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Author Topic: co09_PRT_Ammocache  (Read 3952 times)

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Offline Serc

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« on: 13 Jan 2009, 12:14:34 »
Ok, since the thread was accidentally deleted lets start over.

The PRT series are meant to be quick, realistic and hopefully entertaining. The focus lies on a standard infantry group hence the small number of players.

PRT Ammocache is based off a story i read in a newspaper about a german recce tornado discovering some possible hideouts in Afghanistan. A motorized patrol was dispatched there and discovered an arms hideout.

Your squad is dropped by a UH60 on the Sahrani highland. The task is to patrol to a randomized location and check for weapons. Once found, blow them up and extract.

Planned features:
  • Full voice over

To get back on hoz' point of the "Jazz".
I do have problems with that part, i admit. As you said it's a rather serious mission. I don't want an overpowered, over equipped, respawning and or outnumbering enemy since they are supposed to be insurgents. I hoped the UPS would enhance the AI on a tactical level, but unfortunately it didnt really. I hope ArmA2 will bring some enhancement there.

I mean it's the highlands. It is supposed to be deserted. And there should be a feeling of that. But i don't like boredom. I thought about adding some mortar fire which zeroes in on the player group if they stay long at one place. If there is some speed it gets a lot harder and that mortar might exactly be a pushing element. But the problem is: a mortar? They would get on to that after the first few explosions and then send somebody to take it out. And i would have to have a spotter somewhere etc. because the mortar is not going to zero itself.


Version: 0-2-0
Developer(s): Serclaes, Monty67t (Mil. Advise)
Description: Find the ammocache and destroy it




Version | Date | Notes

  0-0-5 | 21NOV08 | First beta release
  0-0-6 | 30NOV08 | Second beta release
  0-0-9   | 30DEC08 | Third beta release
  0-1-0 | 02JAN09 | Internal Beta
  0-1-1 | 03JAN09 | Fifth beta release
  0-1-2 | 06JAN09 | Sixth beta release
  0-1-3 | 08JAN09 | Fifth beta release
  0-2-0 | 23MAR09 | Sixth beta release


This mission is (c)2008  Serclaes. All rights reserved.


This mission (hereafter 'Software') contains files to be used in the PC CD-ROM simulator "Armed Assault" (hereafter 'ArmA'). To use the Software you must agree to the following conditions of use:

1. Serclaes (hereafter 'The Author(s)') grant to you a personal, non-exclusive license to use the Software.

2. The commercial exploitation of the Software without written permission from The Author(s) is expressly prohibited.


The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Software is not an official addon or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk.


To begin using the Software:

1. Move the folder co09_PRT_Ammocache020 into the following directory:

\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\MPMissions\


To play this mission the following addons are required:





x CHANGED Ai is no longer enhanced by UPS but customized DAC


x FIXED localize error - array replaced with unit again


x FIXED unnecessary characters on blue side removed

x ADDED german stringtables


x FIXED boxplacer.sqf was executed on all clients

x FIXED Specating script shows all sides


x FIXED Loading screen now shows "PRT AMMOCACHE" again

x CHANGED 4 possible locations, but location is marked at start (no more searching for the cache)


x FIXED Objectives are now checked correctly

x CHANGED Further adjusted UPS markers to the AO

0-0-9 | 30DEC08

x FIXED BAS f conditions selector now works

x NEW various US Army equipment (or equivalent) available in the gear selection
   - M4s, M16s M16 ACOG
   - Ammo for all weapons
   - Smokes and flares
   - Night vision goggles

x CHANGED Drastically reduced the AO
   - Insertion and extraction are now much closer to the ammocache

x NEW randomized ammocache location
   - 4 possible locations

x NEW BAS f AI Skill selector

x CHANGED UPS-f upgraded to Version 2.0.2

x FIXED rephrased some parts of the briefing
   - its not AAA but AA rockets

x CHANGED all strings are stringtableised (english only)

0-0-6 | 30NOV08

x CHANGED Briefing(english) reworked
  - added links to markers
  - added WARNO

x CHANGED Markers have descriptions
x FIXED Extraction is now automatically called when waypoint is reached, squad leader is still required to throw smoke
x NEW BAS f conditions (wheather/time) selector back
« Last Edit: 23 Mar 2009, 21:52:11 by Serc »

Offline hoz

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Re: co09_PRT_Ammocache
« Reply #1 on: 13 Jan 2009, 15:31:08 »
Ya sorry about that. :D   I made a comment which is now gone since some idiot deleted the thread. That was the weapons pool doesn't have enough 30rnd to fit all the guns available. and also there is some problems with the weapons auto loading the ammo. You should check the bas frame work for a good working example. it could be the order of weapons/ammo shuold be tweaked.
Xbox Rocks

Offline Serc

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Re: co09_PRT_Ammocache
« Reply #2 on: 13 Jan 2009, 15:54:23 »
I tweaked the ammo count this morning ^^
20 Mags were indeed a bit low.

I did use the BAS framework, but i will look into that. =)

Offline Serc

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Re: co09_PRT_Ammocache
« Reply #3 on: 23 Mar 2009, 19:26:19 »
I just updated my first post, i'm back with some changes.

I kicked UPS out for a customized version of DAC, which makes it addon free. Also i needed to add a "insurgent" config to reflect the poor equipment.
The DAC part is not final at all and i could use a lot of feedback on that one since i've never really experienced it. Anything you observe concerning the AI may be of value. Also, i am not sure if the skill selector from BAS f works with DAC.
I hope DAC can bring a lot more tactical brain into the AI and that it makes the mission more enjoyable. Have fun playing :)

ok i've got the fixed version uploaded. Terribly sorry for the newb mistake.
« Last Edit: 23 Mar 2009, 21:53:11 by Serc »

Offline Ironman

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Re: co09_PRT_Ammocache
« Reply #4 on: 24 Mar 2009, 04:46:01 »
No matter what the AI are always the same. They still act, lets say, "special". All things like DAC does is create a whole mess load of em without you having to place them all. UPS just saves the coordinates of a known enemy and tries to force move the AI to "flank" the last known position. But the AI still remain brainless.

My Opinion:
If you want to make a mission that is based around complete "realism tactics" these scripts will not help much.

The best route, in my opinion, is to manipulate everything manually. Using DAC does not ensure that an enemy will spawn in a good sniping position/cover/concealment. If you want to make it replayable just add the probability of presence to a unit and this way you can manipulate it exactly how you want. Commands I find helpful are things like:

Code: [Select]
this disableAI "Move";
this setUnitPos "Up"/"Down"/"Middle"
this setpos (and the whole equation for lifting them up in a window)

If you want to keep enemies in a group so they "communicate" to each other then simply put the formation on "NONE" and use those commands that I gave you as you see fit.
TS3 IP: tor.zebgames.com:9992

Offline Serc

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Re: co09_PRT_Ammocache
« Reply #5 on: 24 Mar 2009, 17:29:09 »
I'm not expecting miracles.
The AI is still the AI we came to know. But at least DAC provides "linking" of groups and some other functionalities i have yet to explore/exploit. Also between sectors. DAC is an acceptable framework for dynamic missions, which is why i convinced myself to give it a try.