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Author Topic: ACE HALO in multiplayer  (Read 2506 times)

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Offline luckyhendrix

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ACE HALO in multiplayer
« on: 18 Jun 2009, 08:41:26 »
Hello everybody,
With my team we tried to create a mission with a HALO insertion, first we downloaded a C130 and took chutes from the ACE weapon box, and we jumped using the "jump out" action , but it seems bugged, the player got stuck in the plane , the soldier execute the "free fall" animation but they are still in the C130 they still have all action related to C130 (switch place, open ramp ,etc....)

I found this script on ACE mod site http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/733 (the one in parachutetest5).

I deleted this line in the init.sqf
player addaction ["Begin parachute test.","scripts\PlayerGoesAirborne.sqf",[], -100, false, true];

and I put it in a trigger so that the player got the action when the plane is close to DZ

I modified this line in playergoesairborne.sqf
player setpos [(getpos player select 0),(getpos player select 1),4000];
player setpos [(getpos plane1 select 0),(getpos plane1 select 1),3995];

so it looks like the player are jumping from the plane (plane1 is my C130)
Everything works perfectly for the host, but for other player the script start (they've got the "here we go" screen then they see themselves in the sky from a bit less than a second) and then they're again stuck in the plane.
It is weird because if you look at comments in http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/733 some people seem to have managed to get this thing working in MP.
Could you help we to make this script MP compatible plz it would awesome in my missions.

Offline Odin

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Re: ACE HALO in multiplayer
« Reply #1 on: 21 Jun 2009, 03:28:10 »
G'day not sure if this will help or not, I made this script to replace Mr Murrys Fallschirm script. so it works the same as that but you might be able to edit it to work with a C130 in flight, all you need is a Game Logic called para

Code: [Select]
// Function file for Armed Assault
// Created by: TODO: Odin

Private ["_unit","_Dropzone","_pos","_heliman","_G1","_chopper","_cam","_wp"];
titleText ["Choose your Dropzone on the map!", "PLAIN"];

paraman = "logic" createvehicle getpos para;

onMapSingleClick "paraman setpos _pos; go = 0";
waitUntil {go == 0;};
go = 1;

_unit = _this select 1;
_Dropzone = paraman;
_pos = (getPos _Dropzone);

if (not(_unit hasWeapon "ACE_ParachutePack")) then { titleText ["Pack a chute first!", "PLAIN"];} else
_heliman = createGroup (west);
_G1 = _heliman createUnit ["SoldierWPilot", para, [], 0, "form"];
_chopper = createVehicle ["ACE_UH60MG_M240C", _Dropzone, [], 500, "FLY"];
_G1 assignAsDriver _chopper;
_G1 moveInDriver _chopper;

[_chopper,_unit] execVM "\ace_sys_eject\s\ace_jumpout.sqf";
_chopper setPosASL [ (getPosASL _Dropzone select 0), (getPosASL _Dropzone select 1), (getPosASL _Dropzone select 2) + 500];
_unit assignAsCargo _chopper;
[_unit] orderGetIn true;
_unit moveincargo _chopper;
if (alive _chopper) then
_cam = "camera" camcreate getpos _chopper;
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"];
//align to the object
_cam camsettarget vehicle _chopper;
// Camera position
_cam camSetRelPos [0,-100,0];
//Duration of the sequence
_cam camCommitPrepared 5;
//activate Camera
waitUntil {camCommitted _cam;};
//End Camera
_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"];
camdestroy _cam;
sleep 3.5;
// Start Parachute Animation
{unassignVehicle _x} forEach crew _chopper;
_unit action["EJECT",vehicle _unit];
_unit setPosASL [ (getPosASL _Dropzone select 0), (getPosASL _Dropzone select 1), (getPosASL _Dropzone select 2) + 500];

If (true) then{
// Remove Props
sleep 1;
deleteVehicle _G1;
deleteVehicle _chopper;
deleteGroup _heliman;

Here is a small example mission