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Author Topic: Vendetta  (Read 3793 times)

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« on: 17 Dec 2002, 21:55:13 »
I tend to only download missions from here at OFPEC forums because I've found that I end up agreeing with the ratings that the reviewers give them.

This time though it seems we've been totally misled...

"Vendetta" by Charlie H has been rated a 9 in the missions depot by Captain Winters which to me is a strange rating coming from someone whose namesake was a brilliant combat leader in WWII.

The mission is completely linear- you have to go to A then B then C... if you stray and actually use some ingenuity (which is the beauty and freedom of OFP) you end up walking around towns full of zombies on motorcycles and sitting in vehicles.

If you don't follow waypoints set up by the author exactlly, even if you reach an objective destination the cutscenes don't trigger- you end up staring at the person you're supposed to be talking to.

The voices are completely mechanical as well, which is noted in the review, but this in itself without the other foibles mentioned above should bring the mission down to at least a 7, a 6 with the linear nature of it all.

It has potential but could be much, much better and is in no way a 9.

I'm going to be leary of the ratings systems on this site from here on out- if we can't get good criticsm of missions how can the players enjoy them and agree with the ratings and how can the mission makers improve?


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« Reply #1 on: 17 Dec 2002, 22:46:23 »
I agree, the highest I would have rated it would be 5.
It has nothing to do with combat (What the game is made for) not that thats a bad thing.. but all 9's I think should have some combat involved. Yes its very linear in nature go here.. go there, do this.. do that. Each reviewer has his own opinion.
Thanks for expressing your feelings :)


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« Reply #2 on: 18 Dec 2002, 00:55:52 »

For this very reason we have set up the ability to add user comments to the reviewed missions.

Not everybody will score missions the same way.  New reviewers are usually the ones giving the higher scores.  But they will learn through experience.

I will post my review of this mission, from another site, to show you another view.

Charlies your new name is Mr Movies.

As a mission this is almost unplayable in veteran mode. The author is relying on waypoints to activate cutscenes and other vital mission items. It's too easy to miss or bypass things in this mission.

After going over the mission a thousand times. I finished everything but the escape objective. And yet I proceeded to the end of the mission and killed the Deputy Major. (Sounds like I escaped... feels like I escaped... I DID ESCAPE). The mission didn't end, I can only guess, because I didn't 'escape'.

Mr. Movie this was a novel idea that was poorly implemented. You appear to spend too much time and effort on the scenes while the mission suffers. Even the file size is too big for what's in the mission.

If anything, Vendetta shows the diversity of OFP.

Play it, as I know you will, but do it in Cadet mode or your wasting your time.




AI / Scripting

JOM Factor (just one more)

Overall rating

Thanks for the feedback.


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« Reply #3 on: 19 Dec 2002, 00:28:16 »
Really that bad huh? I was just about to download it, but i'm not gona waste my time.

Captain Winters

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« Reply #4 on: 19 Dec 2002, 01:25:29 »
Wow. Sorry. I never thought of the fact that people play in veternarian mode. Quite Sorry. And after trying it in veternarian mode i see it is nearly impossible to play. As i stated I'm sorry so don't be mad at me for saying the following:

It was my second review. So I'm bound to make mistakes. That is not reason to play "Bite his head off." I'm very dissapointed in how your treated me. I always thought that OFPEC as a place full of helpfull people. People that are kind. Now I see there are select few 'Irrp' running around here. I've had great times playing OFP and will for the next few years, here at OFPEC. I'm sorry for not playing the level in Vet. mode. You're right. That's my fault. I'm sorry. I'm just very disturbed at how some of yous are... Umm, i'm sorry. But please remeber it IT WAS MY SECOND REVIEW. So please, stop playing "Lets bite the n00b reviewer's head off" ok? please?  :-[

I'm sorry i made a mistake. People make 'em. It's a game people. I don't wan to lose any of (if any) respect I gained here over the past year and a half. I'm sorry again. I'm, its just.  :'(
capn' winters out  

ps- Anmac: I screwed up . sorry.


Guy Who started this post- Don't turn into another Irrp. please. for God's sake.....

EVERYONE: I'm Sorry For Screwing Up.   :-[  :'(


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« Reply #5 on: 19 Dec 2002, 02:50:32 »
Give the guy a break people.

On that note.  A mission review is a matter of taste for the dude reviewing the mission. He's on his own. nobody influencing him... ( I hope ) It's his taste. For someone new to mission reviewing, cut the guy a little slack.

I've  downloaded really "crappy" ( according to the reviewer ) missions just to see what was so bad. Guess what... some were FUN!

I've also d/l'd missions that got a "9" from experieced dudes. Yeah, they were good, but sometimes too complicated... It's all about taste.

It's only a game :-*

« Last Edit: 19 Dec 2002, 02:54:53 by jb »


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« Reply #6 on: 19 Dec 2002, 03:24:21 »

Guy Who started this post- Don't turn into another Irrp. please. for God's sake.....
Yo winters, i was only agreeing that the mission didn't deserve a 9 ;) No hard feelings towards ya, every reviewer is different it is only your second review so you can learn from it :) I'm still learning on how to review better every day :D

Offline toadlife

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« Reply #7 on: 19 Dec 2002, 04:15:49 »

Don't worry about it Captain W. As a former Missions Reviewer  here at OFPEC, I've experienced a bit of flak about my opinion . I'd probably would have given the mission a 2 and gone a three page rant detailing every little thing that sucked about it. Then I'd dedicate half a page on how he probbaly is a loser and how his ugly mom must have dropped him one too many times when he was an infant.

Just kidding about the loser/mom/dropped baby thing.  ;D. ;)

As long as your posting your opinion, there will be people that disagree with you, and as I have found out, people that criticize you often have valid points. :)
"Whenever you want information on the 'net, don't ask a question; just post a wrong answer." -- Cancer Omega.


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« Reply #8 on: 19 Dec 2002, 04:54:19 »
God, chill out! You actually didn't screw up- the review was pretty good. Better than anything I can do. ::)
Anyway, I couldn't find the mission last time I checked. What happened to it?


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« Reply #9 on: 19 Dec 2002, 06:18:53 »


1.  Captain Winters you are NOT in trouble.

2.  As I stated in my post, reviewers will learn through expeirence.

3.  Part of being a mission reviewer is getting hate mail, mostly from authors of missions that get 2/10.  ;)  So don't stress if somebody doesn't agree with one of your reviews.

4.  The review I posted was of version 1 of the mission NOT version 1.1.

5.  The author was wise enough to post a comment, under the review, stating it is best played in cadet mode.

6.  Nobody, maybe other than Ubidubium, was biting your head off.  So everything is cool man.  Just remember a 9 at OFPEC = 15 elsewhere.



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« Reply #10 on: 19 Dec 2002, 21:04:07 »
Whenever someone writes an opinion criticism will follow.  Criticism in any form- that is whether it's out of place or not-  can only make one's writing and opinions better and more accepted.  

The main point of the post was that I don't feel the mission should be rated anywhere close to a 9- Captain Winters you felt otherwise and rated it thus.

If you deem what was written as "biting your head off" then detatch your emotions from it- this is, as someone studiously noted, only a game.  As a game we all derive fun and entertainment from it and rely on places such as the OFPEC to find that diversion.  The criticisms are aimed at hopefully guiding in better reviewing which makes the experience more enjoyable for all.

I've got nothing against you Winters, I don't even know you, but I have a major problem with the review.  There's a difference between a person and their written piece.

I don't know what the hell an "Irrp" or whatever is but I'll do my best not to be that.  But if it entails not being critical of that which can be better (as in our works and missions) then perhaps I am whatever that little acronym is.

Don't take it personally, just take it into consideration

Anmac, thanks for posting that review so I could see a second opinion, that was very much appreciated.

Captain Winters

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« Reply #11 on: 20 Dec 2002, 02:02:30 »
Wow! Yes, I suppose i was acting melodrmatic there 'eh? Well I'm sorry. I just took out some problems I was having on that post. I did sound high, and I'm quite sorry. so I'd like to:

Formally Apologize For That Post Up Above!  :-)

No hard feelings? Okay. Cool. I'm chilled out! BUT there is no apology for SFG. I want him to finish that "Signal Strike" campaign he's making! GET CRACKING!. Oh, just joking 'bout that apology thingy SFG. No hard feelings (update ur website! :)). No but really every1 I'm quite sorry for that naged-up-screwed-up-pissy-pot-post!
Capn' Winters Out!


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« Reply #12 on: 20 Dec 2002, 03:05:31 »
No hard feelings? Okay. Cool. I'm chilled out! BUT there is no apology for SFG. I want him to finish that "Signal Strike" campaign he's making! GET CRACKING!. Oh, just joking 'bout that apology thingy SFG. No hard feelings (update ur website! :)). No but really every1 I'm quite sorry for that naged-up-screwed-up-pissy-pot-post!
Capn' Winters Out!
Hehe, its comming along nicely :)


  • Guest
« Reply #13 on: 20 Dec 2002, 03:17:38 »
Awwwwww, we all made up.  :'( :)
Now where's that mission?! I can't find it in the latest 5, or the SP Mission place.


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« Reply #14 on: 21 Dec 2002, 17:27:29 »
the reviewers are tasked with a pretty important job, and i would have thought that they'd take it seriously enough to try it on cadet and veteran, and if your going to take the job, you've gotta accept the criticism that comes with it.
and as for biting your head off, if you had've done the job properly in the first place, it wouldn't be a problem.
what's written from here down isn't necessarily directed at Capt. Winters.
doesn't somebody at ofpec screen the new reviewers before they get put on the site? since if they do something bad on your site, your gonna be connected to their downfall in one way or another. if not for our sakes, for yours. as far as i know the idea is to keep people coming back.
i say to be more selective of who you recruit, and give them a bit of time to prove themselves, before they get put into the publics eye and possibly humiliate themselves and possibly the whole website.
