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Author Topic: Physics-based Artillery  (Read 7194 times)

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Offline Vigilante

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Re: Physics-based Artillery
« Reply #15 on: 04 May 2009, 13:47:32 »
No WP has the whitest (?) colour of all smokegenerating mixtures around.. pure white will be perfect, the burning stuff itself has yellowish orange glow though ... in bursttype shells it will also rise quite quickly due to the heat generated below i.e. the thermics will make it rise very quickly, compared to other smokerounds. Otherwise its more persistant than the other smokes..
 HC smoke is a greyish/white colour. Those two should be separated since HC aint as poisonous/harmful as WP smoke is, WP has the added 'benefit' of being a incendiary, actually mainly used because of that since it isnt the cheapest stuff around for smoking... *g* aehm i mean creating smokescreens...
« Last Edit: 04 May 2009, 13:49:10 by Vigilante »
a.k.a. PhilippRauch

check out my Addon Wiki http://www.vigilante-systems.webs.com (WIP and outdated :P)

Offline Luke

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Re: Physics-based Artillery
« Reply #16 on: 31 May 2009, 07:23:34 »
Still working, but the next big step is done. 
A script that finds the angle and direction for you, and launches the shell that way.
Details in the readme.
Also we moved to Sahrani, so you could test exactly how accurate this can be.

And post thoughts and suggestions, too!

Thanx for the support, guys.


P.S. If anyone knows how to detect an imaginary number,
and make a boolean out of it, let me know or post a snippet of code.
Pesky Human!!
Wort Wort Wort.

Offline kju

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Re: Physics-based Artillery
« Reply #17 on: 31 May 2009, 08:42:50 »
gday Luke  :)

you may want to consider using a project space at dev heaven to host
your project. The benefit would be having the code in the repository
allows people to follow your code changes closely, especially if
you comment your commits (changes).

Also IMO you need to work on your readme. Just attaching the whole
text again and again and alterting some bits makes it near to impossible
to get what was changes unless one uses diff tools.
So here are the changes from the readme for interest folks:

Except for this fantastic new script called "Preprocess.sqf"!
That's right, if will find angle and direction to the target for you!!
Use as follows
[_launcher_unit,_target_**POS**,_initialspeed,_warhead,_fuzetype,_angletype] execvm "preprocess.sqf";
for the angle type 1 for high 0 for low.

By the way, if you ever see -1.#IND!!! or something like that, it means it cannont hit the target from where it is,
at that start velocity. Still working to fix that.

If anyone knows how to detect that let me know, cause I have tried everything I have thought of.

Also if an xcal shell is launched at a high time compression, (>2) it tends to run in a circle for a while,
So try to keep that to a minimum until I can fix that.


RAM is an cluster munition that scatters 9 ARMA vanilla anti-armor mines, two with (now properly working) anti-handling device (try it, I dare you!)


Other changes include minor tweaks and fixes, outsourcing the demo mission (We're going to SAHRANI!!! YAY!), and fixing some xcal stuff.


Do let me know what you think of this, and PM me if you would like to help me with this project.

Also frag fragment numbers reduced, so the lag from an HE hit should clear up now.

To fix:

* Remove "nwd_7xbinoculars", from mission.sqm.
* Laserguided causes the mission to freeze for a while - used the LD to target the t72, once it said "looking" the game freezed completely. The second call had no freeze.
* XCAL DPICM is quite cool - still 2-3 freezed once the effects are drawn.
* For any: Warning Message: Script VisEffects.sqf not found
* Not sure if thats yours:
** Cannot create non-ai vehicle Sh_120,
** Cannot create non-ai vehicle Sh_105,
* from arty ICM

Code: [Select]
Error in expression <os select 1))^2);

_tti= abs(_shelltargd/_xvel);
if ((_shelltargd > _oldshelltar>
  Error position: </_xvel);
if ((_shelltargd > _oldshelltar>
  Error Zero divisor
File Profiles\Users\kju\missions\arty.Sara\arty_mon.sqf, line 201

* SetFire HE does not work for me. Always #IND values.

Possible to add?

* player setCaptive true;
* Marker of flying objects on the map to get an idea where they are coming from.


* What does "set target" do?
* What about the other area at the airport?
* What about the other area in the south?


The effects rock.  :clap: :good: :-[ :P
« Last Edit: 31 May 2009, 08:49:01 by kju »

Offline DeanosBeano

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Re: Physics-based Artillery
« Reply #18 on: 31 May 2009, 10:17:14 »
 Hi Luke,
  Have you thought about addon based version ?
     I have started one for MLRS myself and its alot easier than scriptng , because you can use the init velocity of the projectile  and angle of the turret to determine the final destination/target.
 you can simply start with mlod of artillery piece  and config , then make ammo in config.

  The trick is to make the Maingun and MainTurret "user anim" and then you can get co-ordinates of a laser designator or click on map and turn turret to face those co-ordinates. then angle turret to correct one , load correct ammo and fire.

  if you want to try that way let me know i have alot of stuff i did already on my p drive ,but cant see me developing it until i see how good the arma2 arty is.

I love ofp

Offline Luke

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Re: Physics-based Artillery
« Reply #19 on: 31 May 2009, 20:52:13 »
Kju, your points, with my responses in bold.

* Remove "nwd_7xbinoculars", from mission.sqm. -got it.   :good:
* Laserguided causes the mission to freeze for a while - used the LD to target the t72, once it said "looking" the game freezed completely. The second call had no freeze. -okay, probably a frag thing.
* XCAL DPICM is quite cool - still 2-3 freezed once the effects are drawn. -once again, probably a frag thing.
* For any: Warning Message: Script VisEffects.sqf not found. -oops, you shouldn't know about that yet. :P
* Not sure if thats yours:
** Cannot create non-ai vehicle Sh_120,
** Cannot create non-ai vehicle Sh_105,
* from arty ICM -are you sure that's ICM? It's not in my ICM, but it is in DPICM. Dunno what it means, though.   :dunno:

Code: [Select]
Error in expression <os select 1))^2);

_tti= abs(_shelltargd/_xvel);
if ((_shelltargd > _oldshelltar>
  Error position: </_xvel);
if ((_shelltargd > _oldshelltar>
  Error Zero divisor
File Profiles\Users\kju\missions\arty.Sara\arty_mon.sqf, line 201

-Dunno, my guess is _xvel may be at 0 so you get a X/0 error.

* SetFire HE does not work for me. Always #IND values.
-Check the mission, it's initvel is at 50. Change it to 350.

Possible to add?

* player setCaptive true; - sure, but it would be less of a challenge.  :P
* Marker of flying objects on the map to get an idea where they are coming from. -Need your help 4 that one, m8.


* What does "set target" do? -Radio it, click on you location on the map and radio delta. you'll find out pretty quick.  :D
* What about the other area at the airport?
* What about the other area in the south?
Last two questions, see answer to first question.


The effects rock.  :clap: :good: :-[ :P -Thanx!  :D

@The Dean:
Yeah, but don't have the tools or knowledge. Or much time.
Plus there is a slight drag that my current math education cannot account for,
So my scripts generally act in a uniform gravity vacuum.
ARMA 2, Is out? :Jealous:
saw the vehicles and it looks COOL.
Hope they ship to the U.S.

But would be willing to work with you for that.
Just a point, It was my intention of this being addon-free,
but I would like to have the script suite for that venue,
any addons are welcome, but secondary.

Anyway guys, thanx so much for all the support!

Though I am in slightly over my head.
Any snippets of code, suggestions, or better, a dialog (thankyouthankyouthankyou!) would be appreciated.

Thanx for your support, as always.

Pesky Human!!
Wort Wort Wort.

Offline kju

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Re: Physics-based Artillery
« Reply #20 on: 05 Jul 2009, 07:46:49 »
How about your porting efforts to A2?  :whistle:

Offline Luke

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Re: Physics-based Artillery
« Reply #21 on: 06 Jul 2009, 05:37:18 »
Uh.. how?  :blink:

Besides, if the two would interact so well, why not port arma2 stuff into the original?

I am currently stuck in a rut.

What I need is a way to organise the fire missions and execute them.

All the math is there for the actual firing,
I just need a way to set them in a hierarchy of priority and run them from their.

And a dialog would be nice.

Point is these are beyond my ability and I need help in these areas if I ever hope to finish.

As for arma 2, I'm up in the US so I don't know if it hit local shelves yet.  :dunno:

Anyway, I'll look, but I was really hoping to put this into arma for those who are unable to get the sequel.

If you could think of any way for that asset organisation that would help immensely.

Thanx, as always.

Pesky Human!!
Wort Wort Wort.

Offline kju

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Re: Physics-based Artillery
« Reply #22 on: 06 Jul 2009, 08:03:17 »
Well there only very few people into dialog coding.
I fear you need to make use of some existing code,
or get into it yourself.  :P

Offline Luke

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Re: Physics-based Artillery
« Reply #23 on: 09 Jul 2009, 23:30:05 »
Well that still doesn't address my issue of how to organize the missions,
and if I were to do that myself, circular logic states I'm stuck here unless there's intervention.

Please see if ideas concerning this pop into your head.

Pesky Human!!
Wort Wort Wort.

Offline Luke

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Re: Physics-based Artillery
« Reply #24 on: 14 Aug 2009, 02:13:28 »
Just to remind you gentlemen that this project is still live.
I am at an impasse, currently adding a simulated m270 MLRS.

Quick Poll:
Which would you rather see for its simulated armament?
A cluster warhead or
A unitary warhead?

Also, if you are interested in helping me, I need a dialog.
The attachment below holds a Doc File detailing how it should look.
If you are interested in helping in any aspect of the project,
PM me, please! This is difficult work for one person!! :weeping:

Thanx for the replies to come! (if anyone does :dry:)
« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2009, 17:02:50 by Luke »
Pesky Human!!
Wort Wort Wort.