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Author Topic: Dropping support for OFP  (Read 2003 times)

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Offline ZapBrannigan

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Dropping support for OFP
« on: 18 Jun 2011, 15:26:08 »
I'm sure this is going to hit a nerve but I really think that the website is being overstretched trying to support 3 games at one time.  I think the most healthy moding community is one where ideally everybody is playing the same game.  Operation flashpoint is now over 10 years old. and Im really not sure why people havent at least switched to armed assault. I think it is hard to even find computers that cant run Armed assault now a days.  I think in order to encourage people to move up to the next game and to bring the community closer together, the website should stop supporting operation flashpoint, and operation flashpoint elite.   thats just my opinion.


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Re: Dropping support for OFP
« Reply #1 on: 18 Jun 2011, 16:59:32 »
Well, you may expect to hit a nerve, but the nerve neatly sidesteps and delivers a devatating uppercut before dancing away.

They may be things that you "think", but you're going to have to at least provide some evidence or arguments in support.

I don't understand where the assertion that the site is overstretched comes from: ArmA2 has its sections just the same as OFP. So people who own just one game in the canon have as much of a home here as those who own more. The OFP sections represent a huge amount of accumulated effort and knowledge; if you know of somewhere comparable (in English) I'd be interested to hear of it.

I disagree with your idea of strong-arming people between BIS games. In fact I would consider ArmA to be in greater danger of being cut, since that game seems to generate least activity.

"Community closeness" and "a healthy modding community" are phrases I'd expect from a politician. Not only because they include the word 'community', but largely because I have no comprehension of what they might mean in reality. And they are just so positive sounding it's difficult to oppose them. A healthy modding community needs ideas and diverse experience OUTSIDE of that single game - I don't see how retaining the BIS lineage can do any harm.

OFPEC has so far provided space for three games and their communities, and the freedom to move between them. Long may that continue.

Offline bedges

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Re: Dropping support for OFP
« Reply #2 on: 18 Jun 2011, 18:24:16 »
It's good and healthy to hear all opinions. Thanks for raising this point of view, Zap.  :good:

In addition to Walter's comments above, I would also point out that a great deal of the editing knowledge stored within the OFP-centric content on this site is just as applicable today for the newer titles as it was when first contributed - at least in terms of mission-making.

As for overstretched, our traffic-to-staff ratio is as balanced as it's always been. Read into that what you will...  :whistle:

The point Zap raises is very similar to that regarding Internet Explorer 6. It too is about a decade old, it's insecure, it's clunky, it's not standards-compliant, and the argument could be made that anyone who continues to support IE6 (for example, by spending time making a website "work" in that browser) are perpetuating the longevity of this archaic bit of software, to the detriment of innovation and progress. If users of IE6 don't get support (i.e. the website looks broken, or is plastered with update advisories) they're more likely to think "huh, maybe I should use a different browser." instead of continuing with the same old same old.

The same can be said of Operation Flashpoint.

This is assuming they can upgrade. They may be behind a corporate infrastructure which hasn't caught up yet. They may not be able to afford it. They may be in a country where technology is a few years behind. For whatever reason, there are still folks from around the world editing for OFP - bedges included.

In the final analysis, I am of the opinion that when folks from around the world stop coming here asking about OFP, OFPEC will by default no longer be supporting users of OFP; that's without having to close anything, or lock anyone out, or be exclusive, or do anything. That's not to say that the space devoted to OFP will stay the same: on the forum, the OFP boards have already been amalgamated to a degree to make room for the newer titles.

If folks in the Community come here seeking support for OFP as well as the newer titles, that's what this site will provide for them since it is, after all, and always has been: by the Community, for the Community.

You can start the tickertape parade now Walter...

Offline ZapBrannigan

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Re: Dropping support for OFP
« Reply #3 on: 18 Jun 2011, 20:52:45 »
Fair points. But im not proposing that simply to stop people from using the older game. When i see people making missions or scripts for operation flashpoint, i feel frustrated that they are not putting that effort into arma 2 where the majority of the community is at.  If you make a mission for ofp, the vast majority of the community cannot play it.  and any mission or script made for ofp can certainly be made for arma 2.  Theres just no reason not to except for stubborness or a fear of change maybe.

I just think back to early 2000s when ofp was the only game, everybody who did modding did it for ofp and that meant everybody could enjoy everybody's contributions.   The community was tremendous.   But now Half the time i see an interesting script, or addon or mission i look in the description and realize its for arma 1 or sometimes ofp and i cant use it.   the community is effectively split into 3 different communities.   you know when i said ofpec is overstretched i didnt mean managing wise, i meant talent wise. anyways it was just my idea i wanted to hear what people thought. But i still think forcing people to drop ofp and get arma 2 would be good for them and us. a win win. they can play the better game and have access to a larger pool of modding resources, and we can enjoy the talent they bring.

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: Dropping support for OFP
« Reply #4 on: 21 Jun 2011, 04:42:58 »
I own all of BIS titles and can say that I enjoy each one on it's own level. OFP holds a lot of nostalgia for me and I truly enjoy playing missions created by others in it. After all these years it has never lost it's value to me. I enjoy Arma2 as well and am usually torn between the two over which one to build projects in. You have a point that if folks abandoned OFP for the latest and greatest, some folks would also move on but there will always be some folks who can't afford to upgrade PC's for Arma2 and will enjoy the first title which is the closest thing to it as they can get. For that reason, I'm glad OFPEC still caters to all titles.

Offline Lenyoga

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Re: Dropping support for OFP
« Reply #5 on: 21 Jun 2011, 10:58:07 »
I think OFPEC without OFp, that would be like 'EC'. I currently own ArmA and OFp, and I've been modding and scripting for OFp for as long as I can remember back. I also tried ArmA-modding, but it's just not the same. I don't know about ArmA2 - but switching from OFp to ArmA would not be an upgrade for me, it would be like switching to a different game. It's just not the same for me.

I guess I was born into Flashpoint, and I will die in Flashpoint.
As a grandmother I've got lots of gold.

Offline Rytuklis

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Re: Dropping support for OFP
« Reply #6 on: 21 Jun 2011, 12:17:34 »
This was the craziest idea i ever saw... OFP CAN NOT DIE! OFP was and still is the best game in military simulator history... It's better than any ArmA in it's own special way. You have to be hardcore OFP fan like me, to understand why

Offline haroon1992

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Re: Dropping support for OFP
« Reply #7 on: 27 Jun 2011, 15:33:10 »
I have this thought in my mind :

"If just a single person enjoys playing my mission, at least once, then I am satisfied with what I've done."

So, the idea of discontinuing support for OFP is like closing down OFPEC.

In my view, this website is dedicated mainly to OFPEC. (You can realize that by just looking at the site's name.)

Very busy with life, business, and other stuff. Away from OFP for months. Not sure if I could get back onto it. :(

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: Dropping support for OFP
« Reply #8 on: 27 Jun 2011, 23:05:02 »
Hmm, well OFPEC is dedicated to the Armaverse for certain. Operation Flashpoint / ARMA: Cold War Assault is the cornerstone that is still relative to the newer titles. Why would you remove the cornerstone of your structure? We'll forgive your transgressions this time Zap, but if it happens again, we're going to have to set you down and hold your eyelids open while we flash images of Rosanne Barr scantily clad before you until you beg for mercy.


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Re: Dropping support for OFP
« Reply #9 on: 29 Jun 2011, 01:43:59 »
Zap may be correct insofar as it's time to consider replacing the three letters O, F and P. BIS have redesignated Operation Flashpoint as ArmA: Cold War Assault - number-wise I guess this will have to be ArmA 0 (zero). What this means for OFPEC, who can say?

Even the thought of it will have everyone begging for mercy.