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Author Topic: Behaviour in the forums  (Read 5176 times)

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Offline Sefe

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Behaviour in the forums
« on: 27 Mar 2003, 00:38:40 »
In the recent time we're experiencing an increased amount of immaturity, offensiveness and plain stupidity in the forums. You might get the impression that we're in a playschool, not in a discussion forum. I want to remind everyone whom it may concern that you all have accepted certain regulations when you registered for the OFPEC forums. The purpose of these regulations is to protect the vast majority of our mature and sensible users. Therefore we will enforce them by any means to protect those users from all the idiots who oviously have nothing better to do with their time.

If you think our moderators and administrators pay less attention to the behaviour of a minority of abusive members than they used to do, I can assure you that we do not. More so, I have to announce that from now on we will enforce our regulations more strictly. That particularily involves that:

  • We will not accept users that create accounts just for abusive purposes. If a first post is pointless, immature, offensive, illegal or abusive in any other way, the result will be an immediate bannage of that particular account. There will be no second opportunity to abuse it.
  • The abuse of our IM system, especially visitors spamming our staff will also lead to an immediate ban. Abusing the private sections of the forums is not any better than abusing our public areas. To use those parts of the forums that you think are not visible to our moderators is regarded to be a more severe violation of the forum regulations than abusing the public areas.
  • While we never were permissive in terms of abusive posts, we'll now generally enforce a stricter line of moderating. Misbehaviour will lead to an earlier warning and persistent misbehaviour to a quicker ban. We surely do not want to ban people and the less force we need, the better. But with the recent developments we think that the protection of the majority of our users needs stricter moderating. When we see that things calm down, we'll be more forgiving again, according to the situation.
  • If you recieve a final warning, our global moderators are instructed to usually have this warning accompanied by a temporary ban. The timeframe can range from a few days to a few weeks.
  • Permanent bans will now not only affect the forums but the whole site. If you show immature behaviour in the forums, you have to be aware that the result will be that we'll expel you from the entire site, which includes all depots.
  • Don't even try to come up with the story that your little brother/friend/party visitor/grandmother/poodle abused your account and that you yourself are innocent. First of all, no-one is going to believe this story anyway. Secondly, even if it were true, it wouldn't make a difference. You are responsible for everything that happens with your account. There are means of preventing it's abuse and if you don't use them, we'll have to treat you as if you abused your account yourself.
  • In severe (or even illegal) or stupborn cases of misbehaviour we have contacted the ISP of the person informing him of the abuse in the past and we'll continue to do so in the future. Most ISPs do not allow abuse of their accounts. We do not only log the time of each post, we also log the IP that was used to send it. With this information, the ISP can track down the particular user. Hence, extremely abusive visitors do not only risk to lose access to our site but also to get into problems with their ISP.
  • There are some smartasses who think that they can piss us off by constantly creating new accounts and continue to make abusive posts. Rest assured, they do not. We can ban people literally in seconds (it's in fact not more than two mouse clicks). The ban does include the forum name, the e-mail address and the IP. And we can also ban entire IP ranges. You need at least a few minutes to get a new e-mail address and a new account, much more time than we take to ban you once again. That reveals the extraordinary stupidity of repeated account creations. What ever those people will do, they will be on the losing side because they'll be the ones who are wasting their time. They're always alone against our entire staff who is experienced enough not to get touched by any personal attack. If you choose to fight windmills, you can try that, but the longer you do that, the more confident we'll get that we are doing the right thing.


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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #1 on: 27 Mar 2003, 00:42:01 »
Cool man.  I understand completely what you are saying even though i'm in 10th grade I see alot of imaturity each day and pointlessness in the fourms and I try to avoid it.

Offline hubba

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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #2 on: 27 Mar 2003, 10:10:00 »
I would like to add to Sefe's post a little clarification of bans on these forums. They are not limited to the forums only. If you get a permanent ban here, you will not be able to access any part of the www.ofpec.com. So no missions, no tutorials, no addons. You are dead out in the cold. Furthermore, we have a policy of informing your ISP about the ban and the reasons why, including all logs of the actions we have. This may result in your ISP terminating your account due to violation of their rules of conduct for the account.

So in short, behave and there will be no problem. Misbehave and you will not like the repercussions.


Offline toadlife

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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #3 on: 27 Mar 2003, 10:16:36 »
I would like to add to Sefe's post a little clarification of bans on these forums. They are not limited to the forums only. If you get a permanent ban here, you will not be able to access any part of the www.ofpec.com. So no missions, no tutorials, no addons. You are dead out in the cold. Furthermore, we have a policy of informing your ISP about the ban and the reasons why, including all logs of the actions we have. This may result in your ISP terminating your account due to violation of their rules of conduct for the account.

So in short, behave and there will be no problem. Misbehave and you will not like the repercussions.


Take it from me...HuBBA will track you down!    ;)
"Whenever you want information on the 'net, don't ask a question; just post a wrong answer." -- Cancer Omega.


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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #4 on: 28 Mar 2003, 00:03:05 »
I totally agree. Even though I was banned for using offensive things on the huey with tows topic. Sorry if I offended people. :-[ :'(


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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #5 on: 28 Mar 2003, 06:09:57 »
Take it from me...HuBBA will track you down!    ;)
did he take you down at one time toadlife?


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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #6 on: 28 Mar 2003, 06:11:17 »
I totally agree. Even though I was banned for using offensive things on the huey with tows topic. Sorry if I offended people. :-[ :'(
Please no crying in the forums, I don't like crying. >:(



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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #7 on: 29 Mar 2003, 08:27:28 »
BRAVO! ;D  I just joined the forum and it is a great knowledge base of information.  That is putting it lightly. I would like to mention that the immaturity of those that enjoy using cuss words to get their point/s across. Really unnecessary!!! This is a great forum and I have learned a lot, thanks to all those that have taken the time to make a contribution to help others. Again, to the person who wrote this post. Please continue the excellent work. Both my son and I appreciate all the efforts put force. Again thanks to all of you that have helped us out.
« Last Edit: 29 Mar 2003, 08:38:53 by coohandler54 »


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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #8 on: 01 Apr 2003, 06:38:02 »
Well said man.

Sol Fire

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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #9 on: 10 Apr 2003, 08:07:11 »
I would like to mention that the immaturity of those that enjoy using cuss words to get their point/s across. Really unnecessary!!!

Aw Nuts! lol Just Kidding!

i actually was a witness to someone making fun of a guys name and i was happy to see him(her.. Equal rights you know!) Get banned

its Quite sad to see people Abusing a site such as this  :-\ but Equally Satisfying to know the person cant do it again and for that i want to say Thanks to the Moderator's and Administrator's who keep this place "Clean" :)


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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #10 on: 25 Jun 2003, 12:21:20 »
I was banned for being a d###. I am back and no longer a d###!

Offline Tim Pink

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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #11 on: 26 Jun 2003, 02:01:30 »

I would just like to appologize for my topic "not enough american vehicles" getting out of hand with politics.
i didn't start it for that reason and im sorry that it went that way.
you guys do a wonderful job with this depot and its bad to c ppl defiling it with crap that doesnt really need to be dug up

keep goiing with the good work

« Last Edit: 26 Jun 2003, 02:15:24 by Timothy Pink »
"Whoever said nothing is impossible, never tried slamming a revolving door."


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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #12 on: 26 Jun 2003, 02:10:04 »
There maybe trouble ahead...

Offline LCD

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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #13 on: 26 Jun 2003, 02:14:17 »
@ pinky - u dont need 2 feel guiltybout dat - if ny1 shud its me n deaddog ;)  ;D

u dont need 2 go around n apolagize bout it (was dat 3rd time ?)

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re:Behaviour in the forums
« Reply #14 on: 26 Jun 2003, 02:30:19 »
@ pinky - u dont need 2 feel guiltybout dat - if ny1 shud its me n deaddog ;)  ;D

And I do.  :-[