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Author Topic: Balistic Addon Studios presents the M/AH-6 Littlebird-RELEASED!!!  (Read 22385 times)

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Where i was in Vietnam all i can say is i was Fighting VC an the NVA  BHEL-means Behind Enemy Lines an what i did i cannot tell you.....an no i never bumped into him an i never met him before


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Ok...if no one else will..I'll raise the bullshit flag....Doger, YOUR FULL OF SH%T!!..and for the respect of those who were actually there and loss comrades in Nam..posers make me SICK!! and they all should be drug out into the middle of some cold, filthly swamp...kneecaped...then executed....In respect of those who actually were there.... I hope you cease your BS claims....and how bout gettin back on topic?...


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NO, Ill say it too, you are so full of SH!t,  I fuC*ing hate people like you DOGER.  Calling yourself a Ranger, your not even good enough to be a Rangers fart.  You have no right calling your self one until you have done it.  You disrepected everyone who as ever worn a uniform. I hope when you get to the pearly gates that Airborne Ranger In The Sky, kicks your ass.



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Ok why you talking about this crap u were not there neather you Cluster F***K maybe u didn't lose friends there but i have i went to X-Ray 1968 afther all that crap then i went back t sigon City to rest an went back an do it all over again....So don't tell me what happened there.....you the one makeing the Army look bad if it was up to me i'll do the same what i did to those VC's End of Chat Got It my Friend!!!


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For a retired military vet, Dodger, your wording and punctuation sure sound professional *cough*. If your going to *act* like your ret military, at least try and type like one dude. It's people like you that give a bad name to military personel when you do this type of crap. Now, for a young one like you, I don't think you should be watching so much of that "We Were Soldiers" movie, too much violence at your age, boy. And to think your parents allow you to watch it? Jeez

Monkey Lib Front

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Pang, i get that thing where a helo does not even wanna move when goin along, it happens to all the helo's with me, its just a bug in the OFP engine, as thye have said OFP aint no FS.


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hmmmm. Black Angel i'm not young...but an we were solders was a good moive but i cryed see those young solders to death....an when i was there even made it worse so i came here to pst new idea's in here....an here you come makeing fun of a Retired Officer an a Vet....oh well u say what you like an i don't care....i seen what it was like in wars an fighted there for freedem...so god help me an give me power to give freedem to all countrys an United States Amen....
« Last Edit: 31 Oct 2002, 00:59:57 by Doger »


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guys, calm down, theres no need to get so worked up, hardly any of us know what other people do here in their lives, for all you know i could be a very fat, rather jolly man in a red and black suit running around with midgets in a not too warm part of the world :)
« Last Edit: 31 Oct 2002, 01:26:21 by Eviscerator »


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Where is a moderator when you need one?  :P This is digusting, I have to request that we drop the phony war stories and mud slinging and get back to the LB Topic!

Vietnam was no Joke to many Soldiers were Murdered, to many innocent Civilians Sloughterd, Republicans sending other people's Sons to war and putting their kids in the National Guard (George W. Bush, former Guard Member :P) safe from the bullets, and to make things worse the Surviving American Soldiers (Drafties) were Treated like Sh*t buy the public, it was sick! >:( Vietnam was one of the Darkest Spots in United States' History, I have one word about it... FUBAR

Get Back on Topic
« Last Edit: 31 Oct 2002, 01:38:49 by PunkerSXDX »


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my two cents on everything going on in this post:

the bugs - nagual, ive actually been unable to play the mission due to the fact that every time i go to do it, the "cannot load: missing bas_mh6, bas_soar" message comes up. can you shed any light upon this?
ive heard good things about this mission, and believe me, when i was running tests for this bird back in the beta versions, i realized how hard it is to make things work flawlessly, whether it's the LB or a blackhawk or any other helo.

doger, im actually just going to leave this issue and my thoughts and questions on your claims alone, and i request we all do the same, and stay on topic. Just please do us all a favor mate and spell/grammar check your posts before you put them up. thanks mate, it'll help us understand what you're saying.

Tiger - i've been unable to access my email for the last two days; however, tomorrow it ought to be up and running. i can send you my report once its operational.

cheers mates
like always, question, comments, criticisms, etc, feel free to ask...


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guys, calm down, theres no need to get so worked up, hardly any of us know what other people do here in their lives, for all you know i could be a very fat, rather jolly man in a red and black suit running around with midgets in a not too warm part of the world :)

I knew it!!

Anyway, here are my comments about the Littlebirds, hope I do not repeat any...

The models and textures are superb, but can use a few tweaks... the "arms" holding the FFAR pods and miniguns, for example, have a rather wierd texture on top, but that is minor.  The ammunition belts leading to the miniguns also seem to be clipped off by those same arms, which I guess could be modified with no trouble if you make the miniguns locked in place in the next version.

STT has already addressed the invulnerabilty of the chopper's occupants, no problem.

Also, there is a rather annoying bug where if you look through the chopper, one side to the other, all the buildings behind the chopper disappear.  I see some addons, like Capt Moore's littlebirds have this, but Drak's independant littlebird release does not have this bug.

Good thing that you made the chopper targetable by machinegunners (and riflemen, too, if you go too low and too slow  ;) ), but I see that tanks also open fire on them with their machineguns.  I guess it makes sense that if a littlebird is landing in front of a tank, it would open fire on it, but the problem is AI tank gunners are way too accurate with the machinegun at long ranges with moving targets.  If you have a tank anywhere in sight of a littlebird, it will take a lot of damage.  I do not know if that is a good or bad gameplay balance, though.  I guess when you are dealing with enemy tanks, you would not be inserting small teams too close, well I do not know, I will let other people make the call on that one.

The AI for the littlebirds is decent, it can fly around well and lands relatively quickly (of course, the best method would be to use a script with ejecting the team as the littlebird scrapes the ground fast).  However, it seems to have trouble using the minigun very well.  It actually does use it sometimes and gets close to target, but even with an entire barrage, it is not very effective.  I fear that if you make the miniguns locked into place, the AI will not be able to hit anything.

On a happier note, I love the new pilot models, and I like how disembarking from the seating planks is animated so not everyone jumps from the same spot.  Once again, great job!

Offline Noon416

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Okay guys, enough is enough.
Please knock it off or we'll have to start punishing people.

Regardless of whether Doger's statements are true or not, the argument contents are off-topic, pointless and detracting from a great thread and addon.

In future, if you have a greivance with someone or allegations to make, please do so in the privacy of email or the Instant Message service, or refer the issue to a moderator/global mod/admin.

Public "discussions" of this nature only result in everyone being punished.

End of argument, return to the topic.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: 31 Oct 2002, 02:30:19 by Noon416 »
"If a man talks in the woods and no woman hears him, is he still wrong?"


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thank you noon

cheers mates

Offline Tomb

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ur right noon....but i didn't start this vendana here...all i did was post some error notes to tiger about the New add on an i really like the those add ons good job at it BAS...an all i did was told tiger my real name an rank witch i was thats all

Great Job BAS keep it up!!