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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] The Final Stand  (Read 13442 times)

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Offline schuler

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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #15 on: 01 Jul 2009, 13:30:15 »
I thought there was such a script in the Editors' Depot, but I can't find it at the moment.
Tiger used that in one of his mission (I don't know if theres a script for it re-arming a m2) but I was the enemy that had the script and it was very affective in his mission! I don't know what good it would do in this mission because this is AI vs AI ,, but might help.... But yet.....

As for atmosphere I would rather see waves (in lesser concentrations) set up squad so a sergeant can call wounded to heal he will do that automatically and add to the atmosphere!!. and maybe a heli by the US come in or something to brake up the difference (troop drop) and make more for the player to have fun with instead of survival. [but keep the balance] It makes it more interesting for the player and will give you a better score, no frills missions are not going to score real high but are made for a downloader to get a straight to the action mission and are always welcome to the forums!!!
Ps good Defend the Base mission are not easy to make!

Nice pic, no boarder, not sure about the pic fitting the mission.
Told by a soldier, a nice addition to the mission. No real camera work. The words are great for the mission but camera is very shy.
As a no frills defend the base kinda mission....... Which means straight into the action, no bells and whistles needed. It its obvious that this is the last stand by the briefing as the map shows a very small Island basically a sand bar and the ruskies are willing to fight to the end.
Clear and neatly done.
Properly said to conjunct with the briefing. No overtone.
Standard Russian weapons, good!

great significance in entailing on the game with set position and the welding, also the lag, is gone on my pc,,, [but I fear the lag is still to strong for a Ofp mission on my Pc] some would find it very slow.

still working on completing the mission! Would like to see more changes to make it stand out!
Cheers schuler
Semper Fi

Offline Krieg

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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #16 on: 01 Jul 2009, 20:46:08 »
Thank you for testing, schuler.

I will experiment and try to do that in 1.0 version, but that might break the intensity of attack, and yet placing more squads will brig back the lag, but intensity might be back if some troops drop back via choppers near player.

I know, the pic is quite random.

I will try to improve camera, but I really do not know what to do with it.

If you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then it's probably an enemy tank.

Offline schuler

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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #17 on: 02 Jul 2009, 04:37:58 »
Firstly look back at notes from Walter

then let the player have time to get used to his surroundings ... so delay the enemy.
cut down on friendly AI and send in enemy by waves 
too much enemy at once gets the player shot
If you use waypoints with snycs it will reduce lag a little little bit more
Add a UAZ with a MG on it to fight and take down a chopper with too if the player decides to use it
Cut down on inbound US tanks, or send one at a time
Add fences to stop the enemy make sure they are wire so they cant hide behind them
Don't fuss about the intro to much
Mostly have fun making the mission  ;)

Check out Limmy3's Killing Fields  here
His briefing is an overkill and you don't have to make a briefing of his caliber for your mission. Although his briefing is well done.
Semper Fi

Offline Krieg

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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #18 on: 02 Jul 2009, 10:29:21 »
I would have been glad to look at his mission and briefing if I had 1.96, since I have 1.46, I cannot.
I know that there are updates, though.

3 squad waves, perhaps? Since there are 13 squads, it is possible to organize 4 waves and 1 chopper squad. Working on new version.
If you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then it's probably an enemy tank.

Offline schuler

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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #19 on: 02 Jul 2009, 14:07:20 »
s**t, you might be able to get Resistance free on line now, its so old,,, then get all updates 1.75 to goty do a search on it, or order it for 9.99 from your 'locale' disco or something
« Last Edit: 03 Jul 2009, 02:15:56 by savedbygrace »
Semper Fi


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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #20 on: 04 Jul 2009, 15:49:42 »
Testing version 0.97 (1st July 2009)

Intro & Outro
 - simple, functional and working. The fact that it's based on waypoints is obvious, though. Would you consider scripting them? You could keep the running man, but the camera effects would be more impressive. See, first, Snypir's tutorial and then, if you can handle it, Messiah's.
 - should both be moved 15 or 30 minutes towards daytime. The time you've chosen is too dark - the desert looks black.

 - at the moment it limps to an ending as you search for the last living American troops. Give the US forces more waypoints so that they continue moving. You might also write the following in the init line of the squad leaders of the easternmost infantry squads:
Code: [Select]
"_x allowFleeing 0" forEach units this(I hope it works in OFP v1.46) - it should stop US units from running away back behind the hill.
 - do you want the player to be always on his own? You could have an option (in the radio menu) to "Rally troops" at which point the player can lead a counter-attack; or maybe just tell the remaining Russians to go kamikaze.

Offline Krieg

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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #21 on: 07 Jul 2009, 15:55:37 »
I did most of improvements, but I have no idea how to tell other Russians to go kamikaze on Americans ???.
If you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then it's probably an enemy tank.


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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #22 on: 09 Jul 2009, 02:15:28 »
Counter-attack trigger (example)
This method works, but is not optimal. Since triggers check their conditions twice a second, this is considerably more processor-intensive than necessary. It could be replaced by a script.

Edit the current "End #1" trigger and give it the name endzone.

Create a new trigger: dimensions 0 by 0, activated by None, Once. Then the important parts - set Type to "Switch" and enter in the Condition line:
Code: [Select]
("alive _x" count (list endzone)) < 10This trigger will be tripped once there are less than ten American units in the End trigger area.

Russian charge
Give Russian units that are likely to survive (ie. those in the West) a second waypoint ("Seek and Destroy") where the Americans are expected to be - northeast on the hill, or east along the line.
Press "Synchronize (F5)"
Drag blue lines from the Counter-attack Trigger onto these units' FIRST waypoints, ie. their starting positions.

Now, when the Counter-attack Trigger is activated the Russian units will 'Switch' from their defensive aspect to hunting the remaining American loons.

Offline Krieg

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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #23 on: 09 Jul 2009, 11:05:26 »
OK, new version is up. New stuff:

    If there are less then 13 Americans, Russians will charge at them.
    Added scripted camera in Intro, still working on Outro one.
    Americans now charge in waves. Last wave (3rd one) has most American troops.
    There is one M60 now.
    If you are unlucky, you will get another M60.
    Americans now do not retreat.

Check first post for download.
« Last Edit: 09 Jul 2009, 11:08:32 by Krieg »
If you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then it's probably an enemy tank.


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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #24 on: 09 Jul 2009, 20:22:07 »
Tested: version 1.0 beta

 - much more professional, I hope you'll agree. The only improvement I can suggest would be a gentle fade at the end.

 - place markers of dimensions 0 by 0, select an appropriate colour, and write in the texts - "No man's Land", "American Zone", "Russian Redoubt" (or similar) - it should be more elegant than having to explain it in the briefing.
 - splitting the American assault has all but eliminated lag. Bravo.
 - it would be atmospheric to indicate the counter-attack in some subtle way. For counter-attacking troops insert a "Move" waypoint before their "Seek and Destroy" final destination, and place it near their starting positions. Edit the 'Effects' for this new waypoint and select something Russian from the 'Voice' drop-down menu. Your comrades will now say something as they charge the remaining enemy.

Offline Krieg

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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #25 on: 10 Jul 2009, 10:06:27 »
- I will add markers.
- Sorry I did not understand you (I am not best at English). Did lag got back or is it eliminated?
- Will be added soon.

New version is up.
New features:

Added those markers.
Outro is now complete.
Briefing and notes changed a little bit.
Added those "charge" sounds.

Also, next version will most likely be final.
« Last Edit: 10 Jul 2009, 15:27:16 by Krieg »
If you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then it's probably an enemy tank.


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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #26 on: 11 Jul 2009, 01:18:50 »
Tested: version 1.1 beta (Readme hadn't been updated to reflect the fact, though)

Intro: fine.

Mission: very little lag, so almost eliminated.

Could do with the objective ticking-off though. Add this to the On Activation line of trigger "End #1":
Code: [Select]
"1" objStatus "Done"
Playing in Cadet mode, by accident, honestly, I managed a score of 17600. That was 71 infantry plus an M60 and crew, but I still only got one pearl as a reward. I suggest adding the following lines to description.ext:
Code: [Select]
minScore = 5000
avgScore = 10000
maxScore = 15000
So that I'd get the five stars / pearls such a performance deserved.

Outro: a suitable piece of music and not something I've heard before. I'm not sure that turning a simple mission into a 4Mb download just for some music used in the outro is appropriate. If you could re-mix it as mono, rather than stereo, you might save more than 2Mb.

I didn't get to see all of it as it faded to black after the line "Thanks to" and nothing else appeared until it ended.  >:(

Offline Krieg

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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #27 on: 11 Jul 2009, 09:07:42 »
Mission: I will do ticking off the objectives (I wondered how to do that anyways).
And score thing.

Outro: I will do that (or at least try) using audacity.
Whaaat :confused:? It runs smoothly on my PC. Maybe reducing time between triggers will help?
It was suppose to fade out but with some text.
Edit: I guess Outro is still subject to change.

New, most likely final, version is up.

New features:
Ticking off the objective
More stars for more points
New pic added (American troops that are advancing, overview)

Soon I will add "Please Review" after new functions are tested on other PC's.
« Last Edit: 11 Jul 2009, 11:01:47 by Krieg »
If you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then it's probably an enemy tank.


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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #28 on: 12 Jul 2009, 16:28:40 »
Tested: version 1.2

Outro: I saw the what was going on this time, but no text after "Thanks to:". I guess the guy misses the triggers laid for him. It would be more reliable if you scripted all the text for the outro, and probably simpler for you as you already have cameracredits.sqs. I removed the first few triggers and moved their contents to the script; it looked like this
Code: (cameracredits.sqs) [Select]
_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]
_cam camsettarget b
_cam camsetrelpos [-1,4,-2]
_cam camcommit 0

~2   <--- the pauses in seconds between different texts appearing

titletext[{"The Final Stand"- Mission by Krieg},"Plain Down"]   <--- curly brackets so speech marks appear

titletext["","Plain"]   <--- blank, in order to erase what went before
titletext["Thanks to:","Plain Down"]
titletext["schuler","Plain Down"]
titletext["Walter_E_Kurtz","Plain Down"]
titletext["savedbygrace","Plain Down"]

Offline Krieg

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Re: The Final Stand (Single Player)
« Reply #29 on: 12 Jul 2009, 17:38:14 »
Thank you Walter. I guess he misses triggers in versions higher than 1.46, so I will be using this script.
New version is up.
New Features:
Scripted text (although I had to change original script, because OFP reported some error)
All text is lowered.

Hopefully, this version will go to review.
This is STILL 1.2 version, because nothing new is added. Just text is scripted, nothing more.
« Last Edit: 13 Jul 2009, 11:10:53 by Krieg »
If you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then it's probably an enemy tank.