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Author Topic: A genral question about the site's intentions  (Read 1507 times)

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A genral question about the site's intentions
« on: 13 Dec 2002, 13:05:38 »
Im not bitching or anything, but im just a little confused on this subject.

I know we all want more realism and fun in the game, and thats why we edit it, but we also want to have something different from time to time for a bit of fun dont we? I get the impression a lot of people on this site dont really care for "unealsitic" missions and such. i menioned a while back about having a mission idea, and to sipce the story up a bit i thought id add a "experimantal emp generator" into the plot, a new weapon for the russuians. i got a lot of feedback from that mission idea but it seemed everyone hated the idea of the emp generator and it was too "sci-fi", but the idea has been used in lots of films like goldeneye and ocheans 11 and it was fhesable in films like that but not in a game even if it worked ralistically and had scientific prinicliples to back it up?

recentley i put a thread up on the addons ideas board about how i am making some units from red alert 2 and if anyone would be interested in them and any comments theyed like to give on the subject, but it was locked by the moderators saying that they dont support scientific addons. all i wanted to know if anyone would be interested in that addon becuase i am working on it at the moment and thought people would enjoy using it, i shure would, its something different at least, but now i dont think anyone would care less if i made and released it.

Does this site only want missions that are realistic? im not saying thats bad, far from it, iv worked on many scripts to make the Ai act realistically and such, its just a question. iv played the exellent mission, operation firelord (what got a review of 9) and that was heavily based on sci-fi ideas and turned out great, with an exellent story, scripting and a lot of work put into it, but iv got the feeling, if that idea wasnt done, and someone posted a mission idea about "hunting down russian experimental psycic super soldiors" it would get a lot of negative feedback saying its too unrealistic and sci-fi, but it was done and turned out great.

Sorry if this seems like a rant but its not, just a query on what people on this site really want from the game, lots of realism all the time, or sometimes something just a little bit different and fun that veers from realism slightly. personally i am a bit of a sci-fi buff, ill admit that, but there are so many unused ideas that could be implimented from that genra that would be great in a war game, take return to castle wolfenstien for example.

im not expecting this to generate mad flurries of crazy missions and people completley dismissing reality when making their missions, i'd hate that cause there is a lot of great work being produced, but since i dont know that much about war facts and history and such, i think that if i implement my knowledge of what im interested in into another genra it can create some great things.

anyway, if im misinformed since iv been away for a few months and this site is completley dedicated to just realistic missions and authentic war work now, id be happy to stop working on things like this and get back to full on realsim in my work.

But like i said, pleasepleaseplease dont take this as a rant, its just a question.


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Re:A genral question about the site's intentions
« Reply #1 on: 13 Dec 2002, 13:11:15 »
by the way, iv just gotten an explination from a moderator, and i now realise the site DOES NOT support ideas like this unless they are real techinical issues.


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Re:A genral question about the site's intentions
« Reply #2 on: 13 Dec 2002, 21:01:04 »
was that op:firelord the one with the soldiers that move things with their mind? was reading in missions review about a mission like that prolly not the same .......that seems sci-fiy to me yet it was allowed...unless mind-powers are now a real weapon ;).....since emp is a real weapon, it is used right b4 the blast in nukes,and theres other means of producing an emp discharge, knocks out vehicles electrical systems, to a helo thats fatal, good wep, i say make it dude, sounds good...as far as Red alert units...whats wrong with that? in red alert, there were machinegunners, rocket launchers, grenaders stuff like that. Hell, theres lasers now that can burn a hole through 4 feet of steel, fast like, u see?since a russian  named Tesla, really built Tesla coils, i see no reason those cant be implemented here...since it was real...   there, does that all sound pretty logical or what? id rather play a mission with Teslas than mind power having soldiers.....more realistic ;)

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Re:A genral question about the site's intentions
« Reply #3 on: 13 Dec 2002, 23:02:57 »
We don't allow Sci-Fi, simply because it's not something we want to branch into, when the realistic realms are still untapped and hold so much potential.

There are other sites for that. We are not one of them.

As for Operation Firelord, it was highly over-rated in my opinion, and I honestly don't remember why it got onto the Missions Depot, other than the fact that the Author had put an amazing amount of time into a very good plot. (Not feasible, but certainly good).

There will always be exceptions to every rule, regardless how well you police it. Op Firelord was one of them.

We have answered this query a thousand times over, and it's written in the Forum Agreement in Paragraph 11, the sites policy on Sci-Fi or unrealistic Addons.

At the end of the day, and this is not aimed at anyone, but I'll sum it up:

Whilst we will listen to the Community, we ultimately decide what is within our resources and our powers to host and serve to the public, which we can to a reasonable level, control the quality of, and prevent it from cauasing the degredation of service to our Visitors and Patrons.


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Re:A genral question about the site's intentions
« Reply #4 on: 13 Dec 2002, 23:06:50 »
thanks for clearing that up, i didnt know there was a poilcy until today of this site not branching into that area.