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Author Topic: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Review complete)  (Read 21643 times)

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 13th July)
« Reply #45 on: 11 Aug 2011, 21:44:18 »
Battle of Rasman


It contains a nice picture, that's all I remember about it.


The intro is very well made and impressive. I have to say that it is rare that the classic "battle scene" type intro features that much action and perfect camera placement.


The briefing contains all the necessary tactical information one could ask for, plus all the technical things that are used in the mission (minelaying, switching of frontlines, air support) are explained. Markers are plentiful, but not chaotic. And the weapons selection is nice to have. The only bad thing about the briefing is that all objectives except the very first one are not ticked off.


I did use the mine laying option, and then some waves of enemies appeared. These were very well balanced, since there was a constant battle, yet the own forces were never overwhelmed. Which is the cause that I left them in the trenches and did not use this "switch frontlines" option. During the battle, a new objective came up (kill a sniper) but before I could fight my way to his position, the enemy attack died down and I was re-tasked to kill enemy AA in another location. Thankfully, an Abrams tank guarded me on my way to the new objective, killing most AA units that were located in featureless terrain - tackling these on foot would have been suicide. The last AA truck was located in a village, and it was a bit tricky to take out without being shot.

With all the enemy AA down, I grabbed a civilian truck to quickly head back to Rasman, just in time to help beating back another huge assault. This was another great moment in ArmA2 gameplay, because there is so much going on: Waves of enemies assaulting, being beaten back by international force, Apache helos giving air support, lots of explosions... just great. The last 2 objectives of checking 2 further landmarks for enemies did feel a bit bolted-on and were not quite necessary in my eyes.


Hm, not much storytelling here, just more shots of troops in action.


Another great mission, well balanced and fun. The only letdown is the bug that prevents objective tick off upon completion.
« Last Edit: 11 Aug 2011, 22:06:42 by mathias_eichinger »

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 13th July)
« Reply #46 on: 11 Aug 2011, 22:41:59 »
Thanks for testing more :), I have all tasks fixed for next version. That minetask was one of few (if the only one) that was still working right. The last 2 tasks were from the orginal mission version that I later changed much for campaign. I agree those are quite unneeded tasks, but I left those there. I may tweak it more.

The "switch frontlines"-function is also really experimental. It didnt become very usefull, but I also left it there. I may tweak it too or use it better in some other mission.

After I have finished the last mission. I will work more on the cutscenes. There is some quite poor ones currently (especially 3rd/5th mission intro, also 5th mission needs an outro. And I could try to expand other cutscenes too and include some more story telling/dialog between characters)

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 13th July)
« Reply #47 on: 15 Aug 2011, 20:21:49 »
Operation Zavarak

Is a mission that works through the end, where a nasty bug prevents completion. Since I played this mission in 2 parts (tomorrow morning and evening) I shall not give a whole walktrough - I could be missing a few details.
It is a classic capture and defend mission with solid gameplay. There are only 2 problems:
1) The objectives do not tick off
2) At Zavarak, the objective is never completed, and the mission does not end (famous "last loon" bug).

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 13th July)
« Reply #48 on: 15 Aug 2011, 23:04:02 »
Did you destroy the AA pad in Zavarak (after getting a task for it)? After that a plane should bring more friendlies to clear the town. There is many enemies inside the houses, but they should come in sight often. And there is that marker system showing right direction. The ending trigger should work (I played the mission through myself), but I will make the marker area smaller and add surrending for last enemies. I agree its not fun to search for the last hiding enemies.

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 13th July)
« Reply #49 on: 21 Aug 2011, 11:26:31 »
Hey SaOk, one of my squadmembers apparently killed the AA gunner, and I blew up the AA with a satchel charge.
Oh, just in case: I managed to lose my tank support, and the enemy tanks managed to break laser lock just before impact (by going over a hill), so I was almost without AT options, and I had to look for a RPG among the dead. Could you provide for AT launchers and missiles in the ammo boxes at the AA site in any future version?
« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2011, 13:58:24 by mathias_eichinger »

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 13th July)
« Reply #50 on: 21 Aug 2011, 11:31:58 »
Sure, I add some to the satchel crates. The AA-pad is placed randomly to one of the three locations in Zavarak.

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 13th July)
« Reply #51 on: 23 Aug 2011, 22:58:33 »
Trenches of Garmsar

This mission is a great mission which contains of a series of assaults that are mildly challenging, but totally believing in so far as they are combined multi-national operations with ample air and armor support. A good mission that concludes a good campaign.
There is, however, a bug in the Briefing. No content is provided in the briefing before mission start, apart from a weapons selection. But the weapons selection is overriden in-game by a standard MK16 assault rifle.

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 13th July)
« Reply #52 on: 24 Aug 2011, 00:34:04 »
Thanks for testing through the campaign. ;) I had the briefing launched after mando scripts. I think that might have caused that. I going to correct that for all missions. Also try to find out why that weapon bug happened. I havent seen that before.

For current campaign status, I will try to have new version with the new last mission ready in few weeks. I have the mission almost ready, and much bugs fixed in all missions. Cutscenes will still take some time and I plan to add optional chooseable high command feature. So player could choose if he wants to lead other AI groups or let the scripts do the work (as before).
« Last Edit: 24 Aug 2011, 00:40:25 by SaOk »

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 13th July)
« Reply #53 on: 28 Aug 2011, 16:50:22 »
Here is the new last campaign mission named "Takibans Last Stand", as a separate SP mission, that I am trying to get ready for MEC11. Its not yet included in the campaign (it will take more time to finish the new version for it). This is also only a beta so be free to test it and report any bugs. Do not mirror this. I will continue tweaking this and have updated version before the deadline on next week.

For new noticeable feature (compareing to the old version of campaign) there is a new option - "Commander Mode" which add High Command feature, so you can edit AI group waypoints. But its very optional, even with that mode enabled there is scripts giving battle plans for every group. You can just leave them be.

Also as an another new function, nearby civilians may now turn against you if there is civilian or animal casulties. They run to nearest house and pick up a weapon (respawn as militian unit).

Here is a new version that I sent for MEC11 via SBG:

If you like you can make test report of it for the campaign too, or wait the new campaign version. All feedback is helpfull.
« Last Edit: 30 Aug 2011, 18:29:21 by SaOk »

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 1st September)
« Reply #54 on: 01 Sep 2011, 21:55:07 »
New version 1.6 is available with new and final mission "Takibans Last Stand". As new options to choose, there is BIS's "Advanced First Aid" and "Command Mode" that enables high command feature for all missions (expect in 4th). Its disabled as default, but those few who like High Commanding can modify/recreate waypoint for certain friendly AI groups. As new AI function, civilians may now run for nearby house and pick up weapons if you hurt them or their cattle. That is active only in 2nd, 3rd and 5-7th missions. Many other tweaks and fixes are also there.

I continue tweaking missions and adding cutscenes, but else the campaign is complete as mission count. Especially the last mission need some expanded cutscenes.

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 1st September)
« Reply #55 on: 26 Sep 2011, 16:03:30 »
I am now looking for voice-actors. Contact me if interested. You can find the roles here.

« Last Edit: 02 Oct 2011, 10:58:59 by SaOk »

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 8th November)
« Reply #56 on: 08 Nov 2011, 16:08:30 »
I released a new campaign version 1.9 with almost all roles acted and with much other tweaks, fixes and addition. I didnt yet create a new outro for campaign. It will take more time to plan and create.

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 8th November)
« Reply #57 on: 14 Dec 2011, 03:56:35 »
Played with 1.60 RC on regular.
VISITORS IN SAHKE-----------------------------
Timing, voice volumes and the nephews sudden breathing worked against this one. It is certainly much better than some of the cinema I have seen out there but once the rest of the campaign cinema is viewed, the Intro fails to match those standards. 
The tasks were great for an opener and the amount of AI help proved very welcome.

TAKIBAN VALLEY--------------------------------
was great. Timing, voices, angles...everything.
Crash site task never completed

The player also has 7 in his group after dropping the wounded off at the nearby factory but the Humvee only holds 6 so getting to Anar efficiently, was a challenge.

At the end of the mission, the British team arrived just as command was saying they'll take a while. There was also some exchanges of gunfire during the cut-scene of the player and British officer walking up the hill discussing the pilot pickup.

Examination of Bastam---------------------------
As I am walking up the road, you initiate a cut-scene which setposes me on the hill overlooking the town and the player says "Well, what do we have here?" That was not needed and it removes me from the immersion that was building with my approach to the town. After that, my team had a hard time climbing the hill and getting down to catch up to me. I was on the road. before the scene started.

The SUV was on the western intersection of town while the waypoint to protect it was on the eastern intersection.

THE BATTLE OF RASMAN-------------------------
The minefield task was confusing at first and I don't think I was given enough time to properly get it figured out. It didn't matter though because enemy armor never made it to that area. I did happen to have a guy lay out a few mines before being ordered off of the line but the task displayed as though it was ignored.

I like the variation of tasks in this one. But I just didn't seem to have enough time to complete each one before you threw another at me. I was running from one spot to the other without enjoying the ambiance much. Perhaps you should increase time between tasks just a bit?
The "Take down the helo if I can" task, never showed up as a task. Not sure if you meant it like that.
The sniper task was great since the sniper kept shooting to confirm that he was where he was suppose to be in my thermals.
The destroy AA task was good too, since it got me out from behind our lines and placed me and my men face to face with incoming enemy. The Abrams and Stryker moving slowly down the road as support was awesome and added tremendously to immersion and to my confidence as well as to the reality of sending armor against possible armor threats and not just infantry against the armor. I realized when I was on my way back that I should have grabbed a vehicle of some sort to get out there but I didn't mind walking so much when I had that thermal to scan the crests. Perhaps you should hint that the player can take a vehicle?

After clearing the AA and being ordered back, I was not even half before I was given another task to guard an area. Perhaps you should consider adding a condition to that task assignment of having the player back near the defensive lines before issuing the task.

When those helos appeared, sprouting all the chutes out of their bellies, lag began to slow interaction quite a bit. Is it not possible to have more units parachute from fewer helos? Once those units were on the ground, the ensuing battle was very interactive. 

After the battle, I was ordered to the tower, from where I took out a small group who had not quite reached the tower yet. I thought I was going in to clear the area not get there first and defend. But it makes no matter.

The crossroad task was event less before being ordered back to the front lines. Once the cut-scene took over, I could hear my group responding with radio calls. Perhaps you could enableradio false.

OPERATION ZAVARAK---------------------------
under briefing record..."After linking up with them, a coordinate a combined assault on the center of Zavarak" should be.."After linking up with them, coordinate a combined assault..."

The British helo landed and the pilots got out. Was that planned? the second play test and the British helo never made it to the lz.

TRENCHES OF GARMSAR------------------------
Intro was very well timed, music playing in the background was perfect, the assembly of troops from various branches gave it that combined arms feel and the camera angles showed it all off well.

1st task to laze the targets was confusing. I wasn't sure how to accomplish it at first. What I did was use Mando to call in a the fighter and after that I was able to laze the second but the AV88 was shot down by the machine gun of the remaining tank before it could get far enough away and I had to use the lost key to order a precision missile attack on the last.

2nd phase:
Loaded up in the truck and headed off to the first task. Cleared it without a problem. Drove forward to the next task. Disembarked before the junction and rounded the bend on foot. As I passed the first line of bunkers a completed task displayed on screen that said "Any". The break through defenses task completed, so I suspect it was that one.

Soon after, a T55 rolled up from behind the allied advance and simply strolled around without engaging and without being engaged. It appeared red on the map, so I engaged it.

The allied armor and infantry seemed to advance too fast toward Garmsar, leaving the flanks exposed and having my team combat the enemy on the ridges and wooded areas that were missed before.

The Outro added a little comic relief with the missiles comment.

TAKIBANS LAST STAND---------------------
The Intro was fabulous, gorgeous camera angles, music was complimentary to the scenes, loved the wide angled views of infantry engaging the helos with muzzle flashes sparking up everywhere. Well done. The music quit about 10 seconds before the cinema was through playing though.

Game play was great, Immersion did not lack at all during the battle and the AI performed well in every area. Plenty to do for the player, plenty of bad guys to take out.

Outro was comical and well voiced. Good camera angle of the group watching in awe of the Takistani celebrating his freedom from the Takiban rebels.


The story progressed smoothly, the game play was as usual, fantastic with plenty of AI support and player freedom to accomplish the task with changing tactics. The cinema started with a lower quality but improved immediately with mission 2 and remained high quality to the end. Music was never too overpowering, battle chatter was consistent and on cue most of the time, the amount of optional support offered to the player in each mission was not always used but it was good to know that it was there if it was needed, the campaign flow was smooth and each mission was fun to play since the player was not expected to babysit or accomplish each task alone. There is little (if any) room for improvement with this project and except for a few little problems, is solid from start to finish. It's a fantastic example of a complete campaign.

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Updated 8th November)
« Reply #58 on: 14 Dec 2011, 11:42:06 »
« Last Edit: 14 Dec 2011, 12:52:46 by SaOk »

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Re: [CAMP/A2CO] Chasing Grim Reaper (Please Review)
« Reply #59 on: 20 Jan 2012, 21:31:22 »