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Author Topic: Civilian Rifles?  (Read 1357 times)

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Offline Greenwolf

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Civilian Rifles?
« on: 19 Aug 2008, 03:55:32 »
I've been spending the last couple of hours looking around and while I now have a ton of awsome addons I wasn't looking for I have yet to find what I set out for: In this case, Civilian rifles/shotguns.

Now I have a couple of questions here:
1) Does anyone know if there are any addons for Civi-style hunting/recriational weapons made for ArmA? If so where and what type?
2) If there are none, why havn't they been made yet? It seems like a good way to give the player more options in game for Guerilla and/or Police missions.
3) If noone is willing to make them, does anyone know a weapons pack that includes a old-style M14 (wood grips), and if so, how would I go about modding it for semi-auto only and renaming it? (I wish to turn it into a M1A) To clarify, I WILL ask the owners permision first.

To clarify, I'm looking for weapons like the Reminton R700 that appeared in OFP for the resistance sniper... better would be a pack of mixed Civi weapons to include a variety (if one doesn't exist then somone really ought to look into making one for flexibilities sake.)

Offline hamis

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Re: Civilian Rifles?
« Reply #1 on: 19 Aug 2008, 08:41:31 »
Vilas_wpn has m14 wood.