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Author Topic: [MP coop 1-8] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-15  (Read 9374 times)

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Offline fleepee

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[MP coop 1-8] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-15
« on: 26 Nov 2009, 08:55:17 »
Hi, beta testers!  ;)

I've got some new stuff for you!
(future campain mission 1)

I've been thinking of a campaign in which "Destroy Power Station" and "Kill Kronsky" could take place...
These two long missions could be brought and separated with smaller ones...

Here is the starting point of it:

You're a local peasant, and as you're doing your daily work, russians break the border at Lopatino and attack for revenge Chernaruss. (see the "notes" text below)
As a peacefull civilian, you start with no weapon or item.
You've got a map, a gps in your car, that's all!
After the attack, you'll have to get weapons to counter attack russians.
Next step and mission should be to organize the resistance...

mission author: FleePee

mission type: COOP

Number of players: 1 to 10

Game version: ARMA2 patch 1.5

Addons: none

English and french versions!  (future english voices)

Duration: 1 hour? :dunno:

- 10 civilians slots
- revive by all units

Lobby Options:
- number of revives
- grass layer
- view distance
- Time before respawn location choice

External Scripts used:
- revive script V0.42 by Norrin
- Urban Patrol Script by Kronzky
- Draper's AirSupport Scripts V1.1

Main Objective:
It's two years now that Chernaruss people live in a fragile peace...
Russians did never accept to be driven out of the country by the coalition leaded by US army.
Since that camouflet, they only think of revenge, they still want to appropriate chernaruss territory and its natural ressources, the harbours to where they want to build pipelines and oil terminals...
Thanks to an US military satellite, huge troops movements have been noticed near the border.
Questioned about them, the russian government pretend that it's just exercises, they are on manoeuvres...
Hard to believe...

I'm waiting for your feedback, enjoy! :good:
« Last Edit: 01 Aug 2010, 10:26:19 by fleepee »

Offline hoz

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Re: [COOP 1-9] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-2
« Reply #1 on: 26 Nov 2009, 16:21:12 »
Interesting look forward to trying it. I was hoping for quicker .. simplier missions like in the 20 mins to 30 min range per episode. let you know.


Ok played the mission and its pretty good. The mission itself had some hiccups but nothing that couldn't use a bit of polish.  I will post a more detailed run through of the mission tomorrow but I wanted to tell you that the mobile respawn works fine in this mission. Now the briefing wasn't showing for the one player at the start of the mission, but after we made the trip to visit for the first guys and the tasks updated... all the briefing was noticable for everyone.

Now do you plan to string a story along 3 or 4 missions?

I'll kinda give some first impressions... then later maybe get into more of the spelling/grammar and more detailed suggestions after I learn like how far you will take it..

-The team mate ai's were kind of useless... we didn't use them.. they are hard to equipe from a leader persepective. either ditch them or give each player 1 unit or something. kinda undecided here but you defintely need to auto equipe the ai.

- mobile respawn worked... and it was good... but with the airport respawn it wasn't needed after the first town. so I think you should get rid of the airport respawn.

-dupelicate wp's boxes... I think your running this script on both the server and the client or running it on the client twice when the task is updated.

- wp for the airport had the dupelicate wp boxes too... except in this case 1 pointed to the airport while the other pointed to 20 km away.

- you need to check the rpt file you got some code spitting out errors...

- same issue with the other missions with the yellow chat text... and some blue chat text only showing up on 1 client.

-the civis don't start with any map, gps, or other components. so in the initial breifing... the leader was able to see the map (he had the equipment) however the one unit that my friend took didn't have any map equipement so he was unable to see the map.

Thats all for now..
« Last Edit: 27 Nov 2009, 05:40:00 by hoz »
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Offline Ebden

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Re: [COOP 1-9] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-2
« Reply #2 on: 27 Nov 2009, 14:42:07 »
-the civis don't start with any map, gps, or other components. so in the initial breifing... the leader was able to see the map (he had the equipment) however the one unit that my friend took didn't have any map equipement so he was unable to see the map.

Pardon the premature post, I'll have a look myself tonight or this weekend.  Flee's first post states 'You've got a map, a gps and an handgun in your car."  I read that to mean all three items are in the vehicle.  That said, given how Arma2 manages mission briefings, the player needs at minimum his map on his person to allow the briefing to be effective.  Either that, or a cutscene showing how the civilian learned of the Russian movements (If not already, he really needs a name, something warm and endearing...so not Rocky or Butch). 

With the appropriate storyline and setup, I would enjoy having to collect minor equipment from various places at the start of a mission.  It helps the immersion and getting to know the character's backstory a little (I think flee is making good decisions about how he encourages storyline immersion in his previous two creations).  In this case, the civilian is just learning about the Russian incursion at Lopatino (radio? other civilian?) and has to quickly gather resources which he doesn't normally keep on himself, namely his auto's gps unit and the pistol.  Considering the character, would a hunting rifle CZ550 be more appropriate?  Or perhaps the pistol is a US 9mm or 1911 45acp salvaged from the US coalition 2 years previous?

As you can tell, I enjoy contributing, but I have zippo to offer on scripts (even if I had already tried the mission, which I will do after work)...I'll offer you my voice though if needed.  I have a pal at legionofsparta.com who is incredibly like Lee Ermey/Sgt. Hartman from Full Metal Jacket.  If you happen to need a gritty US drill instructor voice, he's your guy.  You've heard my voice, pretty typical N. American male, but it's there if you need it.  I wish I knew more russians though, I can't offer you any reliable accent on that end.

Offline hoz

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Re: [COOP 1-9] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-2
« Reply #3 on: 27 Nov 2009, 15:51:21 »
the player needs at minimum his map on his person to allow the briefing to be effective

The leader seems to have the map and radio and crap just not the other players.

I would enjoy having to collect minor equipment from various places at the start of a mission.

This is how he has it setup now. Once you find the ammo you can only take the civi guns like the 550. Once you start clearing out that first town there is plenty of weapons to choose from. Are you using a dead body remover script here? cuz I noticed that most of the rpg units are swept away.

Like I said before I need to play it a bit more, there are definitely some grammar issues. and some of the cut scenese so far could really use some tighter (see closer) angle shots. There may be some benefit to sift through the sp missions where the reviewers talk about the amazing cut scenes. check those out for some pointers.

Now for some critiquing...

The first task to run to the farm or what not just before the first cut scene... I particulary thought the joining of units was messed up. some 4 units joined me and 4 units joined my friend. then all the sudden I had all 8 units. I actually think that the units were of no use... and if you feel you need to bring in more units then bring them in a later episode. Keep the first episode fun easy and story building.  We actually found the enemy quite easy to defeat here. and i personally wouldn't change it unless you were doing this mission as a standalone. from a campaign perspective I don't think you want the first mission to be utterly impossible. A few well hidden smart guys could spice it up a bit.

*sigh* I totally fergot about the airport battle... Not alot to say here except that it went well and we used the air support. It was totally entertaining. a cut scene out of the mission would totally be in line here too... perhaps you can do something like have a helo come in an finish off the last tank and do all this in a cut scene fashion.
« Last Edit: 27 Nov 2009, 15:53:27 by hoz »
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Offline fleepee

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Re: [COOP 1-9] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-2
« Reply #4 on: 28 Nov 2009, 03:27:26 »
Hoz and Ebden, thanks for your coments! :good:

do you plan to string a story along 3 or 4 missions?
After this first episode, in the next one you'll take contact with CDF and US headquarter, now as a member of the resistance, to get some material help... I won't say too much here about it... ;)

I still don't understand the revive, sidechat messages and briefing problems in my missions... :dunno:

The team mate ai's were kind of useless. you defintely need to auto equipe the ai. Once you find the ammo you can only take the civi guns like the 550
You're right: I think I'll disable AI in the lobby and suppress the "join" command in the mission.
There is a script that gives weapons and ammo to AI as you had the dialog at the weapons cache.
it seems that it didn't work for you!
At the weapons cache, you can find 2 hunting rifles, 2 AKMs, 5 AK47, 2 RPG launchers+rockets...

wp for the airport had the dupelicate wp boxes too...
I'll check this... (wp= waypoints?)

the civis don't start with any map, gps, or other components. so in the initial breifing... the leader was able to see the map (he had the equipment) however the one unit that my friend took didn't have any map equipement so he was unable to see the map.
I think it's logical for civilians not to have a map, a compass, a gps, a radio in their pockets.
I forgot about other slots, and didn't add map to their equipment for the briefing... Map is removed from the leader just after the beginning of the mission, but as said before, you can find items in the boss pick-up, and later at the weapons cache for the others.

We actually found the enemy quite easy to defeat here. and i personally wouldn't change it unless you were doing this mission as a standalone. from a campaign perspective I don't think you want the first mission to be utterly impossible
I've thought the same about the enemy quite easy to defeat...
I think I'll raise a bit the ennemy units skills...

I'm satisfied to know that the good "air support" scripts started when it had to and worked all right! :good:
« Last Edit: 28 Nov 2009, 11:35:52 by fleepee »

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Re: [COOP 1-9] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-2
« Reply #5 on: 28 Nov 2009, 14:31:35 »
I think becuase you are a civi in this mission. the enemy AI don't fight back until provoked.
WP = waypoint.

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Offline fleepee

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Re: [COOP 1-9] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-2
« Reply #6 on: 28 Nov 2009, 14:55:35 »
there is:
Code: [Select]
east setFriend [civilian,0];
civilian setFriend [east,0];
in the init file, so both sides  should be totally enemy to each oyther: east forces do shoot civilians and civil cars, even animals at attack start!
after that, perhaps the russian behaviour is less agressive...
I'll have a look in the UPS script to see if there's something about side behaviour when (enemy) civilians are encountered.

Edit: there effectively something about civilians in the ups script, i've modified it, not tested yet.
« Last Edit: 28 Nov 2009, 15:13:22 by fleepee »

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Re: [COOP 1-9] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-2
« Reply #7 on: 28 Nov 2009, 18:45:47 »
I had an occasion where i was face to face with the enemy and he wasn't shooting at me :D
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Offline fleepee

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Re: [COOP 1-9] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-2
« Reply #8 on: 29 Nov 2009, 08:25:07 »
did you have this? ;)

Offline Ebden

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Re: [COOP 1-9] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-2
« Reply #9 on: 30 Nov 2009, 00:41:07 »

Attached here are the song lyrics updated with an english version.  It isn't the strict translation, but one I found that claims it will rhyme properly and can be sung in English to the tune (unlike a more precise translation, that probably wouldn't sound right).

Also, I completed a number of English edits in the attached stringtable.  I took greater liberty with the dialog between Igor and the USS Missouri.  I showed that part of the script to a soldier just back from Afghanistan, and got some pointers on the brevity a civilian might expect from an unexpected radio call to a US military ship.  (Of course, he said the whole thing about sending in air support based on a single unsecure radio message is completely illogical, but the storyline is yours, not ours!)  Note that in str_aero_3, I added a specific radio frequency#.  That should be changed to any identifiable frequency code that we could find in Arma 2, or we can leave it as the made-up number if there's nothing to contradict the frequency in-game.

In str_task2titre, task3titre, and task4titre, the english originally was identical 'Go back to the farm.'  I changed each, but still not sure if task3 is what you meant.

To make things a little more believable, what if Igor (I assume the main character, I never had a minute to play Arma this weekend!), was some sort of US informant in the previous war, and had a knowledge of minimal US radio procedures, security clearance codes, or some such thing?  Better yet, a senior officer on the USS missouri might have worked with Igor's intel during the war, and knew the name and voice as reliable, justifying the US support?  It would add a little to that dialog, having brief pleasantries between the two, but it could beef up the storyline as well.

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Re: [COOP 1-8] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-3
« Reply #10 on: 30 Nov 2009, 16:58:28 »
Thanks Hoz and Ebden for your help and support! :clap:

I've uploaded V1.3 that includes Ebden's english corections.

Many trials and changes to make civilians and russians be really enemies!! I've started with the editing of the ups script, but it wasn't a success!! :confused:
Finally, I've added in the civilians groups in the village a resistance high ranked unit with a probality of presence of 0...
For playable slots, I manually changed their side  to "guer" directly in the mission.SQM file...
Russians are now very agressive with us!  :D
AIs are disabled in the lobby, no groups, each player is on his own, it's up to you to communicate by radio to have team actions. ;)

Couldn't play it in MP with another player yet, to check revive and mobile spawn.
I didn't modify the revive_init script after the side change of playable units, so...

Ebden: you're right about the storyline, I'll take care of it later, after i'm sure that the mission works corectly in multiplayer... I will certainly need the voices you told me about in an MP

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Re: [COOP 1-8] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-3
« Reply #11 on: 01 Dec 2009, 00:50:23 »
Right on, I look forward to having a look at this mission in a couple minutes.

Family pulled me away after about 20 minutes.   I got as far as attacking Lopatino while trying it in single-player.  Now that I've seen a bit of how the story develops, I'll have to give the English a second look.  Some of the dialog, like just after the explosions and first invasion cutscene, are not appropriate for the scene.  I'll make more edits and post them for your thoughts soon.

As far as other bits...
The mission load screen reads the mission title as 'Go to the warehouse'  but the mission name is 'Once Upon a Time'

Loading in seemed fine, and the equipment I expected to find in the truck was there, but I would not have known to check had I picked up the mission w/o this forum leadin.  (The fix is a simple dialog edit I can add, probably in the conversation just before I leave the tractor).

Great cutscene with the tanks, but I'd cut out the last part scrolling over trees and a field, it makes it a bit long and reduces the emergency I first felt from seeing all those tanks.

At Dimitri's, the KORD mounted properly, and I liked your choices for available weapons.  It's what I expected for this level of militia.  Also, great work on the song and the little cutscene to the truck and jeep.  The music was still playing, and the subtitles displayed while looking at a developing Russian force fit the mood.  One of the soldiers was running in place.  I don't know if there's much you can do about it.

Problem:  Just after fixing the cord, artillery (tank rounds?)began falling on Dimitri's home.  The very first, before I had a chance to even hit my keyboard, knocked out the tires of the truck.  I was left to walk all the way to Lopatino.  Dimitri died, and it was a neat little extra to find a watch on him I could take.  His wife, the poor soul, was left cowering by the fence with no home or hubby.

Other than figuring out how to keep the truck from being disabled on the first round (still leave it in a danger zone, it's good encouragement to get moving), I thought some dialog was needed between Igor and the wife about Dimitri's death, something simple and quick, not prosaic, but to the point.  E.g,  Dimitri's wife -calling Dimitri's name, then wailing, crying.  Igor also calling “Dimit-b`lyad'!  (I checked, it means ‘fuck!' in Russian.) Then to the wife ‘We'll get them for this.  I have to go.'

Approaching Lopatino I met another couple tanks, nice addition to keep me from running straight to the town, and another chance for me not to shoot at something. 

When attacking Lopatino I'll definitely need to try it in MP.  With the CZ550 I chose, my survivability was poor in CQB.  That's as far as I made it yesterday, but I'm excited to see the rest.  I'll adjust the English as needed and post a second draft when it's done..
« Last Edit: 01 Dec 2009, 14:57:13 by Ebden »

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Re: [COOP 1-8] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-3
« Reply #12 on: 01 Dec 2009, 18:55:02 »
Just after fixing the cord, artillery (tank rounds?)began falling on Dimitri's home
You must have been spotted by the late armored platoon you saw in lopatino...
It wasn't designed in the mission!

some dialog was needed between Igor and the wife about Dimitri's death
I don't think i'll had these dialogs at the weapon's cache: I will make Dimitri invulnerable in this mission, he could die in a punitive raid in another mission... ;)

Offline Ebden

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Re: [COOP 1-8] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-3
« Reply #13 on: 02 Dec 2009, 18:00:21 »
I think you have two Dimitri's on the mission, do you?  One carries the mobile respawn, and another is an interactable character at the spawn point who tells you to go to his brother-in-law.  Is that right?  It's a little confusing.

I worked through the mission in MP up to Lopatino again.  This time my computer went blue-screen during the attack, so I lost my review partner since I was hosting.  Other than some english tweaks to help the story make sense and sound correct, it all seemed to work as you intended.  I'd still remove the last 10 seconds or so of the first cutscene after the tanks are out of view and the view is slowly scrolling down a field, to keep our head in the coming tasks.

The second cutscene video performed differently =than when I tried in SP.  This time the scene zoomed to a single jeep and an officer standing in the road, I assume one of our targets, and what you must have meant for the cutscene to do.

The only bit that is troublesome is the difficult Lopatino assault.  I'm not suggesting to lower the difficulty yet, since I like the challenge, but I need to get a few more human players to better coordinate the assault (So I can give you feedback on the rest of the mission!)

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Re: [COOP 1-8] Once Upon a Time... Version 1-3
« Reply #14 on: 02 Dec 2009, 19:20:48 »
I'm on a version 1.4.
Cutscenes are different, details and dialog modified...
I'm waiting for some feedback about the revive script in MP before I uplooad it:
Can player revive others and be revived by other players? ???
In that version (and perhaps int the 1.3) the guy at the farm is called Yuri, no more confusion, I'm lacking of imagination for the names while editing! ;)

The only bit that is troublesome is the difficult Lopatino assault.  I'm not suggesting to lower the difficulty yet
I like it like this!! :D

I need to get a few more human players to better coordinate the assault
I've tried it alone, to the end: you've got to choose your weapons wether you need long or close ranges fights...