance in the options.

Credits & thanks:
The idea for this addon i had from 2 others addons:
ECS which have dynamic viewdistance built-in (didn't used any code out of this).
InstantViewDistance by radical.ghost which adds an Actionmenu to the player to change viewdistance on the fly.
So credits to those 2 addons for the inspiration.

Also credits goes to:
for helping me getting this thing to work. Without them i couldn't do it.

And also credits to BIS for ArmA

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