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Author Topic: [OFP] BAS Delta / Rangers  (Read 3401 times)

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Offline Wolfrug

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[OFP] BAS Delta / Rangers
« on: 16 May 2009, 14:39:07 »
Link: BAS Delta / Rangers

This addon provides a comprehensive list of US Army 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, and 75th Ranger Regiment units. Both Desert 3 color and US Woodland I versions are included along with a new set of highly accurate weapons and equipment modeled by Ballistic Addon Studios as well as those noted in "Special Thanks."

Features include:-

- Highly accurate and comprehensively researched Delta units in US Woodland I and Desert 3 color camo
- Highly accurate and comprehensively researched Ranger units in US Woodland I and Desert 3 color camo
- New Kawasaki dirt bikes as used by special ops in US woodland I and desert camo
- Extensive weapons pack including a variety of M4's and other spec ops weapons in a variety of configurations
- Animated goggles
- New character models
- As an added bonus we have included a unit called "Soldier" and "DES Soldier". These units come with no sleeve patches and are designed to allow a mission maker to include their own custom unit patch. As a sample we have included unit patches for the 101st, the 82nd and the 10th Mountain with the addon pack. (see the BAS_DeltaCodes.txt for info on how to use these units - they use the setobjecttexture function).

During the development of this addon we relied heavily on the input of many "real life" operators. BAS would like to give special thanks to all active serving and past members in the US military and the Special Forces and Ranger community of the US Special Operations Command. The addons you will see in game are the product of meticulous research and a commitment to quality by the BAS Team.

Every single member of BAS had input into this addon. The team has worked tirelessly to bring what we hope is one of the best addons available in the OFP community. Personally, I (Tigershark) would like to thank them all for their persistence, belief in the end product and commitment to quality and craftsmanship.

Big thank you goes to Frandsen..who joined up...started the initial models and then left for the Army....good luck Frandsen.

Enjoy the addon from the BAS Team!

Hosted addon topic for BAS Delta / Rangers. Discussion/questions below - note that OFPEC cannot necessarily answer all queries regarding this addon since this addon belongs to the OFP Legacy Addons project, and hosted at OFPEC in an effort to offer continued support for OFP and OFP: Resistance.

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"