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Author Topic: Female Addons, Again!  (Read 10639 times)

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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #30 on: 26 Aug 2002, 04:46:02 »
Some one should do a Woman in a dress Uniform (as well as a man, Bibmi's only had one Face) that you can choose any female face for it, I can help for Realism on the Dress uniform (considering my Dad is in the Army and I set up his Dress uniform a lot).


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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #31 on: 26 Aug 2002, 16:05:28 »
Does anyone remeber the ASF Terrorist units for the resistance? I was thinking that that kind of theme would be a good direction to head in, but a bit more advanced than a plain retexture job. Stick a couple of grenades on the belt and some binoculars around the neck, a pair of khaki or camo trousers, green/khaki jacket, maybe a rucsack, et voila, one femal resistance unit. But then again, it's a pain modelling people, or so people scream at me whilst smashing their monitors with golf clubs.


And I was watchin a documentary about the Gulf and there was an account of an American woman who was a 5-ton driver and got captured, and a British artilleryman whose wife was in the transit corps. In case anyone cares.


Okay, so any thoughts on my suggestion? I just wish I had the aptitude to model or texture, but I'm all thumbs with that kind of stuff. I'll happily write someone a mission background though (plug, plug)  ;D


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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #32 on: 26 Aug 2002, 19:26:31 »
i dont think we even need the ASF terrorist-mismatch style of clothing. i think the women soldiers shud look pretty much the same as the men in terms of clothing (obviously the model shud b different)

and talkin bout profesional armies- i was under the impression that not sending women into the front line is due 2 the psycological effects of fighting rather than capture/torture (pilots are often far more prone to capture than squaddies- thats why pilots have more survival and anti-interrogation training than normal soldiers). and sum people have talked about "what the enemy can do 2 women but not men"- well if its wot im thinkin then it can b done 2 men- its not pleasant and most men wudnt do it but sum do so they mite 2 their captured enemies



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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #33 on: 26 Aug 2002, 19:35:41 »
In my experience women are not employed in roles where they are likely to be in the FEBA, in the Brit Army the Infantry and the RAC are the two Corps to which they cannot apply. However there are women in other fighting arms including the RE and RA. It's not impossible that in a mission that someone would make, these people may be involved in combat. I think that since it's realistic it's only right that mission creators should be granted the ability to use women models.


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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #34 on: 27 Aug 2002, 15:27:20 »
please excuse my ignorance here but ive been thinkin- if the women faces rnt the rite type 2 put on players etc then y not jus get a woman's face and do it like a man's 1!

surely the game doesnt look and go "ooh that looks a bit 2 effeminate 2 carry a gun, i wont let her play" rite?

basically wot im sayin is cant we jus have a normal face like ud normally use, but lookin like a woman- ie no actual difference besides aesthetics.

surely sum1 else thinks this 2? or have i gone even more mad than b4?



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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #35 on: 27 Aug 2002, 23:00:59 »
I've tried that, as have many people proabably, and it doesn't look right. I think the only way to resolve this problem is a model and texture job, unfortunately  :(


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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #36 on: 28 Aug 2002, 02:33:17 »
Okay but when one is Released I'm doing a GI Jane Mod! but Seriously Some women are kinda buff so you could pretend she's one of thoes girls, but If you watch Starship Troopers (the 2nd crazyest movie I've ever seen 1st is Fight Club) there are tons of Women Fighting the Bugs, and they Die Too (remember Dizzy?). but I think Women soldiers would Be cool, so Some one should do it, but Tastefully Please, I don't Wanna see Pam anderson in here! Just a normal Woman who looks fit for the Battle Field, Its fine If you wanna do that, but I'd rather have a Real Woman soldier! (the Realism thing ;))


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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #37 on: 28 Aug 2002, 18:04:13 »
Anyone here watch that one show on the History Channel (I'm a dork) called Basic Training? There must have been 5 or 6 women in the company being filmed, all of whom were in the mandatorty hand-tohand combat class. I wouldn't mess with some of them.


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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #38 on: 29 Aug 2002, 07:00:25 »
Hey Buddy you're no Dork, I watch the History Channel all the Time! don't be ashamed! and if you're a dork I'm a Dork! we should start a Club! :)

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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #39 on: 29 Aug 2002, 07:28:34 »
exactly, thats what i was saying earlier, we do teach women how to fight we would rather them be in the back were we can protect them.  No matter how i say that im gonna sound like a... dick.  There are women that haven't been to basic that whip some ass.  we all know a few of them.
Trained to Fight, Trained To Kill, Ready to Die, but Never Will.  Marines Make the Blood Flow, Blood Makes the Grass Grow...


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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #40 on: 30 Aug 2002, 06:30:53 »
I'll make a point to make some cammo textures with my Goth chick addon in the future.

Have any of the new female models been decrypted yet for retexturing? I may be able to do some interesting retexturing with some of those as well.


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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #41 on: 31 Aug 2002, 01:14:40 »
Goth Chicks are Cool ;D


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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #42 on: 31 Aug 2002, 04:01:55 »
Reading this thread it something occured to me that might be worth mentioning.....    

On the project I'm working on we were toying with the idea of female units that join/unjoin from you during the mission.. when it dawned on us..
there are no female voices  ???  The best you could do is set a mans voice in the description.ext and make it really high pitched .... :noo:

So.. If you were wanting to play as a female unit you'd have to sound like a man singing falsetto (isn't that the highest?)

Any innovative ideas on how to get past that one striking problem? otherwise making realistic female addons might not be possible.. even with a new model.. we need new voices from BIS in a patch.. or a way to do it ourselves :toocool:


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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #43 on: 31 Aug 2002, 04:20:55 »
You make a very good point. I doubt BIS is going to goto the lengths to create fem voices for 2 reasons: 1. has to do with the time when the games are set, during the early 80's women were allowed into even fewer trades than now in all armies except the Isreali armed forces. 2. BIS is prob not going to waste their time unless they make an addon campaign with a female main character.

We could as a group however work on a project to make a few female voice addons. Possibly make a file that would tie in with the existing game voice files so the player can pick the voice from the voices list. I am just starting to learn .cpp and really have no idea how much work would be involved in this.

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Re:Female Addons, Again!
« Reply #44 on: 31 Aug 2002, 04:25:38 »
yeah dat was wat wanted 2 do (im in da same team wid Kali  ;D) but i dont know how 2 do da voices cpp 2 make da option of chosin em  :(

« Last Edit: 31 Aug 2002, 04:26:12 by LCD »
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