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Author Topic: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - [Review Complete]  (Read 14568 times)

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Offline Arkon

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #15 on: 23 Jun 2010, 11:24:34 »
Hi SaOk,

Thanks for sticking with the challenge  :)

Yes, The Colonel does move when he lands - he will try to meet-up with a rescue group and then make an escape inland. Have you tried to bring the heli down in different positions so as to get a better chance of getting him? It can be done.
If this fails, are many many other ways to carry out the assassination. Have you tried other ways?

What errors messages have you had whilst playing? I have not had reports of onscreen errors so far.

Thanks for the attachment - I'll take a look at these.

And thanks for your EDIT suggestions.

Good luck with the rest of the mission - looking forward to reading your review.

And thanks for the effort - makes the 6 months work putting the mission together worthwhile  :good:



« Last Edit: 23 Jun 2010, 20:10:49 by Arkon »

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #16 on: 24 Jun 2010, 00:47:27 »
Began a test run of this yesterday. Attempted in recruit mode first with no mods. I've only just begun but have a few things to mention before I continue.
An overview image would have been a nice addition to that mission summary.

It's disappointing to play a story driven mission without some sort of cinema to improve it's immersion.

You're sending in an operative who is committing his life to the operation and you refuse to inform him of potential details that would certainly aid his efforts in successfully accomplishing the tasks ahead? I understand the withholding of info but you don't have to tell the operative these things, it makes the player feel expendable. Just say you don't much with the exception that the resistance has something they need to share and it must be done in secret.

A link to Balota would be nice. I couldn't find it.  :D

The approach to the first objective was shrouded in suspense, mainly due to the lack of intel regarding area movement and numbers. Most of the immersion was created by the Arma2 engine (we've come a long way), while your patrols seemed appropriate and inducing the proper amount of maneuvering challenge.

The wolf howl near the objective sounded first like a tripped alarm. It also seemed to be cut short. It would help immersion if rather than play the sound, you created a logic, set it somewhere around the player and had it say the sound. Then follow that up with repeats of it by setting the logic somewhere else to represent other wolves answering their pack mate. That way it seems less like an alarm and more like a natural pack call.

The flare seems to be spawned around the player regardless of how much distance is placed between him and any incoming patrols capable of firing a flare. This ruins immersion some. The flare should be spawned around the responding troops to provide a better sense of realism. This will allow the player to determine his path better by steering clear of flares.

I couldn't tell for sure but if you have the helo flying to the player's position without actually detecting him first, it is unfair and unreal. Again, not certain but it seemed to fly over me regardless of which direction I took.

I attempted to recall the information from the meeting and when the dialogue appeared, it froze everything. I had to close the game through the task manager and restart. This happened twice. It worked fine on my third attempt.

I decided to avoid urban areas altogether which included roads. I adhered to forests and steep slopes as much as possible and approached the second objective(Light House) on foot. It took some time but I wanted to remain unknown for as long as possible. I spotted an apc setting quietly and was able to flank it. I then spotted a motorcycle with two civilians sitting on it but going no where...they were near a forest edge away from the road at 078 102 (South west of Polana). I then spotted a foot patrol (10 men) moving northeast. Later I spotted a ural, stuck off the edge of the road at 106 098(southwest of Staroye).

Lighthouse worked out good but when I arrived to Skalista Island, I could not get anyone to talk to me. I stood right in each units' face, checked the action menus got into the pleasure craft but nothing happened.
Care to share what I must do?

Offline Arkon

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #17 on: 24 Jun 2010, 01:30:04 »
Hi savedbygrace,

Thanks for the feedback...

Did you read the included Readme file as this gives an insight to the kind of mission you are about to play.

An overview image would have been a nice addition to that mission summary
Ok, noted - btw, there was in image included in the .zip

It's disappointing to play a story driven mission without some sort of cinema to improve it's immersion
Well, as you say it is story driven - and I guess this is a matter of subjetive taste.

You're sending in an operative who is committing his life to the operation and you refuse to inform him of potential details... etc
The whole story evolves round the plot that develops as the mission unravels and the player discovers what is going on - even the officer sending the player on the mission knows very little himself! You need to wait until the mission is nearing its climax before commenting on this aspect.

The wolf howl near the objective sounded first like a tripped alarm. It also seemed to be cut short.
You are the first to comment on this so I'm not sure if it is a local issue or not.

The flare seems to be spawned around the player regardless of how much distance is placed between him and any incoming patrols capable of firing a flare.
Good point. Although it is somewhat random and is only initially close to the player.

I couldn't tell for sure but if you have the helo flying to the player's position without actually detecting him first, it is unfair and unreal. Again, not certain but it seemed to fly over me regardless of which direction I took.
The Heli's manouvers are random.

I attempted to recall the information from the meeting and when the dialogue appeared, it froze everything.
Again as this is the first instance I am not sure if this is a local issue or not (there have been 1600 downloads from various sites and quite a lot of feedback).

Lighthouse worked out good but when I arrived to Skalista Island, I could not get anyone to talk to me
Yes, this is a problem that has been reported and needs sorting - unfortunately occasionally, a variable is not set at the lighthouse ( do not know why as it is set in the script that gives you the text message) - and this means that the guys on Skalista will not respond and your contact will not arrive.
I have built in a few fail-safes (remembering Arma's buggyness from the past) If you go to the S/E tip of Skalista island you should find a red bucket hidden under a bush - approach the bucket and you will trigger some text that gives you the info that your contact had for you.

Please let me know how you get on.

You are approaching one third of the way through the mission so you have some way to go yet.

Thank you very much for the feedback - I have uploaded a new version which fixes the lighthouse variable problem.




« Last Edit: 24 Jun 2010, 01:45:28 by Arkon »

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #18 on: 24 Jun 2010, 02:11:15 »
subjetive taste.
Yes, I am a cinema freak. I enjoy watching how creative folks can be with their ideas and consider it a valuable portion of the mission since it is just as challenging to create cinema as it is the mission itself. No worries, There are many great projects out there without cinema.

You need to wait until the mission is nearing its climax before commenting on this aspect.
I only meant that this......"Details of this mission are highly classified, so I can't say much" sounds as if the officer is withholding information on the basis that the operative doesn't need to know or is too low on the pay grade scale to know more. I wasn't challenging your motives.

The wolf sound was not cut short in game....but the sound file itself sounded incomplete. I've attached 4 different sounding wolf howls provided to our community by THobson in his infamous Abandoned Armies project for OFP. Try em out and see if you like any. All credit to him if used.

I found the red bucket. Genius! Plenty left to do....sounds challenging to my stealth skills. Although the image never displayed in my briefing area or on screen. Was it suppose to?

Playtime....let you know more later.

Offline Arkon

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #19 on: 24 Jun 2010, 10:58:06 »

Hi savedbygrace,

Yes, I am a cinema freak...
There is a shortish cutscene at the end.

Although the image never displayed in my briefing area or on screen. Was it suppose to?
The image should appear onscreen when you select it from the Action Menu.

Thanks for the Wolf's sounds.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the mission.



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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #20 on: 26 Jun 2010, 16:58:57 »
I had to restart the mission with new 1.07 patch. I managed to kill the Krudicz this time in sun light, but I have no idea where to go now. I returned to heli wreck but noone is there. What I am missing?

Offline Arkon

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #21 on: 27 Jun 2010, 11:07:39 »
Hi SaOk,

I had to restart the mission with new 1.07 patch
I guess you mean the 1.2 Version?

I managed to kill the Krudicz this time in sun light
Sun light?

but I have no idea where to go now
when you restarted the mission you needed to first go to the lighthouse and then go to see Colonel Dubrovka on Skalisky island. As you did not meet the Colonel he could not have told you where the extraction point was - so that is why it is not marked on your map.
I'm sorry but  you will have to redo these things.
When you reach the extration point use your radio to call for the Heli.

(Redoing the mission gives you some other options like going to the Airport near Krasnostav to try to steal a Heli - or to the Boatyard near Nizhnoye to steal a boat - assumming you have not tried these already - also taking different routes will give different encounters and scenarios)

Hope this helps.



« Last Edit: 27 Jun 2010, 11:25:53 by Arkon »

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #22 on: 27 Jun 2010, 11:53:57 »
I downloaded the new ArmA2 version 1.07 which was released two days ago. It broke the savegames so I started a new game also with your latest version 1.2. I got that sun light after following the lady in that other big town with medic-chopper camp (elektrogorsk?). It said I slept only few hours, but the sun offers a great light already.

Somehow I thought the extraction point was to finish the whole mission if player give up. I head there next then.

Offline Arkon

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #23 on: 27 Jun 2010, 14:31:59 »
Hi SaOk,

I downloaded the new ArmA2 version 1.07
I see what you mean now about 1.07 - I have not tested The Chernarus Run V1.2 with that Arma version yet.

but the sun offers a great light already
Sorry but i still do not understand this.

Let us know your thoughts when you have finished please.



« Last Edit: 27 Jun 2010, 15:04:30 by Arkon »

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #24 on: 27 Jun 2010, 16:45:14 »
I meant to write "sunlight" - After meeting the lady, time is skipped ahead so much that there is full sun (the star near earth ;) ) on sky, offering so good lighting that the mission becomes basically a day-mission where you dont need NVgoggles.

I will update this post for better review of the mission later.

Offline Arkon

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #25 on: 27 Jun 2010, 18:14:58 »
Hi SaOk,

I meant to write "sunlight" - After meeting the lady, time is skipped ahead so much that there is full sun
Ok, I see what you are saying now  :)
But, keep in mind that you only lose one hour for this little indiscretion  :) - and the colonel will leave the city well before it would get dark - the NV Goggles are for the early part of the mission.



« Last Edit: 27 Jun 2010, 19:31:47 by Arkon »

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #26 on: 27 Jun 2010, 22:23:36 »
I found a possible gamestopper - At extraction point I call the chopper in (via radio), but everytime it crashes at 042125. It first flies slowly, then suddently drop much altitude to gain speed before hitting to nearby yellow-orange trees (or something invisible) after that nothing happens.

Offline Arkon

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #27 on: 27 Jun 2010, 23:02:01 »
Hi SaOk,

I found a possible gamestopper
This must be due to you using the very latest Arma2 Version 1.07 as this has not happened before with Version 1.05.
(1500 downloads before with no similar reports)
I guess something has been changed in the new version which is a real pain.

I will add a note telling people that the mission is not V1.7 compatible.



« Last Edit: 27 Jun 2010, 23:06:41 by Arkon »

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #28 on: 27 Jun 2010, 23:33:06 »
Perhaps it would be worth your while to correct things that would prevent your mission from ending when using BIS released content?

Offline SaOk

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Re: The Chernarus Run (SP) Version 1.2 - Reviews Please
« Reply #29 on: 27 Jun 2010, 23:43:35 »
Okay, I will try the mission again with Operation Arrowhead if the problem comes with that too. Before that here is my suggestions what to improve in the mission:

-Overview needs a picture
-Briefing could have a insertion marker and those additions for text (that savedbygrace mentioned)
-The current "action-hint"-storage is clumsy. The conversation are fine in that form, but the information could be saved in briefing and having the task in briefing would help too.
-There is much those error messages to fix. When closing the chernogorsk I am always getting this:
Code: [Select]
Error in expression <__waituntil = _time+(;60)>
  Error position: <;60)>
  Error Missing )
Soon after that the alarm is raised and chopper lift off to air even when the enemy havent spotted me.
-Perfomance improvements would be welcome. You already seem to delete units, but is there much units placed on map from start? If there is then those could be spawned instead. I have created a good way to spawn random infantry patrols. Here is a instructions for it if you like to try it:

-Fuctions module needs to be placed on map
-Script is activated when player enters a wanted area (center position and range)
-Spawns a new infantry squad with "bis_fnc_taskPatrol" every 40+(random 40) second. (can easily be edited in fsm file)
-Patrols are never spawned under 350m from player (can be edited in fsm)
-All created patrols are automatically deleted when player leaves the area and is far enought (over 500m) from patrols
-You can set how many units a patrol squad have (min and max).
-You can set the array of unit classes that are spawned randomly in fsm (attached file have only insurgent units)
-Example (2-3 men patrols are spawned when player is less that 500m away from array position):
Code: [Select]
activation: repeatedly
condition: player distance [5527.3,2624.22,0] < 500
on activation: nul = [[5527.3,2624.22,0],500,[2,3]] execFSM "ambientpatrol.fsm";

I also have almost similar script to spawn civilians and animals. Those are spawned immediately when player is in wanted area (with entity number you give as parameter). Civilians are taken from class array with all civilian unit classes. Animal array are set as parameter (e.g. so you can have boars in forest and cows/chickens in farms)

For dead units you could use a global body removal (if you dont have it already) in init.sqf. Also empty group removal could increase the performance:
Code: [Select]
while {true} do {
{if (alive _x) then {} else {if (_x distance player > 500) then {deletevehicle _x;
} forEach allUnits;
{if (count units _x == 0) then {deleteGroup _x;};} forEach allGroups;
sleep 30;
« Last Edit: 28 Jun 2010, 00:02:14 by SaOk »