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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] "USMC Village Raid"  (Read 8872 times)

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Offline Bahger

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(Review Completed) [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« on: 15 Feb 2010, 00:12:34 »
Okay, Zipper, have at it!  Here is a final, FINAL version with changes made as suggested by Ranger's post below as follows:

v1.2 Changelog (with thanks to Rangerx3x)

-   Changed Overview image to screenshot taken from outside HUD view
-   Changed "On Load" text in splash screen to i/d location not mission title
-   Decluttered HUD view by removing extraneous task carets
-   Changed radio channel name for extraction from "Alpha" to "Extraction", which is now how it is  referenced in the briefing, the Radio item menu and in the radio LED in map view.

File "VillageRaid_1.2.rar" linked below contains .pbo and readme.

Edit: This mission has been reviewed and is available from the Missions Depot.

v1.1 Changelog:

-   Fully-functional briefing with task notes properly implemented in map view and debrief
-   Automated task switching now works when task has been accomplished
-   Overview with screenshot
-   Map screen and briefing appears before mission start, with "Continue" button
-   Hints introduced by script on task completion
-   Autosave at end of insertion
-   Extraction script reworked so that the chopper will wait until the last squad member boards

Author: Bahger
Version: 1.1
Required Addons: None.
Mission Description: You will lead a Marine Rifle Squad on an assault into an insurgent-held village where a mobile AA radar has been camouflaged by local forestation. You will insert by helicopter, destroy the AA unit, and extract after using radio "Alpha" to summon the chopper back to the LZ.
Features: Helicopter insertion/extraction, task hints, 1 autosave, overview, detailed briefing.
Known Issues/Bugs: None known but please see readme re. AI notes.
ChangeLog: See above.
« Last Edit: 09 Oct 2010, 22:22:51 by Walter_E_Kurtz »

Offline RangerX3X

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #1 on: 15 Feb 2010, 02:18:27 »
Hello Bahger,

These are my observations on your mission:

1) There is no overview.
2) There is no intro.
3) Player goes straight into the mission with the transport helo inbound, with no opportunity to review the briefing that you have before gameplay begins.
4) Once in the helo, while viewing the map there were waypoints visible on it.
5) Radio trigger "Alpha" should be renamed for what it is: By the time I got to the notes section that explained this we were already at the LZ.
6) While the briefing is well organized, the admin & logistics section needs to be checked for grammar.
7) After my team unloaded at the LZ, the helo flew straight into the trees and exploded in a huge fireball.

With respect to your post "My preference is for polished, tactical scenarios", this mission appears to be completely slapped together. There was nothing about it to entice me to even attempt it a second time if effort cannot be made on the rudimentary basics (overview, working briefing and a "Well-executed helicopter insertion".

Intros and outros eye candy can be held off for later so that can be excused, but when playing this mission the first time out of the gate the question that comes to mind is "Did the mission author even play this himself?"

This is not a personal attack on you, so please don't take it that way. By the organization of the briefing I can tell there was some honest intent here for something polished, but absent the briefing everything else was poorly executed and can be much better.

Suggestion: Instead of using waypoints for insertion and extraction which tells the player exactly where he is going and where he must end up, allow for some dynamic insertion and extraction and use the SECOP module with secondary missions disabled to allow the player to choose where they will be inserted and extracted from:



I decided to DPBO your mission to see if I could offer some additional suggestions and I found the following items that you should place some attention to:

1) You have first aid simulation and battlefield clearance modules on the map next to the player squad but these will never work because a) they are grouped together and b) they are not synched to the players group.


2) You have almost 30 separate animal ambient life units clogging up the map when you could have accomplished this effect with a single ambient animals module.


3) Your reinforcement trigger would have never worked because the type was set to "NONE" when it should have been "SWITCH".


4) Your patrol group was a simple move/safe ending with a cycle waypoint which was synchronized to nothing.

5) There is no html briefing which is the new debriefing in Arma2. Based on your question in another forum yesterday, you knew this would be a problem:


6) Your ending would have never ticked off your tasks/objectives because no trigger or script existed that would have done so.

MAG_tskObj0 settaskstate "Succeeded" for task # 1
MAG_tskObj1 settaskstate "Succeeded" for task # 2

Is the bare minimum required to accomplish this.

7) Comparing the semi-sophistication of the helo routine (even though it crashed and burned) to the mostly broken mission itself in all other respects suggests that you copied this from someone else. If so, you should at least give some credit in a read me, which is also non-existant.

If this seems brutal, it is mostly coming from the fact that you advertise this in at least two different forums as "polished" and "works".

« Last Edit: 15 Feb 2010, 03:13:50 by RangerX3X »
Ranger, out.

Offline Bahger

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #2 on: 15 Feb 2010, 03:02:49 »
Thanks Ranger X3X...

The mission was not "slapped together".

The helo only crashed 1 in 50 times I playtested it.  I must have run through it 150 times at least, while teaching myself the Editor from scratch so "did the mission author even play this himself?" is unneccessarily dismissive and discouraging.  I have played much sloppier missions posted here that have not drawn such contempt.

Dynamic LZs are not realistic; they would be carefully plotted on a briefing.

Since your critique will probably prevent anyone else from trying it, perhaps you will be kind enough to let me know how to make an overview.

Offline RangerX3X

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #3 on: 15 Feb 2010, 03:15:12 »
Please see the several links I provided in my edit above. And please look at the file you posted for people to download - the mission is severly broken.
Ranger, out.

Offline Bahger

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #4 on: 15 Feb 2010, 03:29:06 »
- The first aid module works exactly as advertised.  I have tested it many times.

- The reinforcement trigger works every time, the OpFor armored units deploying exactly as intended.

-  How dare you suggest I stole the helo insertion, you pompous ass?  I did no such thing.  I taught myself everything from what I could learn on the forums and in documentation found on the web.  Your accusation is quite unfounded and ugly and if you repeat it I will report you to the admins.

The odd thing is, your links are very useful to me, and I'm grateful.  I know there is much I need to learn and a great deal I can do better once I have the knowledge and experience but your finger-wagging tone betrays the notion of "community" and fails to acknowledge that I posted the mission in a "Beta Testing" forum.  Your inhospitable, prissy response makes me proud of never having treated less experienced mission designers this way in "Steel Beasts" or "F4AF" forums.  I remain hopeful that your attitude is not representative of this community.

« Last Edit: 15 Feb 2010, 03:36:43 by Bahger »

Offline RangerX3X

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #5 on: 15 Feb 2010, 03:36:05 »
Bahger - As I suggested in my last post - you need to check the mission you posted for people to download - you may be playing a different mission than what you posted (a later version with bugs worked out perhaps?)

In the mission I downloaded and DPBO, your modules are clearly grouped together and not synched to anything which is a huge no-no. And the reinforcements only work because they are flooding into the zone immediately because the synch trigger is set to type "NONE".

Feel free to report me dude, seriously.
Ranger, out.

Offline Bahger

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #6 on: 15 Feb 2010, 07:48:55 »
For those who might still want to try this out after Ranger's brutal, dismissive critique, here is a contrasting opinion from the SimHQ forums:

I gave it a few playthroughs. Seemed to go fairly smoothly, nice work overall. I have a few comments that might be helpful for you.

The chopper at the start tends to depart prematurely if you have guys left on the ground who don't have mount orders. Might be better to have the team start in the chopper.

Good balancing on the attack at the radar site; heavy resistance but not overwhelming. The reinforcement column, however, pretty much wiped me out. It's hard to rely on the AI to use the AT to maximum effectiveness. I can team-switch I suppose, but I'd suggest dialing it down to one BMP and no UAZs, or the two UAZs and no BMP. Alternatively, you could try changing the pacing so that they only arrive once enemy strength in the town is reduced to two or three guys, so that the player doesn't end up getting flanked. It would be manageable with human players, but without my team radioing in contacts it's very hard to control the engagement.

The helicopter at the end never touched down for me, possibly because I fled the engagement zone rather than engage the BMP and UAZs, so they were still alive and shooting at the helo.

Not really a criticism, but you might be interested in employing the high command module to break the large AI team into smaller self-contained fireteams. This would allow for a more realistic platoon setup.
« Last Edit: 15 Feb 2010, 07:53:41 by Bahger »

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #7 on: 15 Feb 2010, 09:49:21 »
It's always great to see new talent in the community, and I hope you won't give up just because of a bit of criticism. Remember everyone has a different opinion and a different approach to things, and I really don't think RangerX3X meant any offense - although he could take into account that someone's first mission is unlikely to be brilliant right off the bat. This is the BETA testing forum, after all - finished products are not necessary. :)

That said, I'll definitely take a look at this, and then hope to answer your post in the forum as well regarding some of your questions. Nice to have you with us, anyway!

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline Bahger

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #8 on: 15 Feb 2010, 10:02:42 »
Thank you, Wolfrug.  Ranger's own mission, also posted today, is terrific -- as I noted in the thread -- but you can imagine how discouraged I was by the tone of his response to mine.  I am very well read in small-unit infantry tactics and if, with some help, I can master the ArmA 2 Editor, I know I can contribute interesting tactical scenarios to this community.  I do not have the time to take on scripting at the moment, especially as I have no experience with code, but I am interested in understanding as much of the Editor as I can and appreciate your help.

I think the best things about my mission are the insertion, which Ranger accused me of stealing, and the counter-attack, which Ranger claims does not work.  Both assertions are false and ill-advised.  I do accept, however, that I have jury-rigged certain mission-design aspects that I need to learn to execute properly.

Your offer to test my first mission and respond here or in the forum is much appreciated.  ArmA editing is a very steep learning curve, especially for someone with no coding experience, but, as I said, with a little help I can make worthwhile contributions.
« Last Edit: 15 Feb 2010, 10:11:48 by Bahger »

Offline Zipper5

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #9 on: 15 Feb 2010, 10:59:57 »
For things like briefing.html, overview.html and description.ext files, I'd suggest you try out this program. I've been editing BIS' games for many years and I still would not know how to build a briefing.html or overview.html file from scratch using Notepad. ArmA Edit is a godsend for me, and I use it in all of my missions. I hope it will help you out just as much.

Offline Bahger

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #10 on: 15 Feb 2010, 19:52:24 »
Downloading now, Zipper, will install with the recent update.  It's going to be a godsend for me, too, as I have absolutely no coding experience.  Thank you so much for the assist.

Offline Zipper5

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #11 on: 15 Feb 2010, 20:35:20 »
Figured I'd test it while I'm at it.

USMC Village Raid
By Bahger

Played with:
  • ArmA II v1.05.63826
  • Regular difficulty modified to Veteran settings (allows more than one save game)

Came only with the mission file. I'd recommend adding a readme and perhaps a promotional picture in the future.

None, but this has already been discussed.

None. It's always nice to have one, but it is not necessary.

Did not show up at mission start, and presented the following error:
Code: [Select]
'...draw to LZ Golf for Extraction"];
obj2 |#|setSimpleTaskDescription ["Withdraw to <...'
Error 1 elements provided, 2 expected
File missions\__cur_sp.chernarus\briefing.sqf, line 13
This meant that there were no task descriptions for the tasks assigned. To make it show up at the start, you need the briefing.html file to be in the mission folder, but it must only include the debriefing part. A strange thing that BIS seemed to have overlooked when changing the briefing style. I'd also recommend that you put -showScriptErrors into your ArmA II shortcut's command line so that you can see these errors. The briefing itself was ok.

At the start I am given another error:
Code: [Select]
'this |#|AND Obj1 AND position Helo select 2 < 2'
Error and: Type Task, expected Bool
And this remained for the rest of the mission. The helicopter came successfully, almost landing right on top of me actually. I got all my guys in and noticed that they started talking to each other. You may wish to use the following command to stop this:
Code: [Select]
this setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];But, we all got into the chopper safely and headed for the LZ.

Upon reaching the LZ I ordered my men to disembark and waited for all of them to get out before moving on. I'd recommend using the saveGame command more often to save the game for the player before important/life-threatening events occur in the mission. We continued on into the town and had our first infantry contacts closer to the tower. After a brief firefight, we took them down, and I picked up an enemy RPG. I planted the satchel on the tower, retreated, and blew it up, successfully completing the objective. However, it was not show as completed in the briefing, and it did not automatically give me my next task. You need to use the following command to make this happen:
Code: [Select]
task1Name setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";
playerName setCurrentTask task2Name;

As we moved out of the town I heard vehicles coming in. I pulled out my RPG and shot the BMP once, disabling it and forcing all of the crew out, which my AI took down. The UAZ behind it shot a rocket at me and injured me in the arms. It was then I noticed that I had no medic. I'd suggest giving the player at least one in case he needs it. However, I could still fight, and we dealt with the rest of the infantry.

Once I got to the LZ, I used the radio to order the helicopter in. The helicopter successfully arrived, landed, and I ordered my AI in. However, two of my AI got stuck trying to get in, so I got out and tried to push them away from it so that they could get in. But the mission then proceeded to complete itself with me in the process of shooting the two AI as I could not move them. Might want to make sure that all of the player's squad are in the chopper before having the mission complete itself.

None, but, again, we know about it.

None. As with the intro, it would be nice to have, but it's not necessary.

A good first attempt at a mission that has many rough edges but a solid concept. It is a bit on the easy side as well. After some refinement and perhaps an increase in difficulty I can see it being good for a quick "Take the Car"-esque romp for the player. Just needs to have the rest of the elements included to make it a finished mission. I look forward to any further updates you make.

Offline Bahger

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #12 on: 15 Feb 2010, 20:57:45 »
Thank you so much for testing it, Zipper, your input is very valuable and I will implment all of it.

- ArmA Edit will enable me to create a briefing.html file that will hopefully address the absence of the briefing before mission start.

- On the advice of another Editing ninja, I used the following code to trigger the mission end ( +30 seconds) because of the kind of difficulties you experienced getting the team to mount the helo.  I wanted the mission to end after the helo was less than 2 feet from the ground on landing, so that mission end was not dependent on getting an often obstinate squad still looking for enemy contacts aboard:

Code: [Select]
'this |#|AND Obj1 AND position Helo select 2 < 2'
Not sure why the error is being generated in relation to this message, I'll have to investigate.

-  Regarding "task succeeded", I used "Obj1" in the trigger syntax, although I think I read somewhere that this is outdated language for ArmA 2.  When I play through the mission, what happens is this: I set the charges and withdraw.  As long as Blufor is "not present" in the small area around the trigger, I get a "Objective Accomplished" (or whatever the phrase is) message in the top right hand corner of my screen and the "Get In" wpt for the extraction appears as the next active wpt.  Could you possibly comment on what should be happening?  If I use the syntax you advise:

Code: [Select]
task1Name setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";
playerName setCurrentTask task2Name;

Do I put this in the activation field for the trigger or the "Seek and Destroy" wpt, please?

Finally, I think I'm going to look up how to disable player saves and just insert a one savegame after the insertion and one after the radar has been destroyed.  Does this require a synchronised trigger of its own or can I place the order in an existing field?  I am weak on the logic here, sorry.

Thanks again for the invaluable advice.

Edit:  One more thing:

This meant that there were no task descriptions for the tasks assigned. To make it show up at the start, you need the briefing.html file to be in the mission folder, but it must only include the debriefing part.

Zipper, exactly what should be the "debriefing only" contents of this briefing.html file?
« Last Edit: 15 Feb 2010, 21:09:11 by Bahger »

Offline Zipper5

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #13 on: 16 Feb 2010, 07:28:05 »
-  Regarding "task succeeded", I used "Obj1" in the trigger syntax, although I think I read somewhere that this is outdated language for ArmA 2.  When I play through the mission, what happens is this: I set the charges and withdraw.  As long as Blufor is "not present" in the small area around the trigger, I get a "Objective Accomplished" (or whatever the phrase is) message in the top right hand corner of my screen and the "Get In" wpt for the extraction appears as the next active wpt.  Could you possibly comment on what should be happening?  If I use the syntax you advise
That is indeed the outdated way of doing it. The old "objectiveNumber" objStatus "DONE" has been replaced with what I showed you. Now, you have to add a different bit of code to get a window appear similar to the "Objective complete" box that appears, which is the following:
Code: [Select]
[objNull, objNull, taskName, "taskStatus"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";Obviously replacing taskName and taskStatus with the appropriate words. That will make a hint pop up like the ones in the official SP missions and the campaigns.

Do I put this in the activation field for the trigger or the "Seek and Destroy" wpt, please?
You can put it in the waypoint, in a trigger, or in a script. It doesn't really matter where you put it, you just want to make sure it happens when you want it to happen.

Finally, I think I'm going to look up how to disable player saves and just insert a one savegame after the insertion and one after the radar has been destroyed.  Does this require a synchronised trigger of its own or can I place the order in an existing field?  I am weak on the logic here, sorry.
The same applies here, you can put it in a waypoint, trigger or script. You just need to make sure it happens when you want it to happen.

...exactly what should be the "debriefing only" contents of this briefing.html file?
In ArmA Edit, you only need to fill out the Endings when you access the briefing wizard. They're on the right of the window that will appear. You don't need to fill out all of them. Just fill out as many as you have used. They are named "End #1, #2, #3" etc. just like they are in the trigger you use to end the mission.

Offline Bahger

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Re: [SP] "USMC Village Raid"
« Reply #14 on: 16 Feb 2010, 21:40:38 »
This is great information, Zipper5; it's very generous of an ArmA ninja like you to share your expertise with a novice.

I did some really good work on the mission last night, getting the overview (with picture) and task descriptions in the briefing "notes" and debrief to show up properly.

I'm in two minds re what to do next.  Basically it's finished.  If I had used the updated naming conventions you suggested, I could adjust the issue over switching from what is called Obj1 and Obj2 as you suggest, and avail myself of the hint module.  I am afraid of unraveling the whole thing if I attempt a do-over of task names and all the associated triggers.  When I play the mission as it is currently coded, I do get an "Objective Complete" message and the yellow arrow to the next WP (the extraction) appears.  I think the only thing missing from full functionality (and I may even be wrong about this) is an automatic task switch that can also be accomplished by hitting the "Make this my current task" link in the Notes text in map view.  If this is the case, I'm hoping to release the current build as a finished product unless you advise otherwise.  I culd then move onto another mission which I can make, using ArmA Edit and your advice, the proper way from the ground up.

"Village Raid" is not nearly as sophisticated, ambitious, large-scale or cinematic as much of the work posted here but, as one of the admins who kindly beta-tested it wrote, it has (as we say in the movie business) playability as a small-scale hit-and run.  I'd like to post the latest version here once more for final beta testing, after which you guys might deem it worthy of your download section, is that how it works?  If I post a revised version, should I start a new thread or use this one, which do you guys prefer?
« Last Edit: 16 Feb 2010, 21:44:08 by Bahger »