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Author Topic: Converted OFP M2 / M6  (Read 5061 times)

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Offline modEmMaik

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Converted OFP M2 / M6
« on: 17 Apr 2009, 10:51:02 »
I have converted the OFP's M2 from the oxygen examples.

Latest changes include a M6-like version (the real linebacker is based on a M2A2 version) for AA purposes plus maingunrecoil GNAT-style  ;)

The model also features damage section textures:
Most of the tanks include telo as model's damage sections only.
Other vehicles, like the 5t include more damage sections, e.g. to show a damaged wheel etc.
The BI config includes at least 5 damage sections for tanks:
telo for the hull
motor for the engine
pas_L for the left tracks
pas_P for the right tracks
vez for the turret
zbran for the maingun
(L svetlo and P svetlo may also be possible, but I havenot checked this yet).
when you include those sections in the visual LOD's and in the model.cfg sections, the result shows separate damage sections. You only have to take care to remove the telo section in the model, when you define an alternative damage section. Else e.g. the damage texture of the maingun would be replaced by a medium damage texture, when the hull is hit.

MLOD's are included (because it is based on BI-samples, it is open source anyway).

- Changed maingunrecoil to non-xeh (Thanks to GNat). Mag ammo count must be adjusted.
- Needed change: All bushbaster mags have 300 bullets (new ammo layout 300 AP, 2x300 HE)
- Added gunner scope protection (opens when engine active)

DL-link by zShare M2 Bradley / M6 Linebacker pre beta version

have fun,

Offline kju

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Re: Converted OFP M2 / M6
« Reply #1 on: 17 Apr 2009, 13:52:50 »
Great initiative and top result.  :good:
Got replacement for all of your work for OAC.  :D

PS: zShare is quite ugly though.. what a FTP acc from AA.de.  :whistle:
« Last Edit: 17 Apr 2009, 13:54:26 by kju »

Offline Gnat

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Re: Converted OFP M2 / M6
« Reply #2 on: 18 Apr 2009, 12:26:04 »
Lovely work Mike.
Only comment, they don't seem to be able to put up a good fight.
3 M2s vs. 3 BMPs or even 4 vs. 3, they always loose with maybe 1 BMP disabled, maybe destroyed.

Offline modEmMaik

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Re: Converted OFP M2 / M6
« Reply #3 on: 18 Apr 2009, 18:15:36 »
Thanks Gnat  ;)

Well, M2 vs. BMP is caused by those facts:
- I chose the M2 to have more priority on the bushmaster (ffMagnitude = 0.500000), else it would attack each vehicle using TOW's.
- The ARMA BMP includes no motor hitpoints. Thus it resists much more damage (This is also the root cause, why a BMP cannot be immediately destroyed by a single M136 round). The M2 features all hitzones.
- The TOW does not seem to be as effective as the AT 5.
- The lack of M2 vs. armory ist compensated by the fact that it also attacks airborne targets.

But I have checked the efficiency in some crCTI battles. When in defence (stationary) position, the M2 is very effective, while not so effective on attack of a defended position. Also the behavior on a dedicated server differs much from a SP mission featured (to my own suprise  :dunno: ).

#EDIT: Do not quote the entire previous post you're replying to..  h-
« Last Edit: 18 Apr 2009, 21:07:36 by h- »

Offline kju

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Re: Converted OFP M2 / M6
« Reply #4 on: 18 Apr 2009, 19:42:26 »
Not disagreeing, yet it is intentional that a M136 round does NOT
make a BMP2 explode from one shoot from what I know.

Offline modEmMaik

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Re: Converted OFP M2 / M6
« Reply #5 on: 18 Apr 2009, 23:03:06 »
Well, yes. I agree, but the M136 has a hit of 470, while the BMP-2 has 250 armor-value.
Without the disabled engine-hitbox, the BMP-2 would explode at direct hit.

Although the Bradley is also a troop-carrier, I decided to enable this hitbox, but it can be disabled by this config:
Code: [Select]
class CfgVehicles
class Tank;
class smurfc_m2a2 : Tank
class HitEngine {armor = 0.82; material = 60; name = "xmotor"; visual = "motor"; passThrough = 1;};

Offline Gnat

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Re: Converted OFP M2 / M6
« Reply #6 on: 19 Apr 2009, 04:53:50 »
Well, certainly sounds like you have considered the armour values vs other vs rounds etc, so I can't argue.
Nice job.
I did notice they seemed reluctant to fire missiles. Does the engagment range need tweeking?
From my playing (other addons), the hit value between available weapons seems to determine what they will use first.

... though its a little odd that theres differences between SP and MP ....  ???
Not something to do with the XEH trick to make the exterior of the vehicle visible ?

Offline modEmMaik

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Re: Converted OFP M2 / M6
« Reply #7 on: 19 Apr 2009, 12:57:10 »
To exclude the impact of xeh and weapon weaks for test purposes, the non-repl-config includes an implementation without xeh and BI-standard weapon layout (in this case the Brad is equipped with a 2A42). You can check this, when you remove the xxx_repl.pbo.

Well, the reluctance is caused by the ffMagnitude and maxRange values, I think. When I lower the maxRange value to 500, all ground vehicles with distance >500 are attacked by TOW. To my surprise, tanks are always attacked by TOW, so I think you are right, when it comes to high armor values. But the BMP is somewhere in between.

I have not tweaked the TOW, because I guess that others may already have tweaked it  :D
I am using another "tweak" on my own, because the BI-TOW has a maxLeadSpeed = 10... each faster vehicle cannot be aimed, while the AT5 has a maxLeadSpeed = 100 

We have discovered that some vehicles behave different from SP / MP. I guess a dedicated server has more priority on AI behavior, while the graphics display seems to have an impact on this. Especially in waypoint behavior, we noticed a big difference between SP and MP. 

Offline modEmMaik

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Re: Converted OFP M2 / M6
« Reply #8 on: 09 Jun 2009, 12:32:55 »
A little update for the M2A2/M6: DL-Link WIP version by zShare

  • Reduced some popup effects on the front
  • Corrected shader issue on driver hatch
  • Added CWR repl config
  • Corrected desigation to "M2 Bradley"
  • Recentered wheels texture to reduce tumbling
  • Changed TOW ammo to new tripod TOW (hope to increase hit ratio)
  • New specmap, based on the texture (but without camo-artifacts)
  • Corrected maingunrecoil direction and calculation
  • Fixed a shadow-issue on the M6 model

When the A2-demo is released, I will try to add an ArmA2 config, although the model will have a pretty nasty look compared with the actual BIS A2 vehicles  :confused: