This is a bit embarising but i have made a mission with this kind of trigger and stuff but i don't remember exactly how to get the stuff to work
any ways on to the problem, i got a building that i destroy and then i want a convoy to start moving but it just stands still but with engines on and holding position even though i blasted the builidng.
I have made 1 trigger saying not(alive anten1) and in the name i put var1 and then i have the first waypoint that the convoy has is hold and then i have a move waypoint after the hold waypoint that has var1=true in the condition field. But after i blast the antenna and i go for the convoy they just sit there nicely instead of moving :-\ and its not fun to try hitting a convoy when the cars are just standing still, lol and on a side note they all blow up on 1 missile but thats probably only my positioning them a bit to close hehe ;D