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Author Topic: [SOLVED] SECOP Communications menu  (Read 3105 times)

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Offline Binary

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[SOLVED] SECOP Communications menu
« on: 14 Jun 2009, 03:31:55 »
Hello folks.

I have a weird problem with the SECOP module.
I wanted to do a experimental mission using only the built-in modules (ambient combat/civilians/vehicles and SECOP). I've done as the biki says, and synced a player unit with the SECOP and Ambient Combat. In the editor/SP this works just fine.

However when i put the mission on a dedicated, something strange happens.
First off: The Ambient Civilians and Ambient Civilian Vehicles modules don't fire - they simply never pop up.
The Ambient Combat module works.
The SECOP module... Kind of works.. I get the radio messages, and i also respond to them. But when i go into the "communications menu" to accept/decline the task - there is nothing there..

As said - all this works perfectly in singleplayer/editor..

I've attached the mission as a .rar file - at this point I'm pretty clueless  :confused:



I've done a little more testing.. I tried isolating the SECOP module - so i just put a single rifleman on Chernarus and synced him to the SECOP. Same result - works in Editor/SP/MP Local but not on dedicated, the communications menu still bugs.


Edit 2:

Found a thread for SECOP module discussion over at BIS forums.

Post #62 by NateEvil:
I modified the SOM/Arty demo mission from the wiki and played several secops with my buddies online. The the comms only work if the person who is hosting the game picks the group leader position that the SOM GL is sync'd to.

The trick is that it has to be done from a listen server (i.e. host a server from the same computer you are playing from).



Edit 3:

Aaaand then finally i found this post in the aformentioned thread, by DnA (BIS Developer)
Unfortunately we found some issues with the Communications menu and MP, therefore it sometimes isn't possible to make a SecOp decision. We hope to have fixed this and it should be in an upcoming patch.

Bloody hell !  :dry:


Edit 4:

This has been fixed by patch 1.02
« Last Edit: 20 Jun 2009, 05:27:45 by Binary »
"Ah.. Home sweet hell !" - Al Bundy