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Author Topic: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice(Review Complete)  (Read 14146 times)

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Offline bardosy

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[CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice(Review Complete)
« on: 06 Sep 2010, 07:44:19 »
Operation Mighty Justice

This is my new try...

Op. Mighty Justice is an Army based, Takistani campaign focused on regular infantry. As  teamleader of Robber platoon you participate in the big operation to destroy the tyranny at Takistan.

* regular infantry fight (no pilot, no spec ops)
* working in bigger force (you are not alone)
* support
* addon free
* (almost) only OA (the missions need an M16A4 acog, but I'll remove it, so it can be played without original ArmA2)
* no HC, but other squads and support IFVs fight with you
* 8 missions

DOWNLOAD v1.01  last update:04.02.2011

Please help me to do it better! Test the finished missions and report bugs and a short AAR to know how the mission went under your control. Thanks!

« Last Edit: 04 Feb 2011, 20:48:59 by savedbygrace »
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Offline SaOk

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #1 on: 06 Sep 2010, 11:05:36 »
The file in download link dosent work. I get an error in the menu that "no an entry to description.ext.Campaign". Then there is a space for the campaign, but I cannot start it. I tested with and without BAF.

Offline Zipper5

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #2 on: 06 Sep 2010, 11:44:20 »
Yup, the blank definitions for CfgSounds, CfgAwards and CfgPenalties in the description.ext seem to have been the culprit. I've attached a fixed description.ext to this post.
« Last Edit: 04 Feb 2011, 20:49:33 by savedbygrace »

Offline bardosy

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #3 on: 06 Sep 2010, 12:01:28 »
Damn! I missed something...?
Thanks guys! I'll fix it soon and reupload.

EDIT: i don't understand. this  old version (with empty section of sound, penelty...etc) works well in my arma 2. I used this description.ext template many times and nobody complain this error. It's depend on OA?

But i delete the empty sections and repbo the campaign. There is in the same location. Please redownload and try again. Sorry.
« Last Edit: 06 Sep 2010, 16:19:54 by bardosy »
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Offline SaOk

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #4 on: 06 Sep 2010, 16:36:52 »
I am still getting the error. There really seems to be something different in OA - There was also the same error when I had older custom campaigns installed. I tried to watch the description but I dont have a clue what could be wrong. These are the errors:

Code: [Select]
Warning Message: No entry 'Campaigns\oaarmycamp\description.ext.Campaign'.
Warning Message: No entry '.name'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.Campaign'.
Warning Message: No entry '.firstBattle'.

Offline kju

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #5 on: 06 Sep 2010, 19:14:00 »
New, required, values for campaigns in OA it seems.

Offline Zipper5

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #6 on: 07 Sep 2010, 00:02:23 »
Maybe, but it's working fine on my end now. All I did was use the same description.ext I posted above... :dunno:

Offline bardosy

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #7 on: 07 Sep 2010, 08:57:48 »
SaOK: I have an advice: these errors occured because of the previous version of my campaign. So go to the My Documents/ArmA 2/Saves... I don't know the rest without my PC (now i'm in the office), but you will find the campaign save files... and delete it. Then use my new version in campaign folder and try it again.

kju: I don't think so. Because that sections (firstBattle...etc) ARE in my description.ext.

I'm not sure, but maybe it's the different PBO format? I cannot dePBO the arrowhead's pbo files, but I thought it's just one way and if I pboed a file in the old way, arrowhead will be read it. Maybe I was wrong.

Zipper: I have to confess, I didn't use your description.ext, just delete the empty sections - as you adviced - from mine. Is it enough or there is something special in yours?
Fix bayonet!

Offline kju

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #8 on: 07 Sep 2010, 10:48:35 »
bardosy what pbo tool do you use?

Offline bardosy

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #9 on: 07 Sep 2010, 12:03:57 »
ArmA2. I mean it. I tried many tools, but finally I got a good advice here, OFPEC. I create an empty mission in the Editor, I copy all the campaign files into the mission's folder and then I save the empty mission az a Single Player Mission in the Editor. It produce a pbo file and I just move it to the campaign folder.
Fix bayonet!

Offline SaOk

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #10 on: 07 Sep 2010, 18:11:31 »
There was something wrong with beta patches or BAF. Now the campaign works when I started the game via arma2oa.exe. Test report coming later.

Edit: Okay here is my test report of first three missions (the rest is coming later). Overally briefings and overview pic looks good and nice to have a gear choosing in every mission. The mood in campaign is great, dialogue is nice, funny and interesting (there is some english errors, but I cant correct the language with my skills). I found some bugs/small flaws:

1. Mission:
-There could be some more custom-made "object"-details like outposts, fireplaces and maybe a barracks where the reinforcements come. And before the first contact, there was at least one enemy group standing silly at dark in open space, waiting to be killed. I think there could be some standing guards and small 2 men patrols first before the reinforcements are alarmed. Otherwise enemy was well positioned/scripted.
-The "Clear Village"-task didnt end. I couldnt find the last enemy hiding somewhere in buildings and I finally cheated to next mission.
-One error appeared once when loading a savegame. I think it was some minor BIS function error, but here it is (the error had no effect on misison):
Code: [Select]
Error in expression <g=false;

if (_GetIn_NearestVehicles || _npc != vehicle (_npc)) then {
  Error position: <|| _npc != vehicle (_npc)) then {
  Error Generic error in expression

Mission 2:
-Looked good, maybe there could be some empty enemy trucks standing on road to show how the enemy had transported reinforcements to the area.
-Very minor detail note: "Clear lower Jaza"-task was at higher altitude than "Clear higher Jaza"-task
-One enemy BTR90 at airport that was indentified as friendly to player side AI (spawn side is wrong?). Check also the infantry sides. I think I saw one enemy standing next to friendly APC.

Mission 3:
-"recon the roads"-marker is over SurDur mountain

Shared bug in every mission:
-Dead bodies are removed too fast and close
-Here is how I remove bodies with own delay and distance check for every dead body (modify/use freely):

Code: [Select]
FUNKTIO_POISTARUUMIS=compile preprocessFile "BodyRemoval.sqf";
//Body, emptygroup removal - ENDLESS LOOP, SHOULD BE AT THE END OF INIT.SQF
while {true} do {
{if (isnull _x) then {TABLEUNIT= TABLEUNIT - [_x];};} foreach TABLEUNIT;
{if (count units _x == 0) then {deleteGroup _x;};} forEach allGroups;
sleep 10;
{if (_x in TABLEUNIT) then {} else {TABLEUNIT = TABLEUNIT + [_x];};} forEach allUnits;
sleep 10;
{if (alive _x) then {} else {
if (isplayer _x) then {} else {
if(vehicle _x == _x) then {nul = [_x] SPAWN FUNKTIO_POISTARUUMIS;TABLEUNIT = TABLEUNIT - [_x];
} foreach TABLEUNIT;
sleep 10;

Code: [Select]
_unit = _this select 0;
sleep 40;
sleep (random 20);
while {!(isNUll _unit) && ((((vehicle player) distance _unit < 450) && (_t < 13)))} do {sleep 25; _t=_t+1;};
while {!(isNUll _unit) && (((vehicle player) distance _unit < 250))} do {sleep 25;};
if (isNull _unit) then {} else {deletevehicle _unit;};

Test reports of Mission 4/5 coming later.

« Last Edit: 09 Sep 2010, 18:04:38 by SaOk »

Offline bardosy

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #11 on: 10 Sep 2010, 09:25:15 »

Most problem caused by MONSADA's patrol script: the too quick body remove and the errors.
BUT this script is amazing in combat: the enemy react more realistic: flank, reallocate static weapons, lay mines, use smokes, hold building... etc. So I don't want remove it... ;)

I have an own bodyremove script and it check the removable body's location and if it's close to the player, leave it alone and check it later... But it's a good idea to set up MONSADA script to NOT delete the bodies and leave it to my own funeral script.

1st mission: "clear village" didn't successed? :( But it's not a "not present" trigger... If the non-surrended enemy are less then 5, the trigger is activated, but when they are less then 10, the last loons start a suicide attack against the player to he can kill them easily... So I really don1t understand how it happened. I'll check it again!

2nd mission: the BTR was not spawn, so it's on the map from the begining...  ??? I don't know how it is possible. I'll check it. Bot now - when you mentioned - I also saw enemy near a peacefull Bradley, but I thought it1s because of Bradley's limited visual recon in near area, so I defend it myself.
Maybe it's a bug in monsada's script? It's set captive the enemy, but not surrended graphically (hands up)?
My other problem - what could be the same - in some missions when I order my medic to heal someone from menu: 6-1... (it's usually heal the most wonded friendly and not always in my squad, but friendly) and this order ordered him to heal a wounded ENEMY!  :dunno: It's strange... When I found this, I thought it's a OA bug.
(I have to recheck the mission file, because I created the basic things in the first four missions in the early press release of OA.)

Thank you for bug reports and very usefull advice to the costum scenes!


I checked the mission.sqm and all BTR are in side east. I dont know what happened...

This is the trigger in the village what never triggered in your game. Its an opfor not presented, but in the condition: this or (( {not (captive _x) and (alive _x)} count villagedefs) < 2)

Is it possible, the defenders fleed and never killed, because they are far. I will substract in the count, who are far. I inserted into the count section - after the (alive _x) - this: (_x distance spawn < 150)
Spawn is a gamelogic in the middle of the village.

EDIT2: SaOK, thanks for your advices. I did a lot of minor changes...

1st mission: I fixed the village trigger and it works fine! And i add a little scene in the hamlets and only a small group guard (moving), but when the player is near, the others (hidden) start to move too.

2nd mission: I added a little small new scene when you are arrived the termic, you have to check the hangars... And the airports guards are much active now...
(the BTR was on enemy side when i tested...)

3rd mission: There was a trigger, if the all six tanks are destroyed... start the second part of the mission. But sometimes, he last tanks (errr... shilka) runaway like a chicken... So I added an alternate trigger to solve it.
And I'll add more scenery to the checkpoint soon.

5th mission: I did a lot of small changes to improve this mission. This is a very complicated mission and very much spot where could be bugs or showstoppers. Fortunately my friends didn't find showstoppers, but there are part, what didn't happened pertfecly.. so I tried fix these.
« Last Edit: 12 Sep 2010, 12:18:36 by bardosy »
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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #12 on: 12 Sep 2010, 17:12:08 »
That BTR is a mystery. I really tried to set it as target for my AIs, but the game suggested to order them getting in. Not to attack.

I played the mission 4 to almost end but then there was a condition error which prevented completeing the last task in Chak Chak village:

Code: [Select]
"({alive _x} count units |#|tak3)<3)"/undefined variable
I would guess that when I entered to rigth spot at the village, the "tak3"-group were already killed and group deleted which made it undefined variable.

Other bugs in the mission 4:
-I saw the mission 1 error once after loadgame
-When my team reached the czech units, the enemy assault was already defeated. But radiochatting were still talking about past
-No-one came to meeting point while I waited for 15min. I continued then alone to next task.
-Ammotruck didnt arrive to Huzrutimam
-0-0-1 radio wasnt available at all
-And finally there was that tak3-error which prevented me ending the mission without "Endmission"-cheat.

Now in mission 5, I headed to black&white cow, but it didnt give me any info and I couldnt find the owner. What I should do to get forward? Otherwise the mission 5 and the whole campaing have been very nice and fun to play.

Offline bardosy

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #13 on: 12 Sep 2010, 18:29:04 »
Now just a quick reply about black and white cow: there is a 3 story building where the cow is (there are other cows in the village, but only b&w is good). And in that house are Ali, the informer, in one of a niche. Go down the outer staires and in that level are the guy. Dont go upper. If you find him, stay front of him, and the mission continue...

Thanx for the bugreport!

EDIT: is it possible it was tak4 and not tak3? I found only tak4 with the similar expression as you write.
« Last Edit: 12 Sep 2010, 18:37:09 by bardosy »
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Offline SaOk

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Re: [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice
« Reply #14 on: 12 Sep 2010, 18:41:07 »
Its possible that it was tak4. I would check it from RPT-file, but some reason the arma edit crashes when I try to open it. :confused: