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Author Topic: (Review Complete) [SP] First Response by schuler  (Read 14106 times)

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(Review Complete) [SP] First Response by schuler
« on: 08 Jul 2008, 12:00:11 »
First Response
Arma ver has to be 1.14
Author: Schuler at www.schulerofp@hotmail(dot)com
Type: SP
Role: Lieutenant with 8 men and a stryker with weapons and gear.
Island: South Saralite
Time: dawn
side: bluefor U.S.
Date: 7/08  

Story:  Good morning Lieutenant, insurgents fired on civilians in the town of Paraiso last evening at 1700hr. We are deploying your squad on counter-terrorism alert ASAP. We have one stryker for you and your men. As you know all are armor is in the fighting in the north. You have the operational control considered necessary to accomplish assigned mission OP First Response. Weapons and use of the vehicle to do the operation are at your command. Precisely how the assigned operation of this mission will be validated and assigned to you. In addition destroy all safe houses for insurgents. This is to look like a random patrol mission. We do NOT want to start an uprising. Air Support is available by radio only if you encounter armored vehicles. by Schuler

all addons included place in addons or mod folder

MADMED_insurgents by madmedic

installation place first_response in your Arma missions folder

credits: Kronzky for his new ver of UPS2.
         spooner and wolfrug for codes they have posted in ofpec
         madmedic, SHARK ATTACK and JOHNNYBOY, Mandoble, Das Mattesnille, Jeevz and Trapper

beta testers and help
johnnyboy, cheetah, MrN, snafu, Trapper, bert, mathias, SBG, Zipper

Game Tips:

Arm your men when you have them board the Stryker.
This mission was not really made for the newbie, but can build a newbie some good skills and practice.
When your men board the Stryker arm them.
Move the Stryker like a real team would, slowly most of the time.
Have AT soldiers and a few riflemen outside the Stryker for defense normally 2 ATs protect the APC real life warfare. So arm at lest one more man with an AT.
If you get KO'd move slow, pause or try a different route, the AI is randomly hunting for you.
Use your zoom keypad, + to target. I have modified mine to shift + S.
All RPG enemy soldiers only have 1 round to fire as real life.
Move from gunner to driver, and driver to gunner. Just to have fun. (works)
Use the CAS when it's safe to do so. It has a cut scene and an extra objective.
As gunner you are the commander just like the tanks, but also the gunmen.

v 0.90 changes/fixed
removed sandbagsfix
0.91 changes/fixed 11 july
readme name changed!!!
auto saves removed
fixed Typo's [hopfully]
AI skills changed a bit
Intro somewhat fixed
map changed a bit
Civi dead script changed
loose ending changed. 3 type endings
added M1a1 tank as a way of selecting Difficulty
you have to take the stryker with you know, and you have to stay with in 160m or less of it.

v 0.92   27 july
mech bug, fixed removed ambM113
changed stryker script, still working on this
fixed obj_'s done
working on typo in overview pic
pipebomb instead of timebomb for gear
3 type endings one is lose
some map/ markers, still working on this
camera bug fixed
radio text changed in mech unit
other fixes and changes for game play
still working on heli
all RPG civilians only have one rocket
working on random IED script
working on making mission more replayable
have to stay 150 meters to the stryker to guard it. it's a very an expensive  piece of equipment.

v 0.93 7th sep
v 0.93 8th sep changed one line in stryker script
text in overview
general suggestions from beta tester changes

v 0.94 9th sep
stryker guard bug fixed Thanks Trapper!
outro added. outro bug has camera in water but it looks kinda cool that way.
to do ,, add a twist
add hiddin objective

v 0.95
bugs removed
adjusted AI
changed briefing
added new scripts
added text radio and beeps
added to Hotel heli w/ script
added script from JBoy
enhanced team AI skills
added another cut scene
changed map
added  an objective

minepack script updated by JBoy
fixed typos
fixed intro and outro
fixed overview pic
ajusted IEDs to go off more random with timer
fixed radio disapearing on savegames
made game easer by deleting some RPGs
added Game Tips

v0.97 final:
shortened helo cutscene
Fixed timing on explosives changed and added some more, for ambiance
Fixed BMP waypoints
Added to repair script
Fixed small safe house triggers and green tick
Plus other insignificant minor changes and places of units for timing
Fixed last loon prob, I put I guy on a tower and forgot to check his pos. I think he was behind a wall on the ground, so I just deleted him.

this mission is officially unofficial
by schuler

OFPEC Review
« Last Edit: 20 Aug 2009, 19:04:18 by hoz »
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Offline Cheetah

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #1 on: 08 Jul 2008, 12:02:39 »
As far as I know, the sandbag fix is obsolete with patch 1.14.

Good to see a mission from you schuler  :good:
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Offline johnnyboy

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #2 on: 08 Jul 2008, 20:32:28 »
Hi Schuler,

I think you need to edit your mission file to remove the sandbagfix addon.  After the intro, I was unable to play the mission because it required the addon.

The intro was pretty cool.   Short and to the point.  The civs standing around the car seemed like they weren't too smart though.  They should have been running after hearing all the shooting and the bus exploding.  Maybe you should start with the car bomb instead, and then show the other civilians being shot.  That makes more sense.  Insurgents surprise with the IED, then come out and shoot.
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Offline schuler

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #3 on: 08 Jul 2008, 23:15:26 »
Hi johnnyboy
remove the sandbagfix addon: will do
start with the car bomb instead: thats a good idea, i will change that too
thanks, schuler
Semper Fi

Offline MrN

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #4 on: 09 Jul 2008, 18:04:34 »
Regular, V1.14 Hifi Sounds Durgs Veg Fix

A little pet peeve of mine is the readme, it's great you have one but could you name it Readme_FirstResponse.txt or something similar. The world has enough Readme.txt's!

OK, a couple of typos
Responce in the picture
all are (our) armour

Simple and to the point. Similar thoughts to johnnyboy

Please consider using paragraphs, a big chunk of text is quite hard to read.
all are (our) armour
air support is only available if you incounter (encounter) ammored (armoured) vehicles
Intel typo
You no (know) the protocol
Mech repair Typos
you may have to drive the striker alittle (a little)
Ambulace (ambulance)
In the notes section there's no capital letter after full stops.

Map is a bit busy, consider simplifying it.

Picky ain't I?  :P

Typo on the safe house marker:
unkow (unknown)
Typo on Radio
Air Support CAD

The camera at the start is a bit dizzying, might be worth cutting out or have a longer delay between moves.

Didn't check if there's any weapons to pinch and just loaded everyone in the stryker and moved to the checkpoint.

Get an autosave  :good:

Being as vehicles are RPG magnets normally I order everyone out and continue on foot.

Get to the safe house marker and nothing much happens apart from a Ural drives across our firing line and gets a rocket up its pipe.

Move further in and a lone civ lying on the ground starts firing at us and a Jeep that's driving around, I lose lucky Johnny 5.
Move further in, lose another dude and get bogged down. Hold an area for a bit taking out a jeep and a few other loons, lob a random grenade and get a 2000 ex points message. Eh? :blink:

Get taken out a few times at the t-junction at Ad55 before I realise what's going on...

Make a charge forward, lose 1 more man in the firefight then get another 2000 ex points sniper is history message.

Get bogged down again at around AE54, there's 6 or more bad guys and a MG jeep that take me a while and a few savegames to get past, one oddity is when I got to another t-junction at the top of ae54 an explosion went off killing 4 civilians and I got 4 sidechats saying "sir, I think I've killed a civilian". I would argue that wasn't my doing!

Move forward some more and boom, getting a bit bored of these explosions...

And again...

*This section has been edited for profanity* All I need to say is a few save games were used.

Seriously, there needs to be a clue where the IED's might be, a barrel, a radio, anything. At the moment it's seemingly random and more than a little frustrating.

Make a little progress further down to where the Bmp is and call in the CAS mission.

Get a surprise auto save when I get near the patrol marker

I finally kill the sniping little snake on the ground by where the BMP was and get an objective complete indicator. Hoping I can relax a little now I look at the map and see I've still got to get the Safe houses, not sure how yet. Move on and promptly get shot. Meh. So, they're not all dead.

Take out the remaining bad guys and still have the safe house unticked so I pinch a car and head up to AE57 which is the only area I haven't been to yet but halfway I get an objective complete. The chopper must have done something.

So, run back to where I left the Striker and booooom....

I'm glad I had just saved.

And again...
And again...
Give up on trying to walk back, pinch a Ural, drive waaaaayyy outside the town to avoid anymore "accidents" and finally get back to the base unharmed. When I drive onto the runway I get a  "bravo 1 to base" sidechat along with a  hint saying "testing testing"

End works fine, but why a different location to the start?

Typo in the debrief:
Good job but some insergeants ( insurgents) are still out there.
42 minutes, more like 3 hours and countless retries!


Didn't notice one.

Please bear in mind I've not played Arma probably for a month or more so I fully accept it could be my rustiness that caused my frustration!

What starts off really well becomes more than a little annoying with the IED's, it took me a while to work out what was killing me! You either need to remove them entirely or give the player some sort of clue where they might be, an oddly placed object (barrel or anything) would be a start.

The insurgents were deadly shots versus my feeble squad, I think I had 3 or 4 left in my squad when I finished so I'd recommend the friendly AI ramped up and the enemy AI down a tad.

You've obviously put a fair bit of time into this and with a bit of polish and tweaking could be a gem of a mission.

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

Offline schuler

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #5 on: 10 Jul 2008, 04:34:50 »
hi MrN,
"A little pet peeve of mine" : yes, I agree!  readme_First Response.txt
"Typos":    working on them, thanks....
"20 kills" noted that thanks....
"42 minutes, more like 3 hours and countless retries!" noted, thanks
intro: "Simple and to the point. Similar thoughts to johnnyboy":
    I kinda like the exsplosion at the end of the intro, I think I will have the civi's run away to make it more real. And maybe add some text.
Map is a bit busy, consider simplifying it.

    yes need to arrange and hide some markers
"Picky ain't I?   "   
yes  :) but thats good!
one oddity is when I got to another t-junction at the top of ae54 an explosion went off killing 4 civilians and I got 4 sidechats saying "sir, I think I've killed a civilian". I would argue that wasn't my doing!
  I will work something out with that.
Move forward some more and boom, getting a bit bored of these explosions...
And again...
*This section has been edited for profanity* All I need to say is a few save games were used.
   Ha, I get a chuckle out of that.  :D  I will probley make some changes of this and general game play with AI too. I will make the IED's less tricky and stick some random objects around like you said barrels or something.
The insurgents were deadly shots versus my feeble squad, I think I had 3 or 4 left in my squad when I finished so I'd recommend the friendly AI ramped up and the enemy AI down a tad.
   That's what the stryker is for. But you have to get the RPG's before they get you!
I need to add something about the markers too. These are areas that need to be foot patrolled!!!!! So I will add that to briefing.

Removing surprise auto save's
Add Outro
Changing briefing with paragraphs, typos and more info about markers.
I  will note changes in the main post with date.
and a few other things

Cheers schuler
Semper Fi

Offline snafu

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #6 on: 21 Jul 2008, 20:30:26 »

Fine. A version number perhaps?


Short but to the point. AI was a bit retarded but nothing you can really do about that. Perhaps a little text describing the situation? ie who, what, when, why and where.


Very informative briefing!  :good:

The introduction of spacing of the paragraphs would be nice in order to separate the different chunks of text.

Some minor grammar issues:

"Insurgents fired" instead of "have fired".

"After the checkpoint" instead of "check post".

"Continue with your mission" instead of "Continue your mission".

"Safe houses and if you locate them" instead of "Safe houses if you locate them."

"The M1A1 tank has been added" instead of "The M1a1 tank has be added."


Camera sequence: Did not start straight away, have it fade in from black or something should fix that. Also the guy with the searchlight on the tower needs to be setpos'd a bit higher as his feet was sticking through the tower metal. Otherwise it's perfectly fine!

I started off with the Stryker out the base and a hint popped up saying "testing testing".

I got past the checkpoint and then I got blown up with an RPG. Restart.

I dismounted beside the place I got hit and took out all visible insurgents. I then got back in the Stryker and took it to a factory outside the town, engaged insurgents and successfully destroyed the safe house.

Drove around MG'ing everybody until I came across a BMP2. WOAH! My Stryker got stuck on an object and I was killed.


Repeated the above until everything was dead then I cleared out the safe houses. However at one retry I hit a lamp post and a couple seconds later the message saying 'Get back to your Stryker' appeared and then the vehicle blew up.


None. A small one tying up the mission would be nice. Nothing fancy.


Forgot. Between 15 - 25 I think.


I like the mission as it's different with the having to destroy safe houses. Reminds me of the missions you see on TV with soldiers going about to find and destroy weapon cache's. It still needs some minor tweaking. Some voices for dialogue would be cool.


File name was spelled wrong. A version number on it would be nice.
« Last Edit: 21 Jul 2008, 20:34:25 by snafu »

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #7 on: 22 Jul 2008, 03:42:35 »

ArmA 1.14,
Custom AIskill/precision values,  Hifi Sounds 1.5

filename typo: first resonse.zip

no preview picture

readme: Installation instructions should be aimed at new players and more in depth. Especially for the included addons
readme: Version log; 1.91 instead of 0.91
readme: Version log; "loose ending changed. 3 type endings" I've noticed only two endings, player dead or Stryker destroyed. No outro lose was played.

otherwise the readme is pretty much as suggested in "Standards for Mission Authors"  :good:

typo Responce -> Response
To be true, this title is the only thing reminding me of the mission. At least you could show the flag inside of the base, or show the Stryker and squad on it, or an insurgent scene...

typo: Paraisio -> Paraiso

"Op First Response 3-05.5." Those numbers make no sense for me. Are they a military information, or just a left over version number?

Contact information could also include your email.

It takes a second to switch from player 3rd person to camera with cinema border. Black in the scene. I don't know much about it, but wasn't there a new cutscene precompile command in ArmA? Does it help to get rid of this first second without camera?

Typo: are -> our

Don't declare the story as "Story:" inside of a serious mission.
Don't tell the player directly that "m1a1 added as a way to select difficulty". Just write to use the tank is up to him and add some points to his score when it wasn't moved over the mission.

Mech repair info page: typo; brake down -> break down

Again the intro takes a second to kick in. BlackIn.
The whistle doesn't sound like it's coming from a soldiers lips, more like a playSound coming from everywhere at 100%. And because this whistle is used almost the same way in the official mission Blood, Sweat and Tears, playing the real music track would be leave a more serious impression instead of a repeative dejavu.

When leaving base sidechat "Bravo1 to base" shows up, but no further message or response radiochat follows.

"testing testing." hint when leaving the base

"2000 ex points sniper is history" ect.
Man, I really hope all those immersion destroying writings everywhere are just part of the beta testing, otherwise you'll have a hard time tracking them all down and removing them. ;) There's nothing turning me away from a mission more than hints and notes like this everywhere, telling how the mission should be like. You should put in the work for everything to become obvious without calling it out loud.
My suggestion are realistic sidechats with the HQ for every sniper kill and safe house clearing and adding the the points silently to the player.

There's a simple issue about the time of operation. It's already lite up but an AI driver will still turn on the Stryker headlights. That's really bad if you're walking in front of it and become totally blinded every time you're looking behind.
Starting the mission a little bit later shouldn't make you lose the dawn scenario.

When it actually comes to working with the briefing and map markers they turn out to be absolutely irritating. (Look at MrN's mission procedure above)
1. Briefing says to "destroy" and not just to "clear" the safe houses.
destroy ~ find, secure and blow up the structures yourself
clear ~ find and clear the hideouts
(maybe "destroy" is US military slang for just clearing and I'm not aware of that.)
btw You've added nonfunctional time bombs to the Stryker, even more suggesting that there'll be something to blow up in the mission which is not necessary. If it's like OFP in Arma, there are beeping TimeBombs for cutscenes and exploding PipeBombs for gameplay. Use the Pipebombs to get rid of the bugs if you really want to give the player satchel charges for the mission.
2. Arrow Marker linked to "safe houses" objective.
My first thought is that there got to be a safe house just in front of the check point. When I don't find one on arrival, I start to think and read again. ..."Safe House unknown location"... a red position marker "Patrol for insurgents"... some red question markers scattered across the town...
Hm, okay: I've got to patrol in the area marked with some questionmarks (instead of the normaly used area marker) and keep my eyes open for something looking like a(/one!) safe house. Beeing the mission maker I am, I'm curious to see how you will have created a obviously safe house out of the preplaced skyscrapers...
But that's totaly wrong, when playing I get the idea: Every questionmark is a possible safe house location I've got to inspect. The position marker about patrolling doesn't mark a important position. The arrow marker about the safe house just points into the direction towards the enemy.
My marker setup would be:
- remove the red arrow completely
- remove the position marker "patrol..." completely
- change the questionmarks into position markers, link one of them to a objective called "Search & clear all reported safe houses"
- create one red and oval area marker over the whole city (or some smaller rectangle ones if you want to be more clear about the mission area). then link it to a objective called "Patrol area for insurgents"
3. Objectives tick off wrong.
First objective "Clear all enemy contacts" is marked done when the main safe house is cleared and blown up by itself.
Second objective "Destroy safe houses" remained unchecked all the time. (didn't get the 2000xp at every safe house location)

When I've got the point, I've started to clear the safe houses from north to south.
No one was fast enough to board the BMP every time I arrived at the main. Maybe you could give that a better chance than 0/5 to happen.
Still the mysterious instant explosion of the main safe house killed me frustratingly often when I cleared it of the last loon.
You could add a warning like "Damn this guy is a walking bomb, get away!", a hidden one minute countdown (for the player to safe as much AI as possible from the explosion) and finaly a satchel explosion to the last dying loon of the guards. + maybe a runaway script for every civilan too close to his corpse to safe the players score.
Also the main safe house/BMP encounter would definitely be one of the best things to be randomly placed either at the shed, church or factory or nowhere.

At the position of the screenshot, I've encountered a mysterious road side bomb.
I can't see more than palettes so I'm not able to avoid it by experience+eagle eyes and I don't get an autosave before. Even more it's such a big explosion that it even kills the Stryker instead of just disabling it which would give me a good reason to use the Mech Repair option. This is just unfair for a player.
Anyways when I avoided the place by using a savegame, the bomb still exploded after i already moved a whole block away from it?

"The stryker is down!"
This situation triggers the message "Get back to the Stryker!" afterwards, probably because the vehicle isn't alive anymore and the 150m check becomes bugged.


Air Support
Typo? CAD -> CAS
No player sidechat call when activated, just the pilot's response.
"RTB" abbreviation in the sidechat after the flight mission is finished should be replaced for inexperienced players. +add player roger sidechat
BUG? I'm able to call the CAS even before leaving the camp. Will I get at least a penalty for calling it successfully without knowing about armor?

Mech Repair
Use sidechat instead of local chat for the communication to keep coherence in unit chats.
Keep the rendezvous marker on the map and don't delete it soon after the mapclick.
Add a radio sidechat conversation when the rendezvous point is reached.
It looks like you're using a group for all the three vehicles, if this causes to much path finding trouble in the city you should make every vehicle a group of it's own. For now they seemed to be capable to navigate as one group.

Got one error message,  probably one of the suicide bomber scripts. It showed up in a firefight. See screenshot.

any thoughts about these would be nice to hear.
satchel charges show up in stryker but not in players gear after selecting them
Use pipebomb instead of timebomb.

heli crashing
Ok, it was shot down once but didn't colide with buildings. Though i didn't had to rely on it for the BMP.

more random encounters?
improve AI?
Insurgents AI was good, they seemed to reinforce in the right extent when a cell was attacked. Would've been bad if the whole insurgents join the first firefight at once. The two UAZs found me where ever I did start a fight.
Safe house guards placed between buildings were as stationary as always in ArmA, not much you could do about that.
Snipers on the skyscrapers looked good. Well, sometimes they decided to walk off the roof.

Overall a nice result for using this ai unfriendly city terrain. Much polishing is still necessary.

"Good job but some insurgents are still out there."

19960 points
5 silver balls
I don't know if you really use this for the xp score, and I don't know how the ball symbols work in ArmA. That five silver/grey/empty balls should represent a B rating. In my observation I was missing 2000xp from one safe house clearing but I would swear that the whole city area was free of insurgents when I did debrief. M1A1 wasn't moved, Cobra CAS wasn't called and Mech Repair was alive.

No win and no lose outro was shown.
« Last Edit: 22 Jul 2008, 12:11:35 by Trapper »

Offline schuler

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #8 on: 22 Jul 2008, 06:22:13 »
nice reports snafu and Trapper,
I know of alot of the problems you two have mentioned. i have found as i have added to the mission that it creates more bugs.
 i will take notes on both your beta tested and update soon as i can. the typo's are allways like that for me, i have a tendency to over look my own text. i see what i want to see  ::)
i may remove that heli or construct a rescue added to them crashing ,,, but NOT a black hawk down thingo ,, so dont worry about that  :D
  lots of good replys for me to work on  :yes:
like just the intro,hours spent on that along, setting it to look more realistic with the civis its bugging me. might just change that whole thing,,, and thats just one thing that needs fixing.
thanks for you time, schuler
« Last Edit: 27 Jul 2008, 07:17:07 by schuler »
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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #9 on: 27 Jul 2008, 07:25:27 »
hi all,
new update
there is a error produced with the heli but at the moment it has no real impact on the game
thanks snafu and Trapper
remember this is a mission featuring the stryker vehicle.
note all enemy with RPG's have only one rocket.
changes to be made= radio text, outro (one that will fit the mission) and more with the heli
and any other suggestions or bugs found.
should be more enjoyable now, schuler
Semper Fi

Offline bert

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #10 on: 30 Jul 2008, 00:18:20 »
Give this a try, nice little mission you've got coming on here.

Overview: Fine, decent pic and text, may be worth including version number for future betas, might just be me being picky though.

Intro:Not too bad, but could do with a little tweaking. I think it looks nice to have it start and set up the first camera angle on a black screen. That way you don't have to look at the player model and cross hair if enabled. I usually start my intro.sqs something like this.
Code: [Select]
CutText ["", "black faded"]
#set up the first camera shot etc. Fade in with...
CutText ["", "black in", 5]

Briefing: Spotted one mistake on the line "all are armour", are should be our. Good otherwise. I liked the extra sections and the notes page was helpful. Nice gear selection.

Mission:Nice little cutscene to start with, no complaints.

I started the mission by taking the stryker to the high ground overlooking the factory on the edge of town. Saw 3 bad guys, but not the one on the roof, and took them and their ural out with the m2. I then rammed through the fence, dismounted and put a satchel in the shed. Got shot at by the guy on the roof for my efforts on the way out. Somehow he missed and I managed to get in to the stryker unhurt. Left the factory the way I came and blew the building, matey on the roof did a good superman impression :whistle:.

I then decided to drive very fast through the enemy area to get an idea of what was in there and perhaps to flush some insurgents out. My gunner got a few kills and a few bombs went off which really added to the atmosphere.  Once I cleared the are I dismounted with 3 of my squad (not a fan of big ai groups in cities) and advanced back in to the marked area with the stryker in a good overwatch position. A few insurgents ran right in to us and got took down. Nearly got killed a few moments later by a UAZ's gunner. My SAW gunner saved my ass. After this I gradually made my way through the the streets mopping up insurgents as I went, the stryker proved invaluable. Eventually found the main sfehouse which got blown by an exploding insurgent. This killed a civilian and messed me up pretty badly. So I did some first aid and went back to the medic to get properly patched up.

After a bit more patrolling we finished off the remaining bad guys and the mission came to an end a little too abruptly for my taste.
Air support and the repair vehicle were not required.
I finished with a score of 25400 and a toll two civilians killed. I think the stryker may have run one down.

I wasn't very keen on the messages showing up experience points for various accomplishments. Hopefully its just to help with testing. 

I think this mission certainly shows some promise although it clearly lacks polish atm. Keep up the good work.


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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #11 on: 30 Jul 2008, 03:57:00 »
I wasn't very keen on the messages showing up experience points for various accomplishments. Hopefully its just to help with testing

That is a bit cheesy isn't it. ummm,,,  emmm,,,  ok it was for testing purposes!

One of the testers found in the overview Picture typo Responce -> Response
I will redo the overview towards the end of testing

Intro: thanks Bert I will give that a go. cut scenes are not my expertise
I am pretty happy with the mission cut at the HQ now. and the whistling is just for fun.

After a bit more patrolling we finished off the remaining bad guys and the mission came to an end a little too abruptly for my taste.

It sounds like you had some fun with it. superman impressions are all ways fun! Good on you. Latly I have been taking a lot of in-game screenshots like a bloody tourist in New York. If I get a good one, it becomes my desktop theme.

  This mission has been a good learning experience for me. I think I might be able to finish this one without getting board and canning it. I plan to make this one a little tuff with the enemy civs. thats why i have that other ending at the air base. i want to complicate the roofs and biulding as a 2nd part,, but i need to blend it in, so its really up in the air. depend on what i do with the heli and repair vehs. 
Its my first in Arma.

Air support and the repair vehicle were not required.

I have planed now to get both of these involved, and that will get the player more game time! thus resulting in an outo.
thank you mate, schuler
« Last Edit: 30 Jul 2008, 04:01:16 by schuler »
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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #12 on: 03 Aug 2008, 21:54:26 »
Can't attach the mission file to the PMs, so i'll upload the script here. Finaly I've found the time.

;"Don't move further away from the Stryker than 150m without assigning at least two guards!"
;...for more than 30secs or endlose will be triggered.
;Player is free to continue if the Stryker is destroyed, script will be quit.

Oh well, and now there's an obsolete line in it but it shouldn't matter:
{if (_x distance stryker > 20) then {_guards = _guards - [_x]}} foreach _soldiers
...damn, this init line of the player character is also obsolete and will run the script twice:
[ap1, stryker] Exec ""vehdamm.sqs"

Hopefully this new zip is without mistakes...  :-[
« Last Edit: 03 Aug 2008, 22:25:40 by Trapper »

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #13 on: 04 Aug 2008, 05:12:01 »
 :D thanks, i will have a look! hopefully that can add to the input of the mission featuring the stryker.
   i should allow enemy to get in the stryker :scratch:

edit, thats perfect should satisfy everyone that plays  :good:
next update will include this!
« Last Edit: 04 Aug 2008, 13:57:32 by schuler »
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] First Response by schuler
« Reply #14 on: 16 Aug 2008, 02:11:15 »
Hi Schuler here's my take on the mission:


Quite a nice one. Well done.


Short and to the point. Not a cinematic masterpiece, but it does it's job.


The Briefing was quite long, but not entirely clear to me. The mission area was a barely visible yellow marker and I wondered throughout the mission how I could spot the safehouses, there were no clues of how to identify them.


Nice cutscene at the beginning. I chose not to board the Stryker but just to put a driver and gunner in it to have it serve as my bulletproof infantry support.  Immediately after the US checkpoint there was a guy on the roof and a few badguys in a compound to the south of the city. This was well beyond the yellow patrol marker limits, which was quite confusing. Once I entered the city I had many contacts with the irregulars and I needed to keep a sharp eye out to distinguish foes from civilians. As other beta testers, I did not like the titleText messages about extra points.

After some exciting fighting (feels like what you see on TV or youtube from Iraq and Afghanistan), with some explosions (IEDs?), the city was quite. Just behind the football field there was the safe house which exploded and killed the rest of my squad when I killed a lone soldier there. This triggered the second objective. I ran around quite a bit afterwards, but could not see any enemies. Mission did not end and I was forced to use the endmission cheat.


There was no outro present.


*Make a clear distinction about the mission area in the briefing.
*Remove the text messages about extra points.
*Get rid of the "last loon" problem.
*Add an outro


Nice effort for a first mission. Needs some polishing though.