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Author Topic: vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares  (Read 3181 times)

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vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares
« on: 05 Dec 2002, 21:25:23 »
hey!   just got this done. it contains a small editor mission that shows you my arcing flare script and handheld flares script... these are me 1st so not all professional, but they work....have a look see!
p.s... this was made with SEBSnampac2 and RES_1.90...so your s.o.l if you dont have those :-\

« Last Edit: 05 Dec 2002, 21:28:52 by Azraell »


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Re:vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares
« Reply #1 on: 07 Dec 2002, 07:48:37 »
hmm,obviously none of you have sebsnampack, owell, ur loss, my gain :P


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Re:vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares
« Reply #2 on: 09 Dec 2002, 13:48:34 »
I had a little play with this. Interesting script.

The only 'bug' I noticed was that because the arcing flares use (and share) predefined game logic objects, if you hit 'Activate Arcing Flares' several times quickly, the first ones start to drop off almost immediately. I assume you're moving the logics around a bit?

Suggest you use spawned logic objects rather than predefined ones, but that's just a suggestion. There may have been another cause for the early dropoff.

The 'handheld' flares - just a comment. The action is 'throw flare', but it actually drops it on the ground. Suggest you force the animation of throwing a grenade and give the flare a similar arc to a grenade (though possibly a bit shorter), just for realism. I can't see people wishing to drop a flare at their feet very often - it also seems to go out immediately.

The arcing flares look quite good. If that's your first script, I'm impressed.

Oh, and I suspect most ppl are too busy *playing* with the nampack..  ;)


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Re:vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares
« Reply #3 on: 09 Dec 2002, 14:24:04 »
thanks for looking it over CB....yea, about throwing/dropping, i just quickly threw that addaction in there for testing purposes....restructured the "handheld" with a createvehicle instead of camcreate,created it further away from player..(if u run into them they will go out :-\ ), also got it so a helo will find ur flare(or smoke)postion for evac purposes(got a smoke version to for the daytime :).....nade throwing action was going to be put in there sometime ::).....  some the arcing ones go out b4 they hit ground because they have a limited burn time, and they are burning on the way up(15-20 seconds max burn time it seems)- 2 seconds for flare light up, i have 3 logics from which the flares fire from, 3 flares in script go, then three more after the third.. this script is unofficial, i put extra logics and flares in the script just to give tester a flare show... ill prolly use the hand held with a smoke and during the day, arcing for night ambushes and TET missions...also gonna make arcing smoke...and been playing around with arcing shells.setvelocity is usefull...   yea these are my 1st major (for me anyway) scripts....just finished a monster for evac huey...works with the handheld script or without it, addaction type.....i was trying to lay a guilt trip on ppl to get some1 to test it ;)

....ill repost new scripts and ill even post the new helo script i have finished, maybe if u have the time u can look over the new ones?.....oops, forgot, logics are static...i have different setvelocity for each flare..... gives a little randomness to it. ill try adding the suggestion of urs to spawn the logics, or setposing them...thanks again  :D


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Re:vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares
« Reply #4 on: 11 Dec 2002, 21:31:44 »
actually the handhelds would make good flare traps in trees and around camp perimeters, for vc incursions and ambushes used in conjuction with the claymores...


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Re:vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares
« Reply #5 on: 14 Dec 2002, 18:10:37 »
Yes im newbie... ;P .. How do you make the AI to fire the arcing flares?  :P Thank you..  :p


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Re:vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares
« Reply #6 on: 14 Dec 2002, 19:21:08 »
? huh? there is no ai firing these flares..... theyre camcreated  at a hiegt of .5 then using a setvelocity array of [10,10,8] to get the arc then its looped to  till it achieves a user defined (in the script) height then it goes to another setvelocity array of [6,6,4] to give it the illusion of gravity starting to slow it, then it hits another height that causes the flare to dropoff and start falling.


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Re:vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares
« Reply #7 on: 14 Dec 2002, 22:29:06 »
Ok... Hmmmmmm maybe i did just confuse you.. I mean.. Can AI units activate the arcing flare .. I mean just press the button for them, in the actions menu.. But for the AI.. <; "Activate arcing flares"

What's the line for it?

Like; action ["arcing flare stuff","maybe something more"] .. somewhere.. <;


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Re:vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares
« Reply #8 on: 16 Dec 2002, 00:02:08 »
You don't know? :P cause I really don't <;. HOHO <:


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Re:vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares
« Reply #9 on: 16 Dec 2002, 13:49:41 »
this isnt that type of action...this is an addaction for the players action menu(where you reload a clip)....ai cant activate it like that....youll have to have a trigger active it or an ai unit tripping a trigger to active it....like an enemy walking into a trigger, then it shoots a flare up....was meant to be a trap...i just put it in the action menu for testing purposes.


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Re:vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares
« Reply #10 on: 16 Dec 2002, 23:04:30 »
Okay. sorry. :P. is there going to be some final versions.. I really liked what i saw. <: GJ M8Y ;P


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Re:vietnam arcing flares and handheld flares
« Reply #11 on: 19 Dec 2002, 15:56:23 »

you could prolly take it as is....just put a trig somewhere, where you want the enemy to rip it, and on activation:
[] exec "nameofscript.sqs"

you dont need this little mission just grab the script within and put them into ur mission....................................................

here, this is about as final as it gets. its the script itself, no editor mission....put this in ur mission folder, the 1 ur working on...... user/missions/nameofyourmissionfolder and call upon the script like i said above. it  uses 1 gamelogic, just name it as u see it in the script or name it what u want and change the name in the script... either, or :P  enjoy :D
