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Author Topic: Serious issues with desync on a mission I have made, please help!  (Read 1911 times)

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Offline dale0404

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Gents, I am asking for a massive favour here. I have a mission that I have created and there are some serious issues with it. I honestly do not know what is causing it.

When I host the mission or put it on a dedi server I and other players have massive desync issues. I mean 100,000 at some points for some players. I have redone the mission a couple of times but the same thing happens again.

I am asking for you fine people within this community (yes I am pleading!) to take a look at the mission and please tell me what the hell is causing these problems. I have stripped the mission completely and rebuilt it numerous times but like I have stated the same thing happens.

I have made plenty of missions before without any problems, it is only this one.

Please help!!

Link to mission:


I have put in the description of the mission to not download it unless you are trying to help.

Once again if I get an answer I will buy you a beer if I see you at some point in future!!



Offline Mandoble

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Might be giving some clues about the mission itself and how it is designed for MP is better than just put the mission there waiting for someone to open it and reverse engineer it entirely.

Offline Rommel92

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Well, my first note from just opening up the init.sqf.

Code: [Select]
nil = [""Disconnected"",_name,_id] execVM ""scripts\jip.sqf"
Bad practice. If you haven't figured out what is wrong with this already, perhaps you should really start from square one again.  :whistle:


Looking through the rest of your scripts, I think that statement was a bit cruel, especially since it appears the scripts were not by you. So I'll elaborate.
NEVER use nil as a return handler, I don't know who did it first in ArmA, but it was a cruel practice.
If the code needs a return, then simply give it either a local variable to return too, or some anonymous variable (maybe DALE_DummyVar).

On further looking, why do you have the onConnected, onDisconnected and JIP scripts at all, you don't even use them? They are merely handlers?

Delete initJIPcompatible.sqf unless your going to use it?

Code: [Select]
while {alive mr1} do {
    "respawn_west" setMarkerPos getPos mr1;

deleteMarker "respawn_west";

Urgh? You could atleast have a delay in there. (Sleep 10 maybe? Is it really important to have that constant an update?)
Why would you want to delete the marker "respawn_west", that would just allow the player to respawn on the spot?

Thats all I have got from a quick look through, buggered if I'm going to go in and check out the mission.sqm (too long and too much effort, perhaps explain more).