The taskHint command by BIS is too difficult to use for novice scripters since it requires the scripter to provide the formatting, rgba and the icon name to use. So a few weeks ago I wrote a function to simplify all this. I thought I'd share it.
How to load the functionIn your init.sqf, put this:
// Create a taskHint
// Usage: [tskExample] call mk_fTaskHint;
// Gets the taskState of the passed task, and shows the status on screen
mk_fTaskHint = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "fTaskHint.sqf");
** NB: Change the filepath to where you keep the file. This is just a copy and paste from my own template **
How to use the functionThis function will only work with tasks you've created (see my
briefing tutorial on how to do that), and it will output the task's current state:
[tskExample] call mk_fTaskHint;
- Task hints are different from regular hints, so they can be used at the same time.
- Task hints last only very shortly.
- This function does not manipulate the task at all, it only echo's out the current state.
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