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Author Topic: Help request - briefing.sqf has 2 tasks but briefing shows only one objective  (Read 2103 times)

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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Hey lads, I keep having the above mentioned problem with a briefing I copied from another mission to my desktop modified it and then inserted it in the mission folder with an "Export to single missions" afterwards.

Here is the code:

// Function file for Armed Assault
// Created by: TODO: Author Name

// created basic notes in diary

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Enemy forces", "Probably platoon-sized force in your target area, armed elements likely in villages along your route."]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Friendly forces", "One squad of Delta Force riding in a HMMV SOV and one AH-64 Apache are at your disposal via the High Command protocol."]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Mission", "Board your LandRover SOV and move to the village of <marker name=""Timurkalay"">Timurkalay</marker> to snatch an ammunition box potentially containing WMDs. The box should be in or around a blue van, as specified by the note you found on the Takiban who wanted to abduct the mayor of Ahmaday."]];

// primary objective
task2 = player createSimpleTask ["Hand over the box"];
task2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Rendezvous with NBC elements just above the <marker name=""Pass"">pass</marker>" and and hand over the box, since the nature of its contents is not clear.", "Hand over the box", "B"];

task1 = player createSimpleTask ["Snatch the box"];
task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Infiltrate <marker name=""Timurkalay"">Timurkalay</marker>" and look for a blue van to find a box potentially containing WMDs inside or nearby that van.", "Find the box", "A"];

player setCurrentTask task1;

« Last Edit: 12 Jun 2011, 21:17:31 by mathias_eichinger »

Offline Pirin

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task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Infiltrate <marker name=""Timurkalay"">Timurkalay</marker>" and look for a blue van to find a box potentially containing WMDs inside or nearby that van.", "Find the box", "A"];

You have a single quote in the </marker>" part.  Needs to be double since it's within the normal quotes.

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Sorry, adding a second quote like so

task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Infiltrate <marker name=""Timurkalay"">Timurkalay</marker>"" and look for a blue van to find a box potentially containing WMDs inside or nearby that van.", "Find the box", "A"];

didn't do it. Any other ideas?

Offline B2KDragon

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Code: [Select]
task1 setSimpleTaskDescription [""Infiltrate <marker name=""Timurkalay"">Timurkalay</marker>" and look for a blue van to find a box potentially containing WMDs inside or nearby that van.", "Find the box", "A"];
Try that one, if not.

Code: [Select]
task1 setSimpleTaskDescription [""Infiltrate <marker name=""Timurkalay"">Timurkalay</marker>"" and look for a blue van to find a box potentially containing WMDs inside or nearby that van.", "Find the box", "A"];
That one, letme know what happens.

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Neither one of these solutions work...I am puzzled. I have attached the mission to the first post for examination if anyone could be that helpful.  :D
« Last Edit: 12 Jun 2011, 21:18:24 by mathias_eichinger »

Offline B2KDragon

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// Function file for Armed Assault
// Created by: TODO: Author Name

// created basic notes in diary

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Enemy forces", "Probably platoon-sized force in your target area, armed elements likely in villages along your route."]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Friendly forces", "One squad of Delta Force riding in a HMMV SOV and one AH-64 Apache are at your disposal via the High Command protocol."]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Mission", "Board your LandRover SOV and move to the village of <marker name='Timurkalay'>Timurkalay</marker> to snatch an ammunition box potentially containing WMDs. The box should be in or around a blue van, as specified by the note you found on the Takiban who wanted to abduct the mayor of Ahmaday."]];

// primary objective
task2 = player createSimpleTask ["Hand over the box"];
task2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Rendezvous with NBC elements just above the <markername='Pass'>pass</marker> and and hand over the box, since the nature of its contents is not clear.", "Hand over the box", "A"];

task1 = player createSimpleTask ["Snatch the box"];
task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Infiltrate <marker name='Timurkalay'>Timurkalay</marker> and look for a blue van to find a box potentially containing WMDs inside or nearby that van.", "Find the box", "A"];

player setCurrentTask task1;

That now works.

The issue was this,

Code: [Select]
<marker name="Pass">pass</marker>
It should of been,

<marker name='Pass'>pass</marker>

Took me a little to find out :) also, I do not know if you know this. Or you are placing it in the mission, however it asked for a mod to play your mission or edit it. Some civilian patch, I had to remove it from the mission.sqm to be able to open it.

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Thank you very much, now both objectives appear!

Offline B2KDragon

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No worries mate.