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Author Topic: Quarantine Unleashed V 2.28  (Read 3811 times)

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Offline D007

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Quarantine Unleashed V 2.28
« on: 19 Aug 2008, 07:55:52 »
New 2.28

Revised 9-19-08

Special thanks to:

Ofpecforum. Spooner for SPON_Money+core scripts. Doolittle for dynamic time and weather. 5133p39 for Yomies addon. Sigma for the Sigma6 vehicles pack. General_NS for Sports vehicles pack. Mando for the hitch script.FFS Frizy and Faust for the FFS vehicles pack. Gnat for the V22 osprey and the Piper Warrior II. Robert Hammer for the Rh weapons pack. 6th sense for the editor expansion. Solus for the extended event handlers. Mondkalb for the Cessna182. Ebud for the Ebu Socom Mercenaries. Whoever made the Remmington shotgun "Tr_obj". The hosts of Armaholic And all who made the OFPEC COMREF and BIKI.
Another special thanks to: D.Murphy man A.K.A. Shell Shock for the original mission (Version2.5)

Remake, bug fixes, beta testing, and revised scripting by: David.B and Bishop.
So special thanks to us too .
We'd also like to welcome Unforgiven to the team and thank him for the hard work he has been putting into the new save stats script.

Addon pack now @ filefront


New version released: Quarantine Unleashed V2.28


230ish mb in size.
You need Winrar and arma upbo, or an equivalent software to unpack the files.
These softwares are very small and very simple..
here they are.

here is pbo view.


here is winrar


first you need to use winrar to unpack the addon pack.
then you need to unpbo the pbo file inside there with pboview.

inside that pbo are the files you want to put inside your
program files\atari\arma\"your folder name"\addons folder. My folder name is quarantine.

Just a quicker way of compressing the files to reduce the size from 732 to 230ish mb. ..
A lot easier for everyone and a much smaller download time, by about an hour or so.
takes about 10-15 mins tops now.

Addons Required:

dodge vipers,shelby cobra, extended event handlers, editor update 102, trj_obj which is in sharani life its the remington 590 shotgun,rh_pistol pack, ffs felicia, sigma six vehciles, nim_weather, the yomies addon, v22 osprey, piper warrior II, Ebu mercenaries and the MBG_Cessna.

If you want to play the mission, you will need all of these addons.. Enjoy and happy hunting everyone.. ^^
Change log:
V 2.28

Fixed: the bandits not getting into their Uaz. They were just running around on foot..
Fixed: One of the 3 Rhib 2 turrets at the enemy coastline was deleting.. leaving only 2.
3 will be there from now on.

Change log:
V 2.27

Fixed: The oops we made with the lock script and stats script on vehicles XD..
Fixed: The lag some vehicles were causing when spawning in. they will have to remain on the map but some extra cars have been removed to make it even.
Fixed: Respawn cutscene hidebody animation. hopefully..lol.. No way to truly tell until 10 people die at the same time.
but went to a lot of lengths this time, to make sure each individual man, is given the hidebody command after death.
Fixed: some issues we found with the brdms waypoints at the merc base and one of the enemy RHIB's.

Change log:
V 2.26
Fixed vehicles and player bodies not deleting, that had been placed on the map during the mission.
Moved: empty ammo crates closer to buy flags so people have easier access to drop off magazines rather
Than drop them on the ground untiil we can sell them.
Also made the crates self empty every now and then to keep them from overflowing.
Spon helped us out with this vehicle remover and we tested it on the server.. it worked.. let's
hope it keeps working..lol
Changed the way playes bodies hide again.. tested it and it worked on my pc/server...
though we're not trusting that anymore for everything..

fyi we forgot to remove the merc buy flag.. you cant buy mercs anymore.. they were thrown into spon money and didn't belong there..
their implementation made it so we couldn't remove their bodies if they died.. couldn't figure out how to anyway..

Change log:
V 2.25
Fixed vehicles and player bodies not deleting, that had been placed on the map during the mission.
Fixed: Changed the way the hidebody command is executed when players die and added individual event handlers to the men, to make sure if the hidebody command doesnt get them.. the delete will..

Change log:
V 2.24
adjusted zombie kill ratings to remove the issue where blufor kills players for killing zombies once in a long while.
If this doesn't work ( and we have tested it with good results) then we wil manually change all fo their types in the mission sqm to absolutely solve the issue.

Change log:
V 2.2
Removed markers due to mass sucking...
Changed the way the boat convoy and the truck convoy trigger the reward events and how they respawn.
Aded some fail safes.
The convoys will always return to their original places..

if there is an AI driving the convoy it will not allow it.
The AI's will be ejected apon return to the original location..

the convoy back to the original starting location..
So no cheesy using AI's to move the convoys.

Change log:
V 2.1
changed markes again.. seemed when people would disconnect and reconnect one fo the 4 makers would choose not to update randomly.
set to setmarkerposlocal.. should he;p.. was just setmarkerpos.

Change log:
V 2.01

fixed tr_obj error. (The shotgun managed to remove it's self from the mission sqm.. dang arma...)

Change log:
V 2.0

Fixed: We finally tracked down and fixed the bugs we thought we fixed a million times before..lol..
Fixed: Made the respawn area an area now so players dead bodies shouldn't stak like they would before deletion.
Fixed: All the convoys in more than one way. IE. no more jumpy convy that might just decide to hop back to the respawn with u driving it. etc etc etc..
Fixed: All the markers not updating on servers.. using our own pc as a temp server now for testing so we can be sure all things in the future will be server compatible.
This version has been server tested and true ...
I'm sure theres more little tweeks and so forth, but We need sleep badly.. XD.. enjoy..

Known Issues: Remember.. We still cannot pay the second gunner in the uh60... So do not be in that spot, if you want to be paid for anything.

Change log:
V 1.9
fixed random issues
Finally pretty sure we figured out the bandit problem.. they were always spawning in.. just the markers werent showing it.. they should update on the server like the convoy marker now.
added some nice new suprises to the bandit base as well. good luck. your gonna need it ..
reworked some minor details to take out some more triggers and merge scripts for less lag.
Fixed Hitch script. tested it on non server. should work. updated hitch script to Mandos new 1.5 version with new menu capabilities.
Added the V22 osprey to the Military base.
Added a starting/respawn weapon loadout handgun, 45 cal M1911.

Change log:
V1.7 and 1.8

fixes: Enemy respawns..Bandits and boat patrols are good to go.
Added atm at smuggler base

Change log:
V 1.6

Fixed: Eliminate mission paying out after one kill.
Fixed. Being able to jump out of the convoy and get cheesy double payments etc..
Removed: NIM "Dyanmic" weather.. Because it wasn't dynamic at all.

Known Issues: none.

Change log:
V 1.5

Fixed: Random pay problems and hint problems with missions.
Fixed: General at bandit base will pay out reward everytime now.
Fixed: Random death. (Seems it was an issue with usint mutliple units of a different type as players.) please let us know if anything happens.
Fixed: The markers that weren't updating corrclty, are now.
Fixed: Players being randomly ejected from vehicles. (Was an issue in the reward script with the convoy ejection sequence.)
Fixed: Bandits weren't always respawning.
Fixed: Eliminate failing when players were in vehicles. (unfortunately that meant civilian ambience can now trigger events. But they will continue as normal.)
Added: 2 free boats near the Island of San Tomas in South Sahrani. To get to the missions. (non sellable)
Added: A new spawn zone that follows the area missions. Making them more difficult than they previously were.

Removed: Lethal biohazard zone from San Tomas. It exists but is off the map.. Turn around if you enter it or you will die.
Removed: Flying palletts.
Changed: Payout at black market has been increased for selling stolen goods, from 60% of normal price to 80% of normal price.
Changed: Rewrote and condensed large portions of scripts and triggers. Drastically reduced the file size and increased the frame rates.

Likely more I'm missing that you'll be happy we did, but you get the idea. Enjoy.

(Added new missions and payouts.)
1: Smugglers convoy run. You can now infiltrate the enemy coastline and steal their supply boat. Take it to the Mercenary base for a reward of $25000.
The coastline is now patrolled by enemy boats as well though. The supply boat is also well guarded so it is no easy task, but may even be completed without confrontation.
All new enemy infantry have rewards on their heads as well.
2: New payout for breaching the enemy mansion and holding position for 60 seconds inside. A reward of $10000.
3: Added new area mission and crash site mission to the Island of San Tomas. Lots of flat land and lots of zombie spawns, with no where to hide..
4: If all Opfor units are eliminated in Sahrani at any given time, everyone playing the mission will be rewarded $30000.

Change log:
V 1.4
Fixed: error host would see in yomies.
fixed: Crash site mission.
Fixed: Area missions will start and complete for people in vehicles.
Removed: Random radiation. (as it is believed it was causing the random death in MP).
Random death also seems fixed. tested for hours. please let us know if any problems arise.
made another rather large adjustment for lag reduction. Noticable improvement in frame rates.
Added: Roadrunner to the car buy flag the main base
Change log:
V 1.3
Fixed: wont spawn in dead anymore.. shouldt be any more random deaths either and the zombie grpnull error should also be gone.
removed a vehicle from the sell list that was causing issues. uralcivil2 blue.
Condensed a few more triggers for lag reduction. Removed a few.
Fixed: a player type was missing from an array.

Change log:
V 1.2

Removed a few stray ammo boxes.
made a rather large adjustment for lag reduction.

V 1.1:

Fixed: All payouts and bonuses. Now you will get paid correctly for everything no matter what you are in.. Except the "second gunner", shooting zombies on an individual basis, in the UH60. He/she will still be rewarded for everything else..
fixed: Random typos and various extras.
fixed: Ammo boxes appearing and disappearing.
Fixed: Rewrote large amounts of scripts to make them multiplayer compatible and fully functional.
Fixed: Everything that was broken before, isn't now..Everything respawns. Everything works.. we think.. XD
Sell prices have been redone as well as some minor pricing details. We found an issue where you could make just to much money.
The games bonus system has been much more balanced now so no matter what you do. the pay/time/danger ratio will always equal out.
There are a lot of things I'm sure you'll see that I haven't mentioned.
We hope you enjoy .. we will..
won't be updating it for a bit..lol.. need a rest. XD

version notes:
Added a heavily armed bandit base with multiple ways to make money from it.
Added New random area missions "Civilian search and rescue". Groups of civilians in random locations.
Changed some more weapon loadouts at the flags and added some 4 wheel trucks to buy flags.
changed up playable units.
Added more Atmosphere to the game..Now Units will patrol the bases, main and secondary,etc.

Version Info:

1. new crash site area and eliminate missions at the small islands north east of Cayo and other
2. Added quality addons, with no known issues, after extensive, individual, beta testing.
3. We beefed up the main base signifigantly including 3 sniper towers all that respawn on the convoy
redelivery and their ammo
is refilled by the same method as well.
4. Recreated the smugglers area, AKA "black Market". They have 3 flags, one for stolen vehicles "the
addon ones".
Modified the original one to sell guns. but now you buy and sell guns there for full price..
There is a boat buying flag there as well now.
5. you make 100 bucks a head per zombie kill instead of 50.
6. you will be penalized if you kill any any m2 gunner/sniper etc with the standard penalization fee,
even after they respawn.
7. Made the mission playable by 20 players instead of 12.
8. everyone in the truck gets paid for delivering the convoy truck now.
9. Moved the entire map to sahrani lite for lag reduction.
10.set all the addon vehicles on the map then deleted them to reduce lag since there were like 30 of
them or so.
had to have em on the map to spawn them in with no lag.
11.Adjusted prices.
12.Added a hitch script for the V22 only.
13.added a body and vehicle clean up script that cleans the map after about 5 minutes. only
despawns damaged vehicles at like .8 or
worse,and not cars left alone.
14.AI's are on now because we couldn't figure out how to make the JIP players stop spawning in as
seagulls lol..But the AI's bodies are removed immdeiately.
I'm sure you know about that issue, but doing this has solved it and being on the sahrani lite
map has helped lag enough to allow it np.
15.you respawn with half your money, but if you build up a negative of -100,000 for being a
jerkoff, then you keep that penalty too.
16.We cosmetically adjusted the military base, adding trees and what not, to conceal the zombie
spawns and add a creepy feeling at
night with some back lit fires. very few fires but the eery orangle glow is pretty freaky.
17.We changed the moonless night, to a moon lit night.. if you turn up your gamma (with no NV on),
it looks a like a full moon lit night
and it's nice and creepy..
18.Added several abondened police bases where munitions have been abandoned.
Those locations are the only ones where the shotgun is available.
19.Fixed error when buying certain vehicles IE: "you cannot play this mission because" error.
20.Fixed gunners and guns for the M2's not respawning if they were killed. Added penalties to them
for tk's after respawn as well.
21.Changed weather and dynamic effects.
22.Created the Cemetery. A very large Structure, custom built for this mission.
23.Adjusted scripts and triggers to allow for more versailty.
24.Lowered radiation levels in rad zones, modified rad zones and removed geiger sounds.
25.Completely redesigned the main base, military base and the smugglers den (AKA black market).
26.Optimized Yomie spawn times and areas, giving the scripts more time to complete each cycle and
less chance of being triggered so often.
27.Fixed multiple actions showing up in action menus for rads, meds and repair kits.
28.Added vehicle lock, unlock and stats script. So no one can steal your 250k Osprey XD..
29.Added Ebu Socom mercenaries as playable units.
30.Added multiple buy and sell locations for boats,planes and cars.
31.Theres more..I'm sure.. but you get the idea.. The game has been radically changed.
« Last Edit: 19 Sep 2008, 15:24:13 by D007 »

Offline Cheetah

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Re: Quarantine Unleashed release
« Reply #1 on: 21 Aug 2008, 09:28:02 »
I suggest that you take a look at the Standards for Mission Authors and adjust your topic title accordingly. Also, please take a look a the suggested make-up of the first post. Right now I find it hard to catch what this one is exactly about. Zombies duh, but is it Quarantine only better?
Like missions? Help with Beta Testing! or take a look at the OFPEC Missions Depot for reviewed missions!

Offline D007

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Re: Quarantine Unleashed release
« Reply #2 on: 22 Aug 2008, 12:54:50 »
New release at Armaholic..
all updates will be through this link from now on.
check for it regularly please. :)
no telling when we will update more.
version notes are at armaholic as well.

heres the link


Offline Cheetah

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Re: Quarantine Unleashed release
« Reply #3 on: 22 Aug 2008, 13:09:13 »
Get an error about 'not allowed to do this' and have to log in?

That's not going to work  :D
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Offline Planck

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Re: Quarantine Unleashed release
« Reply #4 on: 22 Aug 2008, 16:47:53 »
I don't see why the latest version cannot be attached to this beta topic for this mission, it seems a little silly to require someone to go log onto another site to get the mission so they can beta test it on OFPEC.

This is presuming any prospective beta tester can understand the mission details from the first post properly.

I certainly wouldn't be inclined to register and/or log onto another site just to get the mission files so I could do a beta report for the OFPEC beta testing board.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Offline Trapper

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Re: Quarantine Unleashed release
« Reply #5 on: 22 Aug 2008, 21:05:29 »
You don't react to Cheetah's advice while already posting the second time.
You're just using this board for promoting a probably mediocre work with the good reputation of OFPEC without going for it's standards, aren't you?
Is it really necessary for OFPEC to support such ignorant behavior on the beta boards? >:(
Maybe a new category like [Ad] would do for spam...

Offline D007

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Re: Quarantine Unleashed release
« Reply #6 on: 06 Sep 2008, 23:51:16 »
Sorry all.. We have never actually done all of these submitting mission steps before..
generally we just make missions and play them..
Not ones who tend to like getting involved with all the extras.. which is why we never posted any missions before..
Seems to be just as much work posting it as it is making it..lol..

But we are trying to get the hang of the proper submission methods and apologize for any confusion..
We just updated the release to version 1.1

we had no idea what we were getting into..lol.. the mission was not multiplayer compatible at all.
or made in any way for prolonged play.
we had to basically entirely recreate it..
we hope you like the new version.. everything is fully functional.
Version notes are above and at armaholic too.

I posted direct links for download to the addons and mission here in the top of this topic..
Was I supposed to put them somewhere else?
Really not use to posting missions at all..
Or even posting in forums.. XD

As for mediocre work.. try it then say that.. It's hardly mediocre.. and  I don't at all appreciate you lack of civility.. speak to me like a man, not  child.. or pm me.. don't play the insult game.
If I didn't respond it was simply because I was totally absorbed in fixing the issues We were having "hence why we posted it here in beta submissions.." play version 1, then you'll see why it was in beta submissions.. we had tons of problems and all anyone here seems to want to do is crucify us for posting it on beta?
Not a single person tried to help..

If I ever do not respond, it is not due to any kind of lack of want to.. I am a grown, busy man.. I have things to do and I just simply missed it..
It was not at all intentional..
I hope the topic is more suitable now? and my concerns are more obvious?
please do let me know If I'm going about this incorrectly.
« Last Edit: 07 Sep 2008, 00:24:56 by D007 »

Offline johnnyboy

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Re: Quarantine Unleashed V 1.1 final we hope..
« Reply #7 on: 07 Sep 2008, 07:27:34 »
Bishop and Bro,

Great mission (and thx to Murph of course).  Just played a short while, and Bishop hisself joined.  My server crashed after about an hour, don't know why.

Here's a little feedback:

1. I really like the tighter starting base.  Less travel time for shopping, banking etc.

2. Twice I saw zombies spawn.  That breaks immersion and reminds you its a game.  Don't know how hard it is to prevent that though.

3. For those of us that suck at this game, it would be generous of you to give us a pistol with one mag as default when respawning when we have less than a 1000$.  All I could afford was a grenade after awhile.  I was lucky enough to tag along on a rescue, which boosted me back up though. Before that, I was useless.  I was tempted to restart the server, but was nice to the other players.

4. It would increase immersion to add some voices for "Call survivor" option, and for survivor responses.  Some variants of that would be cool so as to not be too repetitive.

5. Maybe survivor could respond to players honking horns.

6. You were looking for ways for people to contribute.  I had the thought that people might contribute side missions.  But to make that easy for them, maybe you could provide a little template for that (a standard way to spawn the side mission, and have it show up in the menus, etc.), or a short manual for adding a side mission.

7. I was initially put off by the large # of addons, but you've eliminated that barrier by having the one zipped folder with them all.  Good move!

Its late now, and I have to sign off, but definitely plan to give this a whirl again, it is very cool, and I know I've just scratched the surface (i.e., haven't scored any of the candy, i.e., cudas, shotguns, etc.).

Great job gents.
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Offline D007

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Re: Quarantine Unleashed V 1.1 final we hope..
« Reply #8 on: 07 Sep 2008, 09:57:59 »
Heya . thanks for playing :)
We just updated to 1.2 actually.. made a big lag reduction adjustment.
As for being broke..lol.. thats what the convoy is for XD.. bet you forgot about that.. 10k for the convoy drop off lol..
you dont have to be broke.. you can make money shooting things from its gunner spot as well. or go get some rescues.

I don't know what the deal is with those crashes.. honestly i host it all the time and the only constant i could see was that one person who kept joining was always having problems.
I have a feeling he had an illegal copy and since I didnt have a server t detect that it was degrading the mission.
otherwise I never crashed before like that.

but any constructive critism is very welcome glad you had fun for a bit.. the new version should remove some issues there also XD..
« Last Edit: 07 Sep 2008, 10:07:43 by D007 »

Offline Trapper

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Re: Quarantine Unleashed release
« Reply #9 on: 08 Sep 2008, 02:20:44 »
You would find more time implementing the advices if you would refrain from listing excuses for not doing so.
I'll repeat the link Cheetah gave you before because everything OFPEC and me are asking for, is written there.
You're still not done, regarding:
-test for others so they will test for you
-title prefix
-first topic example

Posting external links is fine as long as no user account creation is required.
You're able to attach files up to 4MB directly on this board under "additional options".

I did call this mission probably mediocre.
It is what I do expect from my experience when someone steps in and skates over the rules and advice of a board community, self-praising his great work, complaining about being busy and how hard everything was to achieve but not showing much of hard work on entrance. Especially when the project consists mainly of upgrading an existing mission with tons of addons.
I know you claim that you did make Murphy's mission playable with permission and I honor that first sign of respect you're showing with getting the permission first. Though I did play the original mission several times on nondedicated servers and it was buggy but not "multiplayer incompatible".

Considering the number of OFPEC testers you've got interested so far, any criticism should be minded and not being labeled as childish.

Offline Planck

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Re: Quarantine Unleashed V 1.2 final we hope..XD
« Reply #10 on: 08 Sep 2008, 03:02:10 »
Ok, chaps,

The air has been cleared and hopefully you are both suitably satisfied that you understand each others viewpoint a little more than before.

If you wish to further clarify each others views please do so via the PM system, in a friendly manner please.   :cool2:

Can we put this little episode behind us now and carry on with the business at hand ...... beta testing.   :yes:

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Offline D007

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Re: Quarantine Unleashed V 1.2 final we hope..XD
« Reply #11 on: 08 Sep 2008, 03:52:01 »
Absolutely :)..

If anyone does want to help us out with this mission though we would greatly appreciate it..
We just put out version 2.28

It keeps getting bigger and the bugs fewer and fewer..
we don't know if we can keep up with it XD..
plus it would be nice to have the help and suggestions of
like minded people.
I'm sure we missed some things.. but we're trying not to..

Mission is no longer beta.
So I don't think we should be posting it here anymore.

« Last Edit: 19 Sep 2008, 15:25:14 by D007 »